The fix was in



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Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Sgt. Largent":3fn8w5dj said:
Jerhawk":3fn8w5dj said:
Because I bet on the games. I have a large sum of money riding on each game and fantasy football.

As far as my personal love of the Seahawks, I grew up with them, as I'm sure you have. Emotional investment.
But my eyes haven't been opened to The Truth since lately. Superbowl XL was my first taste, but as a 15 year old I just thought Bill Levy had some vendetta against the team. As I grow older, The Truth continues to expose itself to my virgin eyes and mind.
My purchases of Seahawks merchandise has slowed in recent years. My highs and lows during the games have turned toward a neutral numbness.
If that's due to my understanding of The Truth, or my mental decline, as my friends have so generously put it, that's tough to say. That's another topic.

I will continue to follow and root for the Seahawks. But my emotional investment has turned toward monetary investment

Then you should be retired now right, just always bet against the Hawks since the league is out to get us all the time.

I take it you had $1,000 on the Titans yesterday?

Don't worry Jerhawk, you're in good delusional self projection emotional rationalization to deal with tough losses company. It's been a myopic fan trait since professional sports were invented.

Every fan base from coast to coast has a percentage of fans that think they don't get calls and the league wants them to fail.

I wouldn't call it mental decline, but I would call it an unhealthy emotional response to random events.

But hey, good luck on the gambling.

I just...cant accept that we lost yesterday.

There, now you're making me give in. I'm sorry everyone. I'm so pisT about yesterday's loss I refuse to accept it happened!

And I'm dirt broke man. Yesterday was a nice payout but I'd rather the Seahawks win any day.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
If the NFL was fixing games, I don't think they'd take that risk on a week 2 game against two of the least popular teams in the league.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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AubHawk71":d0w8n3bm said:
Maybe not as much conspiracy, but rather Good Intentions (ugh) or gross incompetence. Or injection reality TV style drama into the event. At any rate: ... 08298.html

There is no good intention with the new taunting penalty.

Fans don't care, and the players certainly don't care about taunting.........this is the good ol' boy old No Fun League network yet again injecting their antiquated morality onto their sport.

Which is guess is their prerogative since they're the owners and GM's. But this rule has already cost teams games.

The LOB couldn't exist with this new penalty, could you imagine Sherman, Earl, Browner and Kam trying to knock receivers around and impose their style of intimidation now?

Wouldn't be possible without 10 taunting penalties a game.


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Mar 3, 2007
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By in large I thought the officials had a good game. I don't mind the emphasis on reducing field taunting. In fact, I think it has gotten out of hand in recent years. For those that do have a problem, please direct your frustrations toward the legislators .... i.e. competition committee. The guys on the field are just following directives and doing their job.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Sgt. Largent":lpmqfrn6 said:
AubHawk71":lpmqfrn6 said:
Maybe not as much conspiracy, but rather Good Intentions (ugh) or gross incompetence. Or injection reality TV style drama into the event. At any rate: ... 08298.html

There is no good intention with the new taunting penalty.

Fans don't care, and the players certainly don't care about taunting.........this is the good ol' boy old No Fun League network yet again injecting their antiquated morality onto their sport.

Which is guess is their prerogative since they're the owners and GM's. But this rule has already cost teams games.

The LOB couldn't exist with this new penalty, could you imagine Sherman, Earl, Browner and Kam trying to knock receivers around and impose their style of intimidation now?

Wouldn't be possible without 10 taunting penalties a game.

Fact is whether the player is just emotional or it is a friendly or competitive taunt it is all subjective to who and what the Officials want to call, a word, a gesture, a look could all be getting a flag depending on the understanding of the rules and or misunderstanding.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
One's destiny is determined by who they choose to believe.

This not only applies to football game fixing, but to the issues of life.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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Cringe thread. Hawks lost because the defense couldn't stop them in the 2nd half and the offense could not sustain a drive to give them rest. Regardless whether you think the taunting penalty is dumb it is a rule and is being called consistently now. Saw 2 other exact same calls in other games.

A lot of blame to go around for this loss and the refs were not one of them. If anything, the overturned Julio TD and BS 1st down that they gave Carson helped.

Superbowl 48

Mar 9, 2021
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Spohawks":35s3vab2 said:
Of course its fixed. With Billions of dollars on the line in advertising and vegas betting , would you leave anything to chance?

