Are we in Win Now mode or not?!?


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Mar 3, 2007
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It's more nuanced than that.

But if I had to answer yes or no, absolutely not. This is not a super bowl caliber team right now. Maybe in 2024 or 2025.


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Mar 17, 2016
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Woods was a cap casualty. It's a questionable move. Hopefully they have a replacement in mind.

The team is currently up against the cap. So not a ton of room for signings.

Henry is 29 with a ton of miles. Which is precisely why Tennessee has put him on the market. They're trying to get value in return before he crashes. Investing in older RB's never works out.
For a year? c'mon - did you even SEE what he did to our shitty Run-D?

He's worth a year.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Cutting Ryan Neal to save a little money, to bring in Wagner? (Still have to cut more to fit him in.)

Use a void year or something on DK. Judy counting pennies. She can't sell soon enough.


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Mar 17, 2016
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I think we're closer than the negative nellys will have you believe. Hell, we led the Niners at halftime in the playoffs with a trash defense. Well, now the defense should be significantly improved thanks to FA and the draft (and that's even if we take QB with the first pick). There is so much parity in this league. We have a chance to contend for a SB this season. Stop acting like we're so far away. Pete isn't thinking "2 or 3 years from now."
Exactly right.

if we had bobby back last year, and the other pieces that we've assembled, AND adams was actually playing -

We were/coulda been a contender - well except for the boneheaded handcuffs on waldron post-munich.

I honestly think they are trying to relive RW3. I do NOT think that's a valid model anymore. The chances that you HIT on one, and that it turns out in a RW3 'way' - slim to none.

Use the draft, and use FA intelligently, like they STARTED to do. I Really think that the RAMS model from 2021 is the new model.

Spend a couple years building what you can in pieces. Then go into win now mode, blow your wad and spend 2 or 3 years more on the credit card in FA. Win as much as possible on borrowed money. Bust, recover, repeat.

I think trying to rebuild the RW3 way is a mistake. If you want a QB in 'blow your wad' mode - pick up one in FA. Don't saddle us with a 5 or 6 or 7 year project that probably doesn't work out. In addition to the fact that if you're nurturing a baby QB, the other pieces around that position change so much on a yearly basis - by the time your project's finished - it's not even the same project anymore.

Anyways. So, that's probably why I don't have JS's job ;)


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Cutting Ryan Neal to save a little money, to bring in Wagner? (Still have to cut more to fit him in.)

Use a void year or something on DK. Judy counting pennies. She can't sell soon enough.
Trading Fant will probably do it, we have picks to draft a TE. That said, signing Bobby was bitter sweet for me.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Maybe it's working - maybe PC and JS are just trying to hoodwink the world, myself included.

I thought we'd be in a "win now" mode aka: Rams year before last mode.

I haven't listened to the JS radio from this week, but I keep reading things like: "not kicking the can down the road on the cap. We're kinda tapped out. responsible year over year cap and cash management".
With the couple of Defensive pieces that we've added, with Geno locked up, and the fact that we've got quite the pair of kickass WR dudes when used properly - I just thought that WIN NOW would be where we were. I mean Jesus - if you didn't think Lock was the answer for a few years - why is he 4MM?

With the bargain that Geno is, and with the ability to restructure or cut guys like Adams and a few others - WHY the hell are we not getting Poona and Woods back, and then going after a running back like D Henry - or some finishing moves - EVEN IF it's on the credit card? Trade down in the draft, and get a ton of talent through - some of it's gonna stick.

I don't care if the can needs to be kicked or deferred for a couple 3 years, and then we went into a drought. Why not now when we have some of the pieces and the draft capital?!

Arg. I don't get it. But, then maybe I just don't get it. This is the first year I've even moderately payed attention to FA and the Draft.

And, oh yea, to answer my own thread topic - 'apparently not'.

Ever since Paul Allen died they've been extremely careful with money. Keeping most deals as short as possible. Not really utilizing Cash over Cap (which can expand how much you can spend greatly, but costs ownership more money to do so). Lowest amount of money going into escrow as possible. Is Judy a penny pincher at heart? Or is she trying to keep the books clean when she inevitable sells? Is the question.

Tie this in with Pete being in his 70s, and you got a one foot in and a one foot out situation. They are trying to compete and rebuild at the same time, which has never worked. You have to fully commit to one or the other.

A lot of my fellow Hawk fans I know in the real are indeed confused by what has been going on.


