The official debate Wilson thread.


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Oct 2, 2012
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bingotown":or1uuzyk said:
I don't think Wilson lost the game but I don't think he gives us the best chance to win either. 2 late game heroics, Green Bay game is controversial, New England he made a late game play. It was beautiful and caught a lot of people off guard. Out side of that he hasn't impressed me. Didn't they show a stat going into tonight's game we were the 2nd best in the league with fewest dropped passes? Do you think that's because Wilson rarely throws more than 8 yards at a time? Thus averaging what 150 yards a game in the air? Not impressive.

This entire post is ridiculous and a joke. Just goes to show how ignorant some fans are.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
1st half was fantastic from playcalling to qb. Nice mix running an throwing. Deep balls right in the hand of players.

Drops and a huge PI-non call is all that stands between a 21pt first half and 250 yards by the qb.

Look at first half and it is a great game ALMOST all around.

I don't care about the stat of yards. Very late in the game Wilson was 0 out of 4 second half with one big drop. Really 4 opportunities to throw the ball and your issue is just total yards????

RW has certainly played like a rookie parts of this year. He has placed the ball high and panicked a bit. That first half against a great defense on 3 days "rest" including travel tells me all I need to know about who the future qb is for this team.


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Aug 21, 2012
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San Francisco
Russell Wilson is the much as i hate to say it..dude is more often than not on point on his deep throws (except the Goldson pick). Wish Alex had some of that. Anyways..that was a tough game for both teams...much respect to the Seahawks..and your D and running game. Looking forward to the next one in Seattle..(well not really lol) Good night


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49elite":2xdykuey said:
Russell Wilson is the much as i hate to say it..dude is more often than not on point on his deep throws (except the Goldson pick). Wish Alex had some of that. Anyways..that was a tough game for both teams...much respect to the Seahawks..and your D and running game. Looking forward to the next one in Seattle..(well not really lol) Good night

Thanks. Here's to these to teams never playing on 4 days rest again. Thats a shame.


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Sep 29, 2009
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I'm not for benching Wilson, I think he's going to keep growing and we've only seen small peices of a complete game from him.

I do think this is the perfect time for a bye week, we can re-evaluate what we really want to do on offense, Russell can take a step back, everyone can get on the same page. The drops were an abberation, very frustrating, not a whole lot you can do about it.

The biggest knocks I see on Wilson right now are:

a. he's a rookie so anything can happen (consistency)
b. sometimes his throws on out routes float a touch, which needs to improve because if it becomes a pattern on film they'll start getting picked
c. he needs to make a decision and get the ball out quicker (probably the most common rookie qb thing by a mile).

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Are yall still talking about benching Wilson? Jeezus Kryst! Find another sport or at least another team


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Aug 15, 2010
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its amazing how so many people are defending the QB who has lead us to #31 in passing offense and #31 in points, these are bad you know. I guess work ethic and interviews are what really count. I understand he's a rookie and it may take time, and he may very well be the answer in the long run. but it doesnt mean he is playing well, he's not at all.

-The Glove-

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GoldenIsThyTate":sbek3k24 said:
its amazing how so many people are defending the QB who has lead us to #31 in passing offense and #31 in points, these are bad you know. I guess work ethic and interviews are what really count. I understand he's a rookie and it may take time, and he may very well be the answer in the long run. but it doesnt mean he is playing well, he's not at all.

Where does he rank in attempts?

Why are our plays still looking like as if TJack was still under center?


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
Spin Doctor":122y9jl0 said:
I've been critical of Wilson this season, but this one isn't on him. Our receivers failed miserably this game, and ultimately cost us the game combined with Bevel's inability to adjust in the second half. Exhibit one: Turbin runs down the field, Wilson hits him perfectly in stride and there is nothing but green in front of him. Exhibit two: Tate drops a pass 50 yards or so downfield, one that he had position on. That would have gotten us into the redzone. Exhibit three: Wilson hits TE Evans perfectly in his hands in stride down the field, an easy 40 yard completition. Exhibit four: Wilson hits Tate on a crucial third down on a slant route, he would have had room for YAC as well. Exhibit 5: Marshawn Lynch drops an easy pass on a screen play.

There are some more examples of piss poor receiver play but I'll leave it there. Wilson gave our guys opportunities and they weren't even able to come up with even the simpliest of plays. In the second half we failed to adjust to what the 49ers were doing defensively too, as well as compensating for our poor receiver play. Did Wilson have a few mistakes? Yes the throw into double coverage comes to mind, but he was not the cause of our offensive woes today.

Thanks. Your post saved me a lot of writing. I too was very critical of Wilson. I still am, but he look spromising enough for me to not jump back onto the Flynn bandwagon. At least not yet.

All: We played like absolute shit and lost to one of the best teams in the league, on the road, with a short week and a rookie QB. We lost by a TD. I would be equally worried if I were San Fran. We need some better hands and a road grader. When in place, the offense will move the chains so our defense can rest. Only one game ball and it goes to Lynch.


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Seahawk Sailor":1rcoukde said:
Too bad he hasn't played against defenses that are any good. 'Cause that would have been bad! An 0-7 record for sure!

News flash, everyone: *puts megaphone to mouth* Good QBs beat good defenses!

I'm not trying to pick on anyone tonight, but damn, we gotta quick with these excuses. We should hold are team to the standard of great teams, and great teams get it done regardless of who's across the line.