The NFL is profit sharing, there is no US vs THEM in real time and that profit sharing is what gets every team owner on board with the fix.

Its just like WWE. Are many of the hits real? Yes. Is the outcome known before hand? Yes!

Lol The NFL's best kicker (Meyer) misses a PAT and makes the score so it can be easily tied up for overtime. Why? More advertising cash.

The refs have to make calls against both sides to keep it seem legitimate. Its part of the art of deception.

Sweet post! I agree 100% that games are fixed.

It's sort of like believing in Santa Claus, you are not sure, if it's your job to ruin X-mas for everyone. lol


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2014
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WOW! The level of conspiracy theory on this thread is mind numbing, Flat earth level stuff. You are saying that 53 players on each team, along with all the front offices, support staff, coaches, referees, NFL corporate workers etc all fall in line decade after decade, and at no point has their been anyone come forward with proof of fixing games at a top level. Now, I'm sure from time to time there is the odd ref who placed a bet somewhere and maybe called something that veered toward getting himself paid, but a top down conspiracy is ridiculous.

Get real folks. We lost because of several things, all self inflicted. Russ wanting the big play and not hitting his hot routes, the defense letting the titans do whatever they wanted in the middle from 5 to 10 yards, being base defense most of the game with no adjustment, extremely poor clock management, especially on defense, doing stupid things to draw penalties etc. These things are why we lost. Not sure how you could have watched that game and not have seen this. Low football IQ=blame the refs. You folks sound like niner fans.

Please try to pay attention next time so we can actually have an intelligent discussion about football.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Sgt. Largent":yeugq6u2 said:
BASF":yeugq6u2 said:
Sgt. Largent":yeugq6u2 said:
Jerhawk":yeugq6u2 said:
They intentionally made this game close and gave Tennessee the win because that's how it was scripted..

Can I ask why the league wants Tennessee to win over Seattle?

Storylines. The NFL is all about selling storylines and the Wilson/Carroll tension because of Wilson failing in the second half and Carroll allowing the Titans to dink and dunk their way to win is a much easier sell and far better storyline than anything about the Titans failing to beat a very good future playoff team.

You guys sure have some wild imaginations to excuse one of the sloppiest penalty filled and poorly coached and played games by the Hawk's in recent memory.

- blew a 24-9 halftime lead
- gave up over 500 yards of offense
- 20 minutes less of possession time
- 10 penalties
- 3-4 chances to win at the end, but Russell and the offense choked
- terrible tackling and coverage
- missed extra point


These are the kind of threads that make me embarrassed to be a part of this forum. Seriously.

Hey, you asked man. I didn't say I believe it, but you have to admit there is logic behind it.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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johnnyfever":22y01z1u said:
WOW! The level of conspiracy theory on this thread is mind numbing, Flat earth level stuff. You are saying that 53 players on each team, along with all the front offices, support staff, coaches, referees, NFL corporate workers etc all fall in line decade after decade, and at no point has their been anyone come forward with proof of fixing games at a top level. Now, I'm sure from time to time there is the odd ref who placed a bet somewhere and maybe called something that veered toward getting himself paid, but a top down conspiracy is ridiculous.

Get real folks. We lost because of several things, all self inflicted. Russ wanting the big play and not hitting his hot routes, the defense letting the titans do whatever they wanted in the middle from 5 to 10 yards, being base defense most of the game with no adjustment, extremely poor clock management, especially on defense, doing stupid things to draw penalties etc. These things are why we lost. Not sure how you could have watched that game and not have seen this. Low football IQ=blame the refs. You folks sound like niner fans.

Please try to pay attention next time so we can actually have an intelligent discussion about football.
Every NFL employee has to sign a discloser form, so yeah its possible they are all in on it. Why the secrecy?

Last year an old NFL player said he was going to spill the beans if he was paid right. You got to cover the cost of the NFL fee and whatever he wants.

What would be crazier some well paid employees keeping a secret or a cooperation willing to lose billions just so you can get a lol fair game. They aint losing cash over you and me!


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
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Long Island, NY
We don’t have any real dogs anymore like Kam and lynch that will set the tone. Carson can be but always gets hurt doing it. So I think they want him to tone it down. Russ is not a alpha so he can’t do it.

Idk just seems the Titans took the soul out of our players in the second half. Kinda like we used to have.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Jerhawk":xa1332da said:
When Matthew Judon #85 assaulted Jamal Adams and gave him the business after a run play with no penalty, I was furious.
Then a couple plays later, Jordyn Brooks throws #85 Judon out of bounds and got a 15 yard penalty.

