Darrell Bevell OTA Press Conference 6/2/15


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Vancouver, WA
pmedic920":ygq58sjt said:
..........I do think it's kinda silly to question each other's fandom for either liking or not liking a particular coach or player.
Telling others how to be a fan has never gone over well, regardless of what side of an issue you are on.
Yet even after I said this exact thing, dude keeps right on doing just that to everyone that disagrees with him.

I disagree with Lymon as do a huge majority of lifelong and newer Seahawks' fans. However, in all his arguments in opposition to our point of view, he hasn't once suggested we aren't real fans. Your level of being reasonable is to be commended man.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
Scottemojo":1kj1b062 said:
Siouxhawk":1kj1b062 said:
LymonHawk":1kj1b062 said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:
I just despise the ganging up on one individual from a fluid situation where many of the moving parts were thrown out of kilter. Too many what ifs, not just on that play, but through the whole course of the game, to heap it all on one individual who was doing his best to bring another championship to Seattle.
Did or did not Browner tell the world after the game that he knew the play when he saw the formation, and that they had practiced that specific defense on his advice to Belichick? It was, wasn't it? If you are being a tricksy little playcaller, at least dial up something Browner has not seen.

Darrell Bevell is here for this year. There is nothing more to say. Unless we want to talk about his presser, which was pretty much standard filler.

Gee, do you think no one in the NFL has watched film of the opposing team? Do you remember Lofa calling out the other team's play before the play happened? Remember after the Denver SB how our defense said they knew what plays were coming? How many of our DBs are former Denver players who told PC what plays to practice for?

So much for your argument.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
hawksfansinceday1":9sox03gp said:
pmedic920":9sox03gp said:
..........I do think it's kinda silly to question each other's fandom for either liking or not liking a particular coach or player.
Telling others how to be a fan has never gone over well, regardless of what side of an issue you are on.
Yet even after I said this exact thing, dude keeps right on doing just that to everyone that disagrees with him.

I disagree with Lymon as do a huge majority of lifelong and newer Seahawks' fans. However, in all his arguments in opposition to our point of view, he hasn't once suggested we aren't real fans. Your level of being reasonable is to be commended man.

Thank you.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
Siouxhawk":opnns9a2 said:
LymonHawk":opnns9a2 said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:
I just despise the ganging up on one individual from a fluid situation where many of the moving parts were thrown out of kilter. Too many what ifs, not just on that play, but through the whole course of the game, to heap it all on one individual who was doing his best to bring another championship to Seattle.

I hear ya. Unfortunately, many people need a scapegoat; someone to blame. Such is life. :les:


Aug 22, 2013
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Austin, Texas
Fade":1xzcoh8o said:
nope. Schneider.

Things don't happen in a vacuum in Seattle. While Schneider is the GM and will get credit for pulling the trigger and selecting him, Pete Carroll and Darrell Bevell also get credit for not only watching and scouting his games, but attending his pro day (which very few scouts did) and talking to other professionals about drafting smaller QB's and reaching out to people who knew Wilson personally. A lot of things fell into place and a lot of people were involved, in particular, Darrell Bevell.

The amount of work the Seahawks did on Wilson before being certain they could win with a quarterback who wasn't much taller than the DePere native Schneider himself was intensive. They tapped into every resource they had to help make the decision.

Quarterbacks coach Carl Smith had insight from a high school teammate of his son's who had been drafted by the Rockies and was Wilson's roommate at Class A Asheville. Smith, who was living in Asheville after being fired from Jacksonville, watched the games on the Internet almost every night.

"He told me what kind of guy he was," Smith said of Wilson's roommate.

Carroll was connected professionally with former Minnesota Vikings coach Bud Grant, who had gone to three Super Bowls with Fran Tarkenton as his quarterback. Grant had a ton of insight on what kind of adjustments were necessary playing with a short quarterback.

"Pete talked to Coach Grant a lot about Fran Tarkenton and the way he played because Fran was only 5-10," Schneider said.

Bevell said he and the scouts broke down all of Wilson's games dating to his time at North Carolina State, looking for flaws that might cause him to fail in the NFL. They cut up the tape so that they could see him in every type of situation and get a sense how they would have to structure their offense with him in it.

