.SI Article....The turmoil in Seattle..any truth?


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Aug 19, 2018
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Read the article..blah blah....but to blame play call by the offense in THAT super bowl.....how about the defense on that gruesome day gave up over 180 yards after contact in that game. Plan old bad tackling . The LOB ? 3 of 4 had injuries and refused to leave the game....


Mar 13, 2013
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Aros":17zcrkw1 said:
Again, what's the point of rehashing OLD news, or even any kind of a Hit Piece a few days away from the start of the season? If I wanted to read a Tell All - The TRUTH Behind The LOB Era Champion Seahawks I would look for the book someday, far down the road.

Now? Not just a Hit Piece, but a largely REHASHED Hit Piece just days before Game 1.


The whole thing just stinks.

Honestly not trying to be a bitch, but I think the whole point of .net is to rehash pretty much everything ever regarding the Seahawks. These last years have been extremely eventful as well, so the more painful/emotions inducing moments will probably be rehashed for a very long time.

I do see how the article could be blamed for being "late to the party", and probably a hit piece inspired by Sherman, but the Hawks were just ranked in the 20's by multiple news outlets for power rankings. For a team who consistently ranked top 10 for years, I could see it strike someone's interest to do a comprehensive "how did they get here?" article. As much as this topic has been brought up by previous articles, most of them only focused on one or two things (at different times as well) that were compiled in this one.


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May 19, 2017
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xray":2r8fy80i said:
Read the article..blah blah....but to blame play call by the offense in THAT super bowl.....how about the defense on that gruesome day gave up over 180 yards after contact in that game. Plan old bad tackling . The LOB ? 3 of 4 had injuries and refused to leave the game....

You think the D would have been better off if the LOB would have sat? If you do, I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you. The fact that the D was so beat up and we were still in the position to win makes it that much worse.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Sgt. Largent":3e1m9yq9 said:
mrt144":3e1m9yq9 said:
Sgt. Largent":3e1m9yq9 said:
mrt144":3e1m9yq9 said:
Welcome to the hater culture, where nobody has a legit gripe, they're just haters.

And it's OK to be upset for legit reasons.............but it's not OK to undermine your coach by being a negative influence on and off the field to the detriment of your team.

That's what losers do, not winners. Winners put aside their differences for the betterment of the team, the get past it because they know it's not helping win.

I think that falls back on Pete changing some of the relationship dynamics with the instance of being able to talk smack at practice to RW evaporating. It must have been a mind screw to buy in and think it's one way and have that change for no apparent reason.

I think there are different schools on eeking out the best from everyone where some think iron sharpens iron to the extreme and others think of it more like a garden where you use the iron lovingly to turn over the soil and plant seeds.

Oh it was definitely on Pete.

I hope that's not lost on anyone as they read this article. It's not about Russell, it's about Sherman, it's not about any of the players..............this article is an indictment on how Pete mismanaged the entire situation.

- should have fired Bevell after the SB loss
- should have fired Cable last year

- should have traded both Sherman and Bennett after 2016

But Pete being Pete with his positive ego? He thought he could fix it, not realizing after one of the worst losses in SB history, it was never going to be fixable.
Pretty much spot on, but if the part a highlighted in red happened sooner than it actually did, it might have been a salvageable situation and another possible Super Bowl appearance. Just my humble opinion of course. :)

I think the defensive players biggest beef, whether you agree with them or not, was lack of accountability of the offensive coaching staff. If that issue was dealt with right away after XLIX, I think the pathway to now would have been much different and more successful.

The Breh

Aug 24, 2015
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MontanaHawk05":yx326miv said:
This thread has already been taken over by misinformation and cynicism, so it'll have to be put back on track here...

That "disgruntled, angry" defense, for all their supposed bitterness, was still top 5 in the league right up until Earl Thomas' injury in 2016. We all knew it. The stats say it. Nobody, in this board or elsewhere, was saying otherwise until mid-2017. To claim anything else is revisionist history. If you think those big stars weren't earning their contracts, how do you account for that fact?

