

New member
May 16, 2013
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Sacramento CA
This whole rivalry with the 9ers just seems so blown up by the media. It seems like fans read some article or hear some talking head hype up the grudge and fans buy into it. I get that we are in the same division and both teams have been good for a couple years, but it has only been a couple years. It seems to me like in the past it was one team or the other on top of the division. I may be rambling here, but it seems like the rivalry has been more hype until recently with the NFCCG. Am I wrong?


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May 5, 2009
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Northern CA
No the rivalry exists due to two very good football teams. It for me goes back to the days of the media automatically giving the niners the division every year then them losing. The march onto the field and get your butts soundly whipped game comes to mind. In my area you couldn't find a niner fan for years, now they suddenly exist again talking crap. I asked one how he felt about the niners draft he started out ok, finally asked what team I liked I informed him hawks. He decided to cuss me out in front of my 5 yr old daughter as well as go into the delusional video of how 49ers rightfully deserved championship game. I just walked away telling daughter that is how not to be a fan. The animosity can be real I prefer friendly banter.


Apr 30, 2009
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Seattle, WA
It's about as good of a rivalry as you're going to get in the NFL today, period. I don't understand the notion that you need to have multiple decades of back-and-forth between two teams before you have a proper rivalry. Is the outcome of a Cowboys-Redskins matchup more enticing, more heated, or more important this season than the outcome of a Seahawks-Niners game? I'd say no.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
49ers fans don't want to acknowledge that we're legit, so even if we knock them out of the next four consecutive NFCCGs, we still won't be a rival "like the Cowboys" to them. :roll:

That being said, it's legit, IMO.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Of course the media hypes up rivalries, but right now this is the best one in football.


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Jan 13, 2013
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What's important to remember is we, people in general, tend to like the "us vs them" mentality and some are more extreme in how they go about it than others (like the homerun's example of the 9er fan cussing him out in front of his daughter). This is because somewhere in our brains, there's a little bit of wiring there that literally sends out signals resulting in a pleasurable experience when we're doing something in favor of "us" and/or to the detriment of "them". It's tribalism and like guns, alcohol, drugs, motor vehicles, and every other thing many of us are glad to get our hands on, there are some who won't be using it right for the time being.


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Jun 16, 2014
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It's really a competition of which city can be the most "hipsterish" I think SF has us beat :(


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Mar 8, 2007
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Tonasket, WA to Temecula, CA
I lived in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley from 1986 to 2002.... and had to endure those pompus, smug, dismissive bastidges through all their glory years. Believe me, the rivalry is REAL for me...


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
The problem with how fans deal with rivalries is that it is easier to engage the enemy fans through social media. There most likely was just as much intense emotions against the enemy fans back in the day as there is now, but now you cannot escape one another. Still doesn't excuse folks that take it to the rival gang level of back and forth.

It should be a healthy and light-hearted banter between fan bases but now it is all about trying to intimidate one another.

Anyway, some of the current rivalry games that I find interesting:

Seahawks vs 49ers
Patriots vs Broncos (was Colts mainly because of the Manning/Brady debates)
Atlanta vs Saints (when both are healthy)
Packers vs Bears (since Sac says I am a closet Bears fan)
Steelers vs Ravens (losing its luster, especially with the Bengals coming on strong the past few years)
Old AFCW foes (division has been down but they seem to be turning it back around post-Tebow era).

If one of the other 3 NFCE teams rebounds, Eagles vs Boys/G-Men or Washington can be good drama. FOX needs them to pick it up, since the NFCE is FOX's bread and butter for ratings. The NFCN is entertaining but the NFCE is what drives the NFC ratings potential. AFCE has been brutal for awhile, other than the Pats but that is CBS's cash cow.


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Sep 4, 2014
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I actually have debated this with my cousin who is a Niners fan... While he acknowledges that it's as close to a rivalry as exists today, it doesn't compare with the rivalry shared with the Cowboys based on the 90s matchups where basically the NFCCG was the Superbowl... I would say that's a pretty accurate portrait. But time will tell if/when this rivalry approaches that level and it's certainly looking like it could...

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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falcongoggles":206it2df said:
For what it's worth, I still dislike Pittsburgh more


j/k...........I still hate the Broncos and Raiders more than the Niners, some old rivalry habits die hard. Not sure why but I never hated the Chargers, even back in the day? Their fans were always the most apathetic and lame, so it was hard to work up the energy to hate their team.


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Jan 20, 2014
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A year ago I was contacted by a past co-worker (9er fan, hardcore) who had taken on a regional position with a company and he was polite, kind and had a sincerity to him when he asked me to manage one of his locations. He offered me an absurd amount of money, benefits and retirement program. I took him up on the offer after 2 weeks deliberation. I put my two week notice in at my current job and a month after first contact began my new job and things were going swimmingly. After drug test, training, and a full week on the job he shows up at 5pm when my shift was finished on a friday. He called me over to him, asked me how everything was going to which I replied "great!!" He said look, I hate your guts, you always seemed to undercut me when we worked together and your Seahawks BS was annoying to the point where I couldnt stand to work there any longer and quite frankly I hate your guts.. he repeated himself about how much he hated me.. like he really hated me!!!


