NFL trade deadline


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
The team is balling out and you guys are arguing over this stuff? Come on guys, enjoy the ride :irishdrinkers:


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
SoulfishHawk":3er8dqfp said:
The team is balling out and you guys are arguing over this stuff? Come on guys, enjoy the ride :irishdrinkers:
Duty calls


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Seahawk_Dan":2izoqt7u said:
rcaido":2izoqt7u said:
So can we add it all up for Mr. Dan.

He had
5 - good/great
6 - bad

He forgot Beastmode +1 (6)
He forgot Clint Mcdonald +1 (7)
Whitehurst traded netted Golden Tate too so +1 (8) good/great / - 1 bad(5)
Graham -1 (4) yellow
McCray -1 (3) yellow

So final score 8 good/great vs 3 bad Im also not too sure about Percy trade. We won a Superbowl & also ended up getting Lockett when trading him...So make that 8 vs 2

You're cherry picking rcaido, oh and "cherry picking" is referring to the term: "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I know how much you enjoy not understanding a definition.

I've added Lynch, you know I did as I added his name in a later post. I admitted to being ignorant about McCray and appreciate being corrected and Clinton McDonald was an honest mistake.

But its neither here nor there. You're cherry picking (see description above) some of my findings to fit your argument to mask your blind homerism.

Why did you completely negate (ignore) the average findings? Oh, that's right, you wanted to look at only "good" and "bad". Middle of the road to meh trades and picks doesn't help you out. That's dishonest. Also I hear the same thing all the time, including from you, when people say "The Harvin/Graham trade was great at the time!" Perhaps at the time but were grading and looking at the outcome and results now because we can, because now we can assess the data. This comes from the same damn argument when players like Lynch came to Seattle or when Russell was drafted. At the time those were seen as either boneheaded or stretched but now, since we have data and years of evidence, those are now considered good moves in the long term.

My first big post I posted picks for players. Later I posted the list of players drafted using picks we traded for. It's all there. I pointed out the good, the bad, and the average trade pick ups and draft pick ups to come to the conclusion that Carroll's ability to evaluate and succeed on a pick or a trade falls into an acceptable margin due to law of averages. That's not a bad thing, it means he's not screwing up and there are worse talent evaluators on other teams than him.

In the end I know this won't really matter because you've already decided your outcome that Pete Carroll is infallible.

Cherry picking, you conveniently left out Lynch & Mcdonald. Decide to include non impact players that were trades from the 6th/7th round to support your number trade argument that's why i didn't include them.

Traded 6th Rounder for Kentwan Balmer - Did anyone remember this one? I didn't. Forgettable and he didn't stick around.

Traded 7th Rounder for Tyler Polumbus - I remember him not being great, just kinda a body in a jersey. For a 7th though it's relatively inoffensive.

Traded 7th Rounder for Stacey Andrews - Similar to Polumbus pick. Very low risk and very low reward. This was both.

Traded 7th Rounder for Terrelle Pryor - Low Risk, Low Reward. Nothing to write home about, it just happened.

Traded 2016 6th Rounder for Mohammad Seisey - He unfortunately spent most of his tenure here on IR. Low value but still didn't amount to anything.

Traded 7th Rounder for Dewey McDonald - I don't even remember this one but Low Risk, Low Reward again.

Traded Kevin Pierre-Paul for DJ Alexander - I don't think either team really benefited from this trade. They more or less offset each other.

So final tally
Good/Great - 8
meh/ok - 2 (Harvin/Graham) & 7non impact players
bad - 2

Like my original post, I said "FO does way more good then bad on trades."


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2009
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Bremerton, WA
rcaido":2yuy14y0 said:
Seahawk_Dan":2yuy14y0 said:
rcaido":2yuy14y0 said:
So can we add it all up for Mr. Dan.

He had
5 - good/great
6 - bad

He forgot Beastmode +1 (6)
He forgot Clint Mcdonald +1 (7)
Whitehurst traded netted Golden Tate too so +1 (8) good/great / - 1 bad(5)
Graham -1 (4) yellow
McCray -1 (3) yellow

So final score 8 good/great vs 3 bad Im also not too sure about Percy trade. We won a Superbowl & also ended up getting Lockett when trading him...So make that 8 vs 2

You're cherry picking rcaido, oh and "cherry picking" is referring to the term: "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I know how much you enjoy not understanding a definition.

I've added Lynch, you know I did as I added his name in a later post. I admitted to being ignorant about McCray and appreciate being corrected and Clinton McDonald was an honest mistake.

But its neither here nor there. You're cherry picking (see description above) some of my findings to fit your argument to mask your blind homerism.

