We will still win the NFC West


Oct 26, 2013
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I truly believe we will still get the #1 seed in the NFC West.

I'm amazed how everyone is just giving up like a bunch of babies saying we'd be lucky to go 8-8 what a joke :roll:

I'm normally the most critical guy when it comes to the Seahawks. I always point out the flaws of our team or players in a constructive, logical, and statistical fashion. Still it seems like nobody wants to hear my analysis if it's not "super positive rainbow wonder land" type of stuff... I keep it real, no sugar coating. So it's a strange feeling to be on the other end of the spectrum this time when it comes to the remainder of our season.

While most people sound defeated like we have no chance now I'm looking at the NFL landscape as a whole and the NFC West and seeing that this race is still wide open 3-3 is not a big problem if we can get things right against Carolina.

So I'm looking at the NFC West and the Cardinal's and 49er's schedules. And then looking into their opponents schedules, and their opponents schedules, etc. etc.

And what I'm seeing is that there are a ton of "good" teams right now that aren't really that good. A lot of these "dangerous" teams that will "knock us out of the playoffs" are really just over-rated due to their weak schedules right now.

Analyzing this seasons teams and their schedules up to this point is kinda like sifting through a big pile of poop. A long poop trail of slightly above average teams trading wins, none of them are really that threatening by the end of the season with the exception of Denver.

For Example:

Current #1 NFC West Arizona Cardinals:

They are 5-1 but the only "good" team they beat was the San Diego Chargers (explained below). They got man handled by Denver which is the only legitimately good team they've played so far.

They beat the 49ers who are terrible (explained below) as well as 3 obviously bad teams (Giants, Redskins, Raiders).

Current #2 NFC West San Francisco 49ers:

They are 4-3 but the only "good" team they beat was the Dallas Cowboys. And it took a heroically epic failure from Tony Romo to get them that win. Romo was fresh off back surgery and I'm sure if they had played them in Week 6 like we did the 49er's would of looked just like they did against the Broncos last night.

Other than that their only other "good" victory was against the Eagles who are also over-rated currently (explained below).

Other than a win handed to them by Romo and a home game against the "good" Eagles they have no wins against above average teams.

They got exposed for who they really are against Denver, in addition to losing to the bad Bears and the overrated Cardinals. I still expect the 49ers to finish with 9 wins tops just like I predicted at the beginning of the season.

So now we examine the games of teams that aren't in the NFC West to prove they aren't as good as their records might indicate:

San Diego Chargers:

Only good win was against Seahawks in extreme freakish field conditions when our Offensive Coordinator called a terrible game that did nothing to help our Defense rest (Ran Lynch 7 times).

Their other wins aren't impressive at all (Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars, New York Jets, Oakland Raiders). Are you serious with those wins? That schedule has got to be trolling me the Chargers haven't proven anything yet.

They lost to overrated Cardinals, and the mediocre Kansas City Chiefs.

Philadelphia Eagles:

Got their butts kicked and their offense was exposed by the mediocre 49ers.

Most impressive win came against the overrated Colts (explained below).

All other wins were against terrible-below average teams (Jacksonville Jaguars, Washington Redskins, St. Louis Rams, New York Giants).

Indianapolis Colts:

Only good win came against the over-rated Bengals (explained below).

They Beat the Baltimore Ravens who are also overrated (explained below), but all their other wins come against terrible teams (Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Houstan Texans).

Lost to Denver who are legit good, and the Eagles who are over-rated.

Cincinnati Bengals:

Have not beaten any good teams (Baltimore Ravens, Atlanta Falcons, Tennessee Titans).

Tied with slightly above average Carolina Panthers.

Lost to the only above average teams they played (New England Patriots, and Indianapolis Colts).

Baltimore Ravens:

Most impressive win came against the slightly above average Carolina Panthers. All other wins came against bad teams (Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons).

Lost to the slightly above average Cincinnati Bengals and Indianapolis Colts.

Carolina Panthers:

Only "good" team they beat were the Detroit Lions. Other wins were bad-mediocre teams (Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Chicago Bears).

