OMG, on a 49er forum about can the Seahawks be dethroned


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Marvin49":ncvrmp5p said:
RolandDeschain":ncvrmp5p said:
Marvin49":ncvrmp5p said:
I can't speak for her, but I think RedAlice would be more of an impartial judge.
Quoting this so you can't go back on it after she hopefully responds about it. :)


Fair enough. :)

What is this? Both Ro and Marvin think the Rams are going to win a WC slot and knock either SF or SEA out of the playoffs? I knew it. :) :)

Hey - this is the last Thursday night with no NFL game until Christmas. It's a happy day.

As to the topic here, there are way too many words and I won't have time to read them for awhile.

NFCW love. :0190l:


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
RedAlice":1yx4yoz9 said:
What is this? Both Ro and Marvin think the Rams are going to win a WC slot and knock either SF or SEA out of the playoffs? I knew it. :) :)

Hey - this is the last Thursday night with no NFL game until Christmas. It's a happy day.

As to the topic here, there are way too many words and I won't have time to read them for awhile.

NFCW love. :0190l:
I can see the Rams grabbing a WC spot away from the 49ers, aye. I'd even FedEx Marvin a box of Kleenex because he's not a bad sort for being a 49ers fan, and all. :lol:

Hell, Marvin; if that happens, I'll even ship you a six pack:

12th man cans


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
Marvin49":2w6dnmud said:
I learned a long time ago just to tune them out. Hell...most of the time I don't even see them anymore. Loaf always uses them but its gotten to the point that I don't even notice anymore. LOL.

Yeah, I might use CK in a serious post, but if using my phone when I type "kae" I am presented 1 of 3 options, none of which are Kaepernick. Same thing with Harbadouche. I enjoy using it. I try to alternate them at times, even with Papaki once in a while.

It doesn't mean I don't think the guy is a football player, but you have to understand what I have personally seen from KaeperSpaz in the 3 games he has been to the Clink. In each game he has had some form of a meltdown or made just incredible mistakes. Still think he is a great football player though, just like I think Harbafreak is a good coach.


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Dec 18, 2012
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loafoftatupu":4xhhkzqx said:
Marvin49":4xhhkzqx said:
I learned a long time ago just to tune them out. Hell...most of the time I don't even see them anymore. Loaf always uses them but its gotten to the point that I don't even notice anymore. LOL.

Yeah, I might use CK in a serious post, but if using my phone when I type "kae" I am presented 1 of 3 options, none of which are Kaepernick. Same thing with Harbadouche. I enjoy using it. I try to alternate them at times, even with Papaki once in a while.

It doesn't mean I don't think the guy is a football player, but you have to understand what I have personally seen from KaeperSpaz in the 3 games he has been to the Clink. In each game he has had some form of a meltdown or made just incredible mistakes. Still think he is a great football player though, just like I think Harbafreak is a good coach.

No I said...I hardly notice anymore. :)


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Dec 18, 2012
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RolandDeschain":wjcunssy said:
RedAlice":wjcunssy said:
What is this? Both Ro and Marvin think the Rams are going to win a WC slot and knock either SF or SEA out of the playoffs? I knew it. :) :)

Hey - this is the last Thursday night with no NFL game until Christmas. It's a happy day.

As to the topic here, there are way too many words and I won't have time to read them for awhile.

NFCW love. :0190l:
I can see the Rams grabbing a WC spot away from the 49ers, aye. I'd even FedEx Marvin a box of Kleenex because he's not a bad sort for being a 49ers fan, and all. :lol:

Hell, Marvin; if that happens, I'll even ship you a six pack:

12th man cans


MAN I can wait for the season to start... :D


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
In response to this JoRo comment:
I strongly disagree with most of what you said, but I'm curious how you think the Hawks aren't managing their cap well?

This was the response:
The Sherman contract would be a great start.
Also not extending Wilson before Kaep is going to end up costing you big.

Those are 2 off the top of my head

I think the Wilson comment does a decent job of summing up the football knowledge of the general user there.


Mar 31, 2013
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The_Z_Man":r8riekph said:
Giedi":r8riekph said:
I wouldn't sweat on that stuff Loafo. While you have a very charming and eloquent player in Mr. Sherman, we unfortunately are not blessed with such a scholar athlete at his level. Our player spokesmen are downright pedestrian when compared to him. I think some of the fans of the Webzone are quite affected in a deep way by his eloquence that unfortunately when fans of the very talented 'Hawk team do show up on the Webzone those who have been affected by the sheer eloquence of Mr. Sherman express those feelings in various ways to those 'Hawk fans who happen to be there at an unfortunate time. :mrgreen:

Sweet Jesus, I've come across prepubescent Twilight fan fiction that reads better than this.

If you are going to drop words like "eloquence" at least try to sound intelligible.

I was trying to me nice. Maybe **too** nice. :th2thumbs:


Mar 31, 2013
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loafoftatupu":3lu7ujwt said:
Marvin49":3lu7ujwt said:
I learned a long time ago just to tune them out. Hell...most of the time I don't even see them anymore. Loaf always uses them but its gotten to the point that I don't even notice anymore. LOL.

Yeah, I might use CK in a serious post, but if using my phone when I type "kae" I am presented 1 of 3 options, none of which are Kaepernick. Same thing with Harbadouche. I enjoy using it. I try to alternate them at times, even with Papaki once in a while.