"Injury played a role, but...?" No, no buts. Injury either played a role or it didn't. There's only so many upper-tier, offense-powering starting RB's a team can reasonably be expected to enlist in one season. We found one in 2015, he got hurt, and it got in his head; he was never the same since (seriously, Rawls' play style changed after the injury. He was a better RB in 2015). That hurt the team all the way through 2016. We started over in 2017, found another starting RB, and...he got hurt. I was never a fan of the Lacy signing, and the Christine Michael failure deserves more talk concerning its role in our offensive struggles, but again, you don't condemn a team for failing to come up with a Carson/Penny combo every year. Stuff just happens.

Blair Walsh happened. That was the most damaging free-agent signing of the post-2013 era. It lost us three(?) games in 2017. Far more destructive to our playoff hopes than Graham, who got us ten touchdowns, or Harvin, who hurt the cap but was otherwise jettisoned without too much pain.

We could talk about Tom Cable being a problem. We could even talk about Darell Bevell.

But in the end, the Seahawks lost games. It's as simple as that. They missed enough games to miss good seeding in the playoffs, then failed to execute in playoffs. It happens. To 31 NFL teams. Annually. Unless you're going to contend that there's always 31 mediocre teams and one good one, and that the Patriots were mediocre from 2005-2013 purely because they didn't win a Super Bowl, then Seattle never hit mediocrity. They just lost the war of attrition. It ----ing happens.

Maybe these defensive clowns did do some of the acting up claimed in this article. We'll never know.

But it will never be the scapegoat people want it to be.
Great post man.
People are SO quick to shit on everybody that's left.
How dare they defy our team and staff despite their longstanding commitment and time here.
When the dust settles we'll hear all the truth come out and people won't like it.
Pause and ponder if there's a possible iota of truth to any of it.
Just like this story they're already picking sides.
They're getting in their feelings and quick to call out all the players on D.
Because the fans, too, hold Russ in such high regard that he's beyond reproach in their minds.
Remember-this is the same thinkpiece that was published around a year ago with a lil added finger pointing.

All I can say is if I was on that D, had to be on a team with some questionable decisions from the O coordination and line coach, while more than picking up my part of the slack, part of a top scoring D 5 years running.
Yes, I'm pickin all the bones I've got clean.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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Aros":1yip0293 said:
Again, what's the point of rehashing OLD news, or even any kind of a Hit Piece a few days away from the start of the season? If I wanted to read a Tell All - The TRUTH Behind The LOB Era Champion Seahawks I would look for the book someday, far down the road.

Now? Not just a Hit Piece, but a largely REHASHED Hit Piece just days before Game 1.


The whole thing just stinks.

Yes, agreed. The Seahawks are not even relevant to the national conversation right now (nor should they be until they find their footing again), so this piece feels entirely out of place. The reality is that most of the audience really doesn't care why the dynasty never came to be years ago and those that do (i.e., those here) already know the ins and outs of all this better than the writer. On the other hand, if the team turns out better/more interesting than most believe, it becomes entirely irrelevant and somewhat contradictory.

I also think it could have the opposite effect of what's intended. This team is young and fun. They didn't grow up with Wilson and see all the ups/downs. To them, he's just a steely-eyed highlight reel legend.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Funny how gossip can become bigger than the game .... bigger than life itself. And how the same narrative can be recycled again and again as if trapped in an echo chamber. Until ....... some juicy new gossip is fabricated to displace it. After all, isn't this the very narrative that displaced the Wilson / ex-wife / Tate gossip? I realize 39 cents an issue is cheap and the internet is free. But vastly superior literature and story telling is readily available at the local book store and library.

It is unfortunate that a few wayward kids had to recently be kicked out of the house to sink or swim on their own. But one Seahawk constant is Pete. He hasn't lost his way. Far from it. Still working tirelessly toward helping others become better one day at a time.


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Feb 7, 2016
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Who cares? They are gone, let them bitch and moan like the weak minded children they are. It is a new year, and new team. Go Hawks!


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
We’ve been talking about this stuff for a minute now.

The old saying goes....

....A house divided can not stand.

Well, In this case, it sure didn’t.

