Keeping it real. Blowing up the team talk is nonsense.


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May 6, 2017
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Ok here we go.
First defense
Front four. Clark at one defensive end. Bennet would be the oldest on the defensive line at the other end.
Malik McDowell should he come back and play will provide him some rest or if Dion Jordan who is showing some potential,
Marcus Smith, Quentin Jefferson or Brandon Jackson can back up Clark. Avril may become a salary cap casualty. My favorite part defensive tackle Sheldon Jefferson has shown enough to get resigned also Nazir Jones has flashed greatness Jarran Reed is rock solid. Both Mcdowell and Quentin Jefferson can play inside also, Not sure the feeling on Garrison Smith.

Linebacker Wagner and Kj Wright are proven. The SAM position is a possible place to look for an upgrade. Yet 5 db;s is not an unusual formation on first and second down in today's NFL I am fine with this group.

Secondary still have three all pro's thught injury has been a factor the last two years. Yet the team invested heavy in the 2017 draft lI like what I have seen from Griffith good looking rookie. McDougal is a good safety nice free agent pick up. Time will tell on the other rookies. Also we will see what Lane and Maxwell have the remainder of this season. I still like this group. I still like this group.

I see no reason to blow up the defense.

QB Russ is proven also I wish there was a competent running game for him as there were duiring the SB years. Russ is an eleite QB from what I see he is flat out carrying this offense. Not sure about the backups. (Kapernick?)

Wide receiver easily the strongest group on offense. We know what the big three Baldwin, Pichardson and Lockett bring. We were disappointed when Kasen Williams was let go yet I have seen enough of Darboh to feel optimistic. Resigning Paul Richardson is a must. This group passess.

Tight End Graham is the big Question Mark. He has been productive receiving however poor pass protection has left him inside blocking (not his strength) also does not have the chemistry with Russ that Baldwin has, Perhaps his salary can get better used somewhere else. Or will he take a pay cut. Willson is what he is a reseve. I like Vannet from what i hear he is a nice blocker I have not seen a large enough sample size to comment. . If Graham is let go I am not sure we have starter as playmaker. I wonder how McEvoy would work gaining some pounds at TE.

Running back hard group to judge considering the blocking. Carson looked fine I still need to see a larger sample size. Lacy will most likely not return. Lacy will most likely deservedly go the way of Percy Harvin. We saw last night when Davis went down Mckissic became the feature back. Mckissic looks good but not a number one feature back. Mr. Glass Prosise has a lot to offer yet no player I have ever heard of has produced while on IR or PUP. Next season if on the team(a big if) will be his last opportunity. Davis showed some pop a better sample size is required. I loved Rawls his rookie season looked like the next beast mode injuries and the poor blocking have held him back. Which leaves us to the next group. Jury is out on this group.I can see Carson Davis and Mckissic as the top three.

Offensive this is the group that requires a make over as usual. The Ifedi experiment at Right Tackle is a failure. Move to Guard or write off as a bust. Gary Gilliam last season was better than him. I wonder if Matt Tobin Rees Odhiambo or Pocic would be an ugrade. Next season I can see Fant or Brown starting there. Left Tackle Brown was the big investment however the team was super high on Fant who flat out beat out Joeckel in training camp. Brown has not practiced much yet he is proven. Should Fant turn out to be the player expected he and Brown will become a nice tackle combination, Backups will require attention. I maintain the biggest problem is the guard play. Joeckel showed me very little at best resign at low cost as a backup guard. Or let go and use his salary as part of the funding in resigning both Sheldon and Paul Richardson at heir respective positions. Ifediis probably better suited for guard as mentioned earlie though make no mistake the jury is still out on his justfying a first round pick.r. Ress Odhiambo or Pocic may employ the other position. Odhiambo was actually showing some improvement at left tackle though he was till not good. I think he can emerge as an excellent guard. Britt is solid atr center they say however the team's inabilty to pick up third and fourth and one up the middle calls that in to question. Perhaps drafting a center may become prudent. the biggest problem with the running game is nothing happening inside. That is the guards not the tackles.
Starting five Rt Fant Rg Ifedi c Britt LG Odhiambo Lt Brown Ifedi probably the biggest question mark This group could work.

On offense I see the offensive line and running back positions needing attention not a complete overhaul.

Pk Walsh srated strong is scaring me a little now.
Punter I hink we are ok.
Return Lockett is fine along with Mckissic.

Finally I love Pete on another post prior to the SB against the Patriots I was ready to anoit him the league's top head coach. Until that horiible goal ine play call. All good things end perhaps a change prior to an overhaul. Also contin
Tell me your thoughts team.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
The team is talented, but not well coached.

