Am I literally the only person who...


Oct 11, 2009
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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
LTH":28csl746 said:
Am I literally the only person who believes Seattle can turn this thing around? Better sound off now if you think Seattle has a chance because I'm going to take all the credit when it happens for being the one and only person who still believed...

I am a believer!


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I've been a Seahawks fan from their beginnings, and so NO you aren't the only one who believes that they can turn things around.
They have no quit, & neither do I. :rumble:


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I will always believe. It certainly isn't looking good for us this season but 2-4 is not insurmountable to crawl out of. 2-6? 2-8? Of course. Win next Monday night, get to 3-4 and the season is still salvageable. And then the Jags to get to 4-4?

Then here we go! But if we lose to the Saints at home and go 2-5? Meh, it's over rover.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
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I'm with you LTH. Sure it might be delusional but beats being negative about everything under the sun. Find a way to make the playoffs and let's go from there.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Can we turn it around, yes, is it likely, probably not, but we in Seattle seen it happen, Sonics started 0 - 17 fired the coach, brought in Lenny and went to the Playoffs and lost in Championship if my years off memory line up.

If we lose the next two I will be looking at players we can trade for picks, we will need a wholesale rebuild, trouble with Pete is he won't go that route and will do the always compete till seasons end.

My eyes will be looking forward to the draft, watching moves, expecting changes to happen. Still will watch the games to see what we have and who improves etc. But my expectations will be in rebuild and salvage what we can.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
SoulfishHawk":36by54js said:
This is an average team that MIGHT get a wild card birth.

That's a reasonable assessment but I'm not sure that I would go so far as saying that we're even 'average.' IMO at this point, we're bottom 1/3 of the league. And while I agree that a wild card is not out of the question, it brings up a point about the expanded playoffs. It's outrageous that teams as bad as we are still might get a wild card.


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May 1, 2009
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It is possible.
It is also very possible we end up with a Top 10 draft pick (that we ship to the Jets).


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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LTH":pkjgow6f said:
Am I literally the only person who believes Seattle can turn this thing around? Better sound off now if you think Seattle has a chance because I'm going to take all the credit when it happens for being the one and only person who still believed...

What do you mean by "turn this thing around"? That's pretty vague and could mean anything from winning the SB to merely playing better than they have been (which is subjective), but finishing with a losing record.

I think winning the NFC West is out of the question at this point based on how we are playing vs how the Cards and Rams are playing, and the fact that we are already 4 games back in the division.

I guess I'd say that a Wild Card is still a possibility, but a long shot. We're 2-4. We would probably need to get to at least 10-7, meaning we would have to go 8-3 over the rest of the season. This team hasn't shown me anything to make me believe that we could suddenly start racking up a bunch of wins with only a couple bumps in the road here and there for the next 11 weeks.

I mean, it's still early enough that lots could happen. Just like most seasons, there are probably teams that look really good right now that won't be looking so good in December, and there are probably teams that look like crap right now that will look much better in December. Happens every season.

The thing is, we genuinely look like a bottom third of the league team. Especially with Geno at QB. We have one of the worst defenses in the league and probably one of the worst offenses in the league with Geno. To me, it looks like our only shot is to win at least one of our next two games, get Russ back after the bye, and then Russ is going to have to play out of his mind for the final 9 weeks of the season.

So yeah, I believe it's possible, but I sure don't think it's very likely.


Always appreciate your optimism, LTH. As I have said before you are one of the very top posters here. I do believe they can turn it around as well, but that doesn't mean they will. I think it's probably 50/50. Anyway great post.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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I always believe in my team and the doubters or Negative Norms can say I'm delusional. I frankly don't care. it is still very possible they could wind up with double digit Ws before the crying is over.

The team seemingly really still has a will to fight and it's a weird feeling to be last in the NFC-W, I doubt the collective thinking of the team is happy about that reality. I don't accept that the team is that bad, but from what they've shown so lar it could be they just are defensively. The playoffs if they were to qualify would not be pretty unless the D can start to make some progress.

I still believe it is possible for the team to go on a run but they need to play a whole game every game which hasn't really happened on both sides of the ball all year. Real change needs to happen or things will start to get very ugly (uglier).


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Dec 1, 2009
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RiverDog":24ng49u0 said:
LTH":24ng49u0 said:
Am I literally the only person who believes Seattle can turn this thing around? Better sound off now if you think Seattle has a chance because I'm going to take all the credit when it happens for being the one and only person who still believed...


I don't know how many people share your belief, but I'm not one of them. That doesn't mean that I'll stop watching or not root for us to win. But one has to be realistic and admit to themselves that this is not a very good football team and that our chances of turning this thing around are somewhere between slim and none.