"We just watched him," Smith said. "And I would tell Coach, he's not running plays the same way as these same plays look with other quarterbacks. And it's like, he's terrific out of the pocket. He was at Wisconsin.

If Schneider was so sold on Wilson then why does he sign Matt Flynn to a 3 year deal with so much money guaranteed? Let's be honest, Schneider liked Wilson but he never traded up to grab him or made any moves that would assure Wilson was going to land in Seattle. As fate would have it, Wilson falls to Seattle and now Schneider gets a ton of credit for finding an elite QB that a lot of other teams passed on. So it goes in the life of an NFL General Manager.

As far as Bevell not having a Head Coaching job, that is really not a slight on him as an Offensive coordinator. He is well respected around the league and has had several interviews. He is working his way up the chain and he may get a shot someday. But even if he fails as a head coach, doesn't mean he isn't a great OC. Holmgren was a great OC and a great HC but not a very good GM. Ray Rhodes is a great DC and a lousy HC and he was a HC on 2 different teams and was terrible in both organizations. Great DC though.

Bevell isn't really the issue in Seattle with the offense. The fact is you really have 2 outstanding guys on the offense and the rest are very average or below average. Jimmy Graham will help this year but your WR's could use a make over big time and the offensive line forces Wilson to make a lot of plays from nothing. Bevell should get some credit for doing a lot with very few weapons.

Well, I know I am not going to change your mind but I thought I would state the case for keeping the ship steady and moving forward. No reason to fire a guy over 1 play, no matter how dramatic it was. Sometimes the guys that get you to the cusp just fall a bit short in the end. You learn and move on and hopefully get another shot.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Fade":2ehk2ys0 said:
Siouxhawk":2ehk2ys0 said:
In any event, just glad Pete, who knows a little more than you geniuses, realizes that Bevell is an important part of his coaching staff and trusts him with the offense. That's all that really matters.


Pete keeps Bevell around because he is a yes man. BUT if he struggles this year with Lynch, Wilson, & Graham. He won't be here next year.
I don't know if he's exactly a yes man but he definitely should succeed with a safety valve like Jimmy Graham. If he doesn't it's likely no amount of apologists or spin will save him. Though in the end I believe he's being used as a scapegoat because it's so easy given the fault lies with many, with Pete and Russell right at the top of the list.

But it's done and over and this is a new year. And no doubt we're going to be right in the thick of things again especially if we reach the one goal that the Seahawks actually have every year per the "Town Hall Meeting" right from Pete's mouth to our ears..."dominate the NFCW because we will get to play at home and that makes a HUGE difference".

Tell me, can anybody argue that in good faith?


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Mar 3, 2007
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LymonHawk":2kt55l6l said:
Siouxhawk":2kt55l6l said:
LymonHawk":2kt55l6l said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:
I just despise the ganging up on one individual from a fluid situation where many of the moving parts were thrown out of kilter. Too many what ifs, not just on that play, but through the whole course of the game, to heap it all on one individual who was doing his best to bring another championship to Seattle.

I hear ya. Unfortunately, many people need a scapegoat; someone to blame. Such is life. :les:

Oh so true, I blame the state of this board on this guy :les: for passing way too soon Dammit Les we miss you :cry:


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Feb 5, 2015
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jammerhawk":pv0kgv42 said:
Siouxhawk":pv0kgv42 said:
jammerhawk":pv0kgv42 said:
In the aftermath of the game after PC and RW each stepped up DB called out Lockette for not going hard enough to the ball thus deflecting the blame for the call. To me this was Bevell not manning up and deflecting blame when he should have indicated he took a chance and more risk when the numbers indicated the Patriots had trouble stopping the run in a situation like that and the team also had ML and Tukuafu.

You are free to slobber this OC's jock if you want but there now too many times when he fails to play the high % play. Well, to me at any rate

First of all, I don't slobber over anyone's jock. If that's your sexual proclivity in life, then you can talk to others who play on YOUR team that way.

Second of all, get it right. Pete called for a pass. Bevell called the play. So if you want to blame someone for not going with the run, blame the right person if blame is what you need to do.

Third of all, this is the team and coaching staff we have assembled. Do you really think your whining and complaining is productive as far as taking it the distance?