Until that changes it's going to be the same thing every year.

Win 9 or 10 games due to the talent, and the gift that is having a franchise QB. Maybe win a home playoff game if they can get there. Rinse repeat.

Talking about players on the roster, and who to keep, or who to upgrade is moot at this point.

A new coaching staff offers the biggest upgrade in the win column, over any player moves at this juncture.

The analogy I heard was that the Seahawks are like a nice sports car, but the driver (coaches) is like a 13 year old who has never driven a car before. I think that is apt, and that is what it has looked like for weeks, going on years now.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Fade":32hin6d0 said:
The team is talented, but not well coached.

Until that changes it's going to be the same thing every year.

Win 9 or 10 games due to the talent, and the gift that is having a franchise QB. Maybe win a home playoff game if they can get there. Rinse repeat.

Talking about players on the roster, and who to keep, or who to upgrade is moot at this point.

A new coaching staff offers the biggest upgrade in the win column, over any player moves at this juncture.

The analogy I heard was that the Seahawks are like a nice sports car, but the driver (coaches) is like a 13 year old who has never driven a car before. I think that is apt, and that is what it has looked like for weeks, going on years now.

It's a shame we'll never be able to see this team win a superbowl. The fact that coach Carroll hasn't even won a playoff game for us is embarrassing.

Hopefully they draft Baker Mayfield this spring


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Oct 1, 2010
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Why do people think that we have more talent than other teams? We have a lot of good players but we compensate them well for their services. Our "window" of being more talented closed a couple of years ago when we paid everybody. We're currently getting great value from Lockett, PRich, Griffin.. and that's about it. In a league with a fixed salary cap that gives us roughly $140 mil worth of talent, and much less now that a big part of it is on IR.

Our hope for being more talented next year than this year is getting good value out of another draft class of rookies, as well as from the injured youngsters that got hurt this year. Chris Carson, DeAndre Elliott, George Fant, Malik McDowell, Deshawn Shead, Rees Odhiambo, CJ Prosise, and so on.

We've had a bunch of games that could have gone either way this season and can win or lose against anybody. It sucks that we haven't had better outcomes but most of the flood of negativity seems to be coming from people who can't accept that NFL games are uncertain.


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May 2, 2009
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Los Angeles
No one is talking about blowing up the team. But blowing up the coaching staff? You bet. Look at the Rams with McVay and what a difference a coach can make.


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Feb 5, 2015
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Neither blowing up the roster or coaching staff is a good idea. Hell, we still have a long ways to go in this season yet and the final chapters haven't even been written.


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Sep 11, 2011
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I would not blow up the roster but we need to say goodbye to the veterans we can cut ties with. All are past prime and not hungry.

As for coaching, admittedly I am not so sure Bevell is as bad as I thought. He called a helluva game Monday night. That is obviously a small sample but I really am beginning to wonder if Carroll hasn’t handcuffed him a bit in the past. My opinion is still that he blows but it has softened a bit from Monday. However, even if he has been handcuffed, he still is far from good based upon the long developing plays with a terrible line.

Carroll on the other hand is a problem. He was awful with the Jets and is exactly the same coach now but with better talent. His clock management is atrocious, the penalties are a mess, and the calls such as the fake fg and the time he went for 2 up 7 are head stratchers. While we are still competitive, it is a product of Wilson and Baldwin and just the general talent we have on defense. At some point when the product is in constant decline, you have to make changes. Otherwise we are going to let Carroll continue to run the team into the ground and waste the years left we have with Wilson. This is currently an attractive job, and it may not be after a couple of 7 win years and an older Wilson.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Jerhawk":3tulxvor said:
Fade":3tulxvor said:
The team is talented, but not well coached.

Until that changes it's going to be the same thing every year.

Win 9 or 10 games due to the talent, and the gift that is having a franchise QB. Maybe win a home playoff game if they can get there. Rinse repeat.

Talking about players on the roster, and who to keep, or who to upgrade is moot at this point.

A new coaching staff offers the biggest upgrade in the win column, over any player moves at this juncture.

The analogy I heard was that the Seahawks are like a nice sports car, but the driver (coaches) is like a 13 year old who has never driven a car before. I think that is apt, and that is what it has looked like for weeks, going on years now.

It's a shame we'll never be able to see this team win a superbowl. The fact that coach Carroll hasn't even won a playoff game for us is embarrassing.

