Blast from the past; Seahawks first real taste of glory


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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Trivia fact, as well as a record the Seahawks hold that will likely never be broken?

The Seattle Seahawks are the ONLY NFL team to have played in both the AFC and NFC conference championship game.

Bonus game, the Seahawks first championship:

I would say there’s one record even more likely never to be broken. I believe it was the 1985 season where Seattle won two games and lost two games, consecutively the entire season. I don’t care what sport, that’ll never happen again.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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I would say there’s one record even more likely never to be broken. I believe it was the 1985 season where Seattle won two games and lost two games, consecutively the entire season. I don’t care what sport, that’ll never happen again.
Another record from that '84 team that's unlikely to be broken is the four interceptions returned for touchdowns against the Chiefs.


Active member
Mar 22, 2012
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TO ME, these Seahawks (1983-1989) are THE SEAHAWKS. Every iteration since has been, in my mind, sort of a sequel of sorts.

I can't explain why except that I was just getting into football back then and I became totally emotionally attached to them.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
Like others here, I have a special attachment to the Seahawks of the '80s. My specific years are more like '76-'86, but even the late '80s were special, because I was in college and really couldn't watch much football in '87-'88 (in '89 and '90 I managed to arrange things to be able to watch more), so good ol' Dad, who never called himself a Seahawks fan, redoubled his constant-since-'76 efforts to keep up on all news he could get on the Seahawks from the sources available to him in southern Maine, just so he could pass it on to me. From '76 until Dad died in 2011, the Seahawks were something that always kept me and Dad closer. As I said, Dad never referred to himself as a Seahawks fan, but he definitely developed a certain fondness for them because of me, and he supported me being a Seahawks fan tremendously.

I remember Dad telling me about the Seahawks' progress in '76, and specifically, him saying that two wins for an expansion team (in a 14-game season) was pretty good. I think it was in '87 that Dad started putting "oh, and Largent got his catch" into our phone calls every week, because Largent's consecutive-games streak with a catch was a thing by then. In '87 and '88, following the Seahawks via "Radio Dad" was different from '76, because in '87-'88, I knew the Seahawks' roster at least as well as Dad did, so the conversations about Seahawks news of the week was a lot more detailed than our conversations about Seahawks news were in '76. In the early aughts, I moved to Brazil and had no good way to follow the Seahawks any more closely than reading about them on the ESPN web site, so "Radio Dad" once again became an important part of how I kept up with the Seahawks.

As I've mentioned a jillion times around here, Dad took me down to Foxborough to see the Seahawks twice: in '84 and '86. The first half of the '84 game was pretty good, and after the game, I got to tell Zorn, who by then was clearly Krieg's backup, to his face that I had had his autographed picture framed on the wall of my room in Kennebunk, Maine for years (I'll add an image of the pic below, in the original frame I bought for it with allowance money in the '70s). I wish I could remember exactly what Zorn said (it was something simple to the effect of an enthusiastic "well, all right!"), but I'll never forget the expression on his face. His smile and his enthusiastic response seemed genuine, and that made me really happy. The '86 game was great because I got to see Warner live, I got to see Jacob Green getting a sack live, and best of all, it was a battle all day, the Seahawks behind for a good part of it, but I was confident they could pull it out, and they did, after a crazy fourth quarter. Dad and I watched the sports news on as many channels as we could that night (Dad at his house and me at my mom's, because they had separated by then), and on at least one sports-news segment (on one of the Boston channels we got on cable TV in Kennebunk), I saw a shot of us in the stands toward the end of the game.

Zorn autographed