End of an Era


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Mar 4, 2007
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Hagerstown, MD
It was good while it lasted, 2012-2016 was the best five year run in team history. But this team is a shell of its former self. Wholesale changes need to be made on both the coaching staff and the roster or the regression will continue and we'll be lucky to see .500 again.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2014
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Completely true. Changes are needed.

We consistently shoot ourselves in the foot strategically. If you want a good metric on an OC, Look at offensive production in the 1st quarter. This is when a scripted game plan is called based on the film study and knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your team and your opponent.
To not see that this is 1 of 2 of our biggest problems and call for a change in the person responsible for calling and designing those plays is completely moronic and ignorant. We are near or at the very bottom of the league here.

The second issue is an offensive line that we have spent many draft picks, free agency signings and this year have thrown a ton of money at with only minor improvement. The zone blocking scheme and development of our offensive line is near or at the bottom of the league. Again, if you do not recognize this and see the need for a coaching change then this lack of vision is moronic and ignorant.

My original post was edited for "personal attack".

Now that this is purely factual and naming no one personally, it should stand, even though it basically says the same thing, just doesn't hurt any of the whiners feelings.

So, what camp are you in? Seeing the issues EXTREMELY easy to see, or the camp that either puts the blinders on or is too ignorant to know what they are actually looking at?

Hopefully the era that is ending is the era of the last three years that poor coaches were given a pass on not doing their job. I'm fine seeing that era end.


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Dec 13, 2016
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We got our butts handed to us, we're decimated with injuries, we're aging. It is what it is. Should we likely miss the playoffs, we'll reload for next year. The Steelers and other great teams have had similar lapses.


Nov 2, 2013
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It's Russell Wilson time. Sadly I think 34 is much too much to overcome. I'm still holding out miracle hope.


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Mar 10, 2015
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You're probably right, it's not an anomaly with this team anymore. I know Pete preaches "it's not how you start its how you finish" I'd like us for once to start a game with a lead and give our D a chance.


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Oct 7, 2014
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No need to make excuses. Attrition has taken it's toll. And Tyler Lockett has truly not recovered from last years injury as
I stated before the season began. This team needs faster, stronger, and more athletic players. Until they change that they will continue to be mediocre. Tough to watch but I will bear the growing pains that are lie ahead. Let's see what John Schneider does this year during the draft.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Hagerstown, MD
RW92":2im9d2e8 said:
No need to make excuses. Attrition has taken it's toll. And Tyler Lockett has truly not recovered from last years injury as
I stated before the season began. This team needs faster, stronger, and more athletic players. Until they change that they will continue to be mediocre. Tough to watch but I will bear the growing pains that are lie ahead. Let's see what John Schneider does this year during the draft.
It's not just the players, it's the coaching staff. If the gameplan is only successful when you have a handful of once-in-a-generation talents playing at the highest level, then it's not sustainable. You need a staff that is able to adjust and modify the gameplan to best suit the talent on hand.


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May 20, 2012
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I love the Seahawks as much as everyone on this board.

However, this game is an absolute disgrace. 34-0 at home? I’m disappointed by this performance. Injuries suck, yes, but we shouldn’t be losing this bad.

This is a discussion on what this team should be doing in the future. I’m frustrated on how we are playing and believe we can do better than this. What should the team do going forward? What can the Hawks do after this year to remain relevant. Is it Pete? Is it the defense? What’s going on..

Some changes definitely need to be made to get us back on the right track. It ain’t like the 90’s, but it ain’t pretty.

Go Hawks!

EDIT: 40-0..


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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The failure of the offense to make any adjustments stands out like a sore thumb. No hurry up, little to no short passing, no running game, just same-ol, same-ol series after series. Is it Russell? Is it Bevell? Russell playing like he's concussed, holding the ball, running into sacks, never seen him play anywhere close to this bad. Strikes me as a horrible game planning effort, which I suppose has to go on Bevell. It gives the appearance of no contingencies ready to move to, no change in approach, just keep charging into the teeth of the Rams D's strength. As much as I've tried to make excuses for Bevell--it's a tough league; but this offense is just looking incompetent at making adjustments. How much of that is on the O-Line, and how much on Bevell-Cable, and how much on the constraints Pete puts on the offensive coaches?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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I am essentially a fan in waiting.

I don't care to go to games anymore to experience basically a half of football that seems designed to just kill time to get to the 2nd half.

I don't like Bevell or Cable, even when they somehow manage not to screw up.

Pete seems like the game has passed him by, and we had this roadmap that indicated how the game would go. When Kam held out, we looked very average.

With all those HOF players on defense in the past, we could afford a boom or bust offense - because eventually the dam would burst and we could pour it on. But now, with just normal players on defense, our boom or bust offense works against us because it discourages our defense. Eventually, you can see in the body language of defense that they stop trying to kill themselves to shut the other team down because they know our offense will probably squander the possession and give the opposing offense good field position again.

