Seahawks Hand #3 Number to...Artie Burns?


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Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
I'm not really troubled by this, once a number is retired, then it should be off limits, but otherwise it's fair game. If Russ had stayed with us his entire career, I think it would have been super easy to call for retiring 3. I'd even say if it came down to the team letting him go, I'd still think the decision would be pretty easy (as a fan), but he chose to leave and that tarnishes his legacy as a Seahawk.

I'll likely always see his time here as some of the best years of Seahawks fandom ever (not solely because of him, but he's still a huge part of it). I love what he did for us here and watching him play (although frustrating at times) was more often then not, a thing of beauty. For that I am ever grateful, but if someone else wants the number for now, I'm ok with that. Once he retires, we can revisit whether or not we want to retire that number.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
OK, fair enough.

But my point remains the same: There is no reason why they couldn't have waited another year or two before they re-issued that number. Certainly, Russell's move from Seattle to Denver was much, much more controversial and consequential than any trade, retirement, et al in the history of the franchise, Sherman, Thomas, or Kam not withstanding.

Why would they do that if they didn't do it for Chancellor and Thomas, who contributed much more to the Seahawks' title run than Wilson, nor even for Sherman, who not only contributed more to the Seahawks' title run than Wilson, but is also headed for the Hall of Fame?

I'd be willing to bet they would have issued #54 to another player this spring if Wagner hadn't come back, and his contributions to the Seahawks' success in 2012-2021 were gigantic, and he will certainly be put in the Hall of Fame.

As I said earlier in this thread, there are only 100 possible uniform numbers (and until recently, there were only 99, but uniform number 0 is now allowed), and the Seahawks have retired five, so there are only 95 available numbers. With a 90-man roster, that leaves you with only five possible numbers not in use at this point in the year.

Wilson's number was not used last year, and it looks like the Seahawks try to recognize former major contributors by not issuing their uniform numbers in the first year after each such player leaves, but it's not realistic to expect them to hold a number for more than one season. The fact that Wilson tried to get his bosses fired and badmouthed the organization in the media (and got his buddies in the media to do it for him too) would have justified them issuing #3 during the 90-man-roster part of 2022, but they didn't. They've already shown Wilson more respect than he deserved by holding his former number for a year.


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May 18, 2012
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If a player finishes his career here and is potentially worthy of a jersey retirement (i.e. HoF), then sure, leave the number free for a few years until you know for sure.

Wilson, Sherman and the likes all went to other teams so there's no reason to retire the jersey. Kam is on the outside looking in when it comes to HoF, I'm not sure it'll happen, though every Hawk fan knows what his worth was to this team.

Now that it looks like Wagner might finish his career here I suspect 54 will lay dormant until he gets his gold jacket - in almost all certainty first ballot, at which point I guess we retire it.


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Jun 16, 2009
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I'm squarely in the "it doesn't matter right now" camp. We're not even to TC yet.
RW story isn't completely written yet....and right now its on a downward trajectory. If the question is did he do enough for us while he was here to show so much respect that we don't even allow/use his number even during TC? Again, I'd say it doesn't matter one way or the other.
For me, looking to the future, I'll submit the way he handled business at the end keeps him out of the Ring of Honor. Thankful for the early years....but........
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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Why would they do that if they didn't do it for Chancellor and Thomas, who contributed much more to the Seahawks' title run than Wilson, nor even for Sherman, who not only contributed more to the Seahawks' title run than Wilson, but is also headed for the Hall of Fame?
Perhaps they should have waited longer to re-issue Sherm, Earl, and Kam's numbers. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Wilson's departure was unique in that it involved a trade vs. a retirement (Kam) and leaving in free agency (Earl). There wasn't nearly the split in the fan base with either Earl or Kam as there was with Russell Wilson. It was a much more visible, controversial departure. There's not a football fan on the planet who didn't know about the Russell Wilson trade, most of whom had formed some sort of opinion about RW.

