

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
I agree, but timing is everything.
Indeed. We had some penalties in the past couple of games, but they mostly weren't the soul killing types that destroyed drives/momentum like earlier in the year.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2023
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Indeed. We had some penalties in the past couple of games, but they mostly weren't the soul killing types that destroyed drives/momentum like earlier in the year.
The Burns penalty on 3rd and goal was terrible


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I haven’t looked at the stats in a while, but during our glory years, there was a run of something like ten years where the Super Bowl winner was in the top five in penalties during the regular season.
I fail to see the cause-and-effect relationship between heavily penalized teams and Super Bowl winners. All it tells me is that you can still win even if you have a lot of penalties, that a good team can overcome adversity. It doesn't mean that you're winning because you are drawing more flags than everyone else.
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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
I fail to see the cause-and-effect relationship between heavily penalized teams and Super Bowl winners. All it tells me is that you can still win even if you have a lot of penalties, that a good team can overcome adversity. It doesn't mean that you're winning because you are drawing more flags than everyone else.
Never said it was a cause and effect. Simply arguing against the OP supposition that leading the league in penalties will necessarily translate into a lack of success.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2023
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Never said it was a cause and effect. Simply arguing against the OP supposition that leading the league in penalties will necessarily translate into a lack of success.
I dont know if I ever necessarily said it would lead to lack of success, more that it's just frustrating. In my opinion better teams can get away with it, this team can't. So just because very good teams like LOB era Seattle have won while committing a lot of penalties does not mean it's sustainable for this team to do so. You really just don't need to be retaliating at guys after the whistle. It's undisciplined


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Never said it was a cause and effect. Simply arguing against the OP supposition that leading the league in penalties will necessarily translate into a lack of success.
Where in the OP did it say that leading the league in penalties would translate into a lack of success? Here's what the OP said:

"Not trying to be a killjoy after a great win but it's something that needs to be discussed. Seahawks lead the NFL in penalties. The completely unnecessary roughness penalty by Burns at the 5 yard line yesterday could well have cost us our season. I'll give Dallas a pass because it was fair catch interference, but it speaks to an overarching problem. Holdings, defensive PIs, false starts OK. You can live with those.

But they constant undisciplined roughness and conduct penalties are absolute killers. They very near cost us the game yesterday. They are 100% preventable and there is absolutely no reason guys need to be lashing out. I don't know, it seems to be a theme on PC teams. Probably nothing that can be done about it at this point but it's frustrating. If you lead the league in penalties you're doing something wrong there.

Not to be negative, team is playing well and great win. But frustrating to see those dumb ones giving 15 yards and a first down for no reason!"

IMO the OP was very well stated. There was no mention of blaming our losses on penalties, only that they very nearly cost us the game, are unnecessary, a controllable factor, etc., all true statements. You seemed to me to be trivializing them by noting that some teams won championships in spite of them.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Yeah the Titan receiver flopped, drew the penalty and started celebrating like he caught a 50 yard bomb in the Superbowl.

Pathetic scrub.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Where in the OP did it say that leading the league in penalties would translate into a lack of success? Here's what the OP said:

"Not trying to be a killjoy after a great win but it's something that needs to be discussed. Seahawks lead the NFL in penalties. The completely unnecessary roughness penalty by Burns at the 5 yard line yesterday could well have cost us our season. I'll give Dallas a pass because it was fair catch interference, but it speaks to an overarching problem. Holdings, defensive PIs, false starts OK. You can live with those.

But they constant undisciplined roughness and conduct penalties are absolute killers. They very near cost us the game yesterday. They are 100% preventable and there is absolutely no reason guys need to be lashing out. I don't know, it seems to be a theme on PC teams. Probably nothing that can be done about it at this point but it's frustrating. If you lead the league in penalties you're doing something wrong there.

Not to be negative, team is playing well and great win. But frustrating to see those dumb ones giving 15 yards and a first down for no reason!"

IMO the OP was very well stated. There was no mention of blaming our losses on penalties, only that they very nearly cost us the game, are unnecessary, a controllable factor, etc., all true statements. You seemed to me to be trivializing them by noting that some teams won championships in spite of them.

Seattle's penalties are scrutinized because they're 8-7 fighting for a wild card. It sticks out more when the team is close to .500 , losing winnable games (at times) and squeaking by in the games we think they're going to win easily.

2013 Michael Bennett seemed like he got 2 neutral zone infractions per game.

Didn't matter.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
Last time I checked, there was no correlation between leading the league in penalties and a lack of success.

Why did the OP bother mentioning the stat, if he was not suggesting otherwise?

We see it all the time, when it appears that refs are steering. They call penalties at critical times against one team, and largely meaningless penalties against the other team.

At the end of the game, the penalty stats are closely matched, but neither the number, nor the yardage, reflect how significantly penalties affected the game.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Last time I checked, there was no correlation between leading the league in penalties and a lack of success.

Why did the OP bother mentioning the stat, if he was not suggesting otherwise?

We see it all the time, when it appears that refs are steering. They call penalties at critical times against one team, and largely meaningless penalties against the other team.

At the end of the game, the penalty stats are closely matched, but neither the number, nor the yardage, reflect how significantly penalties affected the game.
The only thing the OP mentioned about our penalty ranking is that was an indication that we're doing something wrong. He did not corelate it with a lack of success. He can speak for himself as to why he mentioned it, but what I took away from it is that it's one of those controllable factors in a game that if corrected, could give us a better chance of being successful and/or prevent us from losing a game in part due to a stupid penalty at the worst time.

And please, let's not go down another conspiracy theory rabbit hole about the refs steering games.
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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA

Seattle's penalties are scrutinized because they're 8-7 fighting for a wild card. It sticks out more when the team is close to .500 , losing winnable games (at times) and squeaking by in the games we think they're going to win easily.

2013 Michael Bennett seemed like he got 2 neutral zone infractions per game.

Didn't matter.
I was at a game where Michael Bennett lined up offside twice on two successive plays.

One of the more overlooked aspects of Walter Jones' career was that in the over 5,500 passing plays he was involved in, he was called for holding just 9 times. That's .75 holding penalties per season. He had as many Pro Bowl appearances as he had holding penalties.

If that's not evidence that penalties are a factor in player performance and vis-a-vis team success, I don't know what is. For a team that gets more than their fair share of penalties, it's a legitimate topic for us to discuss when we're looking for ways we can improve.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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Playing on the edge is one thing, but not being able to control your emotions after the play is over, knowing that other teams are trying to bait you due to our reputation as being undisciplined, is total horse manure, and just perpetuates the reputation we have. Enough. Stop acting like children and do your job.