I quit being a sports fan


Aug 31, 2014
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I've decided it's a waste of time. I don't care what the 49ers, Giants, or Warriors do. They don't know I exist. You're basically only cheering for a logo. I rather cheer for myself and achieve my own wins in my own life than worry what a bunch of people who don't care about me or know I exist.

Marvin49erfan lives through his 49ers, hahahahaha. It's one thing being a fan. It's another thing trying to be that team's defense attorney on a board about a different team and fanbase.

49er fans are the worst fans in the league, by far. Dumbest ones, too.


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Jan 11, 2010
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RationalNiner":3vclcuw6 said:
I've decided it's a waste of time. I don't care what the 49ers, Giants, or Warriors do. They don't know I exist. You're basically only cheering for a logo. I rather cheer for myself and achieve my own wins in my own life than worry what a bunch of people who don't care about me or know I exist.

Marvin49erfan lives through his 49ers, hahahahaha. It's one thing being a fan. It's another thing trying to be that team's defense attorney on a board about a different team and fanbase.

49er fans are the worst fans in the league, by far. Dumbest ones, too.

Ah, so you've decided to quit being a 49er fan and now you're going to spend your time telling 49er fans, and everybody else, how much 49er fans suck. Sounds awesome, good luck with that.

Have you ever heard the saying "The only thing worse than a smoker is an ex smoker"?


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Sep 19, 2010
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The Desert
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

An Ex-Niner (exiled?) fan on a Seahawks board trolling Niner fans.


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Jan 27, 2014
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The biggest quagmire I've always wondered about sports fandom is what if your entire team was compiled of jackasses and criminals, and another team over a couple years acquired morally conscious, good wholesome people who were also the best at their profession. In this instance what is the legitimate rationale for continuing to root for your team?. I agree with you that (blank) fan till i die is stupid. The turnover from one decade to the next leaves your decision rather hollow. For example i grew up in the very center of championship Bulls teams led by the best basketball player of all time. Given the privilege of growning up near all that, the day Jordan left and the whole organization was no longer any semblance of its former self, i quit the Chicago bulls cold turkey and haven't even remotely cared to root for them since. I just watch games and develop a rooting interest from the storylines and development in the game itself, and it's been rather liberating actually. In fact I've almost found myself rooting against the bulls more than for them.

I guess it just means more to the native Seattle folks here, like many others who are actually connected to the community of their team. I've been an Illinois native Seahawks fan half my life, then military everywhere else thereafter. Seattle could fall in the ocean and I'd only be concerned with the historic loss of life, but otherwise the next couple days I'd be alright lol. I have no connection with the community but I've often wondered why I'm so driven to this particular brand.

At least in my case i actually like losers with a redeeming quality, so if i were to jump ship i wouldn't go New England and just follow winners thereafter. I like following the nuanced losers from their path from the dirt to the mountain top, like being a hawks fan from about 1992- present in the middle of Illinois.

But yeah, this San Fran group is so pathetic i just don't see the value of loyalty. It's a complete waste of your small existence here.


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Sep 10, 2010
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907Hawk":iz8h16qu said:
"I quit being a sports fan" otherwise known as the bandwagon thread.
This. Real fans don't quit. Only bandwagon jumpers. (or people who become monks)


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May 19, 2012
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5_Golden_Rings":1i9vcigt said:
907Hawk":1i9vcigt said:
"I quit being a sports fan" otherwise known as the bandwagon thread.
This. Real fans don't quit. Only bandwagon jumpers. (or people who become monks)

The closest thing I've come to quitting was not following the team quite as closely in the '04-'10 years following the long dynasty run. I had followed the team pretty closely since the late '80s up until '03 or so, knowing the rosters pretty well.

The catch is I've been a New Yorker most of my life (since late '85 after moving from SF), so I haven't been an in town viewer of the 49ers essentially the entire time I've been a fan, since my parents were the ones really watching back in the early '80s while I was still very young. I haven't even seen a Niner game in TV in the SF bay area since I left (that I can recall actually watching closely).....going to the Panthers game at the stick in 2013 was the only time I could say I saw a Niners game in SF that I truly remembered.