My language was poor in suggesting perhaps you are a fan of Bevell, I'm not as is obvious, Apparently however you are but it is possible for me to disagree w//o becoming sensitive so I apologize for my sexual reference it apparently struck a nerve, I wasn't meaning it the way you took it. He is the coach of a part of OUR team and is of course smarter at football than me, he's an NFL coach, I'm not. As this is a discussion board here and we can be fans of the team and disagree about parts of it. I still think the team could be better on O without Bevell, Pete doesn't so the OC is Bevell. I can live with it and am not whining and complaining, I just think the team would be better with another OC.

We have accepted Pete and Russell's apologies for 'that play' and have mostly moved on except for wondering what if the team hadn't lined up for a pass, Isn't that on the OC, or do you think Pete has that much specific influence over the O generally? The team had just taken a time out that was at least questionable so perhaps you are right. I don't know however that the right view is that Pete called a pass play as the OC had lined them up for a pass. We don't know the whole story about what happened there with the play call, perhaps at some future point this story will be fully told.

Have you heard any apology from Bevell? I know so far that I haven't and believe he's only just blamed the players for poor execution of his play with no acceptance of any responsibility on him? To date the real leaders of the team took the heat, Bevell not so much. Perhaps he's right that the blame was on poor execution, but it was a lower percentage play than running against a team that was statistically weak in defending goal line run plays. I will replay that play in my head for quite some time and shake my head believing it was a poor choice. I don't know that I've seen that play work for us except in mid-field but stand to be corrected. I would have rather gone down fighting for a yard on the ground with what the team does best. Putting the ball in Marshawn's hands in that circumstance is very arguable as a better choice than throwing a hot slant to Lockette.

The play is over, it failed, it's done, and the Hawks got to one yard away from taking the lead with 30 seconds or so to play in the their second consecutive Lombardi appearance but failed. Too bad the play didn't work but we need to move on. It's a special time to be a fan of the Seahawks I know I'm excited to be a fan of this team. I think the team could be good enough to get back again this year.

I can tell you are a fan of the Hawks and sense your frustration with the culmination of SB 49, like most if us. The suddenness of it all, first with the circus catch by Kearse that renewed our dwindling hopes, then the run to the 1 by Marshawn that put us on the doorstep and then the huge letdown.
It was tough, yeah.
Your question as to who called the play, to me, is irrelevant on so many levels. Mainly because it's a team game and the parties involved respect the sanctity of it being a team game and will keep those matters to themselves.
Aside from that, what do we know? Well, from what I have gleaned from post game presses, Pete wanted a pass there and Bev sent out the play. It was one of what, 60 or 65 plays he sent out through the course of the game? Others have said that given play had worked well in previous attempts ... this time it didn't. Since we've seen it in slo-motion hundreds of times, we all know it was a split second from being successful, if not for a career-defining effort from the Patriots' DB. End of game.
Then the question becomes who to blame? And you want an apology?
First of all, I don't think any member of the Hawks has, or should have to, issue an apology whatsoever. Sure they felt bummed that the final outcome didn't go their way, but it's athletic competition and sometimes things just don't bounce the way they had intended. They all have felt the sting of defeat before and they will again. This being the Super Bowl, it likely hurt a little more, but there's no shame in giving it their all and falling a little short. And it certainly does not warrant them issuing an apology.
A fan wouldn't expect that.
The team knows that there's more games to come. And that they are all in this together. They count on us, the 12s, to give them a little bit of an added boost through our passion. Not to be backstabbers.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
grizbob":32dtry2b said:
LymonHawk":32dtry2b said:
Siouxhawk":32dtry2b said:
LymonHawk":32dtry2b said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:
I just despise the ganging up on one individual from a fluid situation where many of the moving parts were thrown out of kilter. Too many what ifs, not just on that play, but through the whole course of the game, to heap it all on one individual who was doing his best to bring another championship to Seattle.

I hear ya. Unfortunately, many people need a scapegoat; someone to blame. Such is life. :les:

Oh so true, I blame the state of this board on this guy :les: for passing way too soon Dammit Les we miss you :cry:

BTW: IIRC-Les' birthday is on the 6/11...or was it 6/10. It's his 72nd. I miss him too.


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Feb 1, 2015
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I will never forgive him for the play that must not be named. In my mind it's an automatic reputation killer (and should have been an automatic career killer). It's not he's Greg Popovich, an all-time great who made one bad mistake but has 5 rings to hang his hat on, he's an otherwise mediocre coach who made the same mistake before, and almost certainly will make it again.


