Why PC's coaching works in college but not the pros.


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Portland, OR
SacHawk2.0":3ca4y9m6 said:
Unless you honestly think the team he inherited in 2010 is better than the current incarnation I don't know how you could believe his coaching doesn't work.

If you do believe the 2010 Seahawks were better than there's really nothing anyone can do for you.

As disappointed as I may be in the road losses I realize this is a very young team that is very close to being very good.

No way! Open up your eyes, sheeple! Get your head out of the sand. This team is mediocre, and if you don't believe that, you are a homer.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I'm OK with the rah rah "always compete," or "players coach" tag that gets put on Pete. Lots of so called players coaches have succeeded in the NFL. Jimmie Johnson, Tony Dungy, Dick Vermeil, all considered "players coaches."

Carroll's a great talent evaluator, a great motivator and is one of the better defensive minds in football. So far that's as far as I'm willing to stick my neck out for him. The jury's still out on X's and O's, scheming and game planning (both week of and in game) and clock/time out management. His ego also tends to get in the way of his own sensibilities sometimes.


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Sarlacc83":3ddaa9ep said:
SacHawk2.0":3ddaa9ep said:
Unless you honestly think the team he inherited in 2010 is better than the current incarnation I don't know how you could believe his coaching doesn't work.

If you do believe the 2010 Seahawks were better than there's really nothing anyone can do for you.

As disappointed as I may be in the road losses I realize this is a very young team that is very close to being very good.

No way! Open up your eyes, sheeple! Get your head out of the sand. This team is mediocre, and if you don't believe that, you are a homer.

Verndog? :34853_tinfoil:


Apr 30, 2009
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Well, truthfully, the OP doesn't know what he is talking about.

I'm the only one with the secrete pattern recognition tool that can tell which head coaches will win Superbowls, and which won't.(I'm batting 1.000 over the last decade!!).

Unfortunately I can't share this information because I use it to make money on betting. Lots, and LOTS of money.

See, that is how I know the OP is wrong, because I'm the only person in the world, that can tell others who "will and won't" be successful in the NFL.

I have the monies to prove it.



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Steve2222":3sz818pq said:
Topics the week after a win= Can any team beat us?
Topics the week after a loss= Pete Carroll is officially on the hot seat.

Ive never seen such a bipolar fan base. Not everybody is like this, but theres tons on this board.

Nice one! No kidding. Just think in 5 weeks we'll probably be a wildcard team. If that is the case than PC will have lead his team to the playoffs 2 of the 3 years he's been here. Yet people think he's on the hot seat. I don't get it.


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Hurricane, Utah
Maybe it's unfair but it all falls on the coach. PC's college coach stigma with his just less than break even NFL career win/loss record is added wood for the fire that's blazing now with the team. Penalties back, just one road win, a defense that is digressing and player suspensions looming is just cause for concern that maybe PC is losing his grip on the team. I hope not but the drop off is starting to seem like the view from the rim of the Grand Canyon.

It's impossible for the head coach not to get the heat for systemic problems such as these. Again, it may be unfair but that's the way it is.

Sgt. Largent

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v1rotv2":17z06u94 said:
Maybe it's unfair but it all falls on the coach. PC's college coach stigma with his just less than break even NFL career win/loss record is added wood for the fire that's blazing now with the team. Penalties back, just one road win, a defense that is digressing and player suspensions looming is just cause for concern that maybe PC is losing his grip on the team. I hope not but the drop off is starting to seem like the view from the rim of the Grand Canyon.

I'm not at the edge of the Grand Canyon with you, not just yet anyway.

But yeah what troubles me most is the continuation of some serious problems that aren't being corrected, and THAT is most definitely at the feet of the coach(es).

- stupid penalties
- road woes
- stubborn conservative play calling
- gap control and mental positioning lapses on defense
- questionable in game decisions

Pete's smart enough to realize he's not at USC anymore, and can't just overwhelm his opponent with superior talent regardless of all these other factors anymore. Isn't he? Isn't he?


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MontanaHawk05":2xxvzy63 said:
Nobody ever talks about this stuff when Pete's winning.