Only Niner games I got to watch living in NYC, SC, VA were nationally televised games and playoffs. I would continue this pretty much during the post Mariucci dark years, but since the Niners sucked they would only get 1 or 2 nationally televised games a year. Don't think Sunday Ticket was popular or readily available, and I didn't have incentive to join or go watch at a sporst bar. Remember that Sunday Ticket wasn't around back in 1994 when the Niners and Cowboys faced off in the regular season for perhaps the most anticipated regular season game I could recall never seeing....all because FOX couldn't make it a simple game of the week (damn NY Giants).

The forum world wasn't quite what it is now, so I didn't have quite the motivation to join a 49er forum.

Every year would be treated as a new year despite the last. Slowly we picked up guys like Gore, Vernon, Crabtree, and I kept thinking if we had a QB we'd be a decent team. I remember watching the 49ers/Saints Monday night game on my birthday in September 2010, and being so hopeful for a win as the game went on. Then the team proceeded to an 0-5 start.

But the weird NFC West that year where the Niners had a shot at clinching the division was real late in the season. Because of that possibility I went to an NYC sports bar to watch Niners/Rams in St. Louis, where Ted Ginn had the freak out.

If I lived in SF the whole time I'd equate this to bandwagon behavior, but since I didn't I felt I was ok.

But you know what.....after getting into the Niners hard with Harbaugh and now the major suckage with Tomsula and Kelly, I'm now 10000% embedded forever as a fan. I know the team now better than I did even in say 1998, thanks to the net and stuff. I've even endured maybe 10 games of the 2015 season on TV at sports bars....which is way more than anyone should have to endure.

No matter what happens with Shanahan and Lynch, I'll be following closely.

I'm on .NET causing havoc with nothing to back it up. :irishdrinkers: :mrgreen:

I'm curious if there are any Seahawk fans who have never seen a Seahawk game on TV in the Seattle area their entire life? (or even to make the argument simple, let's just say less than 3-4 games your whole life).

Consider let's say a 7 year old kid from Seattle right now who has seen the Wilson led SB hawks who then moves to the east coast and never comes back. Imagine trying to be a Seahawk fan then?


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Apr 30, 2009
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I've never seen a Seahawk game on TV in the Seattle area. I'm from Iowa and have lived in the Chicago suburbs for about 20 years now. Growing up, the Seahawks were maybe on TV once or twice a year. I would get a bulk of my knowledge from reading Clare Farnsworth's 2-3 paragraph blurbs in the Sporting News.

I've been out to at least one game since the new stadium opened, but I never saw a game in the Kingdome. The opening of the new stadium coincided nicely with me being out of college for a couple years and actually having money to travel on my own.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
Confession - I jumped ship from the ninners. In 1975 when we got a team of our own (74? When it was announced, it's been a long time...). The ninners sucked back then like they do now, so it wasn't a bandwagon thing, I just thought that Seattle as a city probably had more in common with SF than other NFL cities, without ever having traveled anywhere to actually see for myself. Poverty and all that, combined with still being a school lad. I sure as hell didn't switch from the Seahawks when I was in the Navy, or during the 80s when I lived and worked in SoCal!


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Sep 10, 2010
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NINEster":3ak5k2kg said:
5_Golden_Rings":3ak5k2kg said:
907Hawk":3ak5k2kg said:
"I quit being a sports fan" otherwise known as the bandwagon thread.
This. Real fans don't quit. Only bandwagon jumpers. (or people who become monks)

The closest thing I've come to quitting was not following the team quite as closely in the '04-'10 years following the long dynasty run. I had followed the team pretty closely since the late '80s up until '03 or so, knowing the rosters pretty well.

The catch is I've been a New Yorker most of my life (since late '85 after moving from SF), so I haven't been an in town viewer of the 49ers essentially the entire time I've been a fan, since my parents were the ones really watching back in the early '80s while I was still very young. I haven't even seen a Niner game in TV in the SF bay area since I left (that I can recall actually watching closely).....going to the Panthers game at the stick in 2013 was the only time I could say I saw a Niners game in SF that I truly remembered.