I’m personally not going to allow any of it “taint” my enjoyment I’ve had over the last few years of Seahawk football.
Been some of the best ever, and I’m looking forward to what may come.


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Aug 18, 2012
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KiwiHawk":3fuly8zx said:
TwistedHusky":3fuly8zx said:
As for the rest, Kasen Williams was one example. McDaniel gave another and he was right. While Williams might not have been a fit, McEvoy was a steaming pile of ish and the defense knew it. Regardless, the issue was that a standard of competition that the team put together was violated. Pete decided but he did not decide using the rules he laid down, or he did not adequately communicate it to the team. Yes, he needs to justify those decisions because you need buy-in from the stakeholders.
Kasen Williams? Seriously? He's done nothing in the league Except prove Pete was right to let him go.

Another thing: Players don't get to second-guess their coaches. That is the attitude the attitude that was the cancer on the team. They don't get to decide that Williams was better than McEvoy or that we should run or pass the ball.

Pete made them stars and they let it go to their heads and let their sense of entitlement run free. Entitled to more money. Entitled to call plays. Entitled to say who gets kept and who doesn't.

That's why they needed to go.
But you don’t blame Pete for creating that culture ?


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Nov 25, 2014
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Could it be true? Perhaps. But how about taking some responsibility. Defense gave up a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter. They were sliced and diced like melted butter. Maybe they don't collapse at the end. Maybe Lynch runs it in the first time and we don't have a second down pass. Maybe Kearse doesn't whiff his block. Maybe Lockett doesn't get folded over like a wet piece of paper and boxes the defender out. So many other opportunities, but they chose to direct their anger at one person.

I get it. It sucks. QBs get treated differently. But these loudmouths had every opportunity to discuss the problem like mature adults and to step up rather than gripe about it among themselves. Their own echo chamber took themselves out of the game mentally and it resulted in detrimental outbursts such as those by Richard Sherman. In the end, it just sounds like they were looking for a scapegoat and the "weird kid" was the easy target.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
What a crock of shit. "The Quarterback received special treatment." When has this NOT been true?

What Quarterback doesn't receive special treatment? EVERY Quarterback in the NFL is treated differently than any other player in the NFL. They must think Tom Brady is treated like every player on the rest of the Patriots.

Because the Defense ate up MOST of the cap, they were expected to carry the team. Because the Defense ate up MOST of the cap, there was no money let over for the offensive line. So Pete tried to make up for the difference by paying one offensive Superstar, hoping that would help the offense score.

The Defense has ZERO room to cry about the offense. In fact, we lost our first 2 games, and home field advantage because a certain defensive player held out while his team mates kept saying, "Kam! Come back!"

Here's and common sense. Whether it's Offense or Defense, when one side of the team has all the Superstars, and receives the Lions Share of the money, they are supposed to carry the team.

We don't hear Drew Brees bitching about the crappy defenses he's played with.

I guess defensive players are whinier than offensive players?

This article lacks facts and is just another shot at the Seahawks who, as a small market team, are an easy target.


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Mar 5, 2007
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So, one the leagues greatest defenses almost got back to back titles against the two greatest modern day QBs.

But, the defense got butt hurt because they got torched in the 4th quarter and didn't get bailed out.

Since then, they have been bitching constantly about our QB elevating into a franchise QB and the changing power structure on the team.

Did I miss anything?

There are zero all time defenses that have had a young QB elevate to superstar status while they were on top.

Bears? Nope
Tampa? Nope
Ravens? Nope

Pete was adjusting to change while the defense got older and more resentful towards that change.
The term should be changed to
"Defense wins championship."
Franchise QBs win championships.
Give that "not black enough" franchise QB what he needs to continue being a franchise QB.


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May 7, 2012
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ivotuk":1ksqq84g said:
What a crock of shit. "The Quarterback received special treatment." When has this NOT been true?

What Quarterback doesn't receive special treatment? EVERY Quarterback in the NFL is treated differently than any other player in the NFL. They must think Tom Brady is treated like every player on the rest of the Patriots.

Because the Defense ate up MOST of the cap, they were expected to carry the team. Because the Defense ate up MOST of the cap, there was no money let over for the offensive line. So Pete tried to make up for the difference by paying one offensive Superstar, hoping that would help the offense score.

