
New member
Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
For the hundredth time, Vegas does not fix football games. Piss-poor officiating does not equate to "Vegas won't let us win tonight". FCS.

Show me a game that isn't poorly officiated, then try to imagine the logistics involved in fixing every single football game, both pro and college, and doing so without anyone able to prove you did. Are all players and coaches also in on the big fix? How about the commentators? Are the cheerleaders also keeping this secret?

Then understand, after the silence of all those people were bought off, someone not named Vegas still won money. Like those that bet on Seattle tonight even after the cries of "Money is coming in hard and heavy on Seattle, Vegas don't give money away...eeeeek"!!

These days, I discourage people from wagering on football. That has nothing to do with Vegas, everything to do with the fact most people just shouldn't be wagering on football (put as nicely as possible).


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
HawkWow":3epblucy said:
For the hundredth time, Vegas does not fix football games. Piss-poor officiating does not equate to "Vegas won't let us win tonight". FCS.
Agreed. An official with a gambling problem very well might of his own accord, however. :) Hell, we know for a fact this has happened periodically throughout sports history.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
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East Oly
There's no giant conspiracy. All refs aren't fixing games. I'm pretty sure not a single ref is intentionally changing the win/loss record of any team.

That said, you are blindly optimistic if you think no referees in the NFL are making their futures by fudging points here and there throughout the season. It would almost be stupid not to.

You think the NFL is big, dollars wise? Each year, more money is gambled on the NFL than all the budgets of all the teams combined. Gambling on the NFL is a bigger industry than the NFL itself.

You need to read Wiseguy, the book the movie Goodfellas is based off. Shaving points is as old as sports. And it's not just betting for wins/losses, or over/under the spread. All you need to make SHITLOADS of money, is to know the future. If you somehow knew that the Seahawks would not beat the spread until late in the fourth quarter... enjoy your well-deserved payday. If you somehow knew Percy Harvin would not score a touchdown... enjoy your cash.

What about human nature could possibly make you think that refs aren't trying to make some money on the side?


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Jan 11, 2014
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I do believe the officials do what they can to keep it close, especially prime time games. Remember the NFL has a entertainment license, and rating, are a huge part of that business.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
TAB420":1fj26cwj said:
I do believe the officials do what they can to keep it close, especially prime time games. Remember the NFL has a entertainment license, and rating, are a huge part of that business.

Well it's why they are avoiding us in Prime Time at home, we blow people up and the remotes start channel surfing. On the reverse side you have a game with the type of calls like last night it's a news story and people toon in if not already watching the game to see what's going on.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
You're all free to believe whatever you'd like. You can believe robots are responsible for missing luggage and Elvis never left the building. I don't care. facts will remain facts...VEGAS does not fix games. "How did Vegas know the game would end up at 7"? Well, there's this thing called math. They didn't know a final score but they used criteria that helped them arrive at a spread number. That criteria is available to you, too.

"Goodfellas"? Let's say I've known a few. And exactly why I know games are not fixed. Not football, at least. Baseball? Probably. Why? A friend once told me, "all we need is a home plate ump with an imaginative strike zone and a daughter wanting to go to college". But that was 20years ago. It would be much more difficult to get away with today. But I've not bet on baseball since. Baseball isn't football and this person wasn't Vegas.

To the guy that brought up the Boston college pt. shaving scandal....what's your point? Many years ago, a rogue bunch of kids got money from a mobster for shaving points. We also had that Donahue guy...whatever his name was, a few years ago in the NBA. What happened to him and how exactly does that translate to Vegas is fixing football games? btw, The mob isn't Vegas, either. Not for a very long time.

To those that question whether or not Refs may intentionally, or unintentionally influence the outcomes of games...I can't argue that. I'd have no way of knowing such a thing, but like yourselves, I'm sure it's happened. Perhaps frequently...but (as you are aware) they do not represent Las Vegas when doing so and if they engage in such activity with any degree of regularity, they will go down.

If fixing football games was so prevalent, don't you think guys like Paul Allen and Jerry Jones would be aware of this? Why would they pump huge money into teams where shady characters will decide whether they win or lose? Further, don't you think guys like Snyder would be buying titles? Al Davis had many mob connections. When was the last time his Raiders won a SB? I could go on and on but basically, it's pointless to do so.

I made my money and I know Vegas sells a legit product. Do they cheat people? hell no...they don't have to. People know the odds but give them their money anyway. Why would they want to mess with such an arrangement?

In closing, I only started this thread because the topic is so irritating. As a former book, I had to address this ad nauseum. "Vegas won't let us win" is an easy cop-out. A convenient excuse. Some pick winners, others pick losers. Do your homework and get on the right side. Capping games isn't rocket science, but it does require effort. Those that consistently lose are the ones unwilling to put in the necessary effort involved in finding a winner. It's much easier to throw a dart, then cry fix if you lose. Vegas deserves better and so does the NFL.


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Mar 17, 2007
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I have to say I really enjoyed this rant. I love a passionate rant about things that are seemingly obvious. Something like, "Johnny Manziel did NOT paint a crooked stripe at the goal line in Tennessee and it's stupid to believe that!" That would make for a good rant too.

Lords of Scythia

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Sep 19, 2011
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HawkWow":1iph0fi0 said:
For the hundredth time, Vegas does not fix football games. Piss-poor officiating does not equate to "Vegas won't let us win tonight". FCS.

Show me a game that isn't poorly officiated, then try to imagine the logistics involved in fixing every single football game, both pro and college, and doing so without anyone able to prove you did. Are all players and coaches also in on the big fix? How about the commentators? Are the cheerleaders also keeping this secret?