Only Niner games I got to watch living in NYC, SC, VA were nationally televised games and playoffs. I would continue this pretty much during the post Mariucci dark years, but since the Niners sucked they would only get 1 or 2 nationally televised games a year. Don't think Sunday Ticket was popular or readily available, and I didn't have incentive to join or go watch at a sporst bar. Remember that Sunday Ticket wasn't around back in 1994 when the Niners and Cowboys faced off in the regular season for perhaps the most anticipated regular season game I could recall never seeing....all because FOX couldn't make it a simple game of the week (damn NY Giants).

The forum world wasn't quite what it is now, so I didn't have quite the motivation to join a 49er forum.

Every year would be treated as a new year despite the last. Slowly we picked up guys like Gore, Vernon, Crabtree, and I kept thinking if we had a QB we'd be a decent team. I remember watching the 49ers/Saints Monday night game on my birthday in September 2010, and being so hopeful for a win as the game went on. Then the team proceeded to an 0-5 start.

But the weird NFC West that year where the Niners had a shot at clinching the division was real late in the season. Because of that possibility I went to an NYC sports bar to watch Niners/Rams in St. Louis, where Ted Ginn had the freak out.

If I lived in SF the whole time I'd equate this to bandwagon behavior, but since I didn't I felt I was ok.

But you know what.....after getting into the Niners hard with Harbaugh and now the major suckage with Tomsula and Kelly, I'm now 10000% embedded forever as a fan. I know the team now better than I did even in say 1998, thanks to the net and stuff. I've even endured maybe 10 games of the 2015 season on TV at sports bars....which is way more than anyone should have to endure.

No matter what happens with Shanahan and Lynch, I'll be following closely.

I'm on .NET causing havoc with nothing to back it up. :irishdrinkers: :mrgreen:

I'm curious if there are any Seahawk fans who have never seen a Seahawk game on TV in the Seattle area their entire life? (or even to make the argument simple, let's just say less than 3-4 games your whole life).

Consider let's say a 7 year old kid from Seattle right now who has seen the Wilson led SB hawks who then moves to the east coast and never comes back. Imagine trying to be a Seahawk fan then?
I never lived near them either when I became a fan. But I did fly over to see them at the final game at the Stick (what a memory, btw).

But I was a diehard fan from books, not from the game on tv. I read about them in the library, about how Bill Walsh used intellect rather than brawn with his teams, and this method, this WAY, hooked me (that and Tecmo Super Bowl). Next thing I know I'm reading back issues of Sports Illustrated about them, and then finally getting to watch Steve Young and Jerry Rice write poetry.

So basically, the old 49er Way is why I jumped on the band wagon, and I've never even thought about jumping off since.


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Apr 15, 2013
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Optimus25":sl3cjpq8 said:
The biggest quagmire I've always wondered about sports fandom is what if your entire team was compiled of jackasses and criminals, and another team over a couple years acquired morally conscious, good wholesome people who were also the best at their profession. In this instance what is the legitimate rationale for continuing to root for your team?. I agree with you that (blank) fan till i die is stupid. The turnover from one decade to the next leaves your decision rather hollow. For example i grew up in the very center of championship Bulls teams led by the best basketball player of all time. Given the privilege of growning up near all that, the day Jordan left and the whole organization was no longer any semblance of its former self, i quit the Chicago bulls cold turkey and haven't even remotely cared to root for them since. I just watch games and develop a rooting interest from the storylines and development in the game itself, and it's been rather liberating actually. In fact I've almost found myself rooting against the bulls more than for them.

I guess it just means more to the native Seattle folks here, like many others who are actually connected to the community of their team. I've been an Illinois native Seahawks fan half my life, then military everywhere else thereafter. Seattle could fall in the ocean and I'd only be concerned with the historic loss of life, but otherwise the next couple days I'd be alright lol. I have no connection with the community but I've often wondered why I'm so driven to this particular brand.

At least in my case i actually like losers with a redeeming quality, so if i were to jump ship i wouldn't go New England and just follow winners thereafter. I like following the nuanced losers from their path from the dirt to the mountain top, like being a hawks fan from about 1992- present in the middle of Illinois.

But yeah, this San Fran group is so pathetic i just don't see the value of loyalty. It's a complete waste of your small existence here.

So like if you were a Jailblazers fan a few years back?


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Mar 6, 2007
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Helotes, TX
If I were a 9ers, Chargers, Lakers, or Kings fan I'd quit watching sports too.