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Dec 3, 2013
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Ever since Paul Allen died they've been extremely careful with money. Keeping most deals as short as possible. Not really utilizing Cash over Cap (which can expand how much you can spend greatly, but costs ownership more money to do so). Lowest amount of money going into escrow as possible. Is Judy a penny pincher at heart? Or is she trying to keep the books clean when she inevitable sells? Is the question.

Tie this in with Pete being in his 70s, and you got a one foot in and a one foot out situation. They are trying to compete and rebuild at the same time, which has never worked. You have to fully commit to one or the other.

A lot of my fellow Hawk fans I know in the real are indeed confused by what has been going on.
I’ve noticed this as well. I wonder if there are limits placed on the trust that are hamstringing Seattle from going big onto guarantees.

Seems like they can’t just go to Jody and ask for cash the way they did before.

This may make everything more difficult until the team finally sells.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Even we we assume Pete doesn't expect to HC when he hits 80 I would hope he puts the team ahead of personnal glory.

Throughout the whole JS/PC era we have been contenders and during the time with only one losing record since 2011 and 2 SB appearances.

I would much rather we continue that way for the next 10 years than bankrupt ourselves for Pete's personnal glory in 2023 (which may or may not lead to a SB win) leaving his replacement with a huge chunk of dead cap and most of our draft picks traded away.

Given the choice of:
A. We make the playoffs nearly every season and make the SB every 6 or 7 years
B. We go into win now mode so we have a 50% chance of getting to the SB this season but condemn ourselves to a losing record for the next 5 seasons

I would be choosing option A.
[A] isn't on the table.

They haven't sniffed an NFCCG in a decade. SuperBowl?! LOL.

They chose option [C]
Be mediocre, never be bad enough to fully rebuild, never be good enough to be actual contenders. Stuck in the middle.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
I’ve noticed this as well. I wonder if there are limits placed on the trust that are hamstringing Seattle from going big onto guarantees.

Seems like they can’t just go to Jody and ask for cash the way they did before.

This may make everything more difficult until the team finally sells.
Yes. JS said about as much, without directly saying it if you can put 2 and 2 together.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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This team is always going to be competitive with PC. They are always looking to win now even if they are starting two rookie OTs or a rookie at QB.

Win now in any other context means splurging on a plethora of veterans and mercs to add to the existing core roster to make a SB push. This team is a year or two out from being "SB caliber" IMO.

Like others have said the retooling of the front seven started last season and continues this season while augmenting the backend of the defensive backfield. And then reinforcing the trenches on offense.

Spin Doctor

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Sep 8, 2009
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We’re in retooling mode. I see the Wagner signing both as a stop gap, and culture move.

The truth of the matter is our cupboards are bare on D-Line and at ILB. Our OLB’s have some potential, but only one three down guy in Nwosu. Taylor, despite his sack numbers was underwhelming all year. Mafe looked okay on limited snaps.

We’re trying to patch holes with vets. The more placeholders you have, the more flexibility you have in the draft.

On the surface it seems “win now” but most of these guys are on front loaded or one year contracts. Geno for example has no real guaranteed money after this year.

Most of these guys are placeholders and if you look into their contracts, you will see that.

If we draft a QB I think that’ll tell you a lot about how they view the current team. It very much so seems like a roster in transition.


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Aug 27, 2012
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For cripes sake. The last Seahawk game was a playoff game. Further, the Cardinals are in shambles, the Rams are dismantling their expensive roster, and the Forty Niner's window has been taxed yet another year.

Pete wrote a book titled "Win Forever". If you really want to know his mindset, try reading it. He is ALWAYS in "win now" mode. Pete is the definition of "win now".

The last time Seattle picked in the top ten (prior to Charels Cross at #9 last year), was Russell Okung at pick #6 in 2010. That was thirteen years ago. That is the single best bit of evidence I can provide that demonstrates the team is always in "Win now" mode. Losing organizations habitually pick in the top ten. Sometimes on purpose. I believe the term is called "tanking". Could you imagine Pete embracing the concept of "Suck for Luck"? Ever? "Win now" ideology is not compatible with such thinking.

Want more evidence?

Most wins for the first ten years of a quarterback career.
105 Manning
104 Wilson
97 Brady
97 Lamonica
95 Ryan
95 Rothlisberger
93 Farve
93 Kelley
93 Marino

Those are "Win now" numbers. Not for Wilson. For Carroll. Carroll did this despite Wilson, not because of him. Give Caroll any other QB from that list and he would have more than one championship.

Dissatisfaction with Pete's track record reveals one thing to me. UNREALISTIC SELF ENTITLEMENT.
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