Lost or tied all other games enough said.

Detroit Lions:

Lost to Carolina Panthers and the Buffalo Bills.

Barely beat the Saints who haven't beaten anyone who wasn't terrible (Saints beat Minnesota Vikings, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers).

Only "good" win was against Green Bay who Seahawks also handled with ease. The Detroit Lions might be for real but they haven't proved it this early in the season due to weak schedule.

Green Bay Packers:

Only "good" or "average" wins they have were against Miami who haven't beaten anyone of note since Week 1 (they beat Patriots), and the Panthers. Their other wins are against New York Jets, Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings.

Dallas Cowboys:

Their only truly good victory came against Seahawks, there other wins are all bad-mediocre (Tennessee Titans, St. Louis Rams, New Orleans Saints, Houstan Texans, New York Jets).

Like the Lions they may be legit but it's hard to tell so early in the season. I expect the Cowboys to fall back to earth by the end of the season but it looks like they are going to get more than the 7 wins I predicted for them at the beginning of the season (which most people seemed to think I was crazy that they'd even get that many...)

Unfortunately the Cowboys have an extraordinarily weak schedule top to bottom which is why I thought they'd win 7 in the first place. So they could have a great record by the end of the season but it's really bad they got the win against us at home... obviously we gotta give them the benefit of the doubt going forward.


So there it is, I have listed above every single NFC team that poses a threat to us in addition to other "good" teams. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS CURRENTLY OVER-RATED OR UNPROVEN DUE TO WEAK SCHEDULES.

What does it all mean???

The only team that has really proven anything with their schedule and who hands down seems like the best team in the NFL right now is the Denver Broncos. The Broncos were obviously favored to win the AFC from day 1, it's impossible to argue otherwise. But the only team to beat them this year??? Yep, our very own Seahawks.

The Broncos may very well go 15-1 if they can get by the their arch rival Patriots and 2 games against the Chargers. All their other games look easy...

So if they really do go 15-1 then the Seahawks are looking pretty dang impressive to give them their only loss right? Not saying that's gonna happen but it's a possibility with how the Broncos are playing right now, they are clearly the best in the NFL and WE BEAT THEM.

As for the NFC... Our biggest priority is obviously to win the NFC West. Both the Arizona Cardinals and 49ers are overrated and haven't proven anything so far this season as I explained above. I still think both teams will most likely finish with 9 wins just like I predicted at the beginning of the season.

The Cardinals still have 6 games they could easily lose (Eagles, Cowboys, Lions, Seahawks, Seahawks, 49ers). Even if they only lost 5 of those they'd finish the season 10-6.

The 49ers still have 4 games they could easily lose, but in my opinion (I think they are really bad) they are liable to drop 6 of them (Rams, Saints, Seahawks, Seahawks, Chargers, Cardinals). Even if they do only lose 4 of those they will still finish 9-7.

AND FINALLY WHAT MATTERS MOST THE SEAHAWKS! If we can get by the Panthers we will be 4-3 with 3 "easy" games to follow (Raiders, Giants, Chiefs).

At that point we'd be 7-3 with the remaining Schedule of Cardinals, 49ers, Eagles, 49ers, Cardinals, Rams.

All we'd have to do to win the NFC West (pretty confident 11-5 would do it) is win 4 of those games which is VERY DOABLE (none of those teams are as good as people think as I explained above).

The most important game of the Season is the Carolina Panthers. Losing to the Rams seems to have been the death blow for many fans here, but in reality if we can beat the Panthers we'll still be in a very realistic position to win the NFC West.

It's VERY unfortunate that we lost to the Rams, that is inexcusable and our Defense and Special Teams should be ashamed of themselves and play the game of their lives next week against the Panthers.

If we lose to the Panthers I'll join y'all in the "Season's Over Doomsday" mindset.

Right now I see a very weak or "soft" NFL landscape ripe for the taking just like last year. If anything the NFL is even weaker than it was last season now that the 49ers are gone who were our only legit threat. While Denver has stepped up to take advantage of how average most teams are, we have fallen off a cliff this year compared to our potential.

