Most hated Seahawk

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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The Boz for me.

No player had ever come to Seattle with more fanfare, hype and promise.......only to do nothing but never back any of it up.

People forget he was mad that he even had to come to Seattle, and did nothing but talk crap, write books and plan his movie career. All the while being utterly broken and not helping us win.

I know we all now have a soft spot for Boz now because he's become a good dude post career, and said nice things about his time here in Seattle. But while it was all going down? Dude was a colossal ass.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Well, despite his unquestioned talent as a RB Alexander was truly a 'me' player.

He was extraordinarily talented though.


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Jan 28, 2020
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Josh Brown and Chad Wheeler.

There isn't anything that a player or front office person could do football-wise that would engender close to the level of disdain that I have for those two.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I don't recall SA being that much of a "me" player. He sure fell off a cliff after he signed that huge contract, though. Ken Hamlin has to go on it, too, maybe not for pure dislike but for being an idiot. Sean Locklear beat up his girlfriend.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Well, despite his unquestioned talent as a RB Alexander was truly a 'me' player.

He was extraordinarily talented though.

Alexander was just ahead of his time. Now we praise players like Lockett, Russ, Mahomes, etc for ducking out of bounds or going down immediately before contact.

But back in Alexander's day running out of bounds before contact was considered soft. There's a reason there's like 4-5 premier backs in their prime right now getting cut and holding out for 2nd big contracts, they break and no one wants to pay them.

So was the Alexander hate justified? Or was he just smart.


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Mar 17, 2016
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Alexander was just ahead of his time. Now we praise players like Lockett, Russ, Mahomes, etc for ducking out of bounds or going down immediately before contact.

But back in Alexander's day running out of bounds before contact was considered soft. There's a reason there's like 4-5 premier backs in their prime right now getting cut and holding out for 2nd big contracts, they break and no one wants to pay them.

I regularly have not praised them for being soft. I absolutely do not like it. not playing sparkly unicorn farts ball here - playing football.

I never hated SA - and I think that the hate is overrated. He basically said (I think) that one they broke the offense, that if ‘you can’t protect me, I will’.

least that’s kinda my take on it.

as far as hated? Harvin. Mora. Branch. (braces for flak). Graham. Basically anyone who came here to goldbrick Or completely F up. loose definition, I know.

and As much as I’ve slagged Russ, and will continue to do so, and will continue to wish him losing - I am aware of the fact that his performance pre-yoko does win him a few credits.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I regularly have not praised them for being soft. I absolutely do not like it. not playing sparkly unicorn farts ball here - playing football.

I never hated SA - and I think that the hate is overrated. He basically said (I think) that one they broke the offense, that if ‘you can’t protect me, I will’.

I also think there's some RB toughness bias vs other positions where we praise players for being smart with contact.

But if there's one trend of the game going on right now that backs up everything I'm saying, it's the RB's break down before their 2nd contract. So like I said, Alexander knew this, and he got one of the biggest 2nd contracts ever handed out to a RB for his era.


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Jan 10, 2010
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Put their selves before the team with holdouts.


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Sep 15, 2015
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Sebastian Janikowski.

Remember his “let me get out of the way” and not make any effort to tackle or even slow down or stop the runner??

What a bum.

Jon Ryan would have tried to hit stick the returner.

You don’t necessarily need to be a “good/great” player, but you damn sure need to have some attitude and show effort when it comes to playing football.

You can get beat (and people will understand), just don’t backdown 100 percent. That’s the highest sin in football. That makes football fans angry.


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Mar 17, 2016
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Come on, I know there's a lot of bitterness about Russel, but isn't there a guy from out past that just made you irate?

For me it was Rick (PLEASE RETIRE) Mirer! God he was awful, but we were so committed to the mistaken pick.

Remember those glory days?

It was so long ago and he was so insignificant, there's little footage of the guy to be found.

I've got an ANTI hated surprise.

One of my favs back in the day: Joe Jurevicius

Do with that what you will!


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Sep 15, 2015
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Kam Chancellor did the same thing.
The Chancellor hold out thing has got to be more than a just a standard hold out, at least to me, now that I think about it.

I gotta think had Seattle won the Super Bowl, Chancellor, would have never held out.

Hear me on this.

I think symbolically, and possibly, Chancellor, holding out was a metaphor for the defense unraveling because of how Seattle lost that Super Bowl.

More or less, Chancellor, “took one for the defense” and held out cause the team took a loss in the biggest game of their lives, for no reason. Yes, for no reason.

Chancellor was the team head figure that “commanded” the most respect and he represented a still very angry team that wanted the front office and those that make the football decisions to understand, they may have lost the team.

I don’t know.

Like a deeper level meaning behind this hold out.

Since Chandellor was undeniably the leader of the team, he personally, took it upon himself to let the FO know, they really, really, screwed up.

I don’t know.

I just gotta think Chancellor held out for more reasons than just “money.”

That Super Bowl loss destroyed the team and the culture. And I gotta think Chancellor holding out may have been understood by more players in that locker room than we here on dot net could ever know. Those players probably understand why Chancellor did it to begin with.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Some old timers around here will remember my distain for Julius Jones. I was disgusted when they brought him in for a visit and was legit distraught when they signed him, it still upsets me to this day that the bum was on my team, wearing my favorite number.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Some old timers around here will remember my distain for Julius Jones. I was disgusted when they brought him in for a visit and was legit distraught when they signed him, it still upsets me to this day that the bum was on my team, wearing my favorite number.

We kinda had a run of has been or never was stinkers at RB post Alexander and pre Lynch.

Morris, Forsett, Jones.

I don't think Jones was here long enough for me to hate him. If we're going with most hated RB in Hawk's history, I'd probably pick Michaels. All the talent in the world, with a 2 cent head.