Will Seattle extend Pete Carroll this offseason?


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Pete will get renewed whenever he wants to be renewed, and for as long as he wants the renewal to be. He'll coach just as long as he's having fun doing it. I believe he's having a blast. For him age means nothing, he certainly doesn't act old. Nice that he gets paid handsomely as well.

The same goes for John. I believe he is the best GM the Seahawks have ever had, and I suspect he likes it here and the idea of returning to GB is not part of his thinking. Seattle has supported his family and his son has prospered with the Ben's Fund additional attention and his support here, the family will not want to move. I suspect the renewals will be just after this season, so neither is a 'lame duck', next season. Neither is likely thinking much about it.

They have been a dynamic pair and the team is better than it has ever beenin it's history under their extraordinary leadership. I don't understand any of the earlier negative posts. Both are winners in their own right but together they are doing it better than it has ever been done before.

Colour me completely unconcerned, they want to continue their excellent partnership, it is a very special relationship.

I believe PA completely recognizes all of the above ,and wants them both to stay.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
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let him stay as long as he wants to. being in the divisional round (or beyond) for 5 out of 6 seasons is pretty good. maybe they could have won a super bowl or 2 more, but being perennial top-8 out of 32 teams is ok.