Did Pete Just Lose the Team?


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
WestcoastSteve":pw9koz0w said:
The line played a lot better in the second half.

The offensive coaches made good adjustments.

Also we saw Russ step up in the pocket which was nice.
Maybe the line played better in the second half because we were running outside the tackles more, and spreading out the receivers more, so that the 49ers defense couldn't bunch up near the middle of the line of scrimmage as much. We almost always make great halftime adjustments. My issue is that we wait until halftime to do it.

Look at the first halves of games for the year and see how often Russell throws more than 10 yards down the field outside of play action. I bet it's a either the lowest percentage in the league, or at least in the lowest few. Then look at the second half tonight; how many times did we target Lockett and Metcalf greater than 10 yards down the field, NOT on play action? A bunch.

It's the same old story. If we can't establish running vanilla play calls between the tackles pretty much right off the bat, then we are mostly ineffective on offense until the second half. I'll bust out a Beauty and the Beast quote to sum it up: it's a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme. At least, under Pete Carroll. When we had an elite defense, it was an effective tactic. Without an elite defense, however...well, look at how many one-score games we had this year. It's been a great season, but we're half a dozen plays away from being half a dozen wins fewer. That's not sustainable.


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Dec 1, 2009
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chris98251":fpudo1ay said:
NFSeahawks628":fpudo1ay said:
Optimus25":fpudo1ay said:
I think we just showed life for the first time in three weeks.

How can you not be optimistic?. We just took the #2 team in the nfl to the .0002 inch line!

And there should have been a PI call to give us a sb 48 redo.

The future is bright, pass the shades.

We will beat Philly.

How can you be optimistic, lost the divison at home, showed no life for an entire half, per nomral.
No clock management per normal. Man give me some of what you're smoking.

I mean I hope we win it all but objectively speaking I just don't see how you see that other than being a biased Seahawk fan.

It's obvious you don't really like the Seahawks after watching this game, all the injuries overcoming those and playing within 3 inches of a Win with a patch work of players and you say your embarrassed by them.

I'm embarrassed that we have site members that offer these type of opinions, the typical fair weather type of fan.

Naw man... They are bandwagon fans LMAO!!

It's amazing to me we have one of the winningest coaches in the NFL that creates teams that make the playoffs 80% of the time... and that's not good enough?

These coaches and players play at such a high level they put in to question what it means to be human... The fans expect perfection and that is impossible! It's not going to happen.

So no matter if the Hawks are winning big or losing a few games there are always going to be some homer that is going to find the negative and demand change...So what do I have to say to that? We have a Homer already(not what I described) and we are not afraid to use him LMFAO!!!!! Hell of a job Travis!!

I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's game even though the Hawks Lost. The showed more heart and soul tonight in a 1 inch loss than was EVER expected from anyone against the Niners who are a better football team (at least tonight) than the Hawks... a healthier football team...

To the Seahawks ; Damn proud of you guys tonight!! you played well and surpassed expectations... Time to put this one behind you and move on to the playoffs where everyone starts at 0-0.. Thank you guys for the entertainment I really enjoyed the game!!



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Apr 17, 2012
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SeahawksCanuck":9ue4sfzk said:
So what's the answer for a good coach who can't think on his feet? What might help is having someone extremely analytics minded standing next to Pete to help him manage the clock, know what to do on fourth down, etc. Some of it comes down to Pete himself needing to show more discipline and stick with a decision, but I do wonder if he isn't getting the help he needs in these situations?

Not bad for a Canuck and a rookie at that. Aren't you supposed to be picking up your kid from lacrosse practice or something? And what the hell is this 4th down thing these Yanks keep talking about? Everyone knows there are only 3 downs in pointy football.

Anyway, Pete has now hosed 2 MAJOR end of game goal-line last-minute game winning situations. This one was actually a minor one in comparison to the other one, though.