There were numerous instances throughout the game where the referees steered this game.
This game vs the Titans was the most egregious and blatant form of steering by the officials I've seen in a long time.

You guys think that our offense mysteriously stopped moving the ball, and started giving up chunks of yards to the league's adorable child, Henry, by coincidence? No. This game was clearly fixed.

I'm sick of the NFL. They intentionally made this game close and gave Tennessee the win because that's how it was scripted.

You guys can flame away at me all you want with your Xs and Os. I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this game was steered and fixed by the NFL.

More conspiracy theories.

There were two flags thrown almost simultaneously on the Brooks penalty. They both saw the same thing, ie Brooks failing to disengage when he got to the sidelines.

You must have forgotten about how Metcalf got the benefit of the doubt when he was fighting with Fulton and only got hit with a holding penalty.

And whatsup with that very, very close call at the back of the end zone that wiped a Titan's TD off the board and saved us 4 points? They could have easily said that there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the call. If the game was being "steered", why didn't that call go against us?

Or how about our last offensive play in OT when Russell should have been called for intentional grounding in the end zone which would have ended the game on a walk off safety?

If the fix was in, why didn't those calls go against us?

Selective memory.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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You Seahawk fans that actually live in Seattle & will therefore become Kraken fans will have a field day with the conspiracy theories in the NHL.

& #85 for the Titans is Pruitt not Judon.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Spohawks":25p8ie8p said:
johnnyfever":25p8ie8p said:
WOW! The level of conspiracy theory on this thread is mind numbing, Flat earth level stuff. You are saying that 53 players on each team, along with all the front offices, support staff, coaches, referees, NFL corporate workers etc all fall in line decade after decade, and at no point has their been anyone come forward with proof of fixing games at a top level. Now, I'm sure from time to time there is the odd ref who placed a bet somewhere and maybe called something that veered toward getting himself paid, but a top down conspiracy is ridiculous.

Get real folks. We lost because of several things, all self inflicted. Russ wanting the big play and not hitting his hot routes, the defense letting the titans do whatever they wanted in the middle from 5 to 10 yards, being base defense most of the game with no adjustment, extremely poor clock management, especially on defense, doing stupid things to draw penalties etc. These things are why we lost. Not sure how you could have watched that game and not have seen this. Low football IQ=blame the refs. You folks sound like niner fans.

Please try to pay attention next time so we can actually have an intelligent discussion about football.
Every NFL employee has to sign a discloser form, so yeah its possible they are all in on it. Why the secrecy?

Last year an old NFL player said he was going to spill the beans if he was paid right. You got to cover the cost of the NFL fee and whatever he wants.

What would be crazier some well paid employees keeping a secret or a cooperation willing to lose billions just so you can get a lol fair game. They aint losing cash over you and me!

How does that translate to all the players, the owners, the coaches, the GM's and the refs not only being in on the fix, but going along with it? Why would 75% of the owners be cool with the games never being fixed in their favor.

That's some for serious irrational delusion my friend.

Again, just stop. You guys are an embarrassment to this forum and Hawk fans in general. Please don't ever take this lunacy to other forums and give the rest of us a bad name.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Why would 75% of owners be cool with it not being fixed in their favor? Because they get 100% of their share of all the NFLmoney (-box seat/Jersey sales) These are business people first, not fans first.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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Spohawks":1kqwdirq said:
Why would 75% of owners be cool with it not being fixed in their favor? Because they get 100% of their share of the money. These are business people first, not fans first.

Troll's gonna troll I guess.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Spohawks":8g58a9e8 said:
Why would 75% of owners be cool with it not being fixed in their favor? Because they get 100% of their share of all the NFLmoney (-box seat/Jersey sales) These are business people first, not fans first.

And the players, coaches, GM's and refs?

They're all in on the fix. Wow, what a grift this is, 75 years of NFL football and not one time this has been exposed. bout this theory. Fans are too emotionally invested, and that causes them to watch games with tunnel vision only on their team, combined with flawed human beings in striped shirts not being 100% accurate in their interpretation of very subjective rules, and that leads to inconsistency in penalties and calls that appear to said irrationally emotional fan as biased?

Hmm, probably not though right. I'm sure you guys are right, and thousands and thousand of people have been in on the fix for decades. I'm sure that's it.
