Disappointed so far


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Oct 2, 2012
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We seemed to be slowly spending our $60mil in cap space or whatever it was on scrubs. I guess Im the type that prefers to buy one or two really nice things versus a ton of trash. Now we are left with hoping we resign Clowney but even if we do how have we improved our Dline? Hope they don't expect different results with the same group.

I certainly hope there is more to this offseason and we can bring in some star power. If you look at the Hawks roster there isn't much to get excited about in terms of true elite talent anymore. Can you imagine where we would be without the best QB in the league? Put just an average guy like Kirk Cousins and we are 8-8 if lucky with the talent we have.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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I think the O-line loves have been solid.

There is still plenty of time, and I don't think Clowney is the only top tier D lineman they are looking at, and neither will he or whomever they get at the level be the only d line addition.

And then there is the draft.


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Nov 28, 2010
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This certainly was the offseason to start being aggressive with player acquisition. They did a great job shedding pricey veteran contacts and refreshing the draft pool over the past two years but after a nice little playoff run on mostly the back of Russell, its clear where they need to improve. Russell was the most vocal I'd seen about wanting more talent around him this year and they've really only added depth with possibly some starters on the OL. It seems the stalemate with Clowney is holding this up and they haven't addressed the glaring issue at DL. I hope they aren't trying to get cute and ultimately lose out on him over a few million.

Other teams in a similar spot to the Seahawks have been aggressive so far, we have not. Unless PC/JS feel the DL isn't as bad as we do and think they can coach them up to be better...


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Oct 8, 2012
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ImTheScientist":1hdeuj7r said:
We seemed to be slowly spending our $60mil in cap space or whatever it was on scrubs. I guess Im the type that prefers to buy one or two really nice things versus a ton of trash. Now we are left with hoping we resign Clowney but even if we do how have we improved our Dline? Hope they don't expect different results with the same group.

I certainly hope there is more to this offseason and we can bring in some star power. If you look at the Hawks roster there isn't much to get excited about in terms of true elite talent anymore. Can you imagine where we would be without the best QB in the league? Put just an average guy like Kirk Cousins and we are 8-8 if lucky with the talent we have.

The $50-60 mil was gross cap space and did not account for Draft reserves or signing of the 20+ players that need new contracts this season. The real cap space is around $15-$20 mil, but some more can be made available by cutting some expendable players.

So far, I feel that there has been improvement, but agree it has not been "splashy" enough to generate overly large amount of optimism.

3 OL that might help
Bruce Irvin was a decent signing.
TE might not be a large issue next season, though blocking TE's might.

I feel that the OL was the main improvement needed on the offense with a concern at TE and there has been changes in both spots. Only time will tell if they were enough.

The DL was the biggest weakness for the defense last season. The DBs were ok, but struggled when there was no help in the way of pressure on the opposing QBs. I think Irvin will improve this situation, but there is still room for improvement. Maybe the draft will provide help and, if not, maybe a trade after the draft....or who knows, maybe we are not done with FA signings.


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Nov 21, 2011
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It has been. I thought Dline would be a FA fix and Oline would be a draft fix. If they draft D and replace players that they feel underachieved Im okay with it. Very few players on the D deserves to be rewarded with contracts or security.


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Jun 30, 2012
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In terms of specific deals, the only one that makes me wonder is Bulaga, 3 yrs 30 mill. That's a great price for a top tier OT, even one with an injury history. Would have loved for the Hawks to go for him at that price. Maybe Chris Harris too, 2 yrs 17 mill. Pop him in the slot and that's a meaningul upgrade on the back end.

Attyla the Hawk

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Mar 11, 2013
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Not terribly disappointed here.

We still have our bad contracts. The ones that expired were generally ok/good deals. So in my mind, we were always about back filling in the depth that was either leaving or expired.

The bummer of it is, the Fant and Ifedi deals aren't going to turn into 4th round comp picks. We're way over in net additions right now. Even if Clowney signs elsewhere, we're not getting a comp pick as it stands now. I just hope that the guarantees for Ogbuehi and Shell are sufficiently small that we have the option to drop them if a street FA/draft pick comes along. Because quite literally, we 'traded' for Ogbuehi and Shell by virtue of costing comp picks. And those guys are not worth 4th round picks AND their fair market value.

If we're going to backfill depth, do it without costing draft capital. Pick up any generic cap casualty along the way. The only new addition I see as making sense is Finney.


Nov 27, 2019
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Ranch in Flint Hills of Kansas, formerly NW Montan
The remaining FA talent pool is seriously watered down, so it would appear that FA is not what we're depending on as the answer to our needs.
Get the Clowney thing settled, bring on the draft, and then we'll know where we're at heading into a 'may be' season.
One thing that is clear to me is that we have a tremendous asset in Wilson, but adding to the burden he is carrying is not the way to get us where we want to be faster.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
If you're disappointed now, you probably had excessively high expectations. This ain't Madden, and it ain't Fantasy Football. I hope the Clowney situation works out favorably for the team, he'd be a great asset. But I'm not gonna kick my virtual dog over the FA 'success' of the team.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA

And there are still a lot of moves to be made league-wide: trades, releases, FA signings, draft. Point is outcome is far from determined yet.