I have to think that, especially after tonight, Pete is now getting lots of this kind of feedback from INSIDE the organization. and having flubbed this twice, is now going to seriously consider this option, of having an Analytics QC coach whose primary job is to buzz down a few options for Pete and Schotty to choose from in critical situations.

However, IMO, the brain-dead obvious call in this situation is for Pete to simply put the playcall in Russell's hands, and not try to change the personnel groupings when there is no margin for error, e.g., no timeouts, tackled on field of play = game over, etc.

It would sure help if the coaching staff gave Russell one series a half or so to do this with, to run no-huddle, etc. I know they experimented with this in preseason a bit.


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Feb 6, 2010
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RolandDeschain":1zodlxnn said:
WestcoastSteve":1zodlxnn said:
The line played a lot better in the second half.

The offensive coaches made good adjustments.

Also we saw Russ step up in the pocket which was nice.
Maybe the line played better in the second half because we were running outside the tackles more, and spreading out the receivers more, so that the 49ers defense couldn't bunch up near the middle of the line of scrimmage as much. We almost always make great halftime adjustments. My issue is that we wait until halftime to do it.

Look at the first halves of games for the year and see how often Russell throws more than 10 yards down the field outside of play action. I bet it's a either the lowest percentage in the league, or at least in the lowest few. Then look at the second half tonight; how many times did we target Lockett and Metcalf greater than 10 yards down the field, NOT on play action? A bunch.

It's the same old story. If we can't establish running vanilla play calls between the tackles pretty much right off the bat, then we are mostly ineffective on offense until the second half. I'll bust out a Beauty and the Beast quote to sum it up: it's a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme. At least, under Pete Carroll. When we had an elite defense, it was an effective tactic. Without an elite defense, however...well, look at how many one-score games we had this year. It's been a great season, but we're half a dozen plays away from being half a dozen wins fewer. That's not sustainable.

It’s a super competitive league. How many 1 score games did sFO win.

Your a smart guy, you know that the shinners are trolling this thread, right?


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Apr 17, 2012
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chris98251":23tsr8o9 said:
You don't lose a team when you take responsibility, Pete did that, throwing a player or Coach under the bus (cough cough) Bevell and you lose your team and the teams respect for you.

Pete lose the team? Ridiculous, absurd, that anyone would draw that conclusion. If anything, today's game brought the team even closer together. Totally concur with your coughing fit. It's been an open wound for a long time and never really addressed by Bevell taking responsibility for his brain dead situational awareness, relying on Kearse to push Browner several yards downfield.

Tonight, I think Pete was trying too hard to follow the script for Marshawn to run in the division-winning TD, and that's what cost us. It was a bonehead blunder on Pete's part. We would have been so much better off throwing an incomplete pass with the same personnel grouping and then going 3rd down pass and 4th down run-pass option, if needed.

We can only hope that Pete re-evaluates the coaching version of "Always Compete" as it applies to his game-time choices, and looks at the kinds of things John Harbaugh of the Ravens is doing. Tonight's fiasco may force the issue.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Nobody cares about almost.

They lost a game they had to have because they were stupid. They made stupid mistakes. They put themselves in a position to lose a game by a bad call. They refused to even bother with attempting to let Wilson score TDs in the first half.

Instead, they did dumb things like running Lynch out there, but never passing with him on the field. Essentially tipping the 49ers off to the play before the whistle snapped. Why? To be cute, but instead just being stupid.

Pete's days of being the better coach are behind him. Due to the nature of his approach, he will pile up decent regular-season records for a while. And I have to assume he will beat the Eagles, but when the games stop being wildcard games - he hasn't done anything but disappoint since he blew the 2nd SuperBowl with the worst call ever in SB history.

He's old. Old people generally don't get better at the profession they have been in for decades. They might stay competitive for a while. But the peak was long ago. We are on the slow slide downwards right now. Even Russell Wilson playing miracle ball cannot completely stem that tide.