The Defense has ZERO room to cry about the offense. In fact, we lost our first 2 games, and home field advantage because a certain defensive player held out while his team mates kept saying, "Kam! Come back!"

Here's and common sense. Whether it's Offense or Defense, when one side of the team has all the Superstars, and receives the Lions Share of the money, they are supposed to carry the team.

We don't hear Drew Brees bitching about the crappy defenses he's played with.

I guess defensive players are whinier than offensive players?

This article lacks facts and is just another shot at the Seahawks who, as a small market team, are an easy target.
EXACTLY! Not only did the defense take up the lions share of the cap the DEFENSE FAILED MANY MANY TIMES TO CLOSE OUT GAMES!
The constant bitching and whining by certain defensive players just shows how incredibly small minded and immature they truly are.


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Sep 29, 2017
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Can someone please explain to me why running the ball was so important? Remember how many times we ran the ball that year and when we played the Broncos in the superbowl, how many times they stopped us in the red zone?

At that time we had like 40 secs and no time out, if we had ran the ball and didn't get the TD, i'm sure we would had lost 20 seconds and been 3rd and 1 with the clock ticking.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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A lot of you are calling out the failures of the defense in that SB as your excuse for why we cannot allow the defensive leaders to hold Wilson accountable. Yes, the defense did give up yards and scores. (Of course, the offense failed to do anything at this time in allowing that)

Also, to be fair....if Wilson wouldn't have screwed up so much in the Green Bay game, we might have gone into the SB without half our secondary being injured.

Kam was hurt.
Thomas was hurt.
Sherman was hurt.
and later we lost Lane and Simon (Simon wasn't good but the bad rap he got in the SB was unfair because he was playing hurt too. Another screwup by Pete actually since Burley should have been playing in that game instead).

So complain about the defense all you want and try to heap accolades on Wilson if you feel he deserves them (certainly in the regular season he does...but he has pretty much been hot garbage in the playoffs but for the first run to the SB and the missed run before that. He was amazing in those. Pretty much terrible since unfortunately.

Maybe if Pete hadn't coddled him, he wouldn't have these problems in the playoffs now.
Aug 4, 2011
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James in PA":1qpyg511 said:
Aros":1qpyg511 said:
Here's what a took away from that article besides being yet another "Stir The Shit" piece by SI....

A4e16c1cd8c5dbb1d6c4582d182afe90c14d8d01 r
Yup. Same old, recycled shit. That game took place 4 seasons ago. The malcontents are gone. Find something else to write about already, SI. Hey, I know: how about a juicy piece on Bill Buckner and the ‘86 Red Sox??

Friggin jack wads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol ur too much!


Well-known member
May 7, 2012
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TwistedHusky":12p5mb2n said:
A lot of you are calling out the failures of the defense in that SB as your excuse for why we cannot allow the defensive leaders to hold Wilson accountable. Yes, the defense did give up yards and scores. (Of course, the offense failed to do anything at this time in allowing that)

Also, to be fair....if Wilson wouldn't have screwed up so much in the Green Bay game, we might have gone into the SB without half our secondary being injured.

Kam was hurt.
Thomas was hurt.
Sherman was hurt.
and later we lost Lane and Simon (Simon wasn't good but the bad rap he got in the SB was unfair because he was playing hurt too. Another screwup by Pete actually since Burley should have been playing in that game instead).

So complain about the defense all you want and try to heap accolades on Wilson if you feel he deserves them (certainly in the regular season he does...but he has pretty much been hot garbage in the playoffs but for the first run to the SB and the missed run before that. He was amazing in those. Pretty much terrible since unfortunately.

Maybe if Pete hadn't coddled him, he wouldn't have these problems in the playoffs now.
No one would be talking about the many defensive failures throughout Wilsons tenure (and there were many late blown leads).

This kind of blow back is bound to happen when you never EVER take the blame and constantly act like spoiled children.


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Apr 11, 2010
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TwistedHusky":16qpro8e said:
Before you can solve a problem, you have to acknowledge it.