Then understand, after the silence of all those people were bought off, someone not named Vegas still won money. Like those that bet on Seattle tonight even after the cries of "Money is coming in hard and heavy on Seattle, Vegas don't give money away...eeeeek"!!

These days, I discourage people from wagering on football. That has nothing to do with Vegas, everything to do with the fact most people just shouldn't be wagering on football (put as nicely as possible).
The only guy who has to be bought off is Triplette.


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Jan 11, 2014
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The_Z_Man":3j8upf01 said:
HawkWow":3j8upf01 said:
You're all free to believe whatever you'd like. You can believe robots are responsible for missing luggage and Elvis never left the building. I don't care. facts will remain facts...VEGAS does not fix games. "How did Vegas know the game would end up at 7"? Well, there's this thing called math. They didn't know a final score but they used criteria that helped them arrive at a spread number. That criteria is available to you, too.

"Goodfellas"? Let's say I've known a few. And exactly why I know games are not fixed. Not football, at least. Baseball? Probably. Why? A friend once told me, "all we need is a home plate ump with an imaginative strike zone and a daughter wanting to go to college". But that was 20years ago. It would be much more difficult to get away with today. But I've not bet on baseball since. Baseball isn't football and this person wasn't Vegas.

To the guy that brought up the Boston college pt. shaving scandal....what's your point? Many years ago, a rogue bunch of kids got money from a mobster for shaving points. We also had that Donahue guy...whatever his name was, a few years ago in the NBA. What happened to him and how exactly does that translate to Vegas is fixing football games? btw, The mob isn't Vegas, either. Not for a very long time.

To those that question whether or not Refs may intentionally, or unintentionally influence the outcomes of games...I can't argue that. I'd have no way of knowing such a thing, but like yourselves, I'm sure it's happened. Perhaps frequently...but (as you are aware) they do not represent Las Vegas when doing so and if they engage in such activity with any degree of regularity, they will go down.

If fixing football games was so prevalent, don't you think guys like Paul Allen and Jerry Jones would be aware of this? Why would they pump huge money into teams where shady characters will decide whether they win or lose? Further, don't you think guys like Snyder would be buying titles? Al Davis had many mob connections. When was the last time his Raiders won a SB? I could go on and on but basically, it's pointless to do so.

I made my money and I know Vegas sells a legit product. Do they cheat people? hell no...they don't have to. People know the odds but give them their money anyway. Why would they want to mess with such an arrangement?

In closing, I only started this thread because the topic is so irritating. As a former book, I had to address this ad nauseum. "Vegas won't let us win" is an easy cop-out. A convenient excuse. Some pick winners, others pick losers. Do your homework and get on the right side. Capping games isn't rocket science, but it does require effort. Those that consistently lose are the ones unwilling to put in the necessary effort involved in finding a winner. It's much easier to throw a dart, then cry fix if you lose. Vegas deserves better and so does the NFL.

No one here is mentioning anything about vast conspiracies. They just know something was up.

I don't gamble, never one penny to a bookie. I hate the whole fetid stinking industry and what it does to people... it destroys lives to a degree rivaled only by Alcohol, Heroine, or Meth.

The mere fact that so many millions ride on these games is trouble waiting to happen in a crooked world where big biz has proven time and time again that they completely lack the ethics to police themselves, and the feds are just too overwhelmed to look into anything.

All it takes is one insider to say something like "Hey, that official that is calling the game tonight.... He hates the Seahawks... yea, I heard him talking, he is going to get them."

I can't tell you what was rotten or where it was under the floorboards, I just smelled it.

Exactly. One has to wonder how the officials can miss a call like Harvin stepping out of bounds, with their million dollar technology, but I was able to see it from my chair with a buzz on.

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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Technically, I don't think Vegas fixes the games. It doesn't necessarily make any logical sense if they were the ones calling the shots.

However, what people are insinuating and what seems to be much more believable is the NFL controlling the narrative as much as possible.

Ratings are much more important to the industry. Vegas is just another cash-cow that they can exploit but ratings specifically fan viewership is the be all and end all. Without us the NFL is just a bunch of athletes playing a game. With us they are a bunch of athletic millionaires playing a game.

You know who has figured this out fake Wrestling, so called "reality tv", and everyone's lovable villian Richard Sherman. Sherman could just shut up and be humble but then he would have never created an industry for himself. He wouldn't have endorsement opportunities. Everyone loves a villian, a nemesis, someone to hate.

Its a reason why Seahawks are a popular topic for every sports media outlet... hundreds of fans love to hate on them... and Seahawks fans have to rise up to defend them... creating that vicious circle of guess what... ratings.

So why is it not surprising that the NFL does the same for its company.

Why does it work so hard for parity, why does it continue to slowly diminish defensive football in favor to high scoring electric match-ups, why does it work so hard to cater to its high-profile offensive players because it wants ratings. It wants fans in the seats and it wants fans watching at home. Ratings rating ratings.

Blow-outs only are fun for one fan base. Everybody loves a nail-biter.

I'm guilty of that myself, I much rather watch a close game that comes down to the last minute than one that's over by half-time. Even the Seahawks. Its much more thrilling, much more adventurous, much more emotional.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Black Sox, Horse Racing and doping, Basketball Point shaving, Boxing, you name it, if it can be bet on someone will try to get an edge to tilt the odds for a payday. Football is no different, just because there isn't a smoking gun yet doesn't mean it's not happening. Our Steelers Super Bowl had Billions on it, Monday Night another example of a game that was fishy. If you don't think Vegas and Organized crime are still linked then your living in a very Nieve world.

Over history there have been numerous times where Casinos were found to be crooked from the Slots to Roulette wheels to cards. Vegas isn't highly Moral by any means.