At least when the team was worse, we would sometimes get full games of football, not this halfass football for the 1st half that dumps it continually on the defense until they just get tired of it.

I have gotten to the point that I enjoy watching the defense, like watching guys like Baldwin, Lockett, Graham or Richardson on offense, but pretty much quit caring when they lose. I no longer expect to win, but it is frustrating to see games we could win that we squander. When we lose games like today, at least that gives us some buffer.

Oh well. At least the logo looks cool, and Wilson is fun to watch spin straw into gold. Earl Thomas is worth watching.


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Mar 5, 2007
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When the wheels fall off, they fall off completely.

To me the season is over and we don't have much cap or very many draft picks either.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Maybe out of pride the team will finish and the squeak into a wildcard road game which they will lose.

Time for the post season.


Active member
May 20, 2012
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I agree with all these replies.

I will always love this team, from thick through thin. I’ve been a big fan since 2005 ever since that giants game against the Eli Manning led giants.

But man.. it hasn’t been fun the past two weeks. How is it that we beat the 10-1 Eagles and drop two IMPORTANT games in a row.

As a fan, I’m frustrated. The offensive line is terrible. We aren’t doing anything impressive in general. I believe in this team next year, but as of right now, we are just not a good football team, even though our record says otherwise. I just miss the fire this team used to have. It has been so promising and fun in the past couple years but thankfully they have made the playoffs quite a bit since 2012.

It’s time to get some new blood in this team and find a way to perform better. We can’t always rely on Russ to bail us out of games like this. Freaking love this team though.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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The Seahawks have not played together as a team since the choke against the Pats and everyone got a big payday. Bennett is a cancer on this team, the coach is so lacking in discipline that the players know they can do anything in their private lives and Pete will let the Commissioner do something, because he will never. The evaluation of the o-line, has there been a 2 year run where a team has had worse O line play on a team that contended for playoff spots? Answer is, I have never seen it in 59 years of watching the NFL. In short, this team is boring and not worthy of the paychecks they cash. Outside of #25 #29 #55 #91 and the LB's, this team needs a complete going over on D. On offense the
wideouts are fine, Jimmy Graham can play....for anyone else and we are stuck with Wilson.


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May 20, 2012
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Hopefully this was a wake up call and they can pull their head out of their asses. But I said that last week so I’m not sure what the identity of this team is anymore.


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May 10, 2009
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SeatownJay":23os8smb said:
It's not just the players, it's the coaching staff. If the gameplan is only successful when you have a handful of once-in-a-generation talents playing at the highest level, then it's not sustainable. You need a staff that is able to adjust and modify the gameplan to best suit the talent on hand.

That's the pisser. PC assembled an awesome team that won a SB based on overwhelming talent. I give him credit for that.

But this coaching staff seems to need exceptional talent at all positions to be competitive. Those stars aren't going to align again anytime soon, if ever. I have strong doubts that the Seahawks can win another SB under the current regime.


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Sep 18, 2011
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renofox":27msfxnt said:
SeatownJay":27msfxnt said:
It's not just the players, it's the coaching staff. If the gameplan is only successful when you have a handful of once-in-a-generation talents playing at the highest level, then it's not sustainable. You need a staff that is able to adjust and modify the gameplan to best suit the talent on hand.

That's the pisser. PC assembled an awesome team that won a SB based on overwhelming talent. I give him credit for that.

But this coaching staff seems to need exceptional talent at all positions to be competitive. Those stars aren't going to align again anytime soon, if ever. I have strong doubts that the Seahawks can win another SB under the current regime.

Agreed, the defesive game plans the past two weeks have been just awful! Richard can’t call a good defensive game he needs to go. And when you can’t run the ball, you can’t play grind-it-out to win in the fourth quater ball any longer. You must go uptempo to slow down the pass rush.

And special teams, complete crap show!


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Apr 17, 2012
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jeremiah":r9kaxpw7 said:
The Seahawks have not played together as a team since the choke against the Pats and everyone got a big payday.
Jimmy Graham can play....for anyone else and we are stuck with Wilson.

Graham has been a subpar TE with a ton of drops and limited impact in his blocking. Yes, he catches some TD jump balls. Is that skill set worth $10M per year? Maybe, maybe not. IMO, signing some decent O-Line players with that $10M would give bigger bang for the buck than Jimmy G.

The Rams ended the Jeff Fisher era, and made huge progress this year. Now it's up to the Seahawks to make the bold moves they need to do to become a better team next year. This year is pretty much toast for the Hawks even if we somehow make the postseason.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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If the Seahawks get rid of a player here or bring in another player there - it won't matter.

The problem is not Graham, Baldwin, Wilson or any of the other guys. It isn't Bennett, Kam, Sherman (or lack thereof), or Thomas.

The problem rests in the guys that the offense depends upon to put them in positions to score TDs. Those guys, the guys pulling the strings, are producing below par.

Moving this player out or bringing another in is just shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. It doesn't keep anyone from sinking, but it looks like you are doing something about the problem.

The problem isn't the players.