Boy ain't that the truth,,Pete has rah rahed the hell outta some of the best coaches. The Packers, Patriots, Cowboys etc.,,Just couldn't rah rah them up enough to beat the Lions or the Phins :16: :34853_tinfoil: :34853_tinfoil:


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Canby, OR
I'm not even reading through this thread. We have been in every single game this season all the way to the end with a rookie QB. I think he is doing just fine.

The Radish

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Those comments fit in with my favorite all time coach Bob Knight.

He always told players both college and pro that if they went out on the field and honestly played the very best they could play every play,(competed against themselves so to speak), that win or lose they could come off the field with their heads high and be winners.



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Steve2222":12yph07h said:
Topics the week after a win= Can any team beat us?
Topics the week after a loss= Pete Carroll is officially on the hot seat.

Ive never seen such a bipolar fan base. Not everybody is like this, but theres tons on this board.

The bipolar fan base is common in the NFL. Having lived in Baltimore for a few years now I see it come in and out week by week with the Ravens. Most of their flipping revolves around Joe Flacco and Cam Cameron (they've had up and down hate about kickers a lot as well). When things are bad the offensive coordinators are primary targets unless they're putting up lots of points and not putting up the defense to win.

Around here it's

Week after a win= SUPER BOWL WIN!!!
Week after a loss= Joe Flacco sucks, we need to sign a better QB of the street, Cam Cameron can't call plays.

The Eagles fans around here either think Mike Vick is a god or the worst QB of all time (depending on the week in each season). Andy Reid is either a genius or a moron.

The people who have these sorts of hard line opinions from week to week are probably the same people who have really strong opinions about everything, no matter how little they know about the subject.


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Lords of Scythia":26ldpxke said:
I'm reading Pete Carrol's book. The first thing is that he comes off as sort of a touchy-feely "player's coach". This is motivating for college players - helps them play up to their full potential, but in the NFL guys are pros and already playing to their full potential. When PC went on that incredible run at UCS the Trojan coaching staff were running this hardcore practice regimine to get the players to run the plays as precisely as humanly possible, with an emphasis on game execution. Again, this brought these players up to a level that is rare in college, but not in the pros where the players already know how to execute at the highest level.

Carrol is a "player's coach", with the emphasis on "competing". On page 84 in the book he says "Competition to me is not about beating the opponent. It's about doing your best."

I read that and I was like WFT?!? In the pros you better be about beating your opponent. This motivation rah-rah thing will get you a lot of wins in college where you are working with guys coming out of high school, but is far less effective in the pros where they are already playing at close to their highest potential.

I don't think PC is a bad NFL coach, just not a great one. Maybe a 500 NFL coach. Schnieder deserves a lot of credit for the Seahawks at this point.

Didn't realize rookie draft picks are always already tapped out for potential. Man we are really screwed then.


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Why didn't the OP write this the day after we beat the Patriots?

I am not convinced Pete will end up deemed an NFL success, but this he is a college coach not a pro coach is utter nonsense. He has gone head to head and beat guys like Jon Harbaugh, Tom Coughlin, and Bill Belichick, and done it with good game planning.


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Fox0r":1oafqhm1 said:
Well...since we're all here anyways:


It's like I've been sent to Hell on Earth, also known as back when you and some others were saying this exact same thing, except calling for the beautiful future of CBJ to start over Hasselbeck.
Lords of Scythia

Lords of Scythia

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John Schnieder largely built this team - including the rookie qb - and does not get his due. PC gets too much credit for building the current Seahawks.

Tech Worlds

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Granite Falls, WA
Lords of Scythia":1znxbq55 said:
John Schnieder largely built this team - including the rookie qb - and does not get his due. PC gets too much credit for building the current Seahawks.

And you know this how?


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Mar 3, 2007
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Lords of Scythia":27omo9iw said:
John Schnieder largely built this team - including the rookie qb - and does not get his due. PC gets too much credit for building the current Seahawks.