It doesn't mean I don't think the guy is a football player, but you have to understand what I have personally seen from KaeperSpaz in the 3 games he has been to the Clink. In each game he has had some form of a meltdown or made just incredible mistakes. Still think he is a great football player though, just like I think Harbafreak is a good coach.
Both are good QB's and both seem to struggle in the opponents back yard.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Giedi":1zukm382 said:
Both are good QB's and both seem to struggle in the opponents back yard.

huh? Both of which QBs? I didn't mention anything about another QB. Did you get off your meds Giedi?

Are you talking about Wilson? Struggling in SF? Hmmm... he has played there twice. Struggled to get completions in the first game, but the second game was 15/26, 199, 1TD and 1 INT (on a Hail Mary at the end of the game) outplayed Kaeperchoke in his own house. Is that considered struggling in a SEA/SF matchup? Better look at those CK numbers Giedi.

CK struggles against the Hawks period. Home or away. There isn't anything wrong with that.


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Jan 20, 2013
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OP here.

Not to fuel the fire but I just checked the same forum on this topic and its now at 146 pages. Go to the last page and the wishing for an injury to Sherm. is just uncalled for. I hate the 9ers in a rivalry sense, but would never wish an injury on any player on any team. And this appears through out the pages. I just don't get it. ... dethroned/


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Jan 14, 2013
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The theory about the NFL setting SEA up to win it last year and changing the rules so SF can win it this year got a chuckle out of me.

Now I know where to go if I ever need to borrow some tin foil.


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Lake Tapps, WA
Laloosh":3648uzyt said:
The theory about the NFL setting SEA up to win it last year and changing the rules so SF can win it this year got a chuckle out of me.

Now I know where to go if I ever need to borrow some tin foil.
What? A theory that the League set up the Hawks to win? And that the rules are changed for the Niners to win this year? I guess I better read. Too bad I am banned from posting.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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5 vs 1. I get it. BUT if you're 16 years old and wasn't even born before the last San Fran championship. Is it wrong for me to say you get absolutely no claim to those championships. btw this is based off chumps on the FB NFL Meme's page. /rant


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Nov 20, 2012
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This thread is still going... and somehow still hasnt made it to the shack.

This has turned into the worlds weirdest circle jerk. Either finish each other or knock this crap off.


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May 25, 2011
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ZagHawk":1ouca7ow said:
5 vs 1. I get it. BUT if you're 16 years old and wasn't even born before the last San Fran championship. Is it wrong for me to say you get absolutely no claim to those championships. btw this is based off chumps on the FB NFL Meme's page. /rant

5-1 is dumb. 5-0 i'll agree with. Looking at our teams histories they have a rich past to be proud of but if you wan to be fair in your comparisons of who is the best team then it is one to zero. They have zero trophies as they are right now and those ones you see on the history channel mean zip for the current team taking the field.

Telling a woman you used to be attractive will only get you laughed at if you think she is impressed.

Telling a man in his prime you use to be tough might just get your ass kicked.

Telling someone that milk use to taste great before it soured won't make their cereal edible.

There really is no situation where the past will suddenly make you a contender. The past is respected for its history not for what your team is now. '


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Jan 14, 2013
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ZagHawk":27v8jt0q said:
5 vs 1. I get it. BUT if you're 16 years old and wasn't even born before the last San Fran championship. Is it wrong for me to say you get absolutely no claim to those championships. btw this is based off chumps on the FB NFL Meme's page. /rant

Why does it matter what they claim? Just curious.

I'm all for giving Niner fans crap but I don't fault them for having pride in their franchise's past success. When they rely on it as evidence that their team is better than someone else's, I think of Chazz Reinhold.


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Roy Wa.
ZagHawk":3w1n0z0u said:
5 vs 1. I get it. BUT if you're 16 years old and wasn't even born before the last San Fran championship. Is it wrong for me to say you get absolutely no claim to those championships. btw this is based off chumps on the FB NFL Meme's page. /rant

I don't think it's wrong to have pride in your teams history any more then we have Pride in what Steve Largent did orTez or Kenny Easley. Bragging about something 20 years in the past is a different story though.

Sports Hernia

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chris98251":3g18t533 said:
ZagHawk":3g18t533 said:
5 vs 1. I get it. BUT if you're 16 years old and wasn't even born before the last San Fran championship. Is it wrong for me to say you get absolutely no claim to those championships. btw this is based off chumps on the FB NFL Meme's page. /rant

I don't think it's wrong to have pride in your teams history any more then we have Pride in what Steve Largent did orTez or Kenny Easley. Bragging about something 20 years in the past is a different story though.
What gets me is when these troglodytes try to tie in their old antique trophies to their current team. One has nothing to do with the other, as none of their current team has a Super Bowl ring as a niner. I deal with the same situation with a delusional cowboys fan at work, I tell him when the CURRENT cowboys team becomes relevent again, to let me know. "Old trophy talk" is all they have to cling to.


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Lake Tapps, WA
I had never heard that logic applied until I heard it from Niners fans. I have heard the reference to championships before as a mark of fandom, but the Niner fan was the first I actually heard connect it to production today.

I can't count how many times during the 2000s I heard that the Niners were going to smash the Hawks because after all "who are they? we have 5 Super Bowl rings, what have they done?" Then get brutally embarrassed only to find them saying the same things the next game.