We don't suck.

Year of The Hawk

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2012
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I know I have blasted and vented here yesterday. But deep down I know this team does not suck. We have just had epic collapses in the fourth quarter. In order to do that you need to be winning. For the most part we have a great team with great players. They are some glaring problems like the o-line (getting better) and Cary Williams (needs to go) and some communication issues. We have a great core and system in place. I am unsure of why we are collapsing. The offense and defense have put us in winning position until the fourth quarter then they both seem to collapse. It is both sides of the ball and no one group (or one person) is to blame. For the first 3 quarters of the game yesterday I felt like it was the Hawks we have come to love. We were emotional, creating turnovers, making big plays, and doing things the way we have in the past. So why the fourth quarter? I have no idea and neither does Pete. Thats what worries me the most. It seemed like last after the Cinci loss he was befuddled. Until he gets that ah ha moment we will continue to have this problem. But we do not suck. Everyone knows it. We just have a glitch that we cant seem to fix. No need to get a new team. I still believe in this team because I know when they get that ah ha moment we will tear it up. I just dont know when that will happen.


New member
Oct 14, 2012
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That ah ha moment will happen at Levi's Stadium this Thursday.