What is being realistic? really... What blows my mind is that people do not see this team is very slowly getting better. Its really easy to find problems with the team. Every NFL team has issues even the ones that win the SB...its easy to find reasons why this team can not succeed.

Like Ive said in the past its the teams that work through adversity that are the teams that are the most successful. I believe you have to have a good understanding of history to understand the future...

History says that Pete Carroll teams do not give up... history says that Pete Carroll teams typically don't play their best football in the first part of the season. History says that Pete Carroll plays his young players early and develops them during the season...That being said, its NOT a reach to think that the Hawks can work out of this... its Not a reach to think those young players will get better this year. Its not a reach to think that the momentum of working out of a slow start can propel this team.

I'm not kidding when I say that teams that work through adversity are the teams that have the most success.. If the Hawks were to gain some momentum the next couple of games and say beat the Cards the momentum that win could cause them to go on a run and be competitive in the west...just from a purely confidence perspective... they just need to stay close.. they still play the Cards twice and the Rams once and the Rams play the Cards once. that 4 game lead could disappear quickly.

To be realistic that window is closing but its not closed yet...we have seen the Hawks make incredible comebacks in games in years past and that drive comes from Pete Carroll... If they can do it during games why not seasons? Carroll is the one who pushes the perspective... Carroll is the one who motivates his team... I guarantee you this team has not given up... there is fight in this team and any other team who looks past that is going to get their a$$ handed to them...

It could be that I am wrong and that this year is an indication of a rebuild needs to happen being they have not had even a top 20 draft in 10 years but I don't think that's the case... there is to much talent on this team...



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Jul 10, 2013
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LTH":1q5yu1nc said:
Am I literally the only person who believes Seattle can turn this thing around? Better sound off now if you think Seattle has a chance because I'm going to take all the credit when it happens for being the one and only person who still believed...


This is the post I was looking for:


You're an eternal optimist, not a bad thing. Please note for those of us criticizing the hawks, it's out of passion and LOVE of our team. We want them to do better, we believe they can do better, but at this point we believe it can only do better with changes vs more of the same. Before it was very much, belief it was just part of the process. Win in the 4th quarter, team gets stronger in the second half. I was very much optimistic in this team's abilities and the process, I was someone who stayed in the stands at the NFCCG against the packers after my god pick, after pick, after pick, after pick. Thinking in my head my God why didn't I just sell my tickets for $2000 and by myself a nice flat screen TV to turn off this game at home, vs forcing myself to eventually wallow in sadness as I shiver in the bleeds. BUT I did believe they could pull off miracles, because the team did over and over again at that time.

During those I'll call it golden years, the offense sputtering out was not new. The defense giving up yards was also not new. However, when the team would get in a hole, the offense would get the ball back and show it's potential to score in 20 seconds flat. When the opposing team would drive up the field and I was praying for a miracle stop at the goal line game after game. The hawks did just that, miracle pick six in the red zone, stop, interception, etc. etc. etc. When RW got the ball back in the 4th quarter with a minute left to go, he would WIN that game. For that reason I stayed in the stands for the NFCCG. For that reason I tried not to get bent out of shape if early season records were not great for the team as they found themselves later in the season and continued to get better. Because we saw it before. Just the year prior.

However...those teams is NOT this team. Opposing offenses are driving up the field and when it comes to the red zone when the Hawks used to put a lid on it, the opposing team is scoring TDs at will. When the hawks are being put in a hole, they are no longer answering right back or perhaps not at all until it's "garbage time". When RW is being given the ball to win the game in OT or the final minute, whether it's playcalling and or RW or some player making a boneheaded move. Either way instead of seeing our team be thankful for the final possession to squeak out yet another victory and let opposing team fans cry about injuries or some random call in the game that didn't go their way. The Hawks are now falling flat to end the game or committing some bonehead mistake. Either way it ends in an L.

So yes, the belief is no longer there by myself and a lot of fans that this team is going to turn anything around (like it used to). Because they are indeed no longer capable, they were capable 6-8 years ago. They have not been capable for the last 2-3 years and for the forseeable 2-3 years. It has been a slow trajectory of getting worse and worse and a false sense of the team being better than it was I think just a year or two ago when it should and could have been easily a 4-6 win team had it not been for playing against nothing but injured teams and fortunate circumstances (missed kicks, etc.)

Anyway my post is long, but to cap it. The above is why the belief is not there. We all saw the same things you saw, but I (and Im sure others) feel like you are not seeing the last few years and what this team is now and what this NFL and the remaining teams in the NFCW are either.