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Dec 19, 2018
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TwistedHusky":11ozd319 said:
Nobody cares about almost.

They lost a game they had to have because they were stupid. They made stupid mistakes. They put themselves in a position to lose a game by a bad call. They refused to even bother with attempting to let Wilson score TDs in the first half.

Instead, they did dumb things like running Lynch out there, but never passing with him on the field. Essentially tipping the 49ers off to the play before the whistle snapped. Why? To be cute, but instead just being stupid.

Pete's days of being the better coach are behind him. Due to the nature of his approach, he will pile up decent regular-season records for a while. And I have to assume he will beat the Eagles, but when the games stop being wildcard games - he hasn't done anything but disappoint since he blew the 2nd SuperBowl with the worst call ever in SB history.

He's old. Old people generally don't get better at the profession they have been in for decades. They might stay competitive for a while. But the peak was long ago. We are on the slow slide downwards right now. Even Russell Wilson playing miracle ball cannot completely stem that tide.

Ahhhhhhhh I agree


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Nov 8, 2019
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Seahawlnut89":ohcnfzoq said:
I am not all doom and gloom, but a loss like that has the potential to linger into next week.

I think Pete and Russ might of just lost the team. There was no excuse for that delay of game.

I will be interested to see what team shows up next week.

After this week I am scared the Eagles will win next week. We are all banged up and Lynch got less then 3 yards per carry. Hope there are no more stuff ups resulting in delayed plays. Angry


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Apr 17, 2012
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Eagles are probably more banged up than we are. And we may get Q. Diggs back.
And we'll have 2 healthy backs who still have some good NFL-level ball in them. Maybe 3.


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May 19, 2017
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The delay of game was bad, but Pete was trying to do the whole story book ending with Lynch but his lack of situational awareness struck again. Pete wasnt prepared for it. As bad as the delay of game was, I was more upset with the play after the penalty. Seriously, thats what you came up with after a timeout? Also, the defense is just a joke. I cant over emphasize how bad it is. Regardless of how well the offense does, the team wont be going very far with that defense.


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Nov 21, 2016
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TwistedHusky":3mus7f50 said:
Nobody cares about almost.

They lost a game they had to have because they were stupid. They made stupid mistakes. They put themselves in a position to lose a game by a bad call. They refused to even bother with attempting to let Wilson score TDs in the first half.

Instead, they did dumb things like running Lynch out there, but never passing with him on the field. Essentially tipping the 49ers off to the play before the whistle snapped. Why? To be cute, but instead just being stupid.

Pete's days of being the better coach are behind him. Due to the nature of his approach, he will pile up decent regular-season records for a while. And I have to assume he will beat the Eagles, but when the games stop being wildcard games - he hasn't done anything but disappoint since he blew the 2nd SuperBowl with the worst call ever in SB history.

He's old. Old people generally don't get better at the profession they have been in for decades. They might stay competitive for a while. But the peak was long ago. We are on the slow slide downwards right now. Even Russell Wilson playing miracle ball cannot completely stem that tide.

You don't know what on earth you're talking about. Most coaches would have freaked out if they got hit with a penalty like that and would have either began screaming at someone or stood their with their mouths agape. Pete was calm, even had a little smile on his face and the team re-focused. They came within INCHES OF WINNING THAT GAME. Without Pete, this team wouldn't get to 11-4 and the playoffs.Take your negativity and your stupidity somewhere else. Your disappointment is your own.


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Sep 11, 2011
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The philly game will come down to whether Wilson can overcome our coaching. Been that way for a long time. We also need to have an average performance from the defense.


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Feb 1, 2015
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Looks like we've reached the moral victory stage of the season.

1. Cautious optimism
2. We're gonna win the Superbowl
3. Anger, once the team lays an egg
5. Resignation
6. Moral Victory
7. Just go ahead and start the offseason already


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Mar 5, 2007
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Seahawlnut89":g2p0tmue said:
jammerhawk":g2p0tmue said:
To the OP, GTFOOH, yes the staff screwed up by delivering the pay late, but this is a normal reality. The team is on to Philly.

