Maybe for the first time in our history....


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May 5, 2009
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We matter.

If I've learned one thing in the last couple of days in New York, it's that the Seahawks, as a brand, have finally arrived. 12's are everywhere, and every native New Yorker you meet has an opinion, and most of it is "Go Hawks". I was just in a Ray's Pizza joint, and the guys at the next table were talking about Seahawk fans and how well they travel. Said they thought the whole state must be here. Needless to say, I didn't correct him to say this was a new phenomenon.

Earlier today we're walking down Superbowl Boulevard whoopin' it up, Sea-HAWKS chants crescendoing on every block, and some random Bronco's fan condescendingly says, "Act like you've been here before"! It really rubbed me the wrong way, but after several more hours out in the incredible mass of humanity, I realized the significance. The fact is, we HAVEN'T ever been here before. I mean, I'm middle aged, bald, expanding at the waistline guy, and I've got hot young ladies with no affiliation to our team running up and high fiving me in the streets yelling, "Go SEAHAWKS"! Whether it's uptown, downtown, on the subway, on broadway, off broadway.... the story is the same. The 12's outnumber the Donk fans about 5:1, and we've taken Manhattan back from The Muppets. And let me tell you something.... Big Apple LOVES us.

Win or lose, I'm not sure we are ever regarded the same again. Maybe it was for the best that this game takes place on the biggest stage in the biggest city in the country, despite the insanity of gambling on the weather. We have arrived, and the word is out on the rabid support of the 12's. it took 37 years, but finally, we matter.


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Jan 21, 2014
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Vancouver, WA

Good to hear we're on fire in NY / NJ. No matter the reason, having a big representation at the game will be HUGE for us. For our ultimate win, and for our future 'brand'.
When you've 'arrived' in NY, you definitely have Arrived!

Go Seahawks!!!!!


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May 5, 2009
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One thing I'm hoping everyone in the country hears tomorrow. SEA-HAWKS, SEA_HAWKS, SEA-HAWKS, SEA-HAWKS thundering out of their televisions as the intro's finish and they prep the National Anthem.

Oh, on a side note, we made a trip up to Carlow East. It did not disappoint. Great people and wall to wall hawks fans, as well as a line out the door.


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Sep 18, 2011
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I've been to two-thirds of WA this week and from Lacy to Ellensburg to Richland to Quincy, the Hawks are everywhere. I've never seen it like this before. It's like it's bigger than football, people have taken this 12 thing on as a way to show pride in the Northwest and that they don't need to take crap from anyone from anywhere else. I think this thing keeps rolling year after year.

Damn I love it!