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Dec 1, 2009
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read my post above yours... People like to say I'm a blind optimist but there is a method to my madness... Im not just firing things out my butt.. Like Ive said in the past its the teams that work through adversity that are the teams that are the most successful. I believe you have to have a good understanding of history to understand the future...

History says that Pete Carroll teams do not give up... history says that Pete Carroll teams typically don't play their best football in the first part of the season. History says that Pete Carroll plays his young players early and develops them during the season...That being said, its NOT a reach to think that the Hawks can work out of this... its Not a reach to think those young players will get better this year. Its not a reach to think that the momentum of working out of a slow start can propel this team.

People on this board do not give Carroll enough credit for the success of this team... Its Carroll that creates the winning culture on this team... if you really understand that then you will be able to see why this team is so resilient in nature in the past as well the future...I think this is what you are missing from understanding where my optimism comes from...

At the beginning of the Season it really looked like this team had gotten better on paper and i believe they are better even Fade thought so i remember being blown away by that when i read it... So its just a matter of shoring up the weak positions and getting the younger players to grow...

Yes I'm an optimist no i'm not a blind optimist... there are very specific reasons why I believe what i believe...Im just not pulling flowers out of the closet... if you read my post above and really think about it , you might not agree with me but you can clearly see why I think the way i do...

EDIT: I very well could be wrong but think of it this way if you were to make a bet in football futures for any team in the NFL you would probably lose because the truth is nobody knows what's going to happen... there are to many things that can happen. But if you look at History and see what Carroll teams have done in the past and you give Carroll some credit for creating and motivating those teams it would be a good bet that he will find a way to make his team competitive after a slow start...



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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Go Hawks. Regardless of the record and/or if they turn this around.
This year the team just feels a little different, less disciplined etc. It's hard to explain, but something has been missing. Loved what I saw in the 2nd half on Sunday. While I refuse to just say it's over, because it's not over until they are actually eliminated etc. I just have shifted my expectations to a maybe. All while having Largent continue to just make crap up about me. Have at it. Do you. Like many others, I have been told I'm crazy to believe in the team. Couldn't care less. In fact, I think it's funny when people act so shocked that someone has HOPE about their football team. Oh the horror. This team feels average, but they DO have their moments. Clearly they are not done, but they flat out have to get to 4-4 going in to the bye. It's not even debatable. IF they are, and Russ comes back for the GB game? Sure, they have a shot. Optimistic, but just a little more realistic in my expectations.


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May 19, 2017
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LTH":3oz8q1x1 said:
People on this board do not give Carroll enough credit for the success of this team... Its Carroll that creates the winning culture on this team... if you really understand that then you will be able to see why this team is so resilient in nature in the past as well the future...I think this is what you are missing from understanding where my optimism comes from...

Pete did create a winning culture in Seattle, but that was a long time ago. He already lost one locker room and he's on his way to doing it again. When your HOF QB thats pretty much carried the team for the past 6 years, starts talking about other teams and going public about issues, its not looking very bright. When Wilson bolts, your going to see the real sub .500 Pete Carroll.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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LTH":16ktf0rh said:
..we have seen the Hawks make incredible comebacks in games in years past and that drive comes from Pete Carroll...

No, it comes from Russell Wilson when he chucks Carrolls game plan out the window and plays hero ball. Unfortunately, Russ isnt the young stallion he used to be and the defense cant stop anybody. Those days are gone.


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Dec 1, 2009
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pittpnthrs":4vpuua02 said:
LTH":4vpuua02 said:
People on this board do not give Carroll enough credit for the success of this team... Its Carroll that creates the winning culture on this team... if you really understand that then you will be able to see why this team is so resilient in nature in the past as well the future...I think this is what you are missing from understanding where my optimism comes from...

Pete did create a winning culture in Seattle, but that was a long time ago. He already lost one locker room and he's on his way to doing it again. When your HOF QB thats pretty much carried the team for the past 6 years, starts talking about other teams and going public about issues, its not looking very bright. When Wilson bolts, your going to see the real sub .500 Pete Carroll.

And you have a point there... If the players do not buy in he is done...but I don't see that being the case necessarily... it could be with Wilson... we really don't know if thats the case... sometimes it looks that way but it's up to Carroll to squash that... if he can they will work out of it if he can't they are done... we will find out soon enough



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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
SoulfishHawk":hwxq21qe said:
Go Hawks. Regardless of the record and/or if they turn this around.

:irishdrinkers: Exactly :irishdrinkers:

Not getting my hopes up, but will always support my team.