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Jan 14, 2015
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LymonHawk":vvg4rxup said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:

even IF that play worked, it was a horrendous call...... why dont YOU show us how many times it has worked.... I cant seem to recall very many..... but you are right I mean.... calling a slant into the MIDDLE of the defense on the 1 yard line to your 5th string wide out is the best call you can make.. I mean much better then a play action roll out or fade to the corner.. both of those plays are not predictable enough and actually high percentage.... its either incomplete or a TD and we win or have another down to get the goal line line in and pound it with 24..... I have not talked to anyone, not a single person who thinks that particular play call was anything but a joke.....


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Mar 3, 2007
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These blame game exercises are so unlike what the Seahawk organization is about.

Seahawks work as a team and they win and lose as a team. Cannibalism is not a feature of the Seahawk program.


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Mar 30, 2015
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I've been a casual football fan for over 50 years, and a Hawks fan since 1993. I guess because I only played soccer and baseball as a kid, I probably don't know enough about the intricacies of football on the field to comment on this subject, but I do have a question: it seems to me that from all I've read, especially from trolls from other teams, that this type of pass was not Wilson's strong suit. This would be my only concern...of all the plays to choose from, why choose the one play that used Wilson, Lockette and Kearse, all in a way that would be sure to exploit their weaknesses? Wasn't their dozens of other plays that would play to Wilson's strengths. People said that Browner was shutting down Matthews...why not send him to the deep left corner of the endzone using that same formation they did use, where Browner would be covering Kearse for Butler? Even if the hypothetical pass to Matthews was an incomplete pass, Carroll has already said that that play was a garbage play...as if he was hoping it would be an incomplete pass. Then they could use the last 2 downs for running plays with a timeout in between.

I'm not advocating for the firing of Bevell...he's just a human being, and imperfect like the rest of us. I feel he simply made a mistake. But I do slightly resent the fact that Bevell blamed a #5 WR who had only 18 NFL receptions prior to SB49. Also I resent that, unlike Wilson and Carroll, Bevell NEVER really took responsibility for the call...at least as far as I've ever heard. I will say one thing, a lot of things went wrong that day. Way too many injuries for one defense to have to deal with...without injuries, I don't think the Pats would have scored more than 10 points. And even the fact that former Seahawk Browner was in a position to tell his coaches and teammates EVERYTHING about the Seahawks offensive plays. Just poor timing on all counts. But I have faith, and I know they'll be in the hunt come the end of the season.


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May 1, 2009
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Siouxhawk":2zknwfas said:
Luckily I know that the majority of true 12s don't stoop to the low level of taking snipes at any member of their coaching staff. They believe in the leadership assembled and have been treated to a pretty nice ride as of late. And the team as a whole is confident enough that they wouldn't buckle to this kind of knee-jerk pettiness.

Word to the wise...don't make things personal. Making posts that contain zero discussion and only calling other posters out and pulling the "true fan" card, aren't in the spirit of the board. It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it.

Bevell has brought some good things to Seattle, and he also has his weaknesses. It's true that he's been a part of three playoff runs and a Super Bowl. But it also has to be acknowledged that his route trees and getting-WRs-open tactics are pretty simplistic (that's been mentioned by Mike Holmgren, amongst other people), and I'm not afraid of admitting that or letting it balance my view on Bevell. He makes the wrong call for some situations (play action often happens at the wrong down-and-distance or from the wrong formation) and isn't very adaptive.

My personal feeling is that the excellence of Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch take up a far larger chunk of the pie that any other reason for Seattle's success, including Bevell's contributions.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
Ambrose83":2fyoyjpm said:
LymonHawk":2fyoyjpm said:
Hey Sioux, you're wasting your time with these folks. Why don't you ask them to show you the post where they complained when we used this same play and it worked?

I've asked that question many times and as of yet I haven't seen any take up the challenge. But yet they still keep stealing threads to whine about it. Watcha gonna do? :les:

even IF that play worked, it was a horrendous call...... why dont YOU show us how many times it has worked.... I cant seem to recall very many..... but you are right I mean.... calling a slant into the MIDDLE of the defense on the 1 yard line to your 5th string wide out is the best call you can make.. I mean much better then a play action roll out or fade to the corner.. both of those plays are not predictable enough and actually high percentage.... its either incomplete or a TD and we win or have another down to get the goal line line in and pound it with 24..... I have not talked to anyone, not a single person who thinks that particular play call was anything but a joke.....

