How much do care about the TEAM or the individual players


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Sep 11, 2016
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I was pondering the contract issues Dallas is having with their QB at times hoping the Dallas signed a stupidly large contract that would hamstring the team for five years and at times hoping they would tell him to shove off with his stupid demands and go with Dalton.

I thought about the Seahawks and how much I care about individual players. While I like RW and want success from the various players in the end, if the whole team one day were all fired and we started from scratch I honestly wouldn't care at all. As long as they are the Seattle Seahawks I will be there supporting the TEAM.

This league where every decent starter seems to think they are worth $20m/year is getting ridiculous. If they wanted to wipe the league and start over with a salary cap and PLAYER max I'd be all for it. It certainly hasn't helped the Seahawks to have 16% of their cap tied up in one player though its a player I like.


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Roy Wa.
JayhawkMike":19fwyfg1 said:
I was pondering the contract issues Dallas is having with their QB at times hoping the Dallas signed a stupidly large contract that would hamstring the team for five years and at times hoping they would tell him to shove off with his stupid demands and go with Dalton.

I thought about the Seahawks and how much I care about individual players. While I like RW and want success from the various players in the end, if the whole team one day were all fired and we started from scratch I honestly wouldn't care at all. As long as they are the Seattle Seahawks I will be there supporting the TEAM.

This league where every decent starter seems to think they are worth $20m/year is getting ridiculous. If they wanted to wipe the league and start over with a salary cap and PLAYER max I'd be all for it. It certainly hasn't helped the Seahawks to have 16% of their cap tied up in one player though its a player I like.

You must have missed the Behring years........


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Oct 1, 2010
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I'll always root for the team first, but it's easy to root for the individual players as well since most of the time that is pulling in the same direction. If players leave on good terms then I usually root for them on their new teams as well, such as Mebane on the Chargers or Tate on the Lions.

The player max is terrible for parity if you look at the NBA. It artificially inflates the value of having superstar players which are then majorly underpaid, and this would just be exacerbated with QB contracts in the NFL. It would be great for the Seahawks in the short term since we have Russ, but bad for the NFL overall.


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Jan 28, 2020
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For most pro sports I tend to root for the individual, regardless of team affiliation. Marshawn, Lebron, Russ Westbrook, Iverson, Deion Sanders was one, Mahomes, Odell, Connor McDavid, Ovechkin, Coach Calipari etc etc guys like that come to mind.

The Seahawks are a bit different, as they are the only pro sports team that I care about. But I'm definitely pro player whenever there is a dispute with the suits.

I just find it more enjoyable cheering for a human being to succeed from the start of their career rather than cheering for laundry.

I also get to enjoy more championships this way.


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Jan 28, 2020
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JayhawkMike":vps71kqg said:
I was pondering the contract issues Dallas is having with their QB at times hoping the Dallas signed a stupidly large contract that would hamstring the team for five years and at times hoping they would tell him to shove off with his stupid demands and go with Dalton.

I thought about the Seahawks and how much I care about individual players. While I like RW and want success from the various players in the end, if the whole team one day were all fired and we started from scratch I honestly wouldn't care at all. As long as they are the Seattle Seahawks I will be there supporting the TEAM.

This league where every decent starter seems to think they are worth $20m/year is getting ridiculous. If they wanted to wipe the league and start over with a salary cap and PLAYER max I'd be all for it. It certainly hasn't helped the Seahawks to have 16% of their cap tied up in one player though its a player I like.

Or eliminate the salary cap and the draft and other anti-capitalism tools used to put a ceiling on earnings and limit player movement.

It has been argued that those two things help with parity and competitive balance, but all in all I'm not sure that has proven to be true. The well run organizations stay competent and competitive year in and year out -New England, Seattle, Baltimore , Kansas City, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Green Bay. And the bad organizations, aside from a fluke season, stay incompetent regardless of spending and draft position -Cleveland, Cincinnati, Washington, Jacksonville, NYJ


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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JayhawkMike":262puofj said:
I was pondering the contract issues Dallas is having with their QB at times hoping the Dallas signed a stupidly large contract that would hamstring the team for five years and at times hoping they would tell him to shove off with his stupid demands and go with Dalton.

I thought about the Seahawks and how much I care about individual players. While I like RW and want success from the various players in the end, if the whole team one day were all fired and we started from scratch I honestly wouldn't care at all. As long as they are the Seattle Seahawks I will be there supporting the TEAM.

This league where every decent starter seems to think they are worth $20m/year is getting ridiculous. If they wanted to wipe the league and start over with a salary cap and PLAYER max I'd be all for it. It certainly hasn't helped the Seahawks to have 16% of their cap tied up in one player though its a player I like.
If that player is responsible for putting up 70 % of the Offensive success, then 16% of the CAP seems (to me) to be a pretty good deal.


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Sep 27, 2009
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As a youth I lived and died with the individual players and the team.

As an adult I have much more emotional distance from the players. I “love” a player in-game for their play like they “love” me as a fan cheering for them. It goes no further and I think that’s healthy, although I do not say other distances can’t be healthy.

Off the field I value no player or celebrity higher than I would any other complete stranger.

I’m emotionally closer to the team but even that I do with a sense of perspective that it’s pretense I engage in as a diversion.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Personally, I root for the team above individual players. They come and go, but the team remains the same franchise year in and year out.

But I can see why others choose the reverse option.

Somos doces

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Jan 8, 2020
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Southeast Washington
hawk45":3izevpci said:
As a youth I lived and died with the individual players and the team.

As an adult I have much more emotional distance from the players. I “love” a player in-game for their play like they “love” me as a fan cheering for them. It goes no further and I think that’s healthy, although I do not say other distances can’t be healthy.

Off the field I value no player or celebrity higher than I would any other complete stranger.

I’m emotionally closer to the team but even that I do with a sense of perspective that it’s pretense I engage in as a diversion.



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Mar 4, 2007
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Players come and go, but the Seattle Seahawks will be there year after year. Well unless you have a SuperSonics situation and then your heart breaks and you stop watching the sport altogether.

But yea, I'm 100% for the team. As a lot of us here, you've watched players get drafted, play, retire, new player drafted, play, retire, once you've seen this 30+ years, it just becomes about the team.

Not saying I don't 'bond' with certain players, I do, it's just not even close to the level of investment I have with the team, the name, the colors, the logo, etc.

PS I know someone who is the exact opposite. He falls in loves with players from his college team, then follows them to their pro team, and that team becomes his favorite temporarily. It seems to change constantly based on these players he loves from his college team..... I don't understand that at all. But whatever floats your boat.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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If you asked me this 20 years ago, I'd have been 100% behind the individual players. Now? I really only care about the team. I just can't relate to players these days.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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knownone":2yw5l6gw said:
If you asked me this 20 years ago, I'd have been 100% behind the individual players. Now? I really only care about the team. I just can't relate to players these days.
I'm in this boat as well..


Nov 27, 2019
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Ranch in Flint Hills of Kansas, formerly NW Montan
Not sure how to answer this topic question. I relate closely to players and coaches. Always have. Sometimes the relationship is mostly imaginary, but other times it becomes personal through actual interaction. I have had a variety of favorite teams over the years, beginning with the Chargers when I was a little kid and they had John Hadl, but have been true blue 'Seahawk only' since about 1980. Can't imagine ever not being a Seahawk. I dread the day when change inevitably comes and we lose Coach Carroll. He's the primary reason Seattle is now one of the most desired teams to play for by players around the league, and even in college ranks.
Seahawks all the way, even if they change clothes! Again.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Team first usually but damn Russell is special though. He would definitely be the player i will follow if he ever leaves or gets traded.