King Dog

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Aug 9, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
Russell Wilson says Seahawks need more 'superstars' in free agency

John Schneider


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
The front office does this every year, so I don't understand someone being bummed. We're in the salary cap era with an elite and highly paid QB.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Same complaints every single year. Meh, let em do their jobs. It's March 20th, this is just getting started. Plenty of FA left, guys will be released, trade possibilities, the draft and all the salary related cuts later on...….

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I'm certainly not overwhelmed, but so far I like our signings.

- Olsen addressed a veteran dependable and still productive TE need so we can ease Dissly back into form
- Irvin addressed a versatile pass rush DE need, who can also play LB
- Shell and Finney fill O-line competition and depth roles for both guard and center spots
- Reed addressed much needed interior playmaker who with a full camp should be at LEAST somewhat back to 2018 form

Hopefully adding Clowney and 1-2 other impact signings should be a solid off season before addressing the other needs with what, five picks in the first three rounds?

So far I'd give our off season a solid B.


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Apr 30, 2009
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ImTheScientist":207w8k3k said:
We seemed to be slowly spending our $60mil in cap space or whatever it was on scrubs. I guess Im the type that prefers to buy one or two really nice things versus a ton of trash. Now we are left with hoping we resign Clowney but even if we do how have we improved our Dline? Hope they don't expect different results with the same group.

I certainly hope there is more to this offseason and we can bring in some star power. If you look at the Hawks roster there isn't much to get excited about in terms of true elite talent anymore. Can you imagine where we would be without the best QB in the league? Put just an average guy like Kirk Cousins and we are 8-8 if lucky with the talent we have.
Role players, not scrubs. Haha.

Plus, there are just TOO MANY spots to fill to make multiple splashy signings. A lot of our cap is gone because we have to field a whole team...not just a few positions.


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Jan 28, 2020
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I don't see how either line won't be a bottom tier unit again. Disappointing approach to Russ's prime.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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KinesProf":22gi2wgj said:
I don't see how either line won't be a bottom tier unit again. Disappointing approach to Russ's prime.

Weird to say on March 20th. Free agency is three days old and the draft, training camp and the beginning of the season hasn't even happened yet.

I assume all fan bases are like this, impatient and irrational when free agency starts..........but holy moly people, the season's just begun.

Post this opinion on August 20th, not March 20th.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
I think they have played it fairly smart.

Too many people got suckered into that "60 million" in cap space thing that was thrown around but, (1) it was never that much in true cap space and, (2) we had to refill half the roster, so we were never going to be big spenders in FA, anyways.

When has this front office ever been very aggressive in first wave FA deals?? If anything, their big moves have always been trades. Those could still happen.

Based on the current available space remaining, I would guess they have a contingency to jettison the likes of Britt, Wright (I know, I know), Thompson (who has already been given permission to seek a trade), Hill, etc., if they are able to swing a deal for a front line player.

As it stands right now - without Clowney (and now Q Jeff) and still with Ken Norton as D coord (for some reason), this defense looks to be set up to struggle again. Bruce Irvin will help, but he's a complimentary piece at this point and not an "Alpha". Even if they do get Clowney back, we still need significant upgrades rushing the passer. I sure HOPE that they are not just hoping LJ Collier is going to bust out?

Offensively, Olsen is a great signing. Not bringing back Ifedi is a great move..and getting a guy like Finney is also pretty solid, in case they do move Britt (and I think they should, he is way too expensive (currently our 4th most expensive contract at an $11.4 million cap hit). I still think Josh Gordon will end up back in Seattle if he is reinstated.

My biggest concern, as usual, is the DRAFT. They have proven to be largely clueless with way too many of the picks they have made since 2014-2015. They have hit on a few diamonds, for sure (Lockett, Metcalf, Carson immediately come to mind) but, by and large, have not replenished the loss of so much talent that has left.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2020
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Sgt. Largent":3ryb5rvd said:
KinesProf":3ryb5rvd said:
I don't see how either line won't be a bottom tier unit again. Disappointing approach to Russ's prime.

Weird to say on March 20th. Free agency is three days old and the draft, training camp and the beginning of the season hasn't even happened yet.

I assume all fan bases are like this, impatient and irrational when free agency starts..........but holy moly people, the season's just begun.

Post this opinion on August 20th, not March 20th.

How do you see either line not bottom tier?

Even with Clowney returning and , at best, modest rookie contributions it won't be a good group. The oline has one good player and a bunch of unknowns, and seeing how drafted olinemen struggle here I can't foresee a rookie swinging the fortunes of an entire unit.