Perhaps Jody should sell now


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May 10, 2009
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I would hope she has relinquished any and all football business moves to Vulcan Sports??? I would think that collective group is the one that will decide if Carroll continues to be coach and just advices Jody Allen what football moves should take place…..who knows…..
I doubt it. Doing so would open her to charges of breach of fiduciary duty as Executor of PA's estate.

The Seahawks is too valuable of an organization to simply delegate major decisions. SHE is responsible for due diligence and decision making.

If she is confident in the advice of her hired advisors she will probably do what they say is best. But the final decision must be well informed and must be hers - ethically, legally, and morally.


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I have been searching online to find the Estate and Trust documents but have been unable to do so. If anyone finds them please let me know.

I have quite a bit of experience in the corporate tax and legal fields so, although I am speculating, it is informed speculation.

From a business and tax perspective only (excluding personal reasons including ego) the primary motivation for purchasing a football team is not to make a profit. It is to provide a tax shelter. The balance sheet of a football team has very little (comparatively speaking) in the way of tangible assets or liabilities. When a team is purchased/transferred, ~95% of the purchase/transfer price/value is accounted for as Goodwill. This is depreciated (actually Amortized) over a period of years and taken as a tax deduction. A football team is a HUGE tax write-off. When the team is sold, taxes are paid at the much lower capital gains rate, but the additional value of the deferral of the taxes is huge in and of itself (time value of money).

In many cases, upon transfer to Estates and Trusts the asset (team) has it's tax basis rest to the CMV (current market value) WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY TAX.

It is possible that the Estate/Trust can treat the team as a tax shelter with Billions of dollars worth of deductions to offset other Estate/Trust income. If this is the case, it could be a breach of fiduciary duty to sell the team before the other high-income producing assets have been liquidated.

tldr; It is very possible that Jody will not sell the team for many years.
Thank you for your input on this.

I was always of the idea that a billionaire that had enough money to purchase an NFL team did so knowing that they'd make a fortune on the team simply appreciating, sometimes over a very short period of time .

But I knew there had to be more to it .


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Thank you for your input on this.

I was always of the idea that a billionaire that had enough money to purchase an NFL team did so knowing that they'd make a fortune on the team simply appreciating, sometimes over a very short period of time .

But I knew there had to be more to it .
There's always more to the story. People in my field always just shake our heads and laugh at the ignorant reporters (99%) who spin a narrative and feign understanding while being completely ignorant of the facts.

I sure do miss the old-school, well educated investigative reporters who knew wtf they were talking about. Modern journalists know all about unfounded speculation and maintaining the narrative, but little else.

This whole situation would be a great story for a quality reporter with enough angles to write 25+ captivating stories that actually educate people. Oh well.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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I doubt it. Doing so would open her to charges of breach of fiduciary duty as Executor of PA's estate.

The Seahawks is too valuable of an organization to simply delegate major decisions. SHE is responsible for due diligence and decision making.

If she is confident in the advice of her hired advisors she will probably do what they say is best. But the final decision must be well informed and must be hers - ethically, legally, and morally.
Looks like it’s NFL mediocrity with Carroll and company for the next however many years it will be!

Let’s get comfortable!


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Aug 29, 2018
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Most valuable NFL teams main
I know we are undervalued, our fan base and the rights to our old-school uniforms are worth a billion at least.


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May 10, 2009
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View attachment 62978
I know we are undervalued, our fan base and the rights to our old-school uniforms are worth a billion at least.
The real accuracy of this is questionable. The true value is what a willing buyer will pay a willing seller.

The difference in value is market size driven - clothing sales and game ticket revenue vary massively between small and large market teams. Legacy teams get + points for the huge number of non-geographic fans who buy gear.

Look at KC. Two recent SB wins barely gave them a bump.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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The only qualifications most owners have to own and run a franchise is that they have lots and lots of money. Jody is virtually a ghost to the fanbase, the press, the players. I don't even know how much she communicates with PC/JS. She likely doesn't know more about football than the average fan, excluding what she's learned about the pure business end of it.

It's horrible to have a ghost for an owner who we know nothing about who's in charge of putting the top people in place to run the franchise. I think the fanbase deserves some accountability on her part, to actually come out and speak about the state of the franchise. Paul Allen certainly wasn't a high visibility of an owner, but you had a good sense of what was going on, from the purchase of the team, to the building of the stadium, to his picking of his front office to run the team.

I can't stand the ownership situation now. I don't know how anyone couldn't be thoroughly dissatisfied with the state and style of ownership now.

All it takes is a search and a little reading to become informed .................



Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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All it takes is a search and a little reading to become informed .................

View attachment 62980
I already know this shyt about her. But let's face it. We wouldn't even know who she was if she wasn't directly related to Paul Allen.

Why doesn't she come out and actually speak to the fanbase. At least express her love of the team and wanting its success. It's crickets with her all the time.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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Agreed. Either she's staying quiet because she doesn't care, or because she doesn't want to tip her hand. If the latter, there must be a way to placate the fans without giving away the farm. If the former, then I guess it just sucks to be us.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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She should probably come out and say something like:
"As chair of both the Portland Trail Blazers and the Seattle Seahawks, my long-term focus is building championship teams that our communities are proud of," Allen said. "Like my brother Paul, I trust and expect our leaders and coaches to build winning teams that deliver results on and off the court and field.
"As we've stated before, neither of the teams is for sale and there are no sales discussions happening.
"A time will come when that changes given Paul's plans to dedicate the vast majority of his wealth to philanthropy, but estates of this size and complexity can take 10 to 20 years to wind down. There is no pre-ordained timeline by which the teams must be sold.

