Taylor Swift

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Sep 16, 2012
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I agree that she is this generation's Madonna. And like Madonna, people will be listening to her music for decades to come. Personally, I like some of her songs and think they are very catchy. But then I like many styles of music and art and I'm pretty open minded in general. Much more so than I used to be. I don't understand the hate, although the politics angle mentioned above does make sense. Don't like her music? Then don't listen to it. Ignore her and move on. Easy.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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You don't have to like someone's music to still respect what they have accomplished. Every story I have heard about her as a person is that she's VERY cool. Esp. the way she treats people around her. And she's all about the fans, big time.

Taylor Swift has a negative impact on my life, though. I get in a car with some hot college girls, and they're like "hey, let's bump some music!"

So I'm like "hell yeah! Let's play some Buddy Holly albums!!"

And they're all like "what?" And then proceed to play Taylor Swift.

So my mood goes from pumped up and happy to "this sucks, I have to listen to Taylor Swift if I want to continue chilling with these girls. F*ck."


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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Federal Way, WA
Taylor Swift has a negative impact on my life, though. I get in a car with some hot college girls, and they're like "hey, let's bump some music!"

So I'm like "hell yeah! Let's play some Buddy Holly albums!!"

And they're all like "what?" And then proceed to play Taylor Swift.

So my mood goes from pumped up and happy to "this sucks, I have to listen to Taylor Swift if I want to continue chilling with these girls. F*ck."
Maybe try an artist from sometime between 1959 and 2007, with an emphasis on the 90s or more recent.


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Aug 30, 2014
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I'm sure you're folks thought your music was garbage as well. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I don't listen to Taylor Swift, but as a girl Dad of three, I've certainly had it as background music in my home and car for about 10 years now.

This is what I know. She's incredibly hard working and creative and has been since she was about 12. She writes all her songs and her lyrics resonate with people of all ages (but young girls particularly). Her songs tell stories that are easy to understand. They just happen to be wrapped in a style of music that rubs some the wrong way.

I've actually been to one of her concerts (not by choice), and I will say this. She performs likes she's scared. Scared that she will disappoint someone. Scared that someone will see her as a fraud. She brings everything, every night. She's not inherently cool, hip, or sexy, so she makes up for it with grit and hard work.

Do I tire of seeing her every 2 mins when I'm trying to watch football? Sure, it's a bit much for my liking. Does it bother me that she goes to games as a fan of someone she clearly likes? Nah, IDGAF, I hope she enjoys ball as much as I do.
Like you, I've got daughters (4 of them) who grew up with Swift as the soundtrack of their youth. And she still is, especially for my two youngest. My own tastes run from 60s folk to current prog metal, and Taylor certainly has her share of entries in my own playlist. I don't get the hate, except for a "Get off my lawn" attitude. As rjdriver said, she's paid her dues - started doing small concerts and literally driving with her Mom with demo tapes to play for music execs. When you watch some of her earlier concerts she kind of stands there after songs like she can't believe the crowd actually likes her. She's matured, obviously, in the past 15 years.

Maybe I'm just tuning it out, but they seem to have reduced the VIP box shots. Yeah, they'll still show her cheering for a few seconds when Kelce has a good play but we don't seem to get the overly gratuitous references like we were for a few weeks.


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Jan 6, 2014
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I think she's physically a beautiful woman but to each their own.
Talent wise her songs are catchy but her voice is just above average imo.
Personality wise I think she's very cool and down to earth. I really don't think the entertainment industry has changed her much, however her songs about break ups are a bit much.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Much of it is jealousy really. Someone is ultra successful, people wanna' shoot it down.

For me it's more like I don't like to see somebody be ultra successful unless they're doing something I like.

If you're some asshole working for the Russian government inventing a new way to wage biological warfare in the US, then I'm sorry, but I'm going to hate on you. If you're writing, recording, and performing music that sucks ass, then I'm sorry, but I'm going to hate on you. Not as much as the Russian guy, but to a reasonable scale.
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