Sigh... According to Britt, in an interview directly after the game, we used the same play against Arizona, and it was successful.

Did you complain then? What about the pass right before the half to a receiver who had never caught a pass in the NFL before? Did you call that a stupid play? No? Why not? Because it was successful that's why.

Hindsight is 20/20.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Siouxhawk":ztiadl27 said:
I can tell you are a fan of the Hawks and sense your frustration with the culmination of SB 49, like most if us. The suddenness of it all, first with the circus catch by Kearse that renewed our dwindling hopes, then the run to the 1 by Marshawn that put us on the doorstep and then the huge letdown.
It was tough, yeah.
Your question as to who called the play, to me, is irrelevant on so many levels. Mainly because it's a team game and the parties involved respect the sanctity of it being a team game and will keep those matters to themselves.
Aside from that, what do we know? Well, from what I have gleaned from post game presses, Pete wanted a pass there and Bev sent out the play. It was one of what, 60 or 65 plays he sent out through the course of the game? Others have said that given play had worked well in previous attempts ... this time it didn't. Since we've seen it in slo-motion hundreds of times, we all know it was a split second from being successful, if not for a career-defining effort from the Patriots' DB. End of game.
Then the question becomes who to blame? And you want an apology?
First of all, I don't think any member of the Hawks has, or should have to, issue an apology whatsoever. Sure they felt bummed that the final outcome didn't go their way, but it's athletic competition and sometimes things just don't bounce the way they had intended. They all have felt the sting of defeat before and they will again. This being the Super Bowl, it likely hurt a little more, but there's no shame in giving it their all and falling a little short. And it certainly does not warrant them issuing an apology.
A fan wouldn't expect that.
The team knows that there's more games to come. And that they are all in this together. They count on us, the 12s, to give them a little bit of an added boost through our passion. Not to be backstabbers.

Wow, so many things to respond to but I won't in any detail for fear of furthering a disagreement that has broken down into a fandom argument that really shouldn't apply. Discussion is what we do here and each of us is entitled to their own opinion.

One of the things that is a basic tenant of the Seahawks is a realistic acceptance of responsibility. Pete and Russell accepted their part of the responsibility for this play and both apologized, knowing they collectively goofed. Bevell however seems unwilling to acknowledge that any part of this unfortunate failed play can be laid on him. After all he's part of the team, should he be different from Russell and Pete? There Fade and a few others have nailed my point IMO. The blame game is not where I'm at, I'm mostly over it even if I believe it was a glactically stupid call. I just think from his record, in Minnie and here, that Bevell has not demonstrated he is an elite OC or for that matter very creative or even that good. There I'd be happy to see him move on to another job elsewhere because I suspect the team could do better. Many of the basic reasons for moving him on have been well stated by others in this thread.

As fans of the team we can both encourage and criticize, sometimes we may disagree. Our fandom remains consistent and the team knows us 12's are behind them even if we think that at times sometimes the players and coaches mess up. I doubt very much that many of the players think that call was all that smart either, they haven't thrown anyone under the bus like Bevell did with Lockette. I'd be happy if Bevell had the stones to accept some responsibility rather than blaming players or execution but don't expect that to happen. Bevell may not be the best OC but he is our OC for now, even if he seemingly has occasional blindspots. If he demonstrates an inability to incorporate Graham into and O like he seemingly did with Harvin (I mostly blame Harvin), which O should still feature Lynch I'd think it should be time to encourage him to move on.

Of course you may feel the need to disagree and I will give you the last word. After this I'm out on this discussion.


