Seriously, what's with all the Dak Prescott love?


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I get the NFL. They have to hype the Cowbutts. But why are people on here treating him like Andrew Luck and Russell Wilson rolled into one? It's the PRESEASON. He's a 4th round rookie. I'm not arguing he won't be good, but people seem to forget, Wilson's rise from 3rd rounder to top 5 QB is the exception, not the rule, and people weren't as high on Wilson when he steamrolled the Chiefs in the 3rd preseason game of 2012 as they are on Prescott right now, and Prescott's statline pales compared to Wilson that year. So what gives people?


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I haven't noticed anyone around here going crazy. He's been really good in the preseason, that's all. I can see why DAL fans would be excited. Not sure what the problem is.


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Maulbert":333go1un said:
I get the NFL. They have to hype the Cowbutts. But why are people on here treating him like Andrew Luck and Russell Wilson rolled into one? It's the PRESEASON. He's a 4th round rookie. I'm not arguing he won't be good, but people seem to forget, Wilson's rise from 3rd rounder to top 5 QB is the exception, not the rule, and people weren't as high on Wilson when he steamrolled the Chiefs in the 3rd preseason game of 2012 as they are on Prescott right now, and Prescott's statline pales compared to Wilson that year. So what gives people?
Kearly likes him I suppose? But he's only played practice games against teams not even showing anything. And a large majority of people desperately want the Cowpatties to be relevant for some stupid reason. I'd rather see Oakland be relevant again over Dallas but that's me.

But nobody here is going nuts on him. We are just saying he might be pretty decent because their previous quarterback situation was dire, but let's see him in real games. It's not like he actually popped like Wilson or similar. Elliot though is for real as is the Dallas OL especially for run blocking.

So given those facts Prescott is probably going to be pretty successful. At least for a year or two. Dallas won't win more then 9 games because of that joke they call a defense but Prescott will be pretty successful and a great fantasy football player. Problem is unlike many I don't care about fantasy football.


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Kid has talent, with their line and running game he could turn into something decent, not saying he will be all pro but Dallas needs a consistent QB in the huddle and the players play for this guy.

Also as a football fan, nice to see a player step up that hasn't been labeled the chosen one, that will walk on water and can call lighting down from above and named Luck, Be successful and put all the Mediots in panic mode trying to excuse their way out of not having him ranked high and being a success.


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what's not to love? Guys got talent and poise coming out his ears. Reminds me of a bigger RW poise wise. I'm a fan. Hope to see more of him this season....


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hawker84":9f96o0nl said:
what's not to love? Guys got talent and poise coming out his ears. Reminds me of a bigger RW poise wise. I'm a fan. Hope to see more of him this season....

You are going to get your wish.

I, too am confused by the Dak mania. I didn't see what others saw Thursday. Looked fairly ordinary to me.

We will see what the regular season brings, he may prove to be legit.


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I get it, I mean we all understand its only pre-season but he has done a good job with it. Been very good and very efficient.

People just expected him to put up 3rd or 2nd stringer, rookie stats and sorta struggle like a 4th(?) rounder should. He has out performed most starters though, which is why people are excited. I have been very impressed with his poise. I'm a fan.

Wilson and Derek Carr had nice "Only Pre-season's" too. People saw something special in them.

I think if you haven't been impressed with Dak....You probably just hate the cowboys.


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Any QB can have some measure of success behind that OL. It'll take another level to compete in the playoffs, and we have no way of knowing if Dak can grow into that. We'll see.


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MontanaHawk05":2hh7urb7 said:
Any QB can have some measure of success behind that OL. It'll take another level to compete in the playoffs, and we have no way of knowing if Dak can grow into that. We'll see.

Obviously it's wait and see still, like with any young QB. Those Qb's last year didn't seem to do too well with that O-line.


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MontanaHawk05":1iwh2n06 said:
Any QB can have some measure of success behind that OL.

Didn't watch many Cowboys games last year, I take it. ;)

Sports Hernia

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Like I said in other threads once he got popped a couple times by Sherm (on a beautiful hit that said Dak flying back 5 yards after he releases the ball) and the Wags hit he didn't look that special. He crapped himself on Lane's corner blitz.

Let's see how he does when teams gameplan for him and then stick 8 or 9 in the box to stop the run, and then send the house on 3rd and long.

These are PRACTICE games.

Success isn't related to media hype, ask Colin Kaepernick.


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Sports Hernia":w6ixtihk said:
Let's see how he does when teams gameplan for him and then stick 8 or 9 in the box to stop the run, and then send the house on 3rd and long.

These are PRACTICE games.

I understand what your saying but the same thing could have been said about Wilson after that KC pre-season game.
The guy COULD still be good. People are just excited that he has shown some talent. No one (here anyway) Is saying that Staubach needs to make room for him or anything like that.


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Eh, TBF I was really pissed when the 9ers didn't take him, but it's not like anyone has proclaimed him anything yet.

He's stacked together the best three pre-season games in a row I can remember seeing from a rookie QB. That doesn't mean much obviously and it's not like he'll get anywhere close to keeping up that pace in the regular season, but it's not entirely meaningless either. I think at best we can probably say that the Boys went from a dumpster fire behind and aging and broken Romo to at least having someone who has majorly flashed some long term potential against NFL starters across a few weeks.


