Classy statement from Tom Cable



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Jan 1, 2018
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And here's the one from Darrell Bevell:


Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Good men.

Wish them the best moving forward. Sports is a tough business. While it didnt work out in the end here, these two will find employment soon.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Bobblehead":zmyljfnr said:


Considering the domestic violence allegations against him at the time, Cable was actually lucky to get the job in Seattle. In the current environment, I doubt that happens.

But good luck to him. In some ways, I think he was dealt a bad hand.


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Jan 1, 2018
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The Cowboys OL regressed a lot this season, but they still have a whole lot of talent upfront. Dallas uses zone blocking a majority of the time, but also use a lot of man.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I notice neither of them thank the fans, lol. Not that I would expect them to.

This is entertainment. A sport. A game. In that regard as human beings I am sure they are both good guys and I wish them and their families all the success and good luck in their future endeavors.


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Nov 21, 2016
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hawknation2018":60h5i5tp said:
Bobblehead":60h5i5tp said:


Considering the domestic violence allegations against him at the time, Cable was actually lucky to get the job in Seattle. In the current environment, I doubt that happens.

But good luck to him. In some ways, I think he was dealt a bad hand.

When he was with the Raiders, Cable broke the jaw of one one of his assistants. Dude has an anger mgmt problem. Yes he was dealt a bad hand in the quality of players he had to work with here. But he's still a jerk in many ways.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Tusc2000":314w8o9n said:
When he was with the Raiders, Cable broke the jaw of one one of his assistants. Dude has an anger mgmt problem. Yes he was dealt a bad hand in the quality of players he had to work with here. But he's still a jerk in many ways.

I guess I never felt bad for that assistant because I assumed it was instigated in some way by the assistant, who is now out of coaching due to his own assault charges (drunkenly smashing a bottle over someone's head).


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Mar 3, 2007
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Enumclaw, WA
Tusc2000":153stwt8 said:
hawknation2018":153stwt8 said:
Bobblehead":153stwt8 said:


Considering the domestic violence allegations against him at the time, Cable was actually lucky to get the job in Seattle. In the current environment, I doubt that happens.

But good luck to him. In some ways, I think he was dealt a bad hand.

When he was with the Raiders, Cable broke the jaw of one one of his assistants. Dude has an anger mgmt problem. Yes he was dealt a bad hand in the quality of players he had to work with here. But he's still a jerk in many ways.

That was always the excuse for him, however Seattle drafted a league high 16 OL (I dont think that includes DL conversions) since 2011. Cable was a big part of scouting those guys and free agents like Joeckel and that schlub we signed to play LT last year. He was responsible for the quality of players AND their coaching. Along with being in charge of the run game (he actually scouted Mike Davis when he was coming out of the draft to.)


Active member
Sep 7, 2017
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Holy crap, I thought you guys made this all up.

Talk about mixed emotions, relief but then... who's the new coaches gonna be?


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Tusc2000":s2o1mocm said:
hawknation2018":s2o1mocm said:
Bobblehead":s2o1mocm said:


Considering the domestic violence allegations against him at the time, Cable was actually lucky to get the job in Seattle. In the current environment, I doubt that happens.

But good luck to him. In some ways, I think he was dealt a bad hand.

When he was with the Raiders, Cable broke the jaw of one one of his assistants. Dude has an anger mgmt problem. Yes he was dealt a bad hand in the quality of players he had to work with here. But he's still a jerk in many ways.

Quality of players??

Does that mean you don’t think he played a role in acquiring those players?

And, I’m with Roland on this. It’s kind of a boxed response, and I doubt it’s truly from his heart.

Respectful non the less.


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
Ditto, what you said, both class acts and it's true that at this level of the game that being good at what you do is simply not enough, you have to excel in what you do, above and beyond what all your other counter parts are able to bring to the table.

Darrell Bevell is a frigging genius, I've listened to him speak a couple of times over the years about what is involved in doing the job he was given to do for the Seahawks, it's not just X's and O's, there are all kinds of complex calculations that go into each and every play you send in and even on a good day the chances of success are not in your favor.

I don't think that as long as Darrell lives he will ever live down that play call that resulted in the loss of our Super Bowl Championship, and has been deemed the dumbest play call in the history of the NFL. In his defense I've seen numerous other OC's call that same play, in that same situation, many times since, and a lot of times they have succeeded with it. Just as many times they have not and it's ended the same as our game ended.

I guess I wasn't aware that Tom Cable was a native of the Northwest and the Seattle area. I missed that detail in his hire. I take tremendous pride in being a Native of the Pacific Northwest, and a decedent of some of the folks who settled the Northwest back in the days when we were still just a territory, a great many of my ancestors came across in wagons and on horseback following the Oregon trail, in pursuit of opportunities for a better life for themselves and their families, long before Washington, and Oregon were considered for statehood. I have visited the grave sites of many of my ancestors, who died in the Indian Wars, literally sacrificing their lives, in order to give their families and all the others that would follow, the possibilities of a better life than the ones they were leaving behind back east.

The fact that Tom Cable is a product of the Pacific Northwest, explains why he is the class act that he is. This part of the country, produces some pretty fine people as a whole. Tom, in my humble opinion, gave the Seattle Seahawks, the very best he had, as was the case with Darrell Bevell. In the end, it simply proved not to be enough, to take the team where we need to go.

