Come On Hawks Fans. We're Better Than This.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Sigh. Just add alcohol sadly enough. And Testosterone. Not a great combo when their pal Bravado shows up. I've had my share of fun at the games, even times where I tipped a bit back more than I care to admit, but I can't imagine being this out of control and inhumane to other people. To be fair, this occurs in every single stadium and fanbase around the NFL every single game day, but as Seahawks fans, WE SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THIS! ... two28.html


Apr 30, 2009
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I can't stand it when I see this sort of behavior. it is unfortunate that it happens in every single stadium.. remember the guy on the site here or on the old scout site that got jumped and beaten to a pulp at a 49rs game..... its sad.....


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Apr 21, 2011
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There's always going to be a few bad apples that really cross the line, that's unfortunate.

I do want opposing fans to feel unwelcome in our house, though. I don't want them there.


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Apr 30, 2009
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No surprise. As sacred as this sport is to me, it brings out the lowest common denominator in many people. As you know, Todd, it almost cost me my life. But you're right. Good people everywhere need to stand up and fight improper downright evil behavior. Take a stand.


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Sep 10, 2012
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I took my 10 and 14 year old daughters to their first game this year. We experienced none of the animosity the woman in the article describes anywhere in the greater downtown Seattle area. There were lots of opposing teams fans in our section as well. There will always be radicals at every sporting event. I know, I used to work security in my youth. Comes with the territory I suppose.


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Mar 3, 2007
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I've thought for years that alcohol should be banned at multiple sections for games (say half the stadium it is fine, half it is a no-no). I used to sit in the no booze section at M's games. It was much better. They used to have it for Hawks games at the Kingdome too. There was literally a fence in the concourse on both sides of it that prevented others from even passing through that area. Of course fire codes made it so that the fence had to be removed. But I much prefer an alcohol free game experience. It just doesn't mix well with my personality. I get frustrated at the idiocy of a FEW (yes, I realize it's not most). But I get even more frustrated when I leave the stadium and the same idiot who can't even keep his eyes open climbs behind the wheel of a car. I don't know how many of you have lost a family member to a drunk driver, but I lost my aunt that way, so my feelings are quite strong on the subject.

I understand that beer and gambling are what the NFL is all about. Fine. But it leads to many problems and drives many fans away from the event. I'm not going to fly up for any more games unless I'm certain I will be safe. Last time I spent all of my money for a game against the Raiders and had to jump in to prevent a pile of people from smashing my elderly mother as they fought up and down the aisles in the lower bowl and security did nothing. I was embarrassed. I am still embarrassed.

Football is a great spectator sport, but I've gotten to a point where I enjoy it more at home than at the field, and that's the only sport I can say that much is true for. Every other sport I enjoy tenfold more in the stadium. I love my alcohol free family section seats for MLS games. It makes for a really nice game experience, and I haven't had to yell at anybody to stop doing/saying/acting the way they are in front of my kid. Sorry... but I pay full price for his ticket as well, and there are things he shouldn't have to see or here, and surprisingly, he doesn't hear any of that stuff when alcohol isn't involved.

Let's not make this a moral issue, a religious issue, a snobbery issue, or anything else with me. Let's say what it is. For me... it's a safety issue. I walk with a cane. I am not a big strong man like I was even five years ago. If somebody got to the point where they wanted to mess up myself and my 9 year old they sure could. So I am not attending NFL games. We go to Disneyland with our vacation money instead. I guess the NFL does fine without us, but I'd expect better. It seems to me that the sport has resorted to total hooliganism. Gone are the days of Tom Landry where even fans were respectful in the crowd as he was on the field. Now it's like everybody wants to be a Ryan brother. No thanks.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
It's definitely isolated pockets and doesn't speak for the majority of Seahawks fans, but I want to make it clear, that if YOU see this bullshit, you need to help STOP it. Stand up for decency. Represent 12 with class. Look, I want the opposing team fans to be as uncomfortable as possible, but within reason for God's sakes. They are still human beings. Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters...They have the same struggles in life as you and I do. To treat them as sub-human due to the color of their jersey is no different than the stupid gang bangers who do the same on the streets, maybe just less bullets is all.

Alcohol is not an excuse to be a DICK.

Hmm...Maybe I should make some t-shirts.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
I've never seen physical misbehaviour inside the stadium. The most harasment we see in section 335 is good natured ribbing of a fan wearing their team gear. No beer throwing or fowl language has been observed.


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Sep 18, 2011
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There are some real dipsticks out there. And we have our share of them.


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May 24, 2012
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Vancouver WA and Kennewick Wa
Lets ask fans of the English Premier League if this is a problem? LAWLS

Yes its stupid that fans take it to far. But you also have to understand that you'll be teased to some extent joking or not joking wearing an opposing teams jersey. I've also seen it when opposing fans come in and act like total losers. I remember seeing Niner fans pissing on walls in the restrooms at Salty's before a game years ago. Some opposing fans will take Seahawk fans who are joking around in good fun and twist it too.


