Pete Is Officially Pissed Off


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Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
You'd think Bobby would be that alpha in the locker rom for the defense. I know he's a one year filler but he was brought back for his leadership but perhaps guys like Adams, Woolen and Diggs..perhaps others don't care.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I think this is the lowest point of Carroll's tenure here. Perhaps the end of 49 is lower, but at least with that, at the time, it felt like we still had a great team to build with moving forward.

What we got now is a roster full of satisfied, paid athletes. That NEVER relates to winning, at least not up here in the PNW where people forget about us.

We need young, hungry, angry unproven guys that want to come in and play hard, play nasty, because they feel disrespected. Adams, Diggs, I'm looking at those two first. Both paid, both half assing it out there. That s*** sends the wrong message to our young guys. Honestly I'd start there first.

That's what I loved about Pete when he first got here. He didn't give a rip what the guy was getting paid. He got rid of TJ H... for being paid and satisfied. He got rid of those old paid guys that were only going through the motions.

We paid Matt Flynn? Too bad, this rookie 3rd round pick is lighting it up. Lendale White? Goodbye.

Carroll and Schneider have both become complacent. They've become just as satisfied as these overpaid guys on the team right now. That's why I don't care what Carroll says now because he's had time and opportunities to fix it but hasn't. It's just lip service for the media.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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You don't blame your players for not doing the correct things on the field. It's week 14 for Christ's sake, if your players aren't doing the correct things, that's on you and your coaches Pete.

The "miscommunication" and "we aren't on the same page" excuse is so lame and tired. What other teams, even college have you heard these same excuses year after year?

Pete runs a loose locker room full of knuckleheads who he's enabled to to play his undisciplined style of football........and now he's blaming the players? That's terrible man. Blame yourself Pete.
This is PCs leadership (hahaha) history.

He should not be calling out anybody publicly - that is Leadership 101.

But, IF he is going to be calling out anybody it should be the entire coaching staff. They're a bunch of incompetents, but since they're his incompetents he's too afraid to address the real issue.

CYA Pete, and make sure you don't upset your friends at work. After all, they won't like you if you confront them. So just avoid it. Throw players you don't like (more realistically, who don't like you) anymore under the bus, instead.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Its late, but Pete turning up the accountability from the top 'him' down is what this generation of players needs.

When Pete had ADB, Sherm, Lynch and the rest, they were ALL hungry from the beginning. They felt perennially disrespected and approached their work with a diligence and fire that was remarkable. Its like ADB said, Pete set the seed for the LOB culture, but the players in the lockerroom carried it. Pete could concentrate on his piece - motivation.. keeping the guys in the right mindset. But the PLAYERS kept the fire hot.

This generetion of Hawks, and I'd say players across the league arent the same as they were 15 years ago. And those players arent the same as those who came 15 years before. The league has become as much a fashion show and millionaires club as it is anything. In that climate, Pete cant be the absentee dad that diseminates instruction to his babysitters to give to the kids. The kids are all amped, but havent been 'snatched up' to the point they get that they need some fire in their assess and their heads on straight and focused to accomplish anything. This isnt that special mix of players he had 13 years ago that soaked up everything he said and then went out and did it x100. These players NEED an extra kick and its obvious neither of his coordinators have the weight in thir boots to kick serious ass.

Its about time. Amazing that its taken him this long. He was on the ' i just dont understand ...' kick for going on 3 years now.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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This is PCs leadership (hahaha) history.

He should not be calling out anybody publicly - that is Leadership 101.

But, IF he is going to be calling out anybody it should be the entire coaching staff. They're a bunch of incompetents, but since they're his incompetents he's too afraid to address the real issue.

CYA Pete, and make sure you don't upset your friends at work. After all, they won't like you if you confront them. So just avoid it. Throw players you don't like (more realistically, who don't like you) anymore under the bus, instead.

I get why Pete's frustrated. He was sniffin' his own farts all last year thinking he was a genius for trading Russ and exceeding everyone's expectations by taking his team to the playoffs with a young hungry roster he turned over.

Now he's staring at a team that took a pretty big step back on the biggest losing streak of his Seattle tenure.

So yeah, I get the frustration. But sorry man, you created this mess, don't publicly call out players you've enabled for years to act like this, and play as undisciplined as this. You gonna sniff your own farts, you gotta acknowledge when they stink too.........and Pete, YOUR FARTS STINK BROTHER!!

Put that on a t-shirt.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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To be fair, it's not for lack of trying.

He's had private reprimands with players - not working.
Last week, they practiced for the specific plays that the 9ers ran - players didn't execute in the game (JA, Diggs)

Not sure what else he can do besides this latest approach. Yeah it's probably too little, too late, but it's something other than status quo.

In the past, he had players that held each other accountable. Now he doesn't have those players.
Afams and Diggs have been playing like shit all year. Did he even take step 1 and call them out individually and privately?

I know he never took step 2 and benched them for an opening series to send a "private" public message. And he probably hasn't even thought about a step 3 or 4.

Instead, he went straight to step "never". You don't call out your people in public, except as a very last resort in rare cases where you know the person well and understand that a public call out will embarrass without shaming and causing resentment.

I've always heard about PCs great leadership and culture building. Recently, I dug up all the recent interviews and articles from the LOB-era Seahawks. What I heard was enlightening and troublesome. PC is not the leader or culture builder that people think.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Is Carroll's messaging getting through?

Sounds like he doesn't care right now, because the mistakes are ramping up regardless.

