How long are you going to watch the Hawks?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Weak. I plan on watching in my next two lives
That's why it was so funny that some people thought you were a doom-and-gloom naysayer in the "Confidence is Lost" thread from last December.
Hawks fan to the DEATH AND BEYOND, I knew it all along! Now THIS ought to set the record straight!!


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Football is an engaging vehicle to deliver compelling storylines in the form of a timeless game. I'll stick around regardless.

It'll be a kick in the nads when Pete hangs it up, but there's always a next chapter.
Love it! That's where I'm at. I'll watch/follow as time allows, as long as the Hawks and the games are ENTERTAINING!!
I confess I checked out a bit in the early 90's in the McGwire/Gelbaugh/Stouffer era, as that was DEPRESSING, not ENTERTAINING.

The Carroll era has been TRULY ENTERTAINING, and I think it's important to remember the NFL is, fundamentally, ENTERTAINMENT.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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It would take a lot for me to stop watching the Hawks, but it's not impossible. If they ever moved from Seattle I'd probably stop watching. If football ever wained in popularity such as to make it an uncompetitive game I'd probably stop watching. There have definitely been seasons where I didn't make Seahawks viewing a priority. I can't say I was hyper-engaged in 2008/2009 and during the Erickson years.

Since I stopped playing fantasy I have stopped watching a lot of other games outside of Seattle and September/October baseball will take priority.

But at the end of the day the Hawks are my team and I love sports and love football. So, realistically, I'll always find time to get the game on somehow.


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Sep 25, 2014
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It's absolutely getting watered down. Much of my original points are about the same -

Fade's pretty accurate with the 'basketball on grass' thing - My expiration date will probably line up somewhat with the nerf pointy klingon helmet covers making it into a production game, or the QB position going Flag. The kickoff rule really bugged me too this year. Bugged alot of coaches too - including ours. And, just to know that their stated direction is to get rid of punts, and probably field goals - well - you definately lose me at that point. My tinfoil hat tells me that they want to get kicks out of the game to remove the surprise elements that can tip games - and keep them closer to the odds 'predictably'.

It's a shame - in the name of 'fixing' the sport they seem to be ruining it piece by piece. Hell - CFL isn't even the same - I couldn't stomach watching 1 game north of the 49th this year.

Sucks - but.... time marches on I suppose -
I've heard rumors about getting rid of kickoffs, but not the other ST elements. They're already halfway there. They moved extra points back about five years ago. I have no idea why.

I'll probably always watch the Seahawks and Huskies, but within five years it'll get to the point at which I don't watch much of the rest of the NFL and CFB. I got there with basketball around 2010.


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Mar 22, 2012
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If the team moves, has a name change, or upgrades to a really really significantly distasteful uniform/color scheme I’m out.


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Aug 22, 2023
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I really struggled to engage with football and most sports in general for a few years after the Super Bowl with the Patriots. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted as I had built up such a strong attachment for so many years. It also just didn't feel fun and engaging for a time. I still kept up with the draft as that's always a fun time of the year for me but otherwise I didn't really pay attention that much. Last year's draft was a true turning point for me getting back into the Seahawks and gradually the Huskies too. I really missed it but it was a struggle as it felt like the Seahawks in particular became very me centric with a certain ex player. There's other reasons too but I won't get into them. It's changed for the better the last year and a half regardless.

I'm ulimately not letting myself get burnt out again. I really only pay attention to the Seahawks and Huskies with football. The rest of the NCAA and NFL only vaguely compared to before when it's all I paid attention to and consumed. It's healthier and works for me to only watch my teams, engage here, and listen to the radio shows I enjoy (usually strictly Softy and Dick as well as El Hombre on Wyman and Bob) to get my fix instead of everything. How long will this last? Hopefully for the long haul. I'll always be a Seahawks and Huskies fan no matter what though.
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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2018
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If Goodell continues his push for desired match ups, TV ratings, revenue $, steering, gambling, WWE powderpuff rule changes, world expansion and the rest of the path he has led the NFL down I likely won't watch much longer. I suspect other fans feel likewise.
We've always got college football and that's not a bad thing.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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I'm sure there will be eye rolling, and in the absence of eye rolling, claims of heresy to say the least.

But, how long are you going to watch, follow and root for the hawks and/or NFL?

My gut tells me that when Pete is done, I'll be done. At least in the way that I follow it now. Once the nerf helmets are full time and in production, and the new kickoff rule morphs into 'whatever' 'trials' and 'pilot' projects will eventually take all kicks out of the game, AND the defensive rules get so watered down that it actually fulfills Fade's "Basketball on grass" predictions - and whatever else is going to get thrown at us for legal reasons - I think I'll be done. Make no mistake, it's coming in pieces.

Nerf helmets are infecting the CFL now too. The whole sport is going to get ridiculous if it keeps going.

Anyhow - 2025 is probably my expiry date for most of it. I might watch it in Red-Zone fashion - sorta how I watch baseball right now. If it's on on the weekend, I'll play it in the background while I'm doing something else more productive. I am looking forward to this season and Mr. Geno rocking the Kasbah. But after that.....

Let's see I've been watching them since 1976 I'm almost 65 yeah probably till I die


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Mar 5, 2007
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I didn’t miss a game from 88 to 2006. 18 years….damn. I started watching to spend time with my dad, even though he was a Rams fan. He always turned the Seahawks game on though. XL destroyed me because we were the better team and it was taken from us. I skipped the next year but was pulled back in.
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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2023
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Unless the team is sold & moved, I'm pretty much a fan for life.

If we somehow get stuck with another Ken Behring type, it might test my fandom. But Football is #1 on my list & comes first over a lot of things.

I became a fan around the time that Mike Holmgren was hired. My first game that I attended was in the Kingdom ('99). Which was Holmgren's first year. Before they demolished the Dome.

We've truly been blessed as a fanbase since Pete took over the team. Most fanbases would kill to have the same amount of success.
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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
I somehow missed this months ago when it was posted.

This is a stupid question. Either you're a fan for life, or not a fan at all. If you're going to abandon the team at any point, then kick rocks right now. We don't need your clown ass around here.

Please note: I don't mean you can't disagree or dislike the team's direction. I can’t stand pittpnthrs, but I don't question his fandom.


Well-known member
May 14, 2009
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Well I was a fan through the 90s, so there isn't a level of suckage that can make me stop being a Hawks fan. I have an autographed Mirer jersey, so I've accomplished a level of stupid that I just can't distance myself from. And to be entirely honest, I'd stay a fan just to spite the doofus Eagle fans around here.