Are we in Win Now mode or not?!?

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Not mad - just didn't understand what they were doing - and for a few weeks here - quite honestly it has seemed rudderless - aside from the private plane QB search.

I didn't say 'win now' with bad signings and trades. I believe I've already gone firmly on the "don't do stupid things like the Adams deal" -

So, not 100% sure what you're talking about.

What I DO know, is that the revolving salary cap hole with rookie contracts, whether they are QB or other positions, creates revolving windows every several years to 'get irresponsible' with the cap, future mortgage some acquisitions, and win hardware. AKA the RAMS.

Yea, and we're 1 busted ankle away from having ZERO running back capability. And Henry was the best back in the league last year. So, again, not sure what you're really talking about there other than the vague "on the downside of his career". I'll take his last 2 or 3 years vs. pretty much anyone in the league - Lynch in his prime included.

Having said ALL of this. The Sherman postcast allusion to going back to the old defense and ditching last years horrible experiment explains ALOT of what HASN'T happened to me.

And, I get it. Personnel acquision is a combination of Draft, FA, UDFA. I get that it's a balance, and you pick up pieces from each both at different times, and for different needs.

Didn't say 'win now badly'. I said are we in it now? I don't 'believe' that we are, from the last several weeks of activity - and honestly - the draft is so spotty with what sticks and what doesn't - you're not gonna exclusively build there - in particular running a 3-4 defense.

I believe there are 1 or 2 more big things coming after the draft - and I hope they trade down.

I still don't know what you're talking about.

1. We can assume a 2nd dependable RB need will be addressed in the draft....AND a 3rd vet will also be signed before camp.

2. The D-line has been addressed so far, with the Jones and Reed signing, and again.......wait for it, also 2-3 more spots addressed during the draft and post draft free agent signings.

3. MLB need has also been addressed with bringing Bobby back.

4. Do you want want more irresponsible window spending like the Rams or not? I can't even tell where you're at with that comment.

So "rudderless?" I can't even give you the benefit of the doubt on that. Seems like we are addressing most needs, and will continue to do so through this weekend and post draft filling out of roster.

Best I can tell is you're confused and angry cause you thought we'd go nuts with more free agent signings and trades for well known players? I can't even be sure about this.

Or you're just pensive and nervous pre-draft and thought you'd throw up a messy incoherent rant.


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Apr 11, 2010
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When did Pete say "we are still trying to figure out how to use him" ?

if you don't know how someone you are trading for is going to fit into your scheme, then sending two firsts for him is asinine.

yah, he had a lot sacks but we also got burned a bunch by the holes left when we had to blitz him all the time because he useless in coverage

Adams contract is an albatross, we signed a decent QB to a reasonable contract but we can't fill out the roster because of that millstone
When Pete said that they were still trying to figure out how to "BEST use him" he was the injuries had yet to start taking their toll, which forced them to throw the playbook aside.
There's no way in hell Pete & John could have foreseen those injuries coming, and before they started plaguing him, he was a once in a generation talent, having said that, I'm not arguing that BEFORE INJURIES, and in hindsight, that they didn't overpay for Adams.
I look at it like this, IF you knew how good a player that Kam Chancellor was in his hay-day, and you had a chance to trade 2 1st rounders for the guy, tell me (Forget about KNOWING that his injury that was to come) you wouldn't have made that deal.


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May 19, 2017
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No, that's ABSURDITY, Pete has already taken the Seahawks to TWO consecutive Super Bowls, How's that for hittin' ya with> REAL <>"realities"?

A decade ago. The game and the league has changed since then. You and Pete havent.

Just making the playoffs is Pete's ceiling at this point.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
And you telling everyone that they are "satisfied with just making the playoffs" which is not even close to accurate for most of us.
And if you think that Pete's "ceiling" is one round, you're high. He has nothing but SB on his mind, every year. Never go Full Fade, never go there.
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Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Just making the playoffs is Pete's ceiling at this point.

That's your ceiling for Pete, not Pete's ceiling. Let's make sure to differentiate the two, because your ceiling is based on pre-conceived irrational opinions about Pete, and not anything of substance or logic that anyone outside of Cowherd puked up before running for the hills with his tail between his legs after his golden boy Russell Wilson crapped the bed last year, which was Cowherd's reasoning as to why we needed to fire Pete, the ol' dead horse holding Russ back argument..........that we now know was 100% incorrect.

Did you know the Patriots also went 10 years between SB appearances? Good thing Kraft didn't listen to those fans like you who thought the game passed Belichick by.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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A decade ago. The game and the league has changed since then. You and Pete havent.

Just making the playoffs is Pete's ceiling at this point.
YOU HAVEN'T "PRODUCED' JACK SH*T, NOT >>ONE<< single bit of proof !!!
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Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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And you telling everyone that they are "satisfied with just making the playoffs" which is not even close to accurate for most of us.
And if you think that Pete's "ceiling" is one round, you're high. He has nothing but SB on his mind, every year. Never go Full Fade, never go there.

A lot of people on here seem content with that though.

Every coach in the NFL has nothing but the Super Bowl on their mind. I'm saying that Carroll is incapable of coaching a team past the second round at this point. He's had 10 years to do so and he's just about out of time. He has always needed an all star team of talent to succeed and he's never going to have that again.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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That's your ceiling for Pete, not Pete's ceiling. Let's make sure to differentiate the two, because your ceiling is based on pre-conceived irrational opinions about Pete, and not anything of substance or logic that anyone outside of Cowherd puked up before running for the hills with his tail between his legs after his golden boy Russell Wilson crapped the bed last year, which was Cowherd's reasoning as to why we needed to fire Pete, the ol' dead horse holding Russ back argument..........that we now know was 100% incorrect.

Did you know the Patriots also went 10 years between SB appearances? Good thing Kraft didn't listen to those fans like you who thought the game passed Belichick by.

I'm basing my opinion on the last 10 years of facts.

As for the Patriots, do you mean 10 years between Super Bowl wins? In that 10 year span, they lost 2 Super Bowls and 2 AFC Championships. Big difference between that and not being able to get out of the second round for 10 straight years.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I think he's on his way, still will take a couple years. But that's part of a rebuild or revamp or whatever you want to call it. He's a hell of a coach, he did it before and he can do it again. I'm just hoping he builds it up strong and hands it off to the next guy. They'll be in good hands.
And if the next guy doesn't win, you guys will hate him too. Just sayin. I wanted them to move on from him too, glad they stuck with him. This team is on the rise.
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Ad Hawk

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
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Do the first two draft picks suggest this team is in long-term mode or wants to produce a winning team this very season?

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