It doesn't help that I'm fresh off a plane in San Francisco watching red and gold jackets walk by outside. Grumble grumble...


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Apr 30, 2009
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No, this one wasn't on Wilson. Those drops weren't just lost plays, they were BIG drops. A one touchdown game? We win possibly if two or three of those aren't drops. Wilson didn't look great on several of those deep throws. We'd have done better with Flynn IMO. But you can't lay the blame of this loss on Wilson,.


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Apr 30, 2009
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GoldenIsThyTate":1ki07lto said:
its amazing how so many people are defending the QB who has lead us to #31 in passing offense and #31 in points, these are bad you know. I guess work ethic and interviews are what really count. I understand he's a rookie and it may take time, and he may very well be the answer in the long run. but it doesnt mean he is playing well, he's not at all.

Who said he played well???!!!???

People are just tired of the silly QB debate after every loss. He's a rookie! He's going to have a bumpy road at times. Nobody was saying he's not playing well on Sunday.

Talk about arguing over nothing. This thread is already unbearable.


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Mar 13, 2012
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Tical21":3fr2mp6g said:
It is time to try something else. I don't think any of us were prepared to have a defense quite this good. Do we really want to keep trotting that defense out there without at least "trying" Flynn? We might be sitting on a Super Bowl contender. We may not be, but there is only one way to find out.

This is the major issue causing the passion in this debate.

99% of the time a 3rd round QB being given a chance to start year 1 would be playing for a cellar dweller, a team on the rebuild. In that scenario coaches and fans alike can much more easily deal with the growing pains a young QB will inevitably go through. Look at Andrew Luck. He's had some very mediocre performances/stretches, but Colts fans can much more easilt deal with it because the team expectations are low and they are all looking towards the future.

Many here are frustrated because the Seahawks have a defense/special teams that have challenger written all over Wilson's growing pains have a much greater frustration quotient. It also goes beyond the pass/play you see occur. QBing in todays NFL is as much about reading at the line and switching to the right play when necessary....throwing to the right receiver....having the experience to read quickly after the snap and get the ball out...etc. All things Russell will learn.

I'm not advocating at all for a change at the QB position. I love Wilson, and think he's going to be an excellent player down the line. This experience will hasten that.

But that doesn't make it any less frustrating. Yes, our WR stink....IMO our playcaller stinks. But right now apart from the odd long ball Wilson is mediocre. Given that D and a very good S/T it does make you want to pull your hair out at times.


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As far as I saw Wilson really only had 1 bad throw ALL night (the INT). He hits Turbon in stride could have been a TD with only one man to beat. He hits a well covered Moore right in the numbers with no one behind him, he puts the ball almost perfectly for Edwards to catch a TD, but while bringing the ball in it hits the defenders helmet. Right there is possibly 2 TD's and a huge gain that could have led to a score. Then Tate drops a deep ball that hits his chest, a 3rd down converstion that hits his chest, Rice drops a big gain, Lynch drops a screen with no one to the outside of him. I believe Miller dropped a big pass as well, there were so many I could be wrong. We dropped a ton of passes and pretty much all of them could have been game changers.

The play calling was one of the worst I've ever seen and I pretty much feel the same way every single week. We have got to have one of the worst OC's in the league.

The second half we didn't throw the ball. We went ultra conservative "again" and ultra predictable. Then when we had to throw it they were all over us forcing Wilson to scramble around and like one poster said had to throw it away.

I don't know how anyone walks away saying this in on the Rookie. His teammates and OC gave him ZERO support.


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Sep 27, 2009
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I don't need to put Flynn out there to know that if he gets the same drops he loses the game. Last week the receivers caught the ball and it was all about RW's heroics. This week the same receivers don't catch the ball and somehow that is on Russell. In that tight game the Turbin catch alone makes it a different contest.

And with Flynn's noodle arm you lose the downfield threat as well. Do folks think Pete would open up the playbook any more for Flynn just because he's a veteran of sitting on the bench? Pete isn't playing Russell so that he can take his lumps as a rookie, he's playing him because he's the best option. I thought we learned this lesson with the whole Whitehurst debacle.


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The Tex-ASS
(8) EIGHT....E I G H T Dropped passes. The worst in my opinion was on Turbin at the beginning of the game.


Oct 2, 2012
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I'm not sure what or how much I can add to this discussion, but I'm passionate about it, so here goes.

The lack of offense tonight is not AT ALL Wilson's fault. Not even a little bit. Wilson was 9-23 tonight, for a buck-22...

Russell's job is to put the ball into the hands of his receivers. And that's what he did.

Turbin (1-critical))
Tate (3- all critical)
Evans (1- absolutely perfect pass to the INCH)
Edwards (1- in the end zone)
Rice (1)
Lynch (1- not a great pass, but he got both hands on it)

That's almost a buck-fiddy in yards, and 3 possible TD's (Turbin, Edwards...and one by Tate at the 5) let go by our daunted receiving corps. Now...

HOW CAN ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL BLAME RUSSELL FOR 9-23 & 122 ?????? Do you think we'd be struggling if we had Welker/Gronk/Lloyd???? **** NO!


Oct 2, 2012
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And furthermore...

How on God's green Earth would putting Flynn in provide a better opportunity to catch a ball than we saw last night? It's hard to throw better passes than we saw Russell throw last night.

Riddle me that.