To all of the "Pete Ball" defenders

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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So you think we were largely unsuccessful the past few years because we did not win it all? Do you think we will be so much better now we will be undefeated or 14-2? We were not the laughing stock of the league the last few years. Pete ball has worked for a long time. That does not mean there is not a better way to do things. Has anyone actually ever said they need to play Pete ball for Russ to be successful??? I don’t think so. Russ will be successful in whatever system he is in.
I do hope they keep the mix they did in this game. They realized the run game was not working so they went the other way. I like it. does that mean we will win it all if we play this way all year. Maybe maybe not. It was only one game. Does that mean we can’t win a game by running the ball? Nope. If we can run the ball successfully they will do it. I don’t mind it at all. This was nice game and I liked watching Russ control things a defense that was harder hitting and flying to the ball.


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Dec 1, 2009
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xray":9dwsdwyc said:
Carroll will use whatever offense will work for each individual opponent this season . There will plenty of games when run 1st is the offense again .



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Dec 26, 2014
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Fade":2wjp02ll said:
Do you guys put on your clown shoes before you go to, or after you come home from work? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOOLOLLOO LOLOOLO.

The ones who fall in that camp, must condemn this current approach as it is completely antithetical to what they have been arguing season after season, FOR YEARS.

As they told us running into loaded boxes repeatedly was required for Wilson to be effective. Punting in enemy territory was smart football, and throwing on early downs was bad.

No matter how much evidence we presented to the contrary. Clowns decided to die on that hill.

Where is the conviction!? The "Let Russ Cook" proponents never wavered, the "Pete Ball" crowd seemed to have rolled over without a fight… Pathetic. LOL

Pete was wrong the whole time. Only when Wilson pretty much said it without saying it, that he was going to leave if things didn't change. THEN Pete folded like a lawn chair. LOL.

"Pete Ball" is garbo. I am glad to see it is dead. It cost the team many wins over the years, higher playoff seedings, and what could have been deep playoff runs.

The Seahawks may very well win the Superbowl this year if they keep up this aggressive, varied attack they displayed on Sunday. But more importantly it is about throwing your best punch and letting the chips fall where they may. Instead of holding back and wondering if they could've won the game had Wilson been more featured.

Can we make this the sequel to your Russel Wilson is Elite thread?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2012
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Fade":2bra1m4a said:
Do you guys put on your clown shoes before you go to, or after you come home from work? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOOLOLLOO LOLOOLO.

The ones who fall in that camp, must condemn this current approach as it is completely antithetical to what they have been arguing season after season, FOR YEARS.

As they told us running into loaded boxes repeatedly was required for Wilson to be effective. Punting in enemy territory was smart football, and throwing on early downs was bad.

No matter how much evidence we presented to the contrary. Clowns decided to die on that hill.

Where is the conviction!? The "Let Russ Cook" proponents never wavered, the "Pete Ball" crowd seemed to have rolled over without a fight… Pathetic. LOL

Pete was wrong the whole time. Only when Wilson pretty much said it without saying it, that he was going to leave if things didn't change. THEN Pete folded like a lawn chair. LOL.

"Pete Ball" is garbo. I am glad to see it is dead. It cost the team many wins over the years, higher playoff seedings, and what could have been deep playoff runs.

The Seahawks may very well win the Superbowl this year if they keep up this aggressive, varied attack they displayed on Sunday. But more importantly it is about throwing your best punch and letting the chips fall where they may. Instead of holding back and wondering if they could've won the game had Wilson been more featured.

I think the old Pete ball was based on a dominant OL.. and a dominant defense.. he had neither.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
This thread won't age well, want to see where Fade is in his position when Pete gets pissed off with a in opportune turnover and tells Schotty less deep and more run like he did with Jeremy Bates.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Wenhawk":3v3a547j said:
Florio said he heard Russ demanded this change or he may have been on his way out. ... 52625.html

It has been established Florio is a Click bait guy and will say anything, he doesn't like Seattle and would love to stir the Pit here and see infighting, he has leaked so called stories before that were false.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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I defend Peteball from time to time, but I'm fully aware it's pretty much solely because of my reverence for Carroll as one of my idols.

For some reason, I respect the fact that he wasn't just winning, he was winning HIS way and that it made victory sweeter.

I admire his conviction and his adherence to philosophy. Letting Russ cook is obviously the better approach, and I hope that he continues with it for the most part, but Carroll has pretty much infinite leeway with me. I'll disagree with his decisions from time to time, but I'll like him anyway because he wins.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2012
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Oh give over. We run to force teams to simplify their coverage and run man, which Russ is far more comfortable with. The Falcons, who have quite possibly the worst defense we will see all year, stayed in man all game despite getting torched (Russ was 22/23 against man). We had Carson on a strict pitch count and it worked out beautifully. I'll prefer Russ throws 50 times if we get to see man all game.

We know what happens when we don't feature the run. But some choose to forget we've played this game before.


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May 4, 2009
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Auckland, New Zealand
We run the ball to get the safety in the box and then we open up the pass. Atlanta stacked the box from the get-go, so they did all that work for us, allowing the passing game to flourish.