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Aug 20, 2013
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Seafan":2p3nnbkx said:
If I were a 9ers, Chargers, Lakers, or Kings fan I'd quit watching sports too.

Bandwagons always thin out when teams go through bad periods.

I think it's kinda silly to brag about being a hardcore fan who sticks with it during awfulness, but I think it's even more silly to brag on a sports messageboard about how you've decided not to watch sports anymore (let alone make a whole thread about it, as RationalNiner did). That's fine, but why would anyone care?

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Popeyejones":5okqksbi said:
Seafan":5okqksbi said:
If I were a 9ers, Chargers, Lakers, or Kings fan I'd quit watching sports too.

Bandwagons always thin out when teams go through bad periods.

I think it's kinda silly to brag about being a hardcore fan who sticks with it during awfulness, but I think it's even more silly to brag on a sports messageboard about how you've decided not to watch sports anymore (let alone make a whole thread about it, as RationalNiner did). That's fine, but why would anyone care?

Especially on another teams board... if the purpose was to draw attention you'd think there would be far more handwringing outrage on the 9ers board.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Uncle Si":et2mwsg2 said:
Popeyejones":et2mwsg2 said:
Seafan":et2mwsg2 said:
If I were a 9ers, Chargers, Lakers, or Kings fan I'd quit watching sports too.

Bandwagons always thin out when teams go through bad periods.

I think it's kinda silly to brag about being a hardcore fan who sticks with it during awfulness, but I think it's even more silly to brag on a sports messageboard about how you've decided not to watch sports anymore (let alone make a whole thread about it, as RationalNiner did). That's fine, but why would anyone care?

Especially on another teams board... if the purpose was to draw attention you'd think there would be far more handwringing outrage on the 9ers board.

But but but he is a rational niner fan? LOL


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Dec 30, 2015
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Chapow":3fsra1hj said:
RationalNiner":3fsra1hj said:
I've decided it's a waste of time. I don't care what the 49ers, Giants, or Warriors do. They don't know I exist. You're basically only cheering for a logo. I rather cheer for myself and achieve my own wins in my own life than worry what a bunch of people who don't care about me or know I exist.

Marvin49erfan lives through his 49ers, hahahahaha. It's one thing being a fan. It's another thing trying to be that team's defense attorney on a board about a different team and fanbase.

49er fans are the worst fans in the league, by far. Dumbest ones, too.

Ah, so you've decided to quit being a 49er fan and now you're going to spend your time telling 49er fans, and everybody else, how much 49er fans suck. Sounds awesome, good luck with that.

Have you ever heard the saying "The only thing worse than a smoker is an ex smoker"?

The Butthurt is strong in this one.


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ I think you're probably seeing the subtext of posting history in there.

Now that he's gone, I guess it's safe to say that Rational9er's posting history has always been about 60% self-aggrandizing blowhard mixed with 30% condescension and trolling and 10% pandering to Seahawks fans.

EDIT: I SWEAR this wasn't intentional, but the OP perfectly falls into those bins. :lol: :lol:

60% self-aggrandizing blowhard:

RationalNiner":3fk2bg9e said:
I've decided it's a waste of time. I don't care what the 49ers, Giants, or Warriors do. They don't know I exist. You're basically only cheering for a logo. I rather cheer for myself and achieve my own wins in my own life than worry what a bunch of people who don't care about me or know I exist.

30% condescension and trolling

RationalNiner":3fk2bg9e said:
Marvin49erfan lives through his 49ers, hahahahaha. It's one thing being a fan. It's another thing trying to be that team's defense attorney on a board about a different team and fanbase.

10% pandering to Seahawks fans

RationalNiner":3fk2bg9e said:
49er fans are the worst fans in the league, by far. Dumbest ones, too.

EDIT II: Mods, if it's not cool for me to make a post like this, my bad, and happy to delete it.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
As long as your not attacking the poster it's typically ok, that and since it's 49er and I quit 49er fan interaction were watching with interest to see where this goes.

Here are some tools to help you Popeye, nothing like a good fillet :)



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Feb 16, 2014
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Federal Way, WA
If I don't have a personal reason to root for a team, I always cheer for local/Washington teams, such as Gonzaga or the Sounders. Really, the only fandom I have outside of the region is Notre Dame.