Wants to build a Championship team that is also involved positively in the community.

Plans to hold front office and coaches accountable.

Informed everybody that there is no specific timeline, but hinted at 10-20 years. Sounds like she's open to selling immediately if someone offers to massively overpay. But most likely will not sell for years.

What else should she say?

"PC SUCKS and I can't wait to fire him!"?

"The team is playing like shit, and I'm mad!"?

"OMG did you see Woolen get clowned!"?

I remember all those public speeches Paul Allen gave about the inner workings of the Seahawks. Talking about how bad Mora sucked and he was going to fire him. Oh wait... that never happened in this universe. We judged Paul based on his off-season hires and fires, and admired him for letting the front office and coaches do their job without interference, but with his full support.

Maybe it would be best to give Jody the benefit of the doubt, especially as she is accountable to others for her decisions whereas Paul was only accountable to himself. It's takes more impetus for her to make major changes than it did for Paul to do so.


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Sep 19, 2014
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Years ago, didn't Russ say he wanted to own an NFL team one day.
OMG, could you imagine if Russ retires and is the front man for a group that purchases the team?! Yikes.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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I already know this shyt about her. But let's face it. We wouldn't even know who she was if she wasn't directly related to Paul Allen.

Why doesn't she come out and actually speak to the fanbase. At least express her love of the team and wanting its success. It's crickets with her all the time.

Paul Allen was busy with many other community interests as well.

It's easy to understand when committed to working for a better community as part of our daily lives. Love for community is what motivated Paul Allen to devise a proposal for retaining the Seahawks in Seattle rather than Los Angeles. .......... Remember?

Mouthy politicians and media want a bees are all talk. Paul and Jody were cut from a different cloth. Both builders of community.

Why not join their life's work? Set aside a little of your time. Volunteer to make your local community a better place. Get in the loop. Then you will know who among us actually makes a difference in building community and bringing joy to life.

Lay down your stones and "CHOSE LOVE".


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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Paul Allen was busy with many other community interests as well.

It's easy to understand when committed to working for a better community as part of our daily lives. Love for community is what motivated Paul Allen to devise a proposal for retaining the Seahawks in Seattle rather than Los Angeles. .......... Remember?

Mouthy politicians and media want a bees are all talk. Paul and Jody were cut from a different cloth. Both builders of community.

Why not join their life's work? Set aside a little of your time. Volunteer to make your local community a better place. Get in the loop. Then you will know who among us actually makes a difference in building community and bringing joy to life.

Lay down your stones and "CHOSE LOVE".
Are you Jody Allen's PR man?

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Maybe Jody is fully engaged in the Hawks, but when you're an owner and aren't front and center in press conferences, draft rooms, sitting in your luxury box and walking the sidelines during games?

Then you can't blame the media and fans for thinking you don't care all that much and are just fine with letting Pete run the organization.

I have no context for my opinion, other than I think Jody is ready to get a LOT of Paul's business interests and estate holdings off her plate so she can enjoy a little more freedom in what she's passionate about.

So I do think that means selling the Hawks in the next couple of years.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2022
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We know where Jody, Chuck, John, and Pete stand on the company’s organizational chart, but how do they work together in decisions? Maybe that’s part of the problem in this franchise?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Just because she isn't fricken Jerry Jones does not mean she is not involved, nor does she have to be a media whore to satisfy those that want a poster child. Paul rarely was in the media. She has a organization that handles daily things, she is involved when needed to be. We the Seahawks are rated the 7th best Franchise in the league, we are having issues at the moment. This spoiled fan base can jump ship to the new Darling any time, those that have the battle scars of the 90's and late 80's appreciate the fact this ownership Paul and Jody don't knee jerk react but gather information.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2019
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Just because she isn't fricken Jerry Jones does not mean she is not involved, nor does she have to be a media whore to satisfy those that want a poster child. Paul rarely was in the media. She has a organization that handles daily things, she is involved when needed to be. We the Seahawks are rated the 7th best Franchise in the league, we are having issues at the moment. This spoiled fan base can jump ship to the new Darling any time, those that have the battle scars of the 90's and late 80's appreciate the fact this ownership Paul and Jody don't knee jerk react but gather information.
Horrible defense for years would it be knee jerk to do something at this point? How long does she need to "gather information" for? Your defense of inaction doesn't hold water.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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We are in a terrible ownership situation now. I don't know how anyone could think otherwise. We're in a state of flux and uncertainty with a ghost for an owner whose only reassurance to the fanbase is that PC has seemingly been given near unlimited authority over running the team.

With Paul Allen you always felt accountability was lurking. I have no idea with her. If she doesn't make a move with PC this off season, she's certainly up for scrutiny as an owner.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Just because she isn't fricken Jerry Jones does not mean she is not involved, nor does she have to be a media whore to satisfy those that want a poster child. Paul rarely was in the media. She has a organization that handles daily things, she is involved when needed to be. We the Seahawks are rated the 7th best Franchise in the league, we are having issues at the moment. This spoiled fan base can jump ship to the new Darling any time, those that have the battle scars of the 90's and late 80's appreciate the fact this ownership Paul and Jody don't knee jerk react but gather information.

What information would you like us to gather before deciding a coaching change is needed, other than what we're seeing on the field?

Which is a team that just had the biggest two consecutive drafts in franchise history............yet are still not improving, and in fact regressed this year with all the same schematic and roster issues the head coach and his assistants can't seem to figure out how to improve.