Will MacDonald be patient with DK’s antics?


Mar 3, 2024
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For some, it's a catch 22...I personally love DK...point being, we the Seahawks team are not going anywhere in the foreseeable future, i.e. Superbowl in the upcoming season and possibly next...DK is highly talented, possible eventual Hall of Famer..with that being said...I would love to have DK on our team, but with his current talent, our current situation and the value he does possess for a trade to another team...it would amount for him to excel on his skills for eventual Hall of Fame by playing for a team on the verge of taking it to the Superbowl, instead of wasting such talents on a team going through a rebuild. It would be a loss of talent for sure, but we could boost the team in the near future while losing out on a highly talented player in the short term. It's a win/win however painful.
I don’t understand this line of thinking.

This team when 9-8 with subpar coaching, sometimes all it takes is a new voice and outlook. Remember how bad the 49ers were prior to harbaughs arrival? Not saying that’s what’s gonna happen, but it’s quite possible in this instance.

I don’t think they think they’re far off, they’ve even said so themselves


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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I don’t understand this line of thinking.

This team when 9-8 with subpar coaching, sometimes all it takes is a new voice and outlook. Remember how bad the 49ers were prior to harbaughs arrival? Not saying that’s what’s gonna happen, but it’s quite possible in this instance.

I don’t think they think they’re far off, they’ve even said so themselves
Not far off from what ? A Division title ? SB ?