I'm grateful for the positive posters right now.


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Mar 5, 2007
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I can't be one of them. I'm still trying just to have perspective and not let this wreck me. But I read you guys and it helps. Thanks.


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Oct 31, 2009
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It's...just...a...game! :D I'm surprised how easily this one rolled off my back. I saw the int, shrugged my shoulders and said 'that's the game.' Moved on to the draft and next season almost immediately. The only thing that brings me back down a bit is visiting this forum.

I was more disappointed when we couldn't sustain drives to put away the game. For Chrissake, why is it necessary to test the refs when you're at the 1 yard line and up by 10 points?! Pete's approach to player discipline regarding penalties is severely lacking, IMO. By the time your team reaches the SB, they shouldn't be shooting themselves in the foot with false starts, off sides and neutral zone infractions.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Yeah, it isn't like it was our ring to win or lose. We are just along for the ride.


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Mar 5, 2014
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Los Angeles
I can't really shrug it off as easily. Whenever that replay showed I kept hoping it would turn out differently

That being said, I think it's always important to be grateful as well. Be grateful where you are, Be grateful where you're going, so you'll be grateful when you get there

As much as I keep feeling anxiety about the way we almost had a repeat and how awesome a story that would have been, coming back to close out the regular season to be #1 seed, miracle come back in the NFCCG, miracle catch by Kearse and the Marshawn Lynch rush for a TD and MVP as his swan song and all that .. .

As much as that's not there, I am still grateful for having this team and the inspiration they show us.

I hope this so-close-and-yet-so-far is just the beginning of another inspiring story.


May 31, 2009
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I think back to how I felt after the Atlanta game. Everyone outside said we'd be back but I thought how hard it was to get to that point. Just like then, things are going to be ok.


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Sep 13, 2009
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TDOTSEAHAWK":1eqby7ud said:
Yeah, it isn't like it was our ring to win or lose. We are just along for the ride.

To be fair, I didn't lose the superb owl, they did.

I'm just a fan.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
jkitsune":3gr1d01q said:
I can't be one of them. I'm still trying just to have perspective and not let this wreck me. But I read you guys and it helps. Thanks.
It's actually fairly easy to let this one go because it was on the Seahawks not the referees or anything else like 2005. It was a classic game just like the Superbowl XXXIV (Rams vs. Tennessee).


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Sep 25, 2012
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Struggled with it last night and beat myself up this morning with all the rehashing everywhere.

Now I'm just grateful for this team and how they brought it this season. Coming together as a TEAM and laying it all out there.

Go refresh your spirits and mend your wounds guys.
One Mission, One Team.....then unleash that unquenchable fire on the league next season!

*this from a bandwagon fan that arrived when Russell was drafted.*


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Jan 18, 2013
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I think the feeling is very, very similar to the Atlanta game to be honest. Victory within grasp, some coaching decisions that people will flip over in their minds for a long, long time. We got over it. I know people think the stakes were higher, but the 2012 team was on a magical run of its own and had never won a Super Bowl.

I'm not going to pretend things couldn't or shouldn't have been done differently. But ultimately, I enjoy the journey and following a team of notoriety. We may come up short again next year and the year after. I'll still enjoy the Carroll/Russell era, even on the days my heart sinks for them. Not to be too touchy-feely, though. I'll be thinking about this one for a long time, just like everyone else.

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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We'll be back.

49ers are weakened.

I also feel the Cards losing Todd Bowles was the biggest lost of any team this offseason. Guy was special and quite possibly the best DC in the game... No offense to Quinn... Who is up there as well.

Kaep, Palmer a year older, and Bradford dont scare anyone.


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Apr 13, 2013
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I was about to post a new thread on this, but I decided to copy and paste my text into here.

Before I post my thoughts, someone of you will be hating me for this. I don't care what you think about this.

The one thing that hurts most about the SB loss, is all the bandwagon Hawks fans come out.

That play sucked, yes it did, and I'm still hurting by how it ended.But geez people, get a grip and own that loss.

I'm calling out Bevell Supporters and Bevell haters too. Just stop it, and own it. Quit trying to over-analyze. The DB just made a great play at the end. Hell, even I would have thrown that ball the way Wilson did, I don't blame Wilson.

What pisses me off is the people jumping off ship, saying Wilson sucks at QB, Bevell is the worst OC in football, etc etc. I know only a minority say that, but Wilson had a great game before that last pick, and Bevell called a decent game. It also doesn't help that half of the Legion of Boom played hurt.

It's tough to get over that last call, but at the very, very, least, man up and own it. Just own it. Celebrate the fact that the Hawks are the #2 best team in the world, and they went back-to-back Super Bowls. Maybe they didn't win both of them, but the last time that happened was 10 years ago. It was about time these boys had a close loss in a big game like the Super Bowl.

And for the love of god, quit acting like you know better than Pete Carroll, Darrell Bevell, and Russell Wilson. Just stop it. Please, that's all I ask.

/End rant. Feel free to attack me, do whatever you want with me after reading this post.

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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When fans of every other team were wondering if the Pro Bowl would feature a player or two of their team, we had one more REAL game to play, and it was a fantastic game to watch. Our Hawks have been in the Bowl twice in a row, and could get back again soon. They're an absolute blast to watch play, and they bring so much effort and discipline (generally speaking) to the game. I love having a winning franchise to cheer for, and 2nd of 32 is still a lot of win. One more foot to the right on the final pass or a planned Beast run, and we would have a very different board today.

Still excited about more Seahawk football in the future!


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Mar 5, 2007
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Ad Hawk":27mu69eh said:
When fans of every other team were wondering if the Pro Bowl would feature a player or two of their team, we had one more REAL game to play, and it was a fantastic game to watch. Our Hawks have been in the Bowl twice in a row, and could get back again soon. They're an absolute blast to watch play, and they bring so much effort and discipline (generally speaking) to the game. I love having a winning franchise to cheer for, and 2nd of 32 is still a lot of win. One more foot to the right on the final pass or a planned Beast run, and we would have a very different board today.

Still excited about more Seahawk football in the future!

I was just saying to someone at work that I watched, and enjoyed, the 4-12 seasons. It was still fun to watch football and the draft. These moments of agonizing heartbreak are fortunately pretty uncommon, even in seasons that don't end in a championship.

My life would not be demonstrably different had they won, and I have to keep reminding myself of that.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
I kinda look at it this way.

Most teams have their season end by missing the playoffs.

Of the teams that make the playoffs, 11 of the 12 have their season end in a loss.

I've watched the Seahawks have their season end so many different ways. Sometimes, it's felt like the season was over by the end of October. Sometimes, it's been ended with a tiebreaker sending another team to the playoffs. And sometimes, it's been with a heartbreaking loss in the postseason.

Ending the season with a win in the Super Bowl is brutally hard, and I'm so grateful that we've gotten to see our team do just that very recently. But if it plays out that we have to end the season with a loss, I'm grateful that it was in a classic Super Bowl that we had a chance to win right at the end. I'll take that over a 7-9 season every single time.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Well, at least this doesn't mean they get to come to the VMAC and take away the one we won last year. It makes it easier for me than if this was another chance at a trophy we've never won. I'd much rather be 1-2 than 0-3 in SBs and it's a much better feeling than 0-0 used to be.

The team played its heart out and came up one yard short. We look at that last play, but of course other mistakes were made along the way. Other chances were missed, and some great plays were made to get us to that point.

The team, overall, is in pretty good shape. I think we still have a good shot at next season. It hurts, but that will fade with time and the enthusiasm for next year will start to grow in a few weeks.
