Tell the truth


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Dec 30, 2014
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For the first time this era, I have lost faith in this front office. From Paul, to John, to Pete I have lost faith. The reason is very simple. They do not hold the coaching staff to the same standards as the players. There is zero accountability among the coaches. What happened to always compete, tell the truth Monday..... who is Pete kidding at this point?


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Sep 15, 2015
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OpHawk":1brqta0y said:
For the first time this era, I have lost faith in this front office. From Paul, to John, to Pete I have lost faith. The reason is very simple. They do not hold the coaching staff to the same standards as the players. There is zero accountability among the coaches. What happened to always compete, tell the truth Monday..... who is Pete kidding at this point?

You can only blame players and injuries for so long. After a while if you continually do so, players will lose respect for you.

If you are able blame players and/or injuries you have to be able to blame the coaching staff as well.

You can't have your cake and eat it too! You can't have it both ways.


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Sep 21, 2013
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South Seattle
HawkFan72":34zd4hhs said:
We do need some new blood in the coaching room I think.

Pete is loyal to a fault with his coaches. The only way any of these guys leave is for another job.


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May 14, 2012
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Maybe it's time for Paul Allen to step in and demand a few changes. It's obvious this team is lost on offense despise having a franchise qb. I have all the faith in the world for Pete and John to keep us competitive roster wise. Walter Jones for O-Line coach?


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
OpHawk":265idxdr said:
For the first time this era, I have lost faith in this front office. From Paul, to John, to Pete I have lost faith. The reason is very simple. They do not hold the coaching staff to the same standards as the players. There is zero accountability among the coaches. What happened to always compete, tell the truth Monday..... who is Pete kidding at this point?

Been saying exactly this since the Super Bowl loss. Pete is damaging his own philosophy.


Apr 13, 2013
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wallace idaho
OpHawk":9j3ewt86 said:
For the first time this era, I have lost faith in this front office. From Paul, to John, to Pete I have lost faith. The reason is very simple. They do not hold the coaching staff to the same standards as the players. There is zero accountability among the coaches. What happened to always compete, tell the truth Monday..... who is Pete kidding at this point?
Totally agree been saying this for couple years. And my opinion the players see it the same way


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2014
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Tell the Truth is only for the players I guess. Even just on this site it is probably 80 to 20 to get rid of bevell and/or cable. It is extremely apparent when you watch the playcalling of other teams in the playoffs. How they expose opposing teams weaknesses and utilize talent they have. We do neither. Has to change.


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Oct 30, 2016
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Agree with this thread 100%

Glad to see more voices in here willing to tell it like it is.


Jan 20, 2015
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Im sad to see KRs in ability to adjust. I wish it was me last year doubt the new young defensive genius playing with 40MM toys. There is no adjustment improvements. Teams come out and score. The offense isnt built forma shootout.

Quinn would almost everygame shut down the opposing team. KR with the same players -1 couldnt .

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Pie Romania

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Oct 20, 2013
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Washington State
Absolutely on board with this as I feel most will agree. I have no faith in Bevell to game plan the weapons he has into the offense properly. Richard should be demoted back to coaching the secondary at most. Cable needs to be hired by someone else or outright released.


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Apr 11, 2010
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HawkFan72":22y6wj65 said:
We do need some new blood in the coaching room I think.
Agreed, I have been in the "stay the course" mode for over two seasons now, and it's become obvious that the Seahawks are no longer surprising anyone.
They've become predictable, and their stay with the 'Vanilla' mindset will be their undoing, as other teams are drafting & coaching to neutralize our tendencies.
May be time for some fresh perspective, and Coaching ingenuity, because it's obvious that there are some missing elements.
I think Bevell has hit a wall with his imagination..Seems worn out, maybe it's time for Russell Wilson to have some change-up in coaching; someone who can coach to his strengths, someone who can game plan around getting Jimmy Graham & a couple others more involved, so's to help move the ball in the Red Zone.
To be fair to Bevell though, It's pretty damned hard to game plan around a faltering suck-butt O-Line...Forget about the notion of trying to go with an attacking Offense, especially without any kind of running game to bolster the passing attack.......The rest of the League no longer have to game plan around Marshawn Lynch.
Defense? = Same thing, Coaching basics is fine, but we have some players that are being grossly misused, proof is in how the rest of the League has figured out how to counter.....Can't have your stars in two places at the same time, and we need some upgrading at RC.


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Jan 11, 2017
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Pie Romania":1wbh4o1g said:
Absolutely on board with this as I feel most will agree. I have no faith in Bevell to game plan the weapons he has into the offense properly. Richard should be demoted back to coaching the secondary at most. Cable needs to be hired by someone else or outright released.