There are many reasons other than the "let Russ cook" narrative that perfectly explain our game plan within Pete Carroll's philosophy. He's not an idiot - if he has a RB coming off injury and a stacked box, he's going to pass more.

Until I have more data points, I'm saying Pete played Pete Ball, and that's just what it looks like when the QB hits on 89% of his passes.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Regardless what you call it, it's winning ball. And other than the Pats, no team in the league has done it better than the Hawks since Pete became coach.


Nov 27, 2019
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Ranch in Flint Hills of Kansas, formerly NW Montan
In tennis the object is to "hit it where they ain't". In football it's "take what the defense gives you". Get them to commit to stopping the run and there are wide open spaces downfield. If they go heavy in coverage blow them off the line and run that sucker til it doesn't work.
I remember when Walsh Ball (West Coast) was a new thing. I loved it, as ball control passing played to my personal skill set. Going with lighter faster linemen he developed influence blocking schemes and was successful. But he was ahead of his time and competing in a league of defenses built to stop the the "3 yards and a cloud of dust" system.
Regardless how you intend to play the game you have to find a way to win at the line of scrimmage.
Stopping the run may be the Seahawk's biggest weakness this year. I fully expect to see our opponents test that to the fullest.


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Aug 5, 2009
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Atlanta has a pretty weak secondary and defense overall. I expect us to run the ball more than 16 times against the Pats.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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So much catharsis in this thread.

(BTW The 'our runningback was coming back from injury and the other team had a weak secondary argument does not hold water.

1 - Pete rarely adjusts to the other team. He knows what he wants to do and dares the other team to stop him. He rarely tries to change to exploit another team's weaknesses. He is the Anti-Bill.

2 - We Pete Balled when Rawls was injured. Just used Lacey and Mike Davis. We dropped Pete Ball was when Lynch was injured. That year our offense went on a tear. So Pete adjusted...once.)

Bottomline for Pete Ball:
Works in the regular season
Abysmal failure in the playoffs since 2015.
(That is a half-decade for those of you scoring at home).

It needed to die. It is stupid football. It works in the regular season but leads to quick exits, if not utter playoff blowouts outside of wildcard games.

It got to the point I dreaded going into halftime with slight leads - because that meant we would start the 3rd quarter trying to milk our clock down instead of opening our offense up. So you had to cheer for the opposing team to score on my own defense just to force our own coach to use his star QB. Even then, we were reluctant to score in the 1st half. So the best possible start to a game was hopefully to give up a TD or ideally 2 by halftime. Then we would assuredly come roaring back and it would usually be a great game.

Pete Ball had 2 terrible weaknesses, besides, the 1st halves, being ugly godawful football to watch.

- Very susceptible to penalties or mistakes by the offense.

- A officiating crew mistake could often decide the game as games were so close.


Active member
Dec 3, 2013
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I think people need to take a chill pill on the offense. The strength of Atlanta is their DL, Carson hadn’t practiced much in training camp, and many throws Russell took were short yardage throws that work in place of the run. Game script, match up, player health, and success created the perfect storm of a high volume passing day. That was about as perfect of a situation as possible to get a Let Russ Cook Game. I think the most exciting things that can be taken out of this game is the use of tempo and going for it on 4th Down.

That’s not to say Seattle won’t throw more, because I think they will. But they’re built to be more match up oriented this year and I expect to see less throwing against NE. Game script probably figures to support more running.

This doesn’t have to be a one or the other debate. It can be what works against the next team.

And lastly, every year, we over react to something in September. Last year Dak Prescott looked like an MVP in September and then trailed off. Not saying that’s happening to Russ, just saying that it was game 1 after a bizarre offseason, where Seattle came out different than any other year. Everything was perfect. Let’s see how this team acts when it’s not perfect.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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That is kind of the point.

It is better to fail this in the regular season a few times, than to succeed with Pete Ball in the regular season.

Because Pete Ball just leads to quick exits in the playoffs outside of the wildcard game. Usually being blown out by halftime.

If we lose a game with Wilson as the focus, after he has a bad game, then come back and have him as the focus the next game? That is a great sign.

We don't even need to win the division this year. Homefield advantage isn't as big a deal as normal. Just get to the playoffs and win a game after the wildcard. Bonus is that getting to the playoffs should be easier this year.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2012
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Oh look. I don't know how to post a tweet, but this is from Jason Butt: "Raheem Morris took responsibility for the defensive game-plan against the Seahawks. He said he went in wanting to stop Chris Carson and the run and didn't take the passing attack as seriously as he should have. Said he didn't do a good job having his guys disguise well enough."

Ya think? Imagine that. We run to get teams into man. But hey, carry on with your shallow narrative.


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Jan 11, 2010
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TwistedHusky":5rv4qywb said:
It got to the point I dreaded going into halftime with slight leads - because that meant we would start the 3rd quarter trying to milk our clock down instead of opening our offense up.

In the Wilson-Carroll era, (2012-present), the Seahawks are undefeated when entering halftime with a 4+ point lead, posting a record of 56-0.

And you dreaded this? And think it's stupid football that needs to die?