Davis Hsu With an Interesting Take on Twitter


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Feb 12, 2011
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I personally find Davis Hsu to be a good follow. I get loads of great stats, especially about the salary cap, from him that I don't come across elsewhere. Sometimes he can clog your feed a bit but it's easy enough to skim through it all.

I certainly don't like all that he posts (and I agree that he seems to take himself a bit seriously) but on balance I like his work.


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Augusta, GA
Personally I think the NFL was in need bad need of a Fresh face and role model. Who knows, Russ might be an A-Hole but I doubt it. With all the ego's and money flying around the NFL, it's nice to see Russ staying true to be what he wants to be. The players can disagree all they want but Russ saved Seattle. T-Jack or Flynn would not have brought home a Lombardi and all the no name players and pedestrian receivers would still be nobodys


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I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.


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Scottemojo":271rdj5a said:
I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.

I promise you Scott, if I ever make it big time, I'll never get big time. I'll always reply to the comments. You gonna be in KC for the Chiefs game? It's been a while. I need your wise insight on all things Seahawks. I still owe you a drink anyway, so this time first rounds on me, good sir! :thirishdrinkers:

True story, I frequently pull a Russell Wilson and envision my story and all that catching on and me getting a little shine, you know, trying to imagine it so that if it does become reality I've already been there before in my head... In these scenarios, I specifically tell myself NOT to act like Davis Hsu or Hawkblogger. If I ever did, that would truly be what selling out means to me. That's why I don't do twitter. That and I don't have the time for it.

Anyways, to each their own. We only have one life to live and the only thing that truly remains when we're gone is what we stood for, who's lives we touched, and how we made a difference. If one wants to think that they take being a Seahawks blogger with them, so be it, I can't worry about someone else like that. Being a jerk to people, usually catches up to you in the end.


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Twitter-Turning boys into gossiping school girls. :roll:


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NYCoug":3ogsflg5 said:
Scottemojo":3ogsflg5 said:
I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.

I promise you Scott, if I ever make it big time, I'll never get big time. I'll always reply to the comments. You gonna be in KC for the Chiefs game? It's been a while. I need your wise insight on all things Seahawks. I still owe you a drink anyway, so this time first rounds on me, good sir! :thirishdrinkers:

True story, I frequently pull a Russell Wilson and envision my story and all that catching on and me getting a little shine, you know, trying to imagine it so that if it does become reality I've already been there before in my head... In these scenarios, I specifically tell myself NOT to act like Davis Hsu or Hawkblogger. If I ever did, that would truly be what selling out means to me. That's why I don't do twitter. That and I don't have the time for it.

Anyways, to each their own. We only have one life to live and the only thing that truly remains when we're gone is what we stood for, who's lives we touched, and how we made a difference. If one wants to think that they take being a Seahawks blogger with them, so be it, I can't worry about someone else like that. Being a jerk to people, usually catches up to you in the end.

You're one of the good ones. Too many internet bloggers catch a bit of fame and turn it into a platform for themselves rather than their writing and observations. I actually know Hsu, from before he was twitter famous, and he isn't a bad person. But while he is one of the more informed fans I have met, he honestly thinks he is a better fan than most common folks, and it shows in his writing. When a blogger's writing goes from informative to predictive is when I think the great divide starts to happen. You get into a place where people start hanging their hats on predictions, and dismissing anyone who disagrees. Unfortunately, most of these bloggers also ignore any missed predictions, and tend to fall into the throw shit at the wall to see what sticks frame of mind. Sticking to the facts and interpreting trends/data is where a lot of these guys make their names, but they get caught up in being the guy that called that one thing.

For what it is worth, I have seen the DM that Baldwin sent to Hsu, and it in no way verifies what Hsu claims. IMO it was Doug being a sarcastic ass, and trying to stir the pot. Hsu took it a certain way, because of preconceived bias.


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San Antonio, TX by way of Kalispell, MT
razgriz737":cwyxx130 said:
Captain":cwyxx130 said:
I "hate" follow Hsu on twitter. That guy is so full of himself its ridiculous. He thinks he knows more than anyone and then toots his own horn when he makes a right prediction on something like guessing the inactive players for each week or predicting the right outcomes of games. He also seems to tweet all day everyday and repeats the same things over and over. Then when someone calls him out for something he'll get all defensive about it and usually block them. Obviously i could unfollow him if i wanted but i just like to read the asinine and pointless things he comes up with. Sure, occasionally he'll tweet things kinda interesting but most of the time after i read his tweets i'm just like "OMG SHUT UP NO ONE CARES." Has anyone else noticed these things too or am I on my own here? Lol
He is kinda smug. Though not as smug as Hawkblogger, who I also "hate follow".

Hawkblogger and Hsu are cut from the same cloth. Both feel as if they are better than the average fan because they have prodded their way into some sense of insider knowledge they think they have gained by doing video chats with DB or podcasts with Softy. Hsu practically felated himself after predicting that McQuistan or Mrob would be cut in TC and then Mrob was cut (not because of his salary though as he predicted).