This slide has brought some fire out.

Wow. I wouldn’t have expected this.

I respected Pete before…considering everything he has done. But, I was looking for some Ron Rivera type admonishment from him. Some players (quite a few) need(ed) it.

This changes my opinion a bit…

Good on PC!


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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You'd think Bobby would be that alpha in the locker rom for the defense. I know he's a one year filler but he was brought back for his leadership but perhaps guys like Adams, Woolen and Diggs..perhaps others don't care.
It's too far gone. Impossible for one player to fix. I'm sure Wagner has given up from exasperation. I now hardly ever see him aggressively talking with other players on the field or the sideline - he was doing so early in the season.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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The players know they're underachieving. They're probably just mailing it in, booking flights to Cancun for the offseason, going through the motions. If Jody doesn't make changes, and trots this same product out on the field next year, there's going to be a mutiny by the fans.


Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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Talk is cheap about you actually stop the shitshow nonsense and DO SOMETHING about it?
Good Golly Awww Shuckkkks Rah Rah Rah friggan Rah.

Grow a set of balls...bench these clowns and do something about our defense that gets shredded week after week after week.

Had enough of this friggan guy.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I think this is the lowest point of Carroll's tenure here. Perhaps the end of 49 is lower, but at least with that, at the time, it felt like we still had a great team to build with moving forward.
Many here called it back then.

First, Bevell throws Lockette under the bus in the post-game presser. Instead of supporting Lockett (by saying "we could have used our personnel better" or something) he says nothing and supports Bevell 100%. That call was not just a fireable offense, it was egregious enough (at least in widespread perception) to create a mandatory firing situation.

PC basically said **** YOU to the players (and proved he didn't have their backs) and fans and stood by Bevell.

When player/coach relations went to shit, PC dumped HOF-level players to coddle his incompetent coaches. At that point, many here said this team with PC was dysfunctional and would never be great again. They have been proven righr.

What we got now is a roster full of satisfied, paid athletes. That NEVER relates to winning, at least not up here in the PNW where people forget about us.

We need young, hungry, angry unproven guys that want to come in and play hard, play nasty, because they feel disrespected. Adams, Diggs, I'm looking at those two first. Both paid, both half assing it out there. That s*** sends the wrong message to our young guys. Honestly I'd start there first.
That's how the SB team was created. Somewhere along the way, "Always Compete" became "I have my guys and I'm going to stick with them instead of being publicly embarrassed by having to admit I threw away draft capital and $$$ on players who suck. I have no clue how to build a Line or a Defense, but if I just pull from the future every single year I can at least beat the really bad teams and stay around. 500".

Unfortunately for PC, the regression is reaching its end stage. Even with a boatload of extra.draft capital and a complete mortgage of future cap, his philosophy has finally produced this team.

That's what I loved about Pete when he first got here. He didn't give a rip what the guy was getting paid. He got rid of TJ H... for being paid and satisfied. He got rid of those old paid guys that were only going through the motions.

We paid Matt Flynn? Too bad, this rookie 3rd round pick is lighting it up. Lendale White? Goodbye.
Aaaaah. Those were the days.

Carroll and Schneider have both become complacent. They've become just as satisfied as these overpaid guys on the team right now. That's why I don't care what Carroll says now because he's had time and opportunities to fix it but hasn't. It's just lip service for the media.
100%. The fish rots from the head.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2016
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And? At this point no matter what PC does we will win ZERO playoff games this year. And the “PC doesn’t throw players under the bus” narrative? That can go onto the trash pile where it has always been.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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Suddenly seems like a lot of people who previously craved ultimate accountability and wanted to see it in a transparent manner are staunchly against accountability being assigned in a transparent manner.
What accountability are you talking about? The season is basically over and Pete hasn't changed a thing on this defense. Same issues every week, every year, and Pete is finally showing some frustration with his players, but he hasn't changed anything.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Suddenly seems like a lot of people who previously craved ultimate accountability and wanted to see it in a transparent manner are staunchly against accountability being assigned in a transparent manner.
I'm all for it. My argument is that this should've been done starting in the 2017 season.

Again, just my opinion. You're a great poster I don't mean to act like a snot at you im just frustrated with the team and coach.

It would be like Captain Smith warning the crew of the Titanic that there's icebergs everywhere just as the ship begins sinking.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Suddenly seems like a lot of people who previously craved ultimate accountability and wanted to see it in a transparent manner are staunchly against accountability being assigned in a transparent manner.

Pete has rarely held his players accountable.

He obviously believes that the slack he gives his players "to be themselves" far outweighs disciplining them when they have outbursts or do inappropriate things. On and off the field.

I think today is maybe the 1st time in Pete's career that even he's questioning this player philosophy.....because once you let the patients run the asylum, it's impossible to put them back in their cells.
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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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That's what I loved about Pete when he first got here. He didn't give a rip what the guy was getting paid. He got rid of TJ H... for being paid and satisfied. He got rid of those old paid guys that were only going through the motions.

We paid Matt Flynn? Too bad, this rookie 3rd round pick is lighting it up. Lendale White? Goodbye.
IMO, they should have blown up the roster did a true rebuild after the Russ trade.

Instead, they went with a "reload" approach. This impatience was a tactical blunder on their part. They thought the roster was further along than it really is. This speaks to poor self-scouting.

Despite what some people think, this is not a top-10 roster in terms of talent. Top 15 maybe but not top 10.

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