Who chose John Schneider.... oh that's right PETE did. Who has final say on all personnel matters? OH, that's right PETE does. Pete doesn't get enough credit for bringing in John Schneider to help evaluate talent, and work in exactly the opposite manner than Holmgren did at first and later with Ruskell.


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Lords of Scythia":7clt5l1t said:
John Schnieder largely built this team - including the rookie qb - and does not get his due. PC gets too much credit for building the current Seahawks.
You pulled that idea out of your ass.

Things you pull out of your ass are often stinky.


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Jul 25, 2012
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Lords of Scythia":1mioh6cn said:
I'm reading Pete Carrol's book. The first thing is that he comes off as sort of a touchy-feely "player's coach". This is motivating for college players - helps them play up to their full potential, but in the NFL guys are pros and already playing to their full potential. When PC went on that incredible run at UCS the Trojan coaching staff were running this hardcore practice regimine to get the players to run the plays as precisely as humanly possible, with an emphasis on game execution. Again, this brought these players up to a level that is rare in college, but not in the pros where the players already know how to execute at the highest level.

Carrol is a "player's coach", with the emphasis on "competing". On page 84 in the book he says "Competition to me is not about beating the opponent. It's about doing your best."

I read that and I was like WFT?!? In the pros you better be about beating your opponent. This motivation rah-rah thing will get you a lot of wins in college where you are working with guys coming out of high school, but is far less effective in the pros where they are already playing at close to their highest potential.

I don't think PC is a bad NFL coach, just not a great one. Maybe a 500 NFL coach. Schnieder deserves a lot of credit for the Seahawks at this point.

What is with people and their need for instant gratification?

The Seattle Seahawk football team was devoid of talent at all positions when Pete took over less than three years ago. In his first season as coach, Pete took a team that had the talent to win about 2 games and won 7. A starting point was established.

In his second year, after another 100+ transactions, and with no offseason to speak of, a new below average QB, his team started off slowly, but finished well down the stretch. I don't know about you, but most teams that have a turnover that great don't start off that well. We saw a defense that was ranked at the bottom of the league the year before finish in the top 10 in this, Pete's second season. Improvement? Definitely.

Now, his third season, Pete finally found his QB, a rookie third round selection. I don't know what's expected from a team starting a rookie at QB and MLB, but personally, I expected growing pains. Wouldn't you know, the rookie QBs first few games weren't very good. His last 5 games, however, he is among the top 10 in passer rating. The offense is starting to hit its stride. The defense is now a top 5 unit. The Seahawks have more wins than they did at this time last season too. Improvement? Abso-fricking-lutely.

Pete has this team improving...CONSTANTLY. Of course, there will be setbacks, but overall the team has done NOTHING BUT IMPROVE since Pete showed up in Seattle. After seeing everything Pete has done since his arrival, I don't know how anyone can say that what he is doing can't work because IT IS WORKING.

Take your personal feelings and your hatred of USC out of the equation and maybe take a step back. Look at where this team is compared to where it was when Pete took over. The players are still learning how to win. Being as young as they are, they sometimes underestimate the quality of the opponents. Most of these guys played on college teams that could just show up and get a win over their opponents more often than not. Learning that that doesn't work in the NFL takes time.

Watching the past few weeks of games I've noticed the guys that played for the "non college, rah rah style coaches" prior to playing for Pete ie. Trufant and Hill, seem to be the ones that are getting beat for big plays. "Pete's" guys are doing well. Maybe the problem lies with them and their failures. Maybe those guys aren't buying in. Considering that the Seahawks are among the youngest teams in the league, I believe that Pete's "rah-rah" style is what IS needed in Seattle right now.

How's that "old school" approach working in Philly, San Diego, Arizona, New York (Jets), Buffalo? It's amazing how players play so much better for those coaches. Sure, you could name all the "old school" coaches that have winning teams, but before you do, look and you'll see that most of them have had their skill position players together for a few years....a luxury in the NFL. With the Seahawks being one of the youngest teams in the league and playing as well as they are, just think how much better they'll be with some time to grow together.

Maybe you should stop telling us that Pete's style doesn't work until AFTER his team stops improving. Your words seem pretty hollow to me.