I used to enjoy some of the info they blasted out, but now with the fervor of the Hawks and the massive new fanbase, their egos are tad out of control IMO.

I don't follow them at all..


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San Antonio, TX by way of Kalispell, MT
WendellWent":1cnkuzmi said:
NYCoug":1cnkuzmi said:
Scottemojo":1cnkuzmi said:
I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.

I promise you Scott, if I ever make it big time, I'll never get big time. I'll always reply to the comments. You gonna be in KC for the Chiefs game? It's been a while. I need your wise insight on all things Seahawks. I still owe you a drink anyway, so this time first rounds on me, good sir! :thirishdrinkers:

True story, I frequently pull a Russell Wilson and envision my story and all that catching on and me getting a little shine, you know, trying to imagine it so that if it does become reality I've already been there before in my head... In these scenarios, I specifically tell myself NOT to act like Davis Hsu or Hawkblogger. If I ever did, that would truly be what selling out means to me. That's why I don't do twitter. That and I don't have the time for it.

Anyways, to each their own. We only have one life to live and the only thing that truly remains when we're gone is what we stood for, who's lives we touched, and how we made a difference. If one wants to think that they take being a Seahawks blogger with them, so be it, I can't worry about someone else like that. Being a jerk to people, usually catches up to you in the end.

You're one of the good ones. Too many internet bloggers catch a bit of fame and turn it into a platform for themselves rather than their writing and observations. I actually know Hsu, from before he was twitter famous, and he isn't a bad person. But while he is one of the more informed fans I have met, he honestly thinks he is a better fan than most common folks, and it shows in his writing. When a blogger's writing goes from informative to predictive is when I think the great divide starts to happen. You get into a place where people start hanging their hats on predictions, and dismissing anyone who disagrees. Unfortunately, most of these bloggers also ignore any missed predictions, and tend to fall into the throw shit at the wall to see what sticks frame of mind. Sticking to the facts and interpreting trends/data is where a lot of these guys make their names, but they get caught up in being the guy that called that one thing.

For what it is worth, I have seen the DM that Baldwin sent to Hsu, and it in no way verifies what Hsu claims. IMO it was Doug being a sarcastic ass, and trying to stir the pot. Hsu took it a certain way, because of preconceived bias.

Very well put Wendell. Hsu and HB are both very dismissive of others opinions when it doesn't mesh with their own. HB about crapped himself when Flynn didn't start and RW started doing well he backtracked from his told you so attitude he displayed the first Quarter of the season to Flynn would've done the same if given the opportunity stance.


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San Antonio, TX by way of Kalispell, MT
NYCoug":ytm9qhc9 said:
Scottemojo":ytm9qhc9 said:
I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.

I promise you Scott, if I ever make it big time, I'll never get big time. I'll always reply to the comments. You gonna be in KC for the Chiefs game? It's been a while. I need your wise insight on all things Seahawks. I still owe you a drink anyway, so this time first rounds on me, good sir! :thirishdrinkers:

True story, I frequently pull a Russell Wilson and envision my story and all that catching on and me getting a little shine, you know, trying to imagine it so that if it does become reality I've already been there before in my head... In these scenarios, I specifically tell myself NOT to act like Davis Hsu or Hawkblogger. If I ever did, that would truly be what selling out means to me. That's why I don't do twitter. That and I don't have the time for it.

Anyways, to each their own. We only have one life to live and the only thing that truly remains when we're gone is what we stood for, who's lives we touched, and how we made a difference. If one wants to think that they take being a Seahawks blogger with them, so be it, I can't worry about someone else like that. Being a jerk to people, usually catches up to you in the end.

If you do turn into a self-fellating, know-it-all blogger, no more hotel floors for you Dave.


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San Antonio, TX by way of Kalispell, MT
Seahaaaawks":1qelu0s3 said:
so RW makes 500,000 a year. I can totally understand if he is pissed (and this is all speculation from what i have read) cause he is all "business" and wants guys to preform better. I mean how would you feel if you were making 12.00 an hour and working your ass off, and the guy who sits next to you and does a mediocre job makes 67.00 an hour? would you call them out behind the scenes? i sure would......... make the plays, catch the ball... dedication and lets go win some freaking games!

I highly doubt it has anything to do with money. The Seahawks can't give RW anymore $$$ until this season ends and every person in the VMAC knows that. RW knows his payday is about 6 months away and for people to think that DB getting about 4M a year before he gets his 18-20M per year is not rational IMO.


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May 1, 2009
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Hsu and Hawkblogger have enough follows (9k and 16k respectively) to where they can afford a personality. They don't need to care about losing people. Gripe about their attitudes all you want, but if you've made yourself indispensable with your information and your opinions, and you've put in the work to get inside the team a little bit, then there's not much that this 600-follower blogger can say. ;)

Personally, I don't follow either of them anymore. But I have no delusions that my not following them will do anything to dent their pride.


