With all the HOOP la this last week just wondering


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Ok they were talking maybe something is done maybe not, but it's in the NBA's best interest to keep a deal under wraps till the season is close to over. Nothing out of the offices either from the commisioner. Considering the heavy involvement earlier this is somewhat unusual I think. Also considering how visable Stern was in our fiasco.

We know that there is disinformation thrown out to keep the product working and to eliminate demonstrations etc. We also know that the City may not get information about whats going on until it's to late. We seen how the slight of hand the NBA advocates works.

I think with the Maloofs involved and their history that it will be done on paper and voted on before an official announcement is realeased now. Trying to get Arena deal now with open wounds and a denial by the Maloofs already is a prayer and stall. Any new ownership group would need either to bankroll it alone or go thru the labor intensive process with the state and or city again. We know how a City can be fickle about such things, and being spurned once doesn't do well when the same group with some additional faces asks again.

I think whatever group that suddenly steps into the picture would still have to deal with the Maloofs in negotiations and meet the sale price also. That and the controlling issues.

Bottom line is as someone said this was never suppose to get out in the first place, now we have spins, damage control, misinformation, and speculation of lots of other parties.

I'm sure if I'm the NBA and the negotiating parties I hope the Superbowl run will bury this subject for a while till a more publicly acceptable time for all of them to look shiny in revealing this information.

Lords of Scythia

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
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Keeping it quiet also helps get the Sonics in here clean and easy as possible, without having to deal with scummy little lawsuits trying to kill it on technicalities. And the spawn-of-Satan Mariners trying to crap all over our parade. :(