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Feb 5, 2015
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jammerhawk":1th6t2la said:
Siouxhawk":1th6t2la said:
I can tell you are a fan of the Hawks and sense your frustration with the culmination of SB 49, like most if us. The suddenness of it all, first with the circus catch by Kearse that renewed our dwindling hopes, then the run to the 1 by Marshawn that put us on the doorstep and then the huge letdown.
It was tough, yeah.
Your question as to who called the play, to me, is irrelevant on so many levels. Mainly because it's a team game and the parties involved respect the sanctity of it being a team game and will keep those matters to themselves.
Aside from that, what do we know? Well, from what I have gleaned from post game presses, Pete wanted a pass there and Bev sent out the play. It was one of what, 60 or 65 plays he sent out through the course of the game? Others have said that given play had worked well in previous attempts ... this time it didn't. Since we've seen it in slo-motion hundreds of times, we all know it was a split second from being successful, if not for a career-defining effort from the Patriots' DB. End of game.
Then the question becomes who to blame? And you want an apology?
First of all, I don't think any member of the Hawks has, or should have to, issue an apology whatsoever. Sure they felt bummed that the final outcome didn't go their way, but it's athletic competition and sometimes things just don't bounce the way they had intended. They all have felt the sting of defeat before and they will again. This being the Super Bowl, it likely hurt a little more, but there's no shame in giving it their all and falling a little short. And it certainly does not warrant them issuing an apology.
A fan wouldn't expect that.
The team knows that there's more games to come. And that they are all in this together. They count on us, the 12s, to give them a little bit of an added boost through our passion. Not to be backstabbers.

Wow, so many things to respond to but I won't in any detail for fear of furthering a disagreement that has broken down into a fandom argument that really shouldn't apply. Discussion is what we do here and each of us is entitled to their own opinion.

One of the things that is a basic tenant of the Seahawks is a realistic acceptance of responsibility. Pete and Russell accepted their part of the responsibility for this play and both apologized, knowing they collectively goofed. Bevell however seems unwilling to acknowledge that any part of this unfortunate failed play can be laid on him. After all he's part of the team, should he be different from Russell and Pete? There Fade and a few others have nailed my point IMO. The blame game is not where I'm at, I'm mostly over it even if I believe it was a glactically stupid call. I just think from his record, in Minnie and here, that Bevell has not demonstrated he is an elite OC or for that matter very creative or even that good. There I'd be happy to see him move on to another job elsewhere because I suspect the team could do better. Many of the basic reasons for moving him on have been well stated by others in this thread.

As fans of the team we can both encourage and criticize, sometimes we may disagree. Our fandom remains consistent and the team knows us 12's are behind them even if we think that at times sometimes the players and coaches mess up. I doubt very much that many of the players think that call was all that smart either, they haven't thrown anyone under the bus like Bevell did with Lockette. I'd be happy if Bevell had the stones to accept some responsibility rather than blaming players or execution but don't expect that to happen. Bevell may not be the best OC but he is our OC for now, even if he seemingly has occasional blindspots. If he demonstrates an inability to incorporate Graham into and O like he seemingly did with Harvin (I mostly blame Harvin), which O should still feature Lynch I'd think it should be time to encourage him to move on.

Of course you may feel the need to disagree and I will give you the last word. After this I'm out on this discussion.
Pete and Russell did not apologize, let's get that fact straight please. Nor do they need to. They tried their best, it wasn't in the cards, they were upset they came out on the short end of the stick and expressed that in the media, but they never did apologize.
Do you, as a fan, expect an apology from your sports figures when things go awry?


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Mar 5, 2007
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Disagree on Pete and RW, but you can believe what you want. Nope they didn't need to accept some blame but they have strong characters.

Nope, as a fan I just expect them to accept they made a mistake like a leader instead of attempting to place the blame on their underlings.

I won't respond to you any further now.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I'm surprised that when they asked Bevell to do the Presser that he didn't pass.


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Feb 5, 2015
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Thanks Jammer.
Yes, I believe everyone on the team and coaching staff are strong characters as well.
Once again, I don't believe the whole Bevell postgame comment should be construed as throwing Lockette under the bus. He was simply answering a question in the heat of the moment as to why the play didn't work. It was pretty tame, not shedding blame as some would have you believe.
I think what happens in this age of the dreaded social media is that someone interprets a soundbite like the one Bevell gave and puts their own spin on it, especially when they're feeling wounded by a close loss like the one the Hawks experienced. It's just a run-of-the-mill soundbite like ones that take place after every regular season game, yet this one gets glammed on because people are looking for a scapegoat so they can deflect all of their pent-up angst. Then someone erroneously reports that Bevell threw a wide reciever under the bus and the whole thing gets perpetuated in that evil monster called social media.