Te team is all in and Marshawn was just barely warmed but would have punched it in, but for the game changing S-L-O-W play call from the coaching staff. Pete admitted fault yet that slow call which has been a season long feature cost the team a shot at a Divisional Championship.

It clearly is time for a few coaching changes and faster O is a must.

You acknowledge that the coaching staff screwed up. I am simply questioning how the team will responds to admitted coaching mistakes.

I don't understand the hostility.

No hostility my friend just think you are really wrong. My Italian GTFOOH witnesses. Pete still has the team but the stupid coaching mistakes are happening more often lately.

Frankly that mistake with no TOs left pissed me off and i was angry that any team could be so stupid or any coaching staff so stupid. These ridiculous mistakes re starting to pile up on Pete and he needs to hold his coordinators responsible or speed up his game responses.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Seatooter":3v36s1mn said:
Seahawlnut89":3v36s1mn said:
I am not all doom and gloom, but a loss like that has the potential to linger into next week.

I think Pete and Russ might of just lost the team. There was no excuse for that delay of game.

I will be interested to see what team shows up next week.

After this week I am scared the Eagles will win next week. We are all banged up and Lynch got less then 3 yards per carry. Hope there are no more stuff ups resulting in delayed plays. Angry

Lynch got exactly what most should expect he would get. Somewhere behind Rawls in ability to make yards. As it turns out, getting cute with Lynch at the 1 ended up likely costing us the game because he wasn't even ready to play ball. :roll:

Exactly the circus act outcome myself and others predicted before the game sadly enough.

That said, I don't think he loses the team. This is nothing new. He is a very sloppy coach at times and this is normal for him. Is what it is. Pete is no situational whiz when it comes to making big calls in big moments. He challenges ridiculous plays then misses game winners like the hold in the endzone on a game winner.

This happens because he is too emotional. The emotion also has upside keep in mind.


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Sep 13, 2009
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chris98251":2ho06z0g said:
NFSeahawks628":2ho06z0g said:
Optimus25":2ho06z0g said:
I think we just showed life for the first time in three weeks.

How can you not be optimistic?. We just took the #2 team in the nfl to the .0002 inch line!

And there should have been a PI call to give us a sb 48 redo.

The future is bright, pass the shades.

We will beat Philly.

How can you be optimistic, lost the divison at home, showed no life for an entire half, per nomral.
No clock management per normal. Man give me some of what you're smoking.

I mean I hope we win it all but objectively speaking I just don't see how you see that other than being a biased Seahawk fan.

It's obvious you don't really like the Seahawks after watching this game, all the injuries overcoming those and playing within 3 inches of a Win with a patch work of players and you say your embarrassed by them.

I'm embarrassed that we have site members that offer these type of opinions, the typical fair weather type of fan.

I don’t like participation trophies, poor discipline, poor coaching and slow starts. I want to see good football for 4 quarters. Pete has a gaffe nearly every game if not every game, thats lack of discipline.

I won’t even give my thoughts on Hollister not trying a little harder to score. He made a “business decision”.


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Apr 14, 2010
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NFSeahawks628":373a1vpb said:
I won’t even give my thoughts on Hollister not trying a little harder to score. He made a “business decision”.
And yet you just did. Your conclusion is ridiculous imo.

We lost this game because we were without Duane Brown, Chris Carson, Rashaad Penny, Will Dissly and Justin Britt... combined with the Niners having George Kittle back, who did not play when we won in OT.


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Feb 25, 2010
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Camano Island, WA
NOTE: This post has been deleted 5/22/20, ------- this comes after multiple unprovoked attacks on me by the asshole acer1240. I will never post here again. This site has officially gone to hell & I'll never return.

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