It's now or never but I still think we can go 11-5 and win the NFC West if even the slightest shred of the 2013 Seahawk's spirit still lives on. Harvin may have been the cancer in our locker room, but the chemotherapy has prevailed he's gone and it's time for us to get healthy and strong again.


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Nov 20, 2012
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A tokadub drunk dissertation. Yay, I love these. :thirishdrinkers: :vodka:


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Sep 18, 2011
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Oklahoma City
You bring up some good points, and I agree that we are far from doomed right now. A loss to Carolina would be bad, but it also depends on how it happens. If it is similar to the crap show we put up against the Rams, then I'll enjoy the rest of the season but look forward to next year. Otherwise, we are still a great team that has suffered some setbacks that we can, and will, fix to be the team that we know they can be.


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Feb 17, 2014
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The schedule is damn tough this year (the early bye before a Monday night game, toughest division in football, games @Carolina, @KC, @Philadelphia, etc). On the bright side, Carroll teams tend to rise to the occasion and play to the level of the competition. They also tend to get better as the season progresses.


Oct 26, 2013
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Cartire":sgqo4ocu said:
A tokadub drunk dissertation. Yay, I love these. :thirishdrinkers: :vodka:

I'm actually 100% sober right now, but I'm about to go grab 2 beers to get started so if I post anything else tonight watch out :D


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Jan 19, 2014
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Medford Oregon
is this the same author that started a topic saying "hawks will crush the rams" haha! joking. all in fun. i hope your right. :vodka: :thirishdrinkers: :th2thumbs:


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Feb 17, 2014
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Tokadub":r8db0syy said:
Cartire":r8db0syy said:
A tokadub drunk dissertation. Yay, I love these. :thirishdrinkers: :vodka:

I'm actually 100% sober right now, but I'm about to go grab 2 beers to get started so if I post anything else tonight watch out :D

I appreciate the perspective you bring, even though it can be eccentric at times. Playing @KC, for example, will not be "easy." I'm glad you have ditched your power rankings, which were not based on much but somehow projected the Seahawks to win 14 games. Jeff Sagarin and Nate Silver each have analytics projections for the Seahawks chance of winning this very tough division. A 10-6 record only wins the division about 27% of the time. That is a realistic prediction at this point in time. However, 10-6 record gets us into the playoffs about 77% of the time (50% as a wild card). It's going to depend on how much the team develops in that brutal stretch at the end of the schedule.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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I agree that things still look OK for us, despite the 538 evaluation that gives us only a 44% chance of making the playoffs. The details of that analysis paint a rosier picture if you think, like I do, that the Hawks are going to improve in the weeks to come.

Here's the 538 analysis Hawknation is referencing above. Silver is one of the few pundits that really knows statistics well and his stuff is always worth reading.

538 ELO projections":2mvgdc5c said:
9-7 would give us a 23% chance of making the playoffs.
10-6 then would give us a 77% chance of making the playoffs.
11-5 would give us a 100% chance of making the playoffs.


Oct 26, 2013
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hawknation2014":1ptmwmc5 said:
I appreciate the perspective you bring, even though it can be eccentric at times. Playing @KC, for example, will not be "easy." I'm glad you have ditched your power rankings, which were not based on much but somehow projected the Seahawks to win 14 games. Jeff Sagarin and Nate Silver each have analytics projections for the Seahawks chance of winning this very tough division. A 10-6 record only wins the division about 27% of the time. That is a realistic prediction at this point in time. However, 10-6 record gets us into the playoffs about 77% of the time (50% as a wild card). It's going to depend on how much the team develops in that brutal stretch at the end of the schedule.

Kansas City lost to the Tennessee Titans (at home) and the 49ers who I consider to be bad this year. I agree "easy" is an exaggeration but if we can't beat them we have no business going to the playoffs, they just simply aren't that good.

My Power Rankings were more of just a personal challenge for myself, I want to see how accurate I was at the end of the season. I'm not sure why nobody seems to understand such a simple concept or they take it too seriously... And other than the Seahawks, Saints, Cowboys, Ravens, and Browns I think all of my other team predictions could still end up being very accurate so not sure what's the big fuss for everyone...