And it's debatable as to who contributed more to the Hawks title run. Sure, Sherm, Earl, and Kam were all better at their positions than Russell is/was at his, but the quarterback is by far the most important single position on the field. IMO if, for example, it was TJack throwing the rock instead of Russell Wilson, we don't get within sniffing distance of a Lombardi.

All I'm saying is that it wouldn't have hurt them to delay for a few more years the re-issuance of #3. Now, it's being interpreted by many as Pete poking Russell in the eye.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
OK, fair enough.

But my point remains the same: There is no reason why they couldn't have waited another year or two before they re-issued that number. Certainly, Russell's move from Seattle to Denver was much, much more controversial and consequential than any trade, retirement, et al in the history of the franchise, Sherman, Thomas, or Kam not withstanding.
We still don’t know if #3 will actually be used during games this season.

It may all boil down to only having x numbers available and it won’t be used for games.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
We still don’t know if #3 will actually be used during games this season.

It may all boil down to only having x numbers available and it won’t be used for games.
Good point about it only being used in TC, at least so far. But if Burns does make the squad and ends up playing and wears #3, especially if he does something like scores on a pick 6, you can bet that it's going to get picked up by the announcers and talking heads and end up being an avoidable distraction.

From 0-99, here are the only numbers that are not available: 12, 45, 71, 80, and 96. Five numbers out of 100. That leaves 95 numbers available for a 53 man squad, with certain limitations depending on position. They could have afforded to shelve #3 for a few more years.

And just to re-iterate my personal feelings on the matter. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that we're giving away Russell's number so early after he departed. I am not a RW jock sniffer that's all butt hurt over some perceived disrespect. I am merely saying that they could have easily avoided the controversy had they wanted to.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Good point about it only being used in TC, at least so far. But if Burns does make the squad and ends up playing and wears #3, especially if he does something like scores on a pick 6, you can bet that it's going to get picked up by the announcers and talking heads and end up being an avoidable distraction.

From 0-99, here are the only numbers that are not available: 12, 45, 71, 80, and 96. Five numbers out of 100. That leaves 95 numbers available for a 53 man squad, with certain limitations depending on position. They could have afforded to shelve #3 for a few more years.

And just to re-iterate my personal feelings on the matter. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that we're giving away Russell's number so early after he departed. I am not a RW jock sniffer that's all butt hurt over some perceived disrespect. I am merely saying that they could have easily avoided the controversy had they wanted to.
I’d agree that avoiding distractions that can be is a good idea.

Maybe someone with more knowledge about the rules can pipe in, it’s also a possibility that #3 was the only available at his position.
IIRC, positions are limited to a range of numbers but I don’t know how so specifically


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Good point about it only being used in TC, at least so far. But if Burns does make the squad and ends up playing and wears #3, especially if he does something like scores on a pick 6, you can bet that it's going to get picked up by the announcers and talking heads and end up being an avoidable distraction.

From 0-99, here are the only numbers that are not available: 12, 45, 71, 80, and 96. Five numbers out of 100. That leaves 95 numbers available for a 53 man squad, with certain limitations depending on position. They could have afforded to shelve #3 for a few more years.

And just to re-iterate my personal feelings on the matter. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that we're giving away Russell's number so early after he departed. I am not a RW jock sniffer that's all butt hurt over some perceived disrespect. I am merely saying that they could have easily avoided the controversy had they wanted to.
There is no controversy. Not really. There are perhaps a few people making a buzz about it (including you) right now. If Burns earns a roster spot and continues wearing #3 into the regular season, the odd announcer here and there might comment on it and say something similar to what you've been saying, but that hardly rises to the level of "avoidable distraction."

In my mind, an unavoidable distraction would be where PC/JS hold a press conference, and all the reporters want to talk about is the distraction topic, to the point that 1/3-1/2 or more of reporters' questions are about that topic. I don't see that happening with a jersey number. (Unless #80 gets reissued again.)


