Lacy Article


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Apr 30, 2009
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kmeleon":1ogg7sgr said:

Feel bad for the dude, we laugh at some of the things they say about him but seems like a good guy. It's probably just not going to work out for him here at this point but hopefully he can keep his weight down and land with another team and have a resurgence.

Thanks for link. It's crazy. I'm only 45, but compared to even 10 years ago, I can't believe the societal pressures that exist due to this social media firestorm. Hell, It was hard being a teen back in the 80's at times, I can't imagine the extra burden my kids face today. I worry about it. (I know this article isn't about kids, but that's what I thought of as a Dad).


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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Social media is the devil. I despise it, don't have a twitter account and never will.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I've never done Twitter either. Though I did get told that I think I'm better than everyone because I don't do Twitter, that was hilarious.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Well if reading that doesn't make you feel like a turd for any fat Jokes against him, there is no hope for you. I'm guilty too, and reading that makes me feel pretty damn small. I'm glad he came out and admitted his struggles. I will pull for the guy now and won't join in on the F jokes anymore. :(


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Proud that not only did I not use the fat jokes, I thought it was pretty tacky.
Of course, he really did look big and slow in the opener :(


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Apr 30, 2009
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I have a twitter account but the only time I ever use it is during training camp. Other that that, I cannot stand it. On facebook, I use a computer and I set it up so whenever I see stupid political crap(both sides), I set it up to never be in my news feed and I unfollowed a lot of people, including some family. Most news sources are garbage so they have been unallowed on my news feed as well. My FB page is actually almost perfect now. Mostly entertainment, sports and cute pictures of my young neices....Oh, and JOKES. I love to laugh. :)


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
It has been great for getting scoops from friends as they happen, that's for sure. My friend (Shadowhawk on here) always gets those tweets out right away :2thumbs:


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Apr 14, 2015
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Seymour":hmr8vo7h said:
Well if reading that doesn't make you feel like a turd for any fat Jokes against him, there is no hope for you. I'm guilty too, and reading that makes me feel pretty damn small. I'm glad he came out and admitted his struggles. I will pull for the guy now and won't join in on the F jokes anymore. :(
I loved the article and I really do feel for Lacy. Fat jokes don't bother me, and they still don't. What does bother me -- and what always has -- is when people tweet mean-spirited stuff directly at Lacy. It's one thing to say something on a message board when he'll likely never see it, but it's another thing to to publicly put him on blast; it's really no different than having crude jokes that are okay to make with friends but are inappropriate to say in most other environments.


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Nov 16, 2015
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JimmyG":t16eguh3 said:
Seymour":t16eguh3 said:
Well if reading that doesn't make you feel like a turd for any fat Jokes against him, there is no hope for you. I'm guilty too, and reading that makes me feel pretty damn small. I'm glad he came out and admitted his struggles. I will pull for the guy now and won't join in on the F jokes anymore. :(
I loved the article and I really do feel for Lacy. Fat jokes don't bother me, and they still don't. What does bother me -- and what always has -- is when people tweet mean-spirited stuff directly at Lacy. It's one thing to say something on a message board when he'll likely never see it, but it's another thing to to publicly put him on blast; it's really no different than having crude jokes that are okay to make with friends but are inappropriate to say in most other environments.

I agree that going direct at him on social media is a different level of rude. I've never gone that far against anyone, but still feel crappy about stuff here and in general. The guy is hurting inside from this, and one has to feel some compassion at some point and back off hopefully after gaining some awareness. His interview should help him with that. :2thumbs:


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Apr 11, 2010
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Obesity is common in this country, they don't have to physically gifted to sit on their butts and cyber bully others.
There are MILLIONS of folks Twittering their fat asses off; poking snarky jabs at people who are public figures....IF the truth be told, many of them are in worse shape than the folks that they are badgering.
Lacey needs to consider the source of the badgering, in most cases, the nonsense is coming from a bunch of fat ass losers, many who wouldn't dream of saying those things IN PERSON to one of their loved ones, and would get fighting mad at anyone who did.
If Y'all ain't fat, you know or at the very least, are related to someone that is.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
It is "funny" that it takes people reading an article about someone struggling with something to realize they should be civilized when talking about that person.......


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Dec 10, 2012
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It's a matter of what you want more, eat or play and make a career. Lacy has not yet reached that level where his career is more important to him than eating. Once he realizes in his heart of hearts, that he can't be successful at both, then and only then, can he commit to setting aside the things that have held him back. I think Wilson reached that level last season, this off season, where he decided that his career was more important and he did what he needed to do to be that much more successful.

I think it's pretty common among younger pro athletes who have excelled against jr players, yet only to find themselves average when surrounded by professionals. It takes them several years to learn, that to excel among other professionals, they must let go and do what it takes to rise above other pros... some do, some don't.

A lot of pro tennis players like Djokavic, and Andy Murry, dwell in the ranks until they do what is necessary to achieve stardom. Baseball is a great example, take a look at Justin Smoak this year, after season upon season of mediocrity and now, possibly his last chance, he committed himself and was a all-star this season. It's hard for a young person to understand this when they have had nothing but success, but it can be done, and I really hope Lacy at some point is going to figure that out.


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Feb 16, 2013
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I just saw this article on ESPN as well. My heart goes out to the guy. Whether you think he should toughen up and not let it bother him or not the fact is it has weighed on him (no pun intended) and once you realize you're hurting someone you need to check your self and find out what inside you makes you believe it's ever OK to hurt other people or stop it.

This also explains why Pete was obviously irritated with everyone asking about his Lacy's weigh-ins and why he was purposely obtuse about the details on that...


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
Bobblehead":25q1yuga said:
It's a matter of what you want more, eat or play and make a career. Lacy has not yet reached that level where his career is more important to him than eating. .

He was at the right playing weight coming into last season then had the ankle injury. Quite easy to eat a lot when you put in so much work and see your whole season go down the drain

Then again this year he is in the right weight

so clearly he has made those choices and despite that he is being barraged with fat jokes

Did you read the article?


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Dec 10, 2012
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mikeak":3laylcyc said:
Bobblehead":3laylcyc said:
It's a matter of what you want more, eat or play and make a career. Lacy has not yet reached that level where his career is more important to him than eating. .

He was at the right playing weight coming into last season then had the ankle injury. Quite easy to eat a lot when you put in so much work and see your whole season go down the drain

Then again this year he is in the right weight

so clearly he has made those choices and despite that he is being barraged with fat jokes

Did you read the article?

Yeah, but perhaps, the stated goal weight is not his ideal playing weight either. 245 pounds? That is a lot of weight to be hauling. Well, if it is, and that's the best he can do, he's not going to make it in the NFL.


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Sep 19, 2010
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The Desert
Lacy is making somewhere around 3.5 mill, if I remember correctly, to play football this year. I don't care how much he weights, I just want to see him run the ball effectively. If he can't do that behind the Hawks OL then he can kick back and watch someone else who can.

As far as the social media crap, if he can't handle it then get off it. Problem solved.


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Sep 7, 2010
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He should definitely remove himself from social media, if he struggles with the jokes and criticism. It’s just a reality of being a public figure online. Have to have thick skin for sure. Not sure I have much sympathy for him, as I know other people get it far worse than he does and it is not close.

I don’t think I have made fun of him about his weight, but know I have brought it up in context of his play. Reality is it matters, and it is part of his contract. genetic predisposition, injury or not — he makes enough money to have people help him stay on target. But he has to really want it. The whole bit about being injured, I mean, was he in a full body cast? No? You can definitely stay fit with an injured leg. Some people would do everything they can, others say ‘all there is to do is sit and eat’.