This is the Power Ranking thread he's talking about:


I've never seen so many people lost and confused about a simple concept so I'll probably just do 1 last update after week 8 and wait till the end of the season to see how I did...

This division isn't very tough, both the Cardinals and 49ers are not that good. 49ers already got exposed and the Cardinals will too by the end of the season, I'll stick by my power ranking pick of them each getting 9 wins, but I could see the Cardinals managing 10 with their hot start.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Dude, where's the hysteria, overreaction, and call for at least one of the coaching staff to be fired? This poser is clearly an imposter.I think someone hacked Tokadub's computer, and is posing as him. OK, after further review, it must really be him, because he can take a house of cards and present it in a way that makes it come across as more solid than the Rock of Gibralter, and in fact, makes it seem just downright inevitable. And make it entertaining, if for no other reason than the vast number of places where one tap could bring the whole thing crashing down.

Anyway, 'Hawks go 11-5 or maybe 12-4, win the division, and NFC HFA. I just have a gut feeling about that. Book it.

In TD's defense, the Lions made the Saints look like a mediocre team last Sunday. Lions with an actual defense, stopping Drew Brees and the Saints in a 2-minute drilll, who'd a thunk it??!!


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Feb 17, 2014
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Tokadub":1uz0cjrn said:
hawknation2014":1uz0cjrn said:
I appreciate the perspective you bring, even though it can be eccentric at times. Playing @KC, for example, will not be "easy." I'm glad you have ditched your power rankings, which were not based on much but somehow projected the Seahawks to win 14 games. Jeff Sagarin and Nate Silver each have analytics projections for the Seahawks chance of winning this very tough division. A 10-6 record only wins the division about 27% of the time. That is a realistic prediction at this point in time. However, 10-6 record gets us into the playoffs about 77% of the time (50% as a wild card). It's going to depend on how much the team develops in that brutal stretch at the end of the schedule.

Kansas City lost to the Tennessee Titans (at home) and the 49ers who I consider to be bad this year. I agree "easy" is an exaggeration but if we can't beat them we have no business going to the playoffs, they just simply aren't that good.

KC has a Top 10 defense in most categories; they're No. 2 in pass defense and third downs. They also have a strong running game. The Tennessee loss was the first game of the season. They won their only other home game, 41-14, against New England. KC is just a difficult place to play. We can expect the same reception for the Seahawks that New England received. It won't be "easy," but of course it can be done.


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May 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
Agreed. We're not suddenly a bad team. We would have beat Dallas but for one near impossible crazy-clutch Romo/Williams play, and we lost to the Rams' ballsy special teams.

We faced a red hot Rivers in a red hot San Diego and couldn't keep our defense off the field thanks in part to some awful play calling, costly penalties and that one scoring drive that lasted less than some three and outs.

It's kind of fortunate that we're entering the easiest quarter of our schedule at our most unhealthy point, and should we even go 3-1 across this period, we'd be looking ok and should hopefully have some key guys back towards the end of it.

The best case scenario is that we could hit the Cards' 49ers' Eagles' 49ers run of games at 7-3 with Unger, Miller, Wagner and Maxwell back, and have a real chance of winning out; with the security of being able to lose one or two games. It's not a totally inconceivable scenario, and there's no way anyone should be writing this team off yet.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
Tokadub":1q8e2h7x said:
I truly believe we will still get the #1 seed in the NFC West.

I'm amazed how everyone is just giving up like a bunch of babies saying we'd be lucky to go 8-8 what a joke :roll:

I'm normally the most critical guy when it comes to the Seahawks. I always point out the flaws of our team or players in a constructive, logical, and statistical fashion. Still it seems like nobody wants to hear my analysis if it's not "super positive rainbow wonder land" type of stuff... I keep it real, no sugar coating. So it's a strange feeling to be on the other end of the spectrum this time when it comes to the remainder of our season.