Hopefully they draft Baker Mayfield this spring

Remember that one time we won the SB, that was cool. The funny thing is how we get on whiner fans for holding on to their ancient championships. We won it 5 years ago, and the team has not changed that much. We still have the same talent on both sides of the ball up until recently, so what's changed? This is a what have you done for me lately sport. Pete and company, built something very special here, a whole new culture, we set standards in across the sport. And they are now systematically destroying everything they've built here, with their lack of discipline coaching style, and pathetic game planning and game day play calling.

Some peoples satisfaction with mediocrity is baffling to me. Why can't a fan be thankful for the success this coaching staff has brought us in the past, and still understand this coaching staff is underperforming, and has been for the last few years?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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ludakrishna":pcmxmf2w said:
No one is talking about blowing up the team. But blowing up the coaching staff? You bet. Look at the Rams with McVay and what a difference a coach can make.

Look at McAdoo at the Giants.


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Jul 24, 2013
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hawker84":16xn7g0a said:
Some peoples satisfaction with mediocrity is baffling to me. Why can't a fan be thankful for the success this coaching staff has brought us in the past, and still understand this coaching staff is underperforming, and has been for the last few years?

I think some people underestimate the perfect storm that is required to win an SB. All you can really ask for are the play offs regularly and anything after that is a bonus due to a variety of factors.


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Nov 21, 2016
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UK_Seahawk":xy8exjt9 said:
hawker84":xy8exjt9 said:
I think some people underestimate the perfect storm that is required to win an SB.

Bingo. Injuries have killed us the past two seasons. Salary cap limits affected the O-line. Re-build the O-line, starting with using a high draft choice, use another pick on a good RB and pray they stay healthy. Replacing a few assistants would be a good idea, too.

This team needs some tweaks, not wholesale changes. A healthy Seahawk team -- with our current roster AND Pete Carroll -- is a legit Super Bowl contender.There aren't a lot of Sean McVays out there. Go ask the 49ers how changing coaches every year has worked out for them.


Sep 27, 2012
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We all know tough decisions are coming but if you think 2018 is the time to rebuild, you should look at our lack of draft picks. You will realize that without a 2nd or 3rd round pick, we are going to have a very difficult time reloading in large volume.

We are going to need to replace 2 - 3 starters a year and the 2018 draft looks pretty bleak unless we can hit on our 5th round picks.


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May 19, 2017
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Tusc2000":3rsc4rvd said:
Go ask the 49ers how changing coaches every year has worked out for them.

Losing half their defense and lacking a solid QB never plays into that equation around here for some reason. They are a horrible example.


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Aug 31, 2012
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BullHawk33":2xmwup7v said:
We all know tough decisions are coming but if you think 2018 is the time to rebuild, you should look at our lack of draft picks. You will realize that without a 2nd or 3rd round pick, we are going to have a very difficult time reloading in large volume.

We are going to need to replace 2 - 3 starters a year and the 2018 draft looks pretty bleak unless we can hit on our 5th round picks.

To be fair, it's almost a given at this point that Schneider will turn the 1st round pick into additional 3 high round draft picks.


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Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
hawker84":3khe7xls said:
Jerhawk":3khe7xls said:
Fade":3khe7xls said:
The team is talented, but not well coached.

Until that changes it's going to be the same thing every year.

Win 9 or 10 games due to the talent, and the gift that is having a franchise QB. Maybe win a home playoff game if they can get there. Rinse repeat.

Talking about players on the roster, and who to keep, or who to upgrade is moot at this point.

A new coaching staff offers the biggest upgrade in the win column, over any player moves at this juncture.

The analogy I heard was that the Seahawks are like a nice sports car, but the driver (coaches) is like a 13 year old who has never driven a car before. I think that is apt, and that is what it has looked like for weeks, going on years now.

It's a shame we'll never be able to see this team win a superbowl. The fact that coach Carroll hasn't even won a playoff game for us is embarrassing.

Hopefully they draft Baker Mayfield this spring

Remember that one time we won the SB, that was cool. The funny thing is how we get on whiner fans for holding on to their ancient championships. We won it 5 years ago, and the team has not changed that much. We still have the same talent on both sides of the ball up until recently, so what's changed? This is a what have you done for me lately sport. Pete and company, built something very special here, a whole new culture, we set standards in across the sport. And they are now systematically destroying everything they've built here, with their lack of discipline coaching style, and pathetic game planning and game day play calling.

Some peoples satisfaction with mediocrity is baffling to me. Why can't a fan be thankful for the success this coaching staff has brought us in the past, and still understand this coaching staff is underperforming, and has been for the last few years?

10-6, 10-5-1and 6-4 is not "mediocrity." Those are winning seasons, with the last two seasons going to the second round of the playoffs.

Years from now, people will look back at the string of success this team had and will regret all the whining and hand wringing. Other fan bases would kill to have five straight seasons in the playoffs. To have only lost one game by more than 10 points. To have the top scoring defense 3 straight seasons. The list goes on.