Why did you completely negate (ignore) the average findings? Oh, that's right, you wanted to look at only "good" and "bad". Middle of the road to meh trades and picks doesn't help you out. That's dishonest. Also I hear the same thing all the time, including from you, when people say "The Harvin/Graham trade was great at the time!" Perhaps at the time but were grading and looking at the outcome and results now because we can, because now we can assess the data. This comes from the same damn argument when players like Lynch came to Seattle or when Russell was drafted. At the time those were seen as either boneheaded or stretched but now, since we have data and years of evidence, those are now considered good moves in the long term.

My first big post I posted picks for players. Later I posted the list of players drafted using picks we traded for. It's all there. I pointed out the good, the bad, and the average trade pick ups and draft pick ups to come to the conclusion that Carroll's ability to evaluate and succeed on a pick or a trade falls into an acceptable margin due to law of averages. That's not a bad thing, it means he's not screwing up and there are worse talent evaluators on other teams than him.

In the end I know this won't really matter because you've already decided your outcome that Pete Carroll is infallible.

Cherry picking, you conveniently left out Lynch & Mcdonald. Decide to include non impact players that were trades from the 6th/7th round to support your number trade argument that's why i didn't include them.

Traded 6th Rounder for Kentwan Balmer - Did anyone remember this one? I didn't. Forgettable and he didn't stick around.

Traded 7th Rounder for Tyler Polumbus - I remember him not being great, just kinda a body in a jersey. For a 7th though it's relatively inoffensive.

Traded 7th Rounder for Stacey Andrews - Similar to Polumbus pick. Very low risk and very low reward. This was both.

Traded 7th Rounder for Terrelle Pryor - Low Risk, Low Reward. Nothing to write home about, it just happened.

Traded 2016 6th Rounder for Mohammad Seisey - He unfortunately spent most of his tenure here on IR. Low value but still didn't amount to anything.

Traded 7th Rounder for Dewey McDonald - I don't even remember this one but Low Risk, Low Reward again.

Traded Kevin Pierre-Paul for DJ Alexander - I don't think either team really benefited from this trade. They more or less offset each other.

So final tally
Good/Great - 8
meh/ok - 2 (Harvin/Graham) & 7non impact players
bad - 2

Like my original post, I said "FO does way more good then bad on trades."

They were still trades by Carroll were they not? They're still apart of his legacy and can't be wished away. They happened and when you're evaluating someone on their performance you look at ALL their dealings, not just the ones you like or dislike. I brought up Lynch and McDonald and admitted my error so keep beating that dead horse.

As much as I love bashing my head against a brick wall I'm pretty much done with this exchange. It's bordering on parody now on what people imagine message boards are like and it's quite clear that regardless of what I say and break it down, you've made your decision of the outcome from the very first post.

Feel free to claim this as a victory I guess? I understand how the internet works when one person in an argument decides to end it.


Sgt. Largent":2w6vw266 said:
Seymour":2w6vw266 said:
Sgt. Largent":2w6vw266 said:
SoulfishHawk":2w6vw266 said:
He acts like a complete jack wagon every time he scores or makes a big play. But oh well, hell of a player regardless.

Lynch grabbed his ding dong, Doug pooped a football at the SB and screamed at Chris Carter into the camera, Bennett got fined for too many groin pumps after a sack, Sherman taunted everyone he could point his finger at..............I'll take Golden dancing with cheerleaders and waving at DB's as he's scoring on their ass 24/7.

No you won't because Pete axed him for messing with Wilson's wife.

That is the real bottom line why nobody here made him an offer.


That is definitely the conspiracy theory................the sad part is it wasn't even Russell's hot wife.

Maybe if that happened it played into Golden leaving, but I honestly think Pete and John decided it was between Doug and Golden, and Doug was cheaper...........and we couldn't match the Lions offer (or didn't want to).

The good news is it worked out for everyone. Doug's been great, Golden's had a nice career in Detroit.

Always wondered about that, would have chalked it up to conspiracy theory if it wasn't for the fact that RW divorced his wife rather unceremoniously at the same time. Given his strict religious regimen it had to be a real deal-breaker.

Funny how the real details haven't ever come out, especially in this day and age. Oh well, somebody's bound to write about it in a book at some point.


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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DomeHawk":1riiid5k said:
Sgt. Largent":1riiid5k said:
Seymour":1riiid5k said:
Sgt. Largent":1riiid5k said:
Lynch grabbed his ding dong, Doug pooped a football at the SB and screamed at Chris Carter into the camera, Bennett got fined for too many groin pumps after a sack, Sherman taunted everyone he could point his finger at..............I'll take Golden dancing with cheerleaders and waving at DB's as he's scoring on their ass 24/7.

No you won't because Pete axed him for messing with Wilson's wife.

That is the real bottom line why nobody here made him an offer.


That is definitely the conspiracy theory................the sad part is it wasn't even Russell's hot wife.

