Your Impressions of the Offense


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
Overall I give it a solid A. I thought there was a couple "Hero Balls" that should have been quick outs or slants to pick up the first down, but that's just nit picky. For the first game? They looked pretty damn lethal at times and it will only improve.


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Mar 30, 2010
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corner of 30th & plum
I thought we mixed the run and pass very well, we stayed with the running attack in the first half, which wore down there defensive line in the second half. Good balance and execution by our guys. :2thumbs:


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Oct 9, 2017
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iigakusei":23r3hr8k said:
John63":23r3hr8k said:
I think the biggest thing was this

Wilson came over after being sacked, PC said something about the run, OC asked Wilson what he wants to do, Wilson said pass, they will not get me twice. PC started to say something and then walked away. We passed and scored that drive. Seeign PC step away and let the OC do his job was great.
Which broadcast were you watching where this was revealed please. It sounds completely made up.

I asked him as well. I have seen 0 proof.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Chawker":2knurtvd said:
I thought we mixed the run and pass very well, we stayed with the running attack in the first half, which wore down there defensive line in the second half. Good balance and execution by our guys. :2thumbs:
Good point. Last few years by formation I (a Joe Nobody sitting on his couch) could predict what play was coming 75% of the time. Today, I had no idea. It was great called game by SW.


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Dec 19, 2018
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Sports Hernia":of5um0d4 said:
Chawker":of5um0d4 said:
I thought we mixed the run and pass very well, we stayed with the running attack in the first half, which wore down there defensive line in the second half. Good balance and execution by our guys. :2thumbs:
Good point. Last few years by formation I (a Joe Nobody sitting on his couch) could predict what play was coming 75% of the time. Today, I had no idea. It was great called game by SW.

Agreed it was nice not knowing


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
So many good points in this thread.

Whatever John63 is talking about I missed also. You need to post a clip, or timestamp, or something, so we can see what you're talking about.


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May 19, 2017
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Chapow":2zxvaayf said:
Lol. I would expect nothing less from you. Don't you think it's a little early in the season for your "the only reason they appeared to play well is because the other team stinks" shtick?

Look I get it, it was a nice win. I was on the game day forum cheering with everybody else, but its still only week 1 and as usual, people are acting like the team just won the Super Bowl.

Carson Wentz is horrible. The Colts wont win more than 7 games this season as long as he's the QB and thats in a weak AFC South with Jacksonville and the Texans. Besides Taylor, they have zero high impact players on offense. Hilton is their best receiver and he didnt even play. Sure they have the highest paid Oline in the league, but they played awful today and its not like Seattle has All Pro players on the Dline and End positions. Their defense is good but their offense went 5/13 on 3rd downs which didnt help them at all. Reich didnt exactly help them either. Like I said, it was a nice win, but lets not get ahead of ourselves and ask other fans to eat crow already. Its only week 1.

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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pittpnthrs":d4sbefi4 said:
...but its still only week 1 and as usual, people are acting like the team just won the Super Bowl.

Incorrect. Liar. Nobody is acting like that; you just hate the joy.

The Seahawks won, and fans who cheer for them are celebrating an in-season win. This is what fandom looks like for those who know how to appreciate good football. Join us, pitt. Try it. You'll like it.

Quite whining all the time and get a smile on your virtual face, for Pete's sake. Or Russ's sake. Or someone on the Seahawks. Sheesh.


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Dec 19, 2018
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Another thing that was great to see or hear is all the talking by the lineman as well as how much more vocal and in control Wilson was.and of course the tempo.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Loved what I saw from the offense. Very creative, excellent play calling, great tempo, mixed things up, a lot of motion etc. Hard to not be impressed with what we saw yesterday. On to next week.


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Aug 5, 2009
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Shanegotyou11":vga26ui3 said:
iigakusei":vga26ui3 said:
John63":vga26ui3 said:
I think the biggest thing was this

Wilson came over after being sacked, PC said something about the run, OC asked Wilson what he wants to do, Wilson said pass, they will not get me twice. PC started to say something and then walked away. We passed and scored that drive. Seeign PC step away and let the OC do his job was great.
Which broadcast were you watching where this was revealed please. It sounds completely made up.

I asked him as well. I have seen 0 proof.



Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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hoxrox":3ndomc3c said:
Shanegotyou11":3ndomc3c said:
iigakusei":3ndomc3c said:
John63":3ndomc3c said:
I think the biggest thing was this

Wilson came over after being sacked, PC said something about the run, OC asked Wilson what he wants to do, Wilson said pass, they will not get me twice. PC started to say something and then walked away. We passed and scored that drive. Seeign PC step away and let the OC do his job was great.
Which broadcast were you watching where this was revealed please. It sounds completely made up.

I asked him as well. I have seen 0 proof.