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Feb 27, 2011
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This type of trash story is typical of the seattle times. They give so much press to isolated incidents that happen in every freaking stadium, field and arena in sports and make it as if all Hawk fans are drunken jackasses. The times always tries to smear sports. They did it to the Huskies, they did it to the Arena deal and now it seems like they are rearing their ugly and ridiculous head at us Hawk fans. I really hate that "paper" and the low standards it has.

I don't really care to read the "article" in its entirety, but I'm almost positive I know exactly what it says. I'll pass on that garbage.


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May 21, 2010
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Enjoying a life sentence in the Clink.
Aros...seriously?? A family/group of 36 (+/- 18 niners/away fans) walks as a group together through a raucous nationally televised late game crowd for any team in the country and strangely is accosted by the locals??

OMG..they are "Washington natives, but a trip to Seattle will likely not happen again, even for non-sports events. We will not support a town whose fans behave that way."

Sorry, respect your opinion almost always, but this strikes me as the Amish riding the carriage into town and being offput by the angry sounds of muscle cars, smooth jazz and the "murderous and dissonant swells" of Radiohead and Jay-Z


The second half of what you posted is ludicrous stay home and watch it on your frat TV bull****..those people should be banned if not arrested on the spot...I feel like a complete subhuman for my original content...and now need to find someone to punch in their niner face to soothe my horrible untamed seafan aggression GRRRRR!! :sarcasm_on:


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
Not to make excuses but it sounds like that lady in the article handled everything extremely wrong and most likely brought some of it on herself. One word and she's yelling at everybody around her to shut up? Maybe a little bit thicker skin is needed. Or how about just keep on walking and ignorning it?

That said, i dont see the need for belittling anybody or cussing at anybody. Opposing fans are sports fans, they're football fans, they just happen to like a different team then you, odds are you have more in common then not. Its pretty stupid to hate somebody or be rude to somebody just because they're wearing a different jersey.

I brought my nephews to Seahawks games since they were in kindergarten. They've heard the cussing, they've seen Hawk fans yelling at rival fans, they've seen a few fights. And they're smart enough to know, because i'm man enough to tell them, that thats not how you act and thats now how you represent yourself.

:sarcasm_on: Except for the fan in the article that said the Oregon Ducks suck... that dude needs to be popped in the mouth... :sarcasm_off:


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May 18, 2009
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Section 316, front row
There's obviously a line that can be crossed. I do not condone unprovoked verbal or physical assaults, but if I was going to attend a game at an opposing team stadium, I'd think twice about sporting the visiting team's jersey. Otherwise, understand that you now have a target on your back for the good, bad and/or ugly.

Bottom line, if you want to avoid any unwanted, unpleasant interactions, don't wear the opposing team's colors.

Seems pretty simple to me.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Aros":37d6jt7x said:
It's definitely isolated pockets and doesn't speak for the majority of Seahawks fans, but I want to make it clear, that if YOU see this bullshit, you need to help STOP it. Stand up for decency. Represent 12 with class. Look, I want the opposing team fans to be as uncomfortable as possible, but within reason for God's sakes. They are still human beings. Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters...They have the same struggles in life as you and I do. To treat them as sub-human due to the color of their jersey is no different than the stupid gang bangers who do the same on the streets, maybe just less bullets is all.

Alcohol is not an excuse to be a DICK.

Hmm...Maybe I should make some t-shirts.

Well said indeed! One more thing to add to this.... we can all be thankful to the out-of-towners (whether we like them or not) for paying for the stadium. Remember, it was the tax on hotel rooms, rental cars, and parking and such that created the funds to even build Safeco and Seahawks Stadium in the first place. If they weren't sure that there were going to be out-of-towners attending, then they wouldn't have had the funds to build those places.

I realize they aren't showing up at the game to do their own good deed and are all happy about paying the extra taxes for the stadium, but it is coming out of their pockets, and if lots of people don't come to the games.... the games stop selling out, stadium funds dwindle, and all of a sudden you have to deal with messes like teams wanting to look elsewhere. Is it going to happen soon? Of course not. But don't be a part of the problem and drive people away. They need to be in those seats. Those hotel rooms need to be full. Those rental cars need to be driven, etc. It is part of what makes the whole stadium situation work and kept the Hawks here in the first place. I'd rather the place were full of only Hawks fans too, but it's not going to be. That's a fact, especially now that the team is good again. So respect your opponent. Put the 12th man on the map as the classiest and noisiest fans on the map.