Maybe if that happened it played into Golden leaving, but I honestly think Pete and John decided it was between Doug and Golden, and Doug was cheaper...........and we couldn't match the Lions offer (or didn't want to).

The good news is it worked out for everyone. Doug's been great, Golden's had a nice career in Detroit.

Always wondered about that, would have chalked it up to conspiracy theory if it wasn't for the fact that RW divorced his wife rather unceremoniously at the same time. Given his strict religious regimen it had to be a real deal-breaker.

Funny how the real details haven't ever come out, especially in this day and age. Oh well, somebody's bound to write about it in a book at some point.

Has to be true. It's on Craziest Rumors in Sports History!!! :D

Seriously though. If the shoe fits...wear it. It is one on VERY few things that could cause that quick of a breakup.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Seahawk_Dan":3oc4fq2t said:
rcaido":3oc4fq2t said:
Seahawk_Dan":3oc4fq2t said:
rcaido":3oc4fq2t said:
So can we add it all up for Mr. Dan.

He had
5 - good/great
6 - bad

He forgot Beastmode +1 (6)
He forgot Clint Mcdonald +1 (7)
Whitehurst traded netted Golden Tate too so +1 (8) good/great / - 1 bad(5)
Graham -1 (4) yellow
McCray -1 (3) yellow

So final score 8 good/great vs 3 bad Im also not too sure about Percy trade. We won a Superbowl & also ended up getting Lockett when trading him...So make that 8 vs 2

You're cherry picking rcaido, oh and "cherry picking" is referring to the term: "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I know how much you enjoy not understanding a definition.

I've added Lynch, you know I did as I added his name in a later post. I admitted to being ignorant about McCray and appreciate being corrected and Clinton McDonald was an honest mistake.

But its neither here nor there. You're cherry picking (see description above) some of my findings to fit your argument to mask your blind homerism.

Why did you completely negate (ignore) the average findings? Oh, that's right, you wanted to look at only "good" and "bad". Middle of the road to meh trades and picks doesn't help you out. That's dishonest. Also I hear the same thing all the time, including from you, when people say "The Harvin/Graham trade was great at the time!" Perhaps at the time but were grading and looking at the outcome and results now because we can, because now we can assess the data. This comes from the same damn argument when players like Lynch came to Seattle or when Russell was drafted. At the time those were seen as either boneheaded or stretched but now, since we have data and years of evidence, those are now considered good moves in the long term.

My first big post I posted picks for players. Later I posted the list of players drafted using picks we traded for. It's all there. I pointed out the good, the bad, and the average trade pick ups and draft pick ups to come to the conclusion that Carroll's ability to evaluate and succeed on a pick or a trade falls into an acceptable margin due to law of averages. That's not a bad thing, it means he's not screwing up and there are worse talent evaluators on other teams than him.

In the end I know this won't really matter because you've already decided your outcome that Pete Carroll is infallible.

Cherry picking, you conveniently left out Lynch & Mcdonald. Decide to include non impact players that were trades from the 6th/7th round to support your number trade argument that's why i didn't include them.

Traded 6th Rounder for Kentwan Balmer - Did anyone remember this one? I didn't. Forgettable and he didn't stick around.

Traded 7th Rounder for Tyler Polumbus - I remember him not being great, just kinda a body in a jersey. For a 7th though it's relatively inoffensive.

Traded 7th Rounder for Stacey Andrews - Similar to Polumbus pick. Very low risk and very low reward. This was both.

Traded 7th Rounder for Terrelle Pryor - Low Risk, Low Reward. Nothing to write home about, it just happened.

Traded 2016 6th Rounder for Mohammad Seisey - He unfortunately spent most of his tenure here on IR. Low value but still didn't amount to anything.

Traded 7th Rounder for Dewey McDonald - I don't even remember this one but Low Risk, Low Reward again.

Traded Kevin Pierre-Paul for DJ Alexander - I don't think either team really benefited from this trade. They more or less offset each other.

So final tally
Good/Great - 8
meh/ok - 2 (Harvin/Graham) & 7non impact players
bad - 2

Like my original post, I said "FO does way more good then bad on trades."

They were still trades by Carroll were they not? They're still apart of his legacy and can't be wished away. They happened and when you're evaluating someone on their performance you look at ALL their dealings, not just the ones you like or dislike. I brought up Lynch and McDonald and admitted my error so keep beating that dead horse.

As much as I love bashing my head against a brick wall I'm pretty much done with this exchange. It's bordering on parody now on what people imagine message boards are like and it's quite clear that regardless of what I say and break it down, you've made your decision of the outcome from the very first post.

Feel free to claim this as a victory I guess? I understand how the internet works when one person in an argument decides to end it.

Post 30160 Pete Carroll pimp walk with to j75Y