While most people sound defeated like we have no chance now I'm looking at the NFL landscape as a whole and the NFC West and seeing that this race is still wide open 3-3 is not a big problem if we can get things right against Carolina.

So I'm looking at the NFC West and the Cardinal's and 49er's schedules. And then looking into their opponents schedules, and their opponents schedules, etc. etc.

And what I'm seeing is that there are a ton of "good" teams right now that aren't really that good. A lot of these "dangerous" teams that will "knock us out of the playoffs" are really just over-rated due to their weak schedules right now.

Analyzing this seasons teams and their schedules up to this point is kinda like sifting through a big pile of poop. A long poop trail of slightly above average teams trading wins, none of them are really that threatening by the end of the season with the exception of Denver.

For Example:

Current #1 NFC West Arizona Cardinals:

They are 5-1 but the only "good" team they beat was the San Diego Chargers (explained below). They got man handled by Denver which is the only legitimately good team they've played so far.

They beat the 49ers who are terrible (explained below) as well as 3 obviously bad teams (Giants, Redskins, Raiders).

Current #2 NFC West San Francisco 49ers:

They are 4-3 but the only "good" team they beat was the Dallas Cowboys. And it took a heroically epic failure from Tony Romo to get them that win. Romo was fresh off back surgery and I'm sure if they had played them in Week 6 like we did the 49er's would of looked just like they did against the Broncos last night.

Other than that their only other "good" victory was against the Eagles who are also over-rated currently (explained below).

Other than a win handed to them by Romo and a home game against the "good" Eagles they have no wins against above average teams.

They got exposed for who they really are against Denver, in addition to losing to the bad Bears and the overrated Cardinals. I still expect the 49ers to finish with 9 wins tops just like I predicted at the beginning of the season.

So now we examine the games of teams that aren't in the NFC West to prove they aren't as good as their records might indicate:

San Diego Chargers:

Only good win was against Seahawks in extreme freakish field conditions when our Offensive Coordinator called a terrible game that did nothing to help our Defense rest (Ran Lynch 7 times).

Their other wins aren't impressive at all (Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars, New York Jets, Oakland Raiders). Are you serious with those wins? That schedule has got to be trolling me the Chargers haven't proven anything yet.

They lost to overrated Cardinals, and the mediocre Kansas City Chiefs.

Philadelphia Eagles:

Got their butts kicked and their offense was exposed by the mediocre 49ers.

Most impressive win came against the overrated Colts (explained below).

All other wins were against terrible-below average teams (Jacksonville Jaguars, Washington Redskins, St. Louis Rams, New York Giants).

Indianapolis Colts:

Only good win came against the over-rated Bengals (explained below).

They Beat the Baltimore Ravens who are also overrated (explained below), but all their other wins come against terrible teams (Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Houstan Texans).

Lost to Denver who are legit good, and the Eagles who are over-rated.

Cincinnati Bengals:

Have not beaten any good teams (Baltimore Ravens, Atlanta Falcons, Tennessee Titans).

Tied with slightly above average Carolina Panthers.

Lost to the only above average teams they played (New England Patriots, and Indianapolis Colts).

Baltimore Ravens:

Most impressive win came against the slightly above average Carolina Panthers. All other wins came against bad teams (Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Atlanta Falcons).

Lost to the slightly above average Cincinnati Bengals and Indianapolis Colts.

Carolina Panthers:

Only "good" team they beat were the Detroit Lions. Other wins were bad-mediocre teams (Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Chicago Bears).

Lost or tied all other games enough said.

Detroit Lions:

Lost to Carolina Panthers and the Buffalo Bills.

Barely beat the Saints who haven't beaten anyone who wasn't terrible (Saints beat Minnesota Vikings, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers).

Only "good" win was against Green Bay who Seahawks also handled with ease. The Detroit Lions might be for real but they haven't proved it this early in the season due to weak schedule.

Green Bay Packers:

Only "good" or "average" wins they have were against Miami who haven't beaten anyone of note since Week 1 (they beat Patriots), and the Panthers. Their other wins are against New York Jets, Chicago Bears, Minnesota Vikings.