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Apr 22, 2014
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MontanaHawk05":tp4iw4lv said:
Hsu and Hawkblogger have enough follows to where they can afford a personality. They don't need to care about losing people. Gripe about their attitudes all you want, but if you've made yourself indispensable with your information and your opinions, you've kinda earned the right to be yourself about it.

This right here is what is wrong with the fan turned psuedo-journalist. It should never EVER be about the writer, any true journalist will tell you it is ALWAYS about the subject. None of these guys are indispensable, and none of them have "earned" anything more than any other person who decides to start a twitter account and regurgitate facts that are fed to them by other websites.


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Apr 30, 2009
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NYCoug":3fqbt1kk said:
Scottemojo":3fqbt1kk said:
I just hate that Hsu does articles for fieldgulls where he doesn't have anything to do with the comment section. He so bigtime.

I promise you Scott, if I ever make it big time, I'll never get big time. I'll always reply to the comments. You gonna be in KC for the Chiefs game? It's been a while. I need your wise insight on all things Seahawks. I still owe you a drink anyway, so this time first rounds on me, good sir! :thirishdrinkers:

True story, I frequently pull a Russell Wilson and envision my story and all that catching on and me getting a little shine, you know, trying to imagine it so that if it does become reality I've already been there before in my head... In these scenarios, I specifically tell myself NOT to act like Davis Hsu or Hawkblogger. If I ever did, that would truly be what selling out means to me. That's why I don't do twitter. That and I don't have the time for it.

Anyways, to each their own. We only have one life to live and the only thing that truly remains when we're gone is what we stood for, who's lives we touched, and how we made a difference. If one wants to think that they take being a Seahawks blogger with them, so be it, I can't worry about someone else like that. Being a jerk to people, usually catches up to you in the end.
Yeah, I will be in KC. As it gets closer, we will figure out some place to meetup.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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No WR will ever be happy in this offense, and this proves it.

Sorry, but if you play WR in Seattle you're going to have to be content with 50 catches a year and a hell of a lot of run blocking.

I'm sure if our WR's have a problem with Russell, it has more to do with wanting more balls, and not his personality.


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May 1, 2009
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WendellWent":jacxzc90 said:
MontanaHawk05":jacxzc90 said:
Hsu and Hawkblogger have enough follows to where they can afford a personality. They don't need to care about losing people. Gripe about their attitudes all you want, but if you've made yourself indispensable with your information and your opinions, you've kinda earned the right to be yourself about it.

This right here is what is wrong with the fan turned psuedo-journalist. It should never EVER be about the writer, any true journalist will tell you it is ALWAYS about the subject. None of these guys are indispensable, and none of them have "earned" anything more than any other person who decides to start a twitter account and regurgitate facts that are fed to them by other websites.

Hsu and Hawkblogger both do their share of research, to be fair. Heavy lifting in regards to cap space and financial ramifications are Hsu's specialty. They haven't gained a following for no reason.


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Oct 31, 2009
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MontanaHawk05":17t0plxj said:
WendellWent":17t0plxj said:
MontanaHawk05":17t0plxj said:
Hsu and Hawkblogger have enough follows to where they can afford a personality. They don't need to care about losing people. Gripe about their attitudes all you want, but if you've made yourself indispensable with your information and your opinions, you've kinda earned the right to be yourself about it.

This right here is what is wrong with the fan turned psuedo-journalist. It should never EVER be about the writer, any true journalist will tell you it is ALWAYS about the subject. None of these guys are indispensable, and none of them have "earned" anything more than any other person who decides to start a twitter account and regurgitate facts that are fed to them by other websites.

Hsu and Hawkblogger both do their share of research, to be fair. Heavy lifting in regards to cap space and financial ramifications are Hsu's specialty. They haven't gained a following for no reason.
Yeah, I pretty much agree with this. I generally shrug it off when they get tabloid-ish or overly self serving, but that's not why I follow them... and it doesn't define them, IMO. They both bring something unique. HSU with his cap info, which he uses to predict player transactions and his stat breakdowns. HB with analysis, opinions and explanations...there is a dash of homerism in much of his work, but he's still a good read.


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Feb 17, 2014
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I have never read a Hawkblogger blog post that attacked a player's integrity, much less a player as upstanding as Russell Wilson. Insinuating that Wilson is a fake liar, who does charity work just for the appearance, but doesn't care about the people he is helping, was simply unprofessional of Davis Hsu. It's hard for me to imagine Nemhauser stooping to that level.


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hawknation2014":1pyms79v said:
I have never read a Hawkblogger blog post that attacked a player's integrity, much less a player as upstanding as Russell Wilson. Insinuating that Wilson is a fake liar, who does charity work just for the appearance, but doesn't care about the people he is helping, was simply unprofessional of Davis Hsu. It's hard for me to imagine Nemhauser stooping to that level.
Yeah, that's where he gets a bit enigmatic. He seems like guy that prefers the facts, yet he goes all drama queen with the Wilson lockeroom conjecture. Maybe the argument of him trying to tarnish RW's image to prop up his boy Luck has some merit.