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Here’s a link to the rule about #s by position.

But I’m still not sure what numbers were available when AB was given #3

Edit: in addition “0” was added this season as an available # so there are actually 100 numbers potentially available.


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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
There is no controversy. Not really. There are perhaps a few people making a buzz about it (including you) right now. If Burns earns a roster spot and continues wearing #3 into the regular season, the odd announcer here and there might comment on it and say something similar to what you've been saying, but that hardly rises to the level of "avoidable distraction."

In my mind, an unavoidable distraction would be where PC/JS hold a press conference, and all the reporters want to talk about is the distraction topic, to the point that 1/3-1/2 or more of reporters' questions are about that topic. I don't see that happening with a jersey number. (Unless #80 gets reissued again.)
I agree, there's not much of a controversy now, but as I mentioned in my response to Pmed, suppose Burns starts and does well? It's a potential controversy that was completely avoidable.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Here’s a link to the rule about #s by position.

But I’m still not sure what numbers were available when AB was given #3

Edit: in addition “0” was added this season as an available # so there are actually 100 numbers potentially available.
Thanks for the link. I knew that they had certain restrictions on the use of numbers depending on the position.

I wonder why they don't include 00 as a possible number, you know, like the number worn by "Double Zero Jim Otto" of the Raiders back in the 60's?

It's a little off subject, but I remember when Brian Bosworth wanted to wear his college #44 but the league had a restriction on the numbers they gave linebackers, that they had wear numbers in the 50's and 60's. Bosworth ended up wearing double nickels.

And, to go ever further off topic, when I was in high school, not only did we have to wear numbers according to our position, but our coach also made us sit on the bench by position. If he wanted a guard, he wanted to look to a specific spot on the bench and get who he wanted pronto. The only player allowed to stand on the sidelines was the backup QB, and that was only when the offense was on the field.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
From 0-99, here are the only numbers that are not available: 12, 45, 71, 80, and 96. Five numbers out of 100. That leaves 95 numbers available for a 53 man squad, with certain limitations depending on position. They could have afforded to shelve #3 for a few more years.

The roster currently has 90 players, not 53. That leaves five unused numbers until Cutdown Day, which is pretty close to when the season starts. So "[t]hat leaves 95 numbers available for a 53[-]man squad" is some BS, and you know it.

The Seahawks left uniform number 3 unused last year. That appears to be as much as anyone gets, and honestly, it's more than anyone really needs to get.

Giving Wilson special treatment when he was here allegedly divided the team. Why should the Seahawks keep giving him special treatment after he forced his way out?

Richard Sherman is a lock for the Hall of Fame and was a major contributor to the Seahawks' title. Sherman's number only got a one-year break before Travis Homer got it in 2019. Why should Wilson get even more special treatment even after having left?


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Not a good look by the organization, whether it was intentional or not. Its bad enough trying to get stars to come play in Seattle. Just having the most known Seahawk player in history(outside of WA views) getting disrespected, would probably turn off other players. Other casual fans seem this was disrespectful too. The PR guys dropped the ball on this, i agree this was a very avoidable controversy.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2014
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Russell Wilson disrespected Pete and JS by asking for their firing.
Russell Wilson disrespected the Seahawks by handing them a list of teams he'd be willing to be traded to.
Russell Wilson disrespected Seahawk fans by telling us repeatedly that he didn't want to be traded, while actively seeking a trade.
Russell Wilson disrespected all of the above by trying repeatedly to play outside of the system that made him a success, looking to "cement his legacy" instead of winning games.

He was a great QB for us. I am not disrespecting him by saying that now, he is just another former player who is currently on another team. I'm pretty sure other players can see the truth and not be put off by the fact that they only held his number vacant for a year. If they have a problem, I bet BWags can explain things adequately. Any further honors and respect for Russell Wilson can come after his career is over.