There are a number of issues, which we were repeatedly assured were not valid, that article seems to provide supporting details on.

- Lynch being upset
- Defensive players being upset with Wilson
- Wilson alienating himself from the team
- 'Always Compete' being exposed as a load of crap.

The Wilson worship has to stop. Wilson is a great player but he is not infallible. And the Seahawks are going to learn the hard way that placing all their bets on him can burn them hard. It already has.

QBs get treated differently but what clearly went on here, destroyed what this team had that made it special. And, to be clear, this team has not been special since that 2nd SB. The moment this Pete created that division by coddling Wilson, who likely did not need it, this team has been basically a wildcard team.

This team is going to get a rude awakening if the rumors are true (and given Wilson's predilections there is no reason to suspect they are not) and Wilson bolts in two years. Regardless, Pete protecting Wilson probably was ridiculous because he seems to be emotionally strong and he would have been able to handle it. All they did was create a schism (one that we were assured did not exist btw).

A larger issue is how does this bode for a team resigning defensive FAs when the internal nickname is 'The Titanic'?

It now makes more sense why ET wants the hell out. But what does this say about Bobby?

You can keep making excuses, you can blame the defensive players for problems that they did not start but were upset by, or you can fix things. Or you can keep going with what you are doing, assuring you don't do much in the playoffs if you even reach them.

Get real, why would you give a shit if Russell Wilson has "Worshipers"?
What's OBVIOUS, is that neither Sherman, Chancellor, nor Thomas had to worry about the "Always Compete" mantra, THEY HAD NO COMPETITION, so what the hell is he (Sherman) crybaby'n about???
Pete more than likely felt assured that the Secondary was doing just fine, and wanted to take advantage of Wilsons GREAT QUARTERBACK ABILITIES, by surrounding him with a couple of playmakers, You know, LIKE Billicheck has done for Tom Brady--- THAT IS NORMAL, that is what almost ALL SUCCESSFUL TEAMS DO, that is why Quarterbacks go so damned high in the drafts, or are traded for 1st round Draft picks, year in, & year out.
Sherman really should quit sniveling, that's one of the reasons he, and a few others probably got their rich crying asses run off.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
TwistedHusky":fxqpk1k0 said:
A lot of you are calling out the failures of the defense in that SB as your excuse for why we cannot allow the defensive leaders to hold Wilson accountable. Yes, the defense did give up yards and scores. (Of course, the offense failed to do anything at this time in allowing that)

Also, to be fair....if Wilson wouldn't have screwed up so much in the Green Bay game, we might have gone into the SB without half our secondary being injured.

Kam was hurt.
Thomas was hurt.
Sherman was hurt.
and later we lost Lane and Simon (Simon wasn't good but the bad rap he got in the SB was unfair because he was playing hurt too. Another screwup by Pete actually since Burley should have been playing in that game instead).

So complain about the defense all you want and try to heap accolades on Wilson if you feel he deserves them (certainly in the regular season he does...but he has pretty much been hot garbage in the playoffs but for the first run to the SB and the missed run before that. He was amazing in those. Pretty much terrible since unfortunately.

Maybe if Pete hadn't coddled him, he wouldn't have these problems in the playoffs now.

This story, and this thread came about : because the Defense is whining. Not because anyone is bragging on the offense or Russell Wilson. If the Defense had kept their mouth shut, there would be no story.

And Russell never got coddled. Was he being coddled last year when he was the offense and took hit after hit?

What about the year before when he played on an ankle sprain and with a knee brace? Where was the coddling?

Remember Russell's first game as a rookie where he got hammered by the Arizona defense? Was that coddling?

Russell has taken more physical abuse, and been responsible more wins than any group of players on this team. Yet he NEVER complains, EVER.

Last year's defense was undisciplined, and ignored their Defensive coordinator. They have up a ton of rushing yards and a boatload of points. And then started pointing the finger everywhere except themselves.

No, this is all on them and their big mouths. They created this mess. Not the offense, not Russell Wilson, and certainly not Pete Carroll. The overpaid defense who either threatened to hold out for more money, or did hold out while their team mates and the fans paid the price.