Hopefully Tom Cable will find another position with another team out there that can make use of his immense experience and knowledge, if in fact, that is what he chooses to do at this stage of his life. I could easily visualize Tom taking over as a head coach, with another NFL team, and if he were to surround himself with capable people, he certainly possesses enough knowledge and understanding of the game to perhaps assemble a real force to be reconned with in either division.

At his age, however, if he already has bought a home in the Seattle area, and is contemplating retirement instead, I'd welcome him to come join all of us other 12th men in the stadium come game time. He'd certainly be welcomed and appreciated by most everyone there, with the exception of a few of his most ardent critics lol.

I'm not one of them. I really appreciated everything Tom did in his time with the team, and everything he tried to do to help them Seahawks succeed, for whatever the reasons were, he just couldn't seem to get the job done, a lot of folks recognized that, and I'm sure he did to. He's been around the pros for a good long time and knows the drill, I'm sure his dismissal came as no real surprise to him. Whether your a player or a coach, it makes no difference, being good isn't good enough, you got to be great and if your not, your looking for another job in short period of time.

I wish the very best to both Tom Cable and Darrell Bevell, and wish them both much success in their futures, no matter where they go, or what they choose to do with their lives and their talents going forward from here. Their contributions, like it or not, provided for some really exciting football and some special memories for all of. I still cringe and feel that horrible pain down deep in my heart, when I see the reply of that final play of the Super Bowl.

I won't pretend to say that I would have done any better, Marshawn was playing injured and not having a bunch of success against the Patriots that day, they had just prevented him from scoring moments before that fateful call, but it was my birthday, I was in Disney World with my wife, daughter and grand-kids and up and until that moment in time, it was the most perfect day of my life, and then "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!", in an instant, it felt like someone had punched me in the gut, I couldn't catch my breath, I wanted to cry and felt like I was going to pass out or puke or maybe both.

I'm an old Army Grunt (Infantryman), I don't faint, I don't puke and I don't cry (very often lol), but on that day in that brief moment in time, I was at my absolute lowest point in life that I could remember before or since. I was filled with a real sadness, not so much for myself, but for the entire Seahawks Team. They had all given everything they had to win that game and had it won if not for that play call and what followed. Call it Dumb, Call it Stupid, Call it Fate, whatever it was it gutted every single Seahawk on that field, in that stadium and around the world watching that game at that moment, and I don't think that even after all this time, that any of us have fully recovered from that day.

Perhaps the changes that are underway will help us all to put that behind us and to revive that old Seahawk 12th man magic that always seem to appear on the field when we needed it the most and that seemed to have abandoned us from that moment on. Like Doug Baldwin said recently, the difference between now and then was that "things just didn't bounce our way like they had in past years". Some called it Seahawk Luck, I called it Seahawk Magic. Whatever it was or is, we need to get it back, and maybe these changes will help to bring that about. Doug also said in that press conference that he wished he could say what he really thought the problem was but that he couldn't. I would love to ask him to share his thoughts on the matter with all of us "off the record".

Doug if your reading this post, PM me your thoughts, I'll shoulder them, and take all the credit and or all the crap, that might come my way from sharing whatever you might have to say. Of all the people associated with the Seahawks team, short of Paul Allen maybe, and only because there wouldn't be a Seattle Seahawks team were it not for Paul Allen, I respect Doug Baldwin, more than any person associated with the team. That doesn't go to say that I don't hold immense respect for many others, and give a great deal of weight to what they have to share as well, but Doug, more so than many others has always impressed me as being a straight shooter, and is thoughtful and articulate in what he has to share, not to mention almost always dead on accurate.

Go Seahawks!


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Jan 8, 2013
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Judas Priest, loooong post Stopped at Bevell is a genius.



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Jul 10, 2009
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I never celebrate someone losing their job, but this needed to be done. Bevel never seemed to make the best use of the talent he was provided, and Cable never was able to turn any of the o-line players we drafted for him into players who were anything more than marginal. His biggest success, Britt, was a bust at tackle and guard. If you can't make do with what you are provided it is time to move on. I don't think either one will be out of football long, it hasn't been long since both were considered for HCing positions. I wouldn't be surprised if Bevel end up in Carolina considering his history with Wilson. To be honest if Carol was retiring I'd kind of be okay if Cable became HC, his firing in Oakland never made sense, I'd just be concerned about his nose for talent.


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Aug 31, 2012
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razor150":3p62wfnp said:
I never celebrate someone losing their job, but this needed to be done. Bevel never seemed to make the best use of the talent he was provided, and Cable never was able to turn any of the o-line players we drafted for him into players who were anything more than marginal. His biggest success, Britt, was a bust at tackle and guard. If you can't make do with what you are provided it is time to move on. I don't think either one will be out of football long, it hasn't been long since both were considered for HCing positions. I wouldn't be surprised if Bevel end up in Carolina considering his history with Wilson. To be honest if Carol was retiring I'd kind of be okay if Cable became HC, his firing in Oakland never made sense, I'd just be concerned about his nose for talent.

Don’t lose too much sleep over these guys getting fired. They’re still getting all the guaranteed money in their contract.


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Dec 26, 2014
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Cool, he wrote a nice public note to his former employer to tell other people he's a good guy. I.E. SOMEONE PLEASE hire me.