I saw the interaction on the broadcast but was unsure of what was said, so I asked someone I know who is a hawk and was with in ear shot and he told me what was said. Thats how I know. What he told me was what I said and looking back at the interacting it made sense.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Fade":ibrnck9t said:
So many good points in this thread.

Whatever John63 is talking about I missed also. You need to post a clip, or timestamp, or something, so we can see what you're talking about.
Good point!
My take on the offense-I love the mix of shifting and misdirection ect.
The play call mix was great and the timing on snaps varied,was it all
perfect?No but for a new OC and the first game-I'm happy and it should
get even better with more games.
RW looked comfortable in this offense and played great..He didn't force
things.Took a couple sacks instead of throwing blind ect
Give me 16 more games of this and he will have 2 MVP's :2thumbs:


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May 1, 2009
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John63":8czjrn18 said:
hoxrox":8czjrn18 said:
Shanegotyou11":8czjrn18 said:
iigakusei":8czjrn18 said:
Which broadcast were you watching where this was revealed please. It sounds completely made up.

I asked him as well. I have seen 0 proof.


I saw the interaction on the broadcast but was unsure of what was said, so I asked someone I know who is a hawk and was with in ear shot and he told me what was said. Thats how I know. What he told me was what I said and looking back at the interacting it made sense.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott)


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Apr 14, 2010
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I loved all the moving parts. Their defense had no idea for the most part of where our offense was attacking.

And I loved the passing plays that featured clearing out a portion of the field by our decoy receiver, allowing the primary receiver to backfill that zone and make yardage after the catch.

Truly reminds me of how the Rams attacked our defense the past three years with Cooper Kupp and Robert Woods.


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May 1, 2009
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onanygivensunday":3ha4223i said:
I loved all the moving parts. Their defense had no idea for the most part of where our offense was attacking.

And I loved the passing plays that featured clearing out a portion of the field by our decoy receiver, allowing the primary receiver to backfill that zone and make yardage after the catch.

Truly reminds me of how the Rams attacked our defense the past three years with Cooper Kupp and Robert Woods.
There was a pass play to Everett that fits this description that was so awesome where I think it was Eskridge was the decoy running out wide, and Wilson slipped it underneath to Everett. Amazing looking play.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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Ad Hawk":1w983hwm said:
pittpnthrs":1w983hwm said:
...but its still only week 1 and as usual, people are acting like the team just won the Super Bowl.

Incorrect. Liar. Nobody is acting like that; you just hate the joy.

The Seahawks won, and fans who cheer for them are celebrating an in-season win. This is what fandom looks like for those who know how to appreciate good football. Join us, pitt. Try it. You'll like it.

Quite whining all the time and get a smile on your virtual face, for Pete's sake. Or Russ's sake. Or someone on the Seahawks. Sheesh.

Lol. People are starting threads already asking fans to eat crow on their predictions and opinions of the team because of a good outing in week 1 against a disheveled Colts club. I dont know how many times I can say I was impressed with the team yesterday and they looked good, but its only the first game of the season. I need to see a lot more before i'm asking people to eat crow.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Are you mad they won? Sure seems like it. Why in the hell does it bother you that people are happy with the win??? Honest question. NOBODY on here is crowning them. They played a damn good game, is it impossible for you to enjoy a win??

And AGAIN, you are making excuses and/or downplaying why the Hawks won a game. EXACTLY what I said would happen, and nobody here is surprised. As usual, you're here to shut down anyone actually happy about their football team winning a game. This is sports, wins are tough in the NFL. My god man, have a Snickers bar and enjoy life a little, let alone a football game. Something we have no control over.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
iigakusei":2jxo7p85 said:
onanygivensunday":2jxo7p85 said:
I loved all the moving parts. Their defense had no idea for the most part of where our offense was attacking.

And I loved the passing plays that featured clearing out a portion of the field by our decoy receiver, allowing the primary receiver to backfill that zone and make yardage after the catch.

Truly reminds me of how the Rams attacked our defense the past three years with Cooper Kupp and Robert Woods.
There was a pass play to Everett that fits this description that was so awesome where I think it was Eskridge was the decoy running out wide, and Wilson slipped it underneath to Everett. Amazing looking play.
How about that catch by DK on the sideline in the 3rd I believe? There wasn't a Colt within 5 yards of him, completely in a void. There was some scheming to make that work, because they were trying to take him out of the game all first half. It's the kind of throw that lesser QBs overthrow because of how unbelievable open he was. Russ was right on the money of course for a big gain with DK going extra yards down the sideline.



Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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I think this is the best offense has looked in a very long time.

We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves since this was Week 1.

Will need a larger sample size to see how consistent the offense will be.

Just gotta keep it up and the sky is the limit!

I know this is a thread for the offense but the defense looks very good as well!

Go Hawks!