Dallas Cowboys:

Their only truly good victory came against Seahawks, there other wins are all bad-mediocre (Tennessee Titans, St. Louis Rams, New Orleans Saints, Houstan Texans, New York Jets).

Like the Lions they may be legit but it's hard to tell so early in the season. I expect the Cowboys to fall back to earth by the end of the season but it looks like they are going to get more than the 7 wins I predicted for them at the beginning of the season (which most people seemed to think I was crazy that they'd even get that many...)

Unfortunately the Cowboys have an extraordinarily weak schedule top to bottom which is why I thought they'd win 7 in the first place. So they could have a great record by the end of the season but it's really bad they got the win against us at home... obviously we gotta give them the benefit of the doubt going forward.


So there it is, I have listed above every single NFC team that poses a threat to us in addition to other "good" teams. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS CURRENTLY OVER-RATED OR UNPROVEN DUE TO WEAK SCHEDULES.

What does it all mean???

The only team that has really proven anything with their schedule and who hands down seems like the best team in the NFL right now is the Denver Broncos. The Broncos were obviously favored to win the AFC from day 1, it's impossible to argue otherwise. But the only team to beat them this year??? Yep, our very own Seahawks.

The Broncos may very well go 15-1 if they can get by the their arch rival Patriots and 2 games against the Chargers. All their other games look easy...

So if they really do go 15-1 then the Seahawks are looking pretty dang impressive to give them their only loss right? Not saying that's gonna happen but it's a possibility with how the Broncos are playing right now, they are clearly the best in the NFL and WE BEAT THEM.

As for the NFC... Our biggest priority is obviously to win the NFC West. Both the Arizona Cardinals and 49ers are overrated and haven't proven anything so far this season as I explained above. I still think both teams will most likely finish with 9 wins just like I predicted at the beginning of the season.

The Cardinals still have 6 games they could easily lose (Eagles, Cowboys, Lions, Seahawks, Seahawks, 49ers). Even if they only lost 5 of those they'd finish the season 10-6.

The 49ers still have 4 games they could easily lose, but in my opinion (I think they are really bad) they are liable to drop 6 of them (Rams, Saints, Seahawks, Seahawks, Chargers, Cardinals). Even if they do only lose 4 of those they will still finish 9-7.

AND FINALLY WHAT MATTERS MOST THE SEAHAWKS! If we can get by the Panthers we will be 4-3 with 3 "easy" games to follow (Raiders, Giants, Chiefs).

At that point we'd be 7-3 with the remaining Schedule of Cardinals, 49ers, Eagles, 49ers, Cardinals, Rams.

All we'd have to do to win the NFC West (pretty confident 11-5 would do it) is win 4 of those games which is VERY DOABLE (none of those teams are as good as people think as I explained above).

The most important game of the Season is the Carolina Panthers. Losing to the Rams seems to have been the death blow for many fans here, but in reality if we can beat the Panthers we'll still be in a very realistic position to win the NFC West.

It's VERY unfortunate that we lost to the Rams, that is inexcusable and our Defense and Special Teams should be ashamed of themselves and play the game of their lives next week against the Panthers.

If we lose to the Panthers I'll join y'all in the "Season's Over Doomsday" mindset.

Right now I see a very weak or "soft" NFL landscape ripe for the taking just like last year. If anything the NFL is even weaker than it was last season now that the 49ers are gone who were our only legit threat. While Denver has stepped up to take advantage of how average most teams are, we have fallen off a cliff this year compared to our potential.

It's now or never but I still think we can go 11-5 and win the NFC West if even the slightest shred of the 2013 Seahawk's spirit still lives on. Harvin may have been the cancer in our locker room, but the chemotherapy has prevailed he's gone and it's time for us to get healthy and strong again.