100% true story

So I said youre lucky we arent completely in private or I'd kick your ^%&%^-&^& So the POS calls security to escort me out..

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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Football is a game of personality these days. And for my money the two of the worst are Harbaugh and Kapenick. I could be a fan of any team and not like those guys. But I am sure the same can be said of some of our guys. I guess I might buy into some of the media stuff. But for me it is just entertainment. So I let myself be entertained. I root for the good guys (Seahawks) and hate the bad guys (everyone else). Why not.

P.S. There is some built in rivalry with the college past and now the way the two teams fight every game out (when we are not blowing them out) and same division and all. Similar team builds, and same division also help. So while I do believe there is some truth to the real rivalry this is the era of the media taking an ounce of truth and make it a pound.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
Here is my post in another thread......

In other news....Last year I was riding my motorcycle with my Hawk jersey on. Some of you may remember what happened, however, this guy tried to rip me off my bike, unsuccessfully I might add. Well, he had a 49er shirt on......

When I laid my bike down (the only time it has EVER been laid down) I was angrier than 10 Ray Rices in a dumbwaiter.....I kept my helmet on.....Went right up to him and headbutted his goofy face, followed that up with one of the best uppercuts I have ever landed. I waited for this guy to come around and said get out your wallet, and I made him pay for the broken mirror and light on my bike, and told him, Don't you EVER slight the Seahawks again EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, guess what, 30 minutes ago, I was making a right turn (on my bike again) Seahawk championship T-Shirt on, this dude that looks like he dropped out of a severe autism clinic yells...49er's DUDE, and throws a rock at me.

Guess what?...Lather, rinse , repeat.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I think it's a matter of both teams being very good at the same time, but also it has to do with style and philosophy.

If we were like the Holgmren Hawks, not as physical but great at execution it might be a bit different.

Both teams want to run the ball physically, and have punishing, physical defenses. Since both teams are both so similar, it makes it all the more contentious. Reminiscent of the Steelers/Ravens rivalry.


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Oct 11, 2012
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The Burbs in Lacey
Never really disliked them until t.o. did the sharpie thing
Never liked them ever since
I want to dismantle them three times this season


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
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BlueBlood":1hrktze6 said:
A year ago I was contacted by a past co-worker (9er fan, hardcore) who had taken on a regional position with a company and he was polite, kind and had a sincerity to him when he asked me to manage one of his locations. He offered me an absurd amount of money, benefits and retirement program. I took him up on the offer after 2 weeks deliberation. I put my two week notice in at my current job and a month after first contact began my new job and things were going swimmingly. After drug test, training, and a full week on the job he shows up at 5pm when my shift was finished on a friday. He called me over to him, asked me how everything was going to which I replied "great!!" He said look, I hate your guts, you always seemed to undercut me when we worked together and your Seahawks BS was annoying to the point where I couldnt stand to work there any longer and quite frankly I hate your guts.. he repeated himself about how much he hated me.. like he really hated me!!!


100% true story

So I said youre lucky we arent completely in private or I'd kick your ^%&%^-&^& So the POS calls security to escort me out..

So let me get this straight, this guy offered you a job with lots of money all on the pretense of getting you to quit your job so he could confront you and fire you?!


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Jan 20, 2014
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SeaWolv":5xhcyu44 said:
BlueBlood":5xhcyu44 said:
A year ago I was contacted by a past co-worker (9er fan, hardcore) who had taken on a regional position with a company and he was polite, kind and had a sincerity to him when he asked me to manage one of his locations. He offered me an absurd amount of money, benefits and retirement program. I took him up on the offer after 2 weeks deliberation. I put my two week notice in at my current job and a month after first contact began my new job and things were going swimmingly. After drug test, training, and a full week on the job he shows up at 5pm when my shift was finished on a friday. He called me over to him, asked me how everything was going to which I replied "great!!" He said look, I hate your guts, you always seemed to undercut me when we worked together and your Seahawks BS was annoying to the point where I couldnt stand to work there any longer and quite frankly I hate your guts.. he repeated himself about how much he hated me.. like he really hated me!!!


100% true story

So I said youre lucky we arent completely in private or I'd kick your ^%&%^-&^& So the POS calls security to escort me out..

So let me get this straight, this guy offered you a job with lots of money all on the pretense of getting you to quit your job so he could confront you and fire you?!

Yep, I even went to our former boss and told him, he and I had lost touch and didnt know how to contact me to warn me, but I saw an email exchange with all the evidence. I went to my lawyer and the department of labor and industires and filed paperwork to get the initial phase of the litigation process started when I was offered my dream job. JOSH LARSON the effing prick, was fired 3 months later and now works as a sales rep for a tabacco company! Josh Larson is on facebook, look up that weasel! Hes a niner fan and a little bastard. Short little bald Niner fan with a napoleon complex.