Nobody wants to go to Oakland. That place is a dump. You know why? Because the stadium is full of classless jerks, and that is why nobody will spend money on the place. They won't get a new stadium in Oakland ever. I say it is because of the rule my mom had when I was a kid. I couldn't get a new jacket, because I wouldn't even take care of my old one. She'd see it on the floor with footprints on it and say "that's why you don't have a new jacket this year buddy." So, take care of your stadium. Take care of the fans. Take responsibility for your section. Call the cops. Use the text service. Just don't sit by and watch chaos take over and scare kids and families. I remember going to a soccer game when my wife was pregnant and just thinking the whole time what a bad idea it was because things got a little testy. Remember... like Aros says, they are people with lives too. Some of them even have little lives on board. Take care of each other.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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I call BS on this lady's story. Every 9er fan she encountered experienced the same treatment as her? Right. I've been to many games and was at the 9ers game and didn't see none of this in my area. I was in the so-called cheap seats. I was the drunkest and most rowdy guy in my section and by the end of the night all of the 9ers fans shook my hand and said "you're a good fan". We all talk trash, but I've yet to see any of these threats these people talk about. Maybe I've just been lucky, but the worst I've seen in Clink were the Raiders fans, and that was a preseason game.


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May 24, 2012
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Vancouver WA and Kennewick Wa
Hawkfan77":3zft9tul said:
This type of trash story is typical of the seattle times. They give so much press to isolated incidents that happen in every freaking stadium, field and arena in sports and make it as if all Hawk fans are drunken jackasses. The times always tries to smear sports. They did it to the Huskies, they did it to the Arena deal and now it seems like they are rearing their ugly and ridiculous head at us Hawk fans. I really hate that "paper" and the low standards it has.

I don't really care to read the "article" in its entirety, but I'm almost positive I know exactly what it says. I'll pass on that garbage.

AMEN BROTHA. Like I said before yes it's a shame when people get outta contral and take it to levels of hurting someone. That should NEVER happen. For real tho... Warning to all fans of all sports at all venues. IF YOU GO AND YOUR AN FAN OF THE OTHER TEAM. DON'T TAKE EVERYTHING SO SERIOUS AND TO HEART. EXPECTED TO BE MESSED WITH A LITTLE. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT SPORT, CITY, TEAM, HIGHSCHOOL, COLLEGE, PROS.


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Mar 3, 2007
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I find it amazing those who defend this kind of crap and claim it doesn't happen. Simply amazing. It happens every game, and you guys continue to blow it off. Sometime soon we're going to have a situation like they had at Dodgers stadium and everybody is going to be up in arms and saying that this kind of crap should never happen in Seattle. Well, guess what... it already does. Luckily nobody has gotten beaten to that point yet. But Ken Hamlin got beaten nearly to death after a game at a club. What's the difference between what happened to him and what happened at Dodgers Stadium? The difference? Sports were involved. That's all. A rivalry.

Hamlin got hit in the head and suffered damage to his brain over a petty little argument fueled by alcohol. What happened in LA? Same thing, but it was at a sporting event. Seattle-ites have shown many times they are capable of such idiocy. So have all cities. On this current route, it's going to happen soon and it's going to be ugly, and you're all going to say that it was "just a couple of idiots" and blah blah blah. Then people stop attending games. Maybe Paul Allen says he doesn't have any interest in owning a team with a fanbase like that. Am I stretching it here? Maybe.... maybe not. I saw what he did with the Blazers after some stuff, and he didn't back down. He just said "enough" fired everybody including players and was ready to sell the entire team. I don't think he'd hesitate to do it again if things like this continue to happen. The whole tough guy act is tired.

You pay opera prices, you don't expect to go to an opera, but you expect people to be civil and for it not to feel like a scene out of Mad Max entering and exiting the stadium.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Milwaukie, Oregon
SharkHawk":3jttr6h1 said:
Maybe Paul Allen says he doesn't have any interest in owning a team with a fanbase like that. Am I stretching it here? Maybe.... maybe not. I saw what he did with the Blazers after some stuff, and he didn't back down. He just said "enough" fired everybody including players and was ready to sell the entire team. I don't think he'd hesitate to do it again if things like this continue to happen. The whole tough guy act is tired.

I dont see how this situation has any relevance at all with the question of fans behavior. Going to a blazer game is like going to church. I'd say its more cordial and polite then even going to a Mariners game. I've never seen a sporting event more perfect for bringing a kid to then Blazer games. The Blazers situation was because paul Allen allowed his GM and front office men to draft and bring in a bunch of criminal and low life players. It had nothing at all to do with sportsmanship or crowd behavior. It was more on Paul Allen himself then on anybody else.


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Mar 5, 2007
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That article is a joke. Go to a Mariner game instead. Or how about dressing in normal clothing instead of being decked out in opposing teams gear. My dad is a Rams fan and we go every year to the home and away game (except this year) and one of us always dresses in civilian clothing. Me in ST Louis and him here in Seattle, never had a problem. I do agree if you see things happening, like people getting physical, you should step in and try to help if you can. People yelling at you though...gimme a break.