Good post. I still believe the Seahawks could win the NFC West and at the minimum get into the playoffs. However, the fact remains that Dallas beat Seahawks in Seattle, SD beat the Seahawks, and St. Louis beat the Seahawks. You can discredit those teams all you want but the day they played the Seahawks, they were the better team. They may not beat the Seahawks 4 out of 5 times but that one time they did was the day they played them this season so far. None of the games the Seahawks play this year are going to be easy. Even the Raiders can surprise. They almost beat the Chargers who beat, you know who, the Seahawks.


Jan 3, 2013
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I actually love your posts. Always an interesting read even if I don't always agree. I do agree that we will win the west. AZ based on advanced stats is a little bit of a paper tiger and San Fran has more issues than we do.

tom sawyer

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Jan 6, 2013
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Well, that's an interesting layout and hypothesis.

As I have mentioned before, I'm quite fond of refrencing a magic year that we had ironically exactly 30 years ago.


Entering week 7 we were 4-2 coming off a big loss to the Raiders. We turned and burned on a 8 game winning streak.

Now the only thing we have in common with that team is the name. But it was the first time I realized that OUR team, OUR TEAM had a inner power - we have that now.

I would not be surprised to see us go 10-0, at worst 9-1 from here.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
The thing we have in our favor is that we still have 5 division games left. Need to go at minimum 4-1 in those and beat the teams we "should" beat starting with Carolina this week as well as the Giants and Oakland. Then split on the road vs. KC and Philly and we get 10-6. Team could get to 11-5 by either sweeping the division (unlikely IMO) or winning at both KC and Philly (better chance). It's an uphill battle but can be done. BUT, they simply MUST win this Sunday or IMO they're on life support for the playoffs.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
Lane will begin practice this week although he can't play until week 10. Probably the same time line for Miller Maxwell could play this Sunday. Getting these guys back playing is going to help a lot if it isn't too late by then.

As far as winning the division, It's possible. Right now they had better take care of business this Sunday, this is a huge game.

tom sawyer

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Jan 6, 2013
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I think we have the potential to be better than last season.
Sure the wheels have been wobbly, but we are tightening them up now.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
hawknation2014":25gdy5ma said:
Tokadub":25gdy5ma said:
Cartire":25gdy5ma said:
A tokadub drunk dissertation. Yay, I love these. :thirishdrinkers: :vodka:

I'm actually 100% sober right now, but I'm about to go grab 2 beers to get started so if I post anything else tonight watch out :D

I appreciate the perspective you bring, even though it can be eccentric at times. Playing @KC, for example, will not be "easy." I'm glad you have ditched your power rankings, which were not based on much but somehow projected the Seahawks to win 14 games. Jeff Sagarin and Nate Silver each have analytics projections for the Seahawks chance of winning this very tough division. A 10-6 record only wins the division about 27% of the time. That is a realistic prediction at this point in time. However, 10-6 record gets us into the playoffs about 77% of the time (50% as a wild card). It's going to depend on how much the team develops in that brutal stretch at the end of the schedule.
Seeing how there are so many head to head matchups all over the NFL in the last 6 weeks (especially in the NFC West) I can see Arizona, SF, and us all reaching 10-6. With whoever reaches 11-5 being the division winner. Arizona plays Philadelphia and Dallas next while San Francisco plays the Rams and we play Carolina and the Giants. To me it's completely possible that it will be a three way logjam at 5-3 at the top in the NFCW in two weeks. From there it would be a horserace.


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May 1, 2009
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Tokadub":3851klmz said:
hawknation2014":3851klmz said:
...and the 49ers who I consider to be bad this year. I agree "easy" is an exaggeration but if we can't beat them we have no business going to the playoffs, they just simply aren't that good.

The Seahawks just lost to the Rams, who aren't very good either. Now, I take even the that loss with a grain of salt, because division rivals always play each other tough and with extra preparation. But it implies that the Seahawks are no necessarily a favorite in any race, not with this many injuries. The offensive improvements were encouraging, and the special-teams lapse should be corrected next week. But the defense has taken a step back, the pass rush is gone, and Austin Davis is looking good against the Legion of Boom. This is a concern.

You can make all the judgments you want, but the 49ers are still 4-3 and ahead of us in the race. And the Cardinals are 5-1. You are what your record says you are.