Just enjoy the ride and be satisfied after a win. This league is made for parody, the length of success this team has enjoyed wasn't meant to last forever. A few years from now we'll be going 7-9 or 6-10 and we'll miss having a winning season.

Perhaps it would be easier to accept defeat, but a bitter pill to swallow, to admit that the Seahawks are no longer the best, most talented team in the NFL. It's ok to admit that the Falcons are simply a better overall team than the Seahawks, and they were the better team Monday night.

Anymore after losses we look for excuses, or areas to place the blame. We blame coaching, injuries, weather, officiating, this or that. Maybe the game would be more fun to watch going into some matchups acknowledging we're the underdog, and if they lose, then the other team was just simply better.


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May 2, 2009
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Los Angeles
UK_Seahawk":328xdeb5 said:
ludakrishna":328xdeb5 said:
No one is talking about blowing up the team. But blowing up the coaching staff? You bet. Look at the Rams with McVay and what a difference a coach can make.

Look at McAdoo at the Giants.

Bad example homie. If we followed the Giants example, our Headcoach would be Darrell Bevell.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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UK_Seahawk":130ded2e said:
hawker84":130ded2e said:
Some peoples satisfaction with mediocrity is baffling to me. Why can't a fan be thankful for the success this coaching staff has brought us in the past, and still understand this coaching staff is underperforming, and has been for the last few years?

I think some people underestimate the perfect storm that is required to win an SB. All you can really ask for are the play offs regularly and anything after that is a bonus due to a variety of factors.

Sorry but I'm greedy, I want more.

I don't accept that our window is closing, I don't accept that the combo of Allen, Pete and Schneider can't continue to perennially have the Hawks in deep playoff runs and SB's.

Yes there are factors out of a team's control when it comes to winning SB's. Health, attrition, schedule timing, etc. But that's maybe 20-30% of a team's success on any given Sunday. So I demand better from Pete and John, this roster was and still is far too talented to act like our SB's are squarely in the rear view mirror.

There's nothing worse IMO that an owner, player, coach, GM or fan can be than content to JUST make the playoffs and if we win a SB? Eh, yah! lucky us! Nope.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Tusc2000":16k39kjy said:
UK_Seahawk":16k39kjy said:
hawker84":16k39kjy said:
I think some people underestimate the perfect storm that is required to win an SB.

Bingo. Injuries have killed us the past two seasons. Salary cap limits affected the O-line. Re-build the O-line, starting with using a high draft choice, use another pick on a good RB and pray they stay healthy. Replacing a few assistants would be a good idea, too.

This team needs some tweaks, not wholesale changes. A healthy Seahawk team -- with our current roster AND Pete Carroll -- is a legit Super Bowl contender.There aren't a lot of Sean McVays out there. Go ask the 49ers how changing coaches every year has worked out for them.

Oh man, do you trust this team to draft a good offensive lineman with a high draft choice?


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Nov 21, 2016
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adeltaY":h5gjv8b4 said:
Tusc2000":h5gjv8b4 said:
UK_Seahawk":h5gjv8b4 said:
hawker84":h5gjv8b4 said:
I think some people underestimate the perfect storm that is required to win an SB.

Bingo. Injuries have killed us the past two seasons. Salary cap limits affected the O-line. Re-build the O-line, starting with using a high draft choice, use another pick on a good RB and pray they stay healthy. Replacing a few assistants would be a good idea, too. .

Oh man, do you trust this team to draft a good offensive lineman with a high draft choice?

Sadly, no. We could have had Cam Robinson and we let him slide through our fingers. Just hoping against hope.


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Sep 17, 2013
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AgentDib":15emjtld said:
Why do people think that we have more talent than other teams? We have a lot of good players but we compensate them well for their services. Our "window" of being more talented closed a couple of years ago when we paid everybody. We're currently getting great value from Lockett, PRich, Griffin.. and that's about it. In a league with a fixed salary cap that gives us roughly $140 mil worth of talent, and much less now that a big part of it is on IR.

Our hope for being more talented next year than this year is getting good value out of another draft class of rookies, as well as from the injured youngsters that got hurt this year. Chris Carson, DeAndre Elliott, George Fant, Malik McDowell, Deshawn Shead, Rees Odhiambo, CJ Prosise, and so on.

We've had a bunch of games that could have gone either way this season and can win or lose against anybody. It sucks that we haven't had better outcomes but most of the flood of negativity seems to be coming from people who can't accept that NFL games are uncertain.

I think it's because we win more than we lose.But that's just a guess.