A picture says a thousand words. RW vs. Kap

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New member
Mar 7, 2012
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Seriously? A picture of Russell Wilson with Macklemore? WTF is that even supposed to mean? And a fashion shoot from GQ?

I challenged you to find me a picture of Russell Wilson flaunting wealth or his possessions, or posing in front of a bunch of clothing with his own name and image on it like a pompous twit. Those aren't his possessions, genius. Those are props in a fashion magazine shoot. Are you telling me that you can't tell the difference between reality and a magazine shoot?

Frankly, I don't understand why the mods allow you 49er trolls in here. Just yesterday, you're in here kissing our butts, talking about how crappy your team is playing. You get one win against a terrible team and suddenly, you're in here trolling like you just won the Superbowl.

Dude, live up to your promise and get gone. Seahawk fans don't care about the Niners, we own your team and you're not a threat. We don't care if you win or lose, we're up on you by 2.5 games and your next matchup is against the Texans, who are going to destroy what little remains of that fragile team of yours. Get the clue and get walking. You only look stupid when you wait around until you lose to go back into hiding.
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