I'm new to the board but have read it casually for years. I have watched as the Bevell/Cable supporters attack those who are not w/the whole knee-jerk thing but it is clearly not that. This started before SB49 and has only grown for some time to where it now approaches something close to a consensus. At least that's how it appears to me.

I think the most disappointing part of this is Carroll's statements that the Seahawks are still in the "championship window," which I think most are interpreting as "everything is okay." It is clearly not, and I think most fans would have felt better if he had said, "we really have some work to do to get this thing straightened out."


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Feb 5, 2015
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Totally disagree.

We have one of the best coaching staffs in the league and our record supports that.

Those trying to pin the herculean accomplishment of not making the Super Bowl on one or two coaches don't really understand the Hawks, the NFL or the game of football. Processing reality is too big for these type of casual fan so they have to pin their rath on a nice and tidy coordinator. But that's why they are fans on a chat board and the real professionals run the team.


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May 2, 2009
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Los Angeles
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.


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Feb 5, 2015
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ludakrishna":1sgr214s said:
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.
Once again, what is proposed here is what a loser team would do. Thank goodness we are a professional organization that isn't petty like that.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Siouxhawk":1ip94fzu said:
ludakrishna":1ip94fzu said:
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.
Once again, what is proposed here is what a loser team would do. Thank goodness we are a professional organization that isn't petty like that.

You talk like you've been running a franchise for the last decade and have some inside knowledge that the rest of us don't. You don't have a clue what is going on behind the doors any more than we do. As I said in another thread, there are 2 recent examples of great coaches, Belichek and Saban both making coaching changes in the middle of seasons and those are 2 pretty successful coaches so the reality is sometimes changes are good and sometimes they are bad. You don't make a change for the sake of making a change but you have to not be afraid to make a change when something isn't working. A good management team knows this. You can't settle with being good when you have the potential to be better. It's hard to believe that anybody would think that this team is getting the most out of it's assets right now, and the reality is you can't make sweeping changes to the roster so what is left if you can't change the roster and it is isn't playing to potential? keep doing the same thing and hope it changes?


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Oct 30, 2016
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Siouxhawk":2jaecw1m said:
ludakrishna":2jaecw1m said:
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.
Once again, what is proposed here is what a loser team would do. Thank goodness we are a professional organization that isn't petty like that.

Graphics wipeout 020849


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Feb 5, 2015
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flmmkrz":2itauit0 said:
Siouxhawk":2itauit0 said:
ludakrishna":2itauit0 said:
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.
Once again, what is proposed here is what a loser team would do. Thank goodness we are a professional organization that isn't petty like that.

You talk like you've been running a franchise for the last decade and have some inside knowledge that the rest of us don't. You don't have a clue what is going on behind the doors any more than we do. As I said in another thread, there are 2 recent examples of great coaches, Belichek and Saban both making coaching changes in the middle of seasons and those are 2 pretty successful coaches so the reality is sometimes changes are good and sometimes they are bad. You don't make a change for the sake of making a change but you have to not be afraid to make a change when something isn't working. A good management team knows this.
And a good management team knows not to disrupt something that is working. The Bills and Rams weren't working, so they made a change. We are very much working, so no upheaval is necessary. We are one of the elites.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
flmmkrz":3fy52qx6 said:
Siouxhawk":3fy52qx6 said:
ludakrishna":3fy52qx6 said:
This team wanted a scapegoat for SB 49 and have not gotten it. Curse got and free pass for the terrible blocking, Lockette was retained and Bevell....we know how that went. No one got the stick for the mistake and it has lingered. Had someone got the axe, there would've been some relief in the mind of the players.
Once again, what is proposed here is what a loser team would do. Thank goodness we are a professional organization that isn't petty like that.

You talk like you've been running a franchise for the last decade and have some inside knowledge that the rest of us don't. You don't have a clue what is going on behind the doors any more than we do. As I said in another thread, there are 2 recent examples of great coaches, Belichek and Saban both making coaching changes in the middle of seasons and those are 2 pretty successful coaches so the reality is sometimes changes are good and sometimes they are bad. You don't make a change for the sake of making a change but you have to not be afraid to make a change when something isn't working. A good management team knows this. You can't settle with being good when you have the potential to be better. It's hard to believe that anybody would think that this team is getting the most out of it's assets right now, and the reality is you can't make sweeping changes to the roster so what is left if you can't change the roster and it is isn't playing to potential? keep doing the same thing and hope it changes?

Let me add that when Denver went to the SB and lost against this very team, they fired their coach and brought in new blood. They fired their coach after going to the SB. So what happened in Denver? They won the SB two years later. Firing on a successful team can work, there are ample examples of it doing so. There is no point in denying that.