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Popeyejones":3p2xf85r said:
Eh, TBF I was really pissed when the 9ers didn't take him, but it's not like anyone has proclaimed him anything yet.

He's stacked together the best three pre-season games in a row I can remember seeing from a rookie QB. That doesn't mean much obviously and it's not like he'll get anywhere close to keeping up that pace in the regular season, but it's not entirely meaningless either. I think at best we can probably say that the Boys went from a dumpster fire behind and aging and broken Romo to at least having someone who has majorly flashed some long term potential against NFL starters across a few weeks.
This view I can understand and actually buy. He's good but he's not Wilson "good". He's Boykin with an elite OL. Basically a decent starting quarterback. Should I be angry that my backup quarterback is a league average starter? Dallas has been working with far worse for the last 2-3 years. The guy is good but his ceiling isn't elite like Wilson.


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Dec 21, 2011
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I get the question, but also don't get the relevance to RW in the OP. Why compare Dak to Wilson? Does RW not receive enough attention in your mind? I don't understand why every QB has to be compared to Wilson on this site. Seems to me that a lot of fans are still overly sensitive and or just new to being a Seahawk fan.

If I was a Cowboy fan (some one shoot me if it ever comes to that), I would be thrilled to have Dak as a backup, he has so much potential and has demonstrated the game isn't to big for him. Not to mention Romo's choke history and ability to get hurt and you have the reason why cowpatty fans are upbeat about Dak. Same as Hawk fans after RW got some legit playing time in his rookie preseason.


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irocdave":3u0ma3mj said:
I get the question, but also don't get the relevance to RW in the OP. Why compare Dak to Wilson? Does RW not receive enough attention in your mind? I don't understand why every QB has to be compared to Wilson on this site. Seems to me that a lot of fans are still overly sensitive and or just new to being a Seahawk .

Wilson is gonna come up because some (meaning obviously not all or even most) Hawks fans still have a bizarre resentment/victim complex/over sensitivity/little man complex whenever any young QB who isn't Wilson gets praised.

Every fanbase has its quirks and weird hangups of course (the Alex Smith Stockholm syndrome of some of the 9ers fanbase still is like the most pathetic thing ever), but as an outsider it's impossible not to notice, and definitely one of the weirder quirks of posting here.


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Kansas City, MO
Popeyejones":2c13a2uj said:
irocdave":2c13a2uj said:
I get the question, but also don't get the relevance to RW in the OP. Why compare Dak to Wilson? Does RW not receive enough attention in your mind? I don't understand why every QB has to be compared to Wilson on this site. Seems to me that a lot of fans are still overly sensitive and or just new to being a Seahawk .

Wilson is gonna come up because some (meaning obviously not all or even most) Hawks fans still have a bizarre resentment/victim complex/over sensitivity/little man complex whenever any young QB who isn't Wilson gets praised.

Every fanbase has its quirks and weird hangups of course (the Alex Smith Stockholm syndrome of some of the 9ers fanbase still is like the most pathetic thing ever), but as an outsider it's impossible not to notice, and definitely one of the weirder quirks of posting here.
Outsider? Popeye you are a spinner like Marvin, so tell this dumb uneducated girl why you're different. Hell, you could be Smelly as far as as I know.....


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Roy Wa.
The reason mobile running QB's get compared to Wilson is because he is the benchmark for under rated overlooked mobile QB's that have the moxie and leadership to succeed despite what the so called experts state come draft day, regardless of reasons, Dak had a DUI, Boykin something similar, they were down graded. Prescott and Boykin both have shown ability this pre season, Prescott more the Boykin. Everyone was saying Wilson only succeeded because of Lynch and the defense we have in Seattle, well last year he didn't have Lynch and played better then ever, still proving the experts wrong. Seeing a player rise above the experts expectations as a underdog is compelling, the payer having skills makes it even better if your a fan of the game.


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chris98251":3uas5kq1 said:
The reason mobile running QB's get compared to Wilson is because he is the benchmark for under rated overlooked mobile QB's that have the moxie and leadership to succeed despite what the so called experts state come draft day, regardless of reasons, Dak had a DUI, Boykin something similar, they were down graded. Prescott and Boykin both have shown ability this pre season, Prescott more the Boykin. Everyone was saying Wilson only succeeded because of Lynch and the defense we have in Seattle, well last year he didn't have Lynch and played better then ever, still proving the experts wrong. Seeing a player rise above the experts expectations as a underdog is compelling, the payer having skills makes it even better if your a fan of the game.
Wilson proved it from the start, Prescott hasn't. And from the start I mean from the START. Like in college running a NFL offense. Otherwise he is Christine Michael. Has all the physical tools but nothing else. The NFL is all about the mental. Let's just see if Dak has it. We all remember Keapernick right?


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Maulbert":1loziq91 said:
I get the NFL. They have to hype the Cowbutts. But why are people on here treating him like Andrew Luck and Russell Wilson rolled into one? It's the PRESEASON. He's a 4th round rookie. I'm not arguing he won't be good, but people seem to forget, Wilson's rise from 3rd rounder to top 5 QB is the exception, not the rule, and people weren't as high on Wilson when he steamrolled the Chiefs in the 3rd preseason game of 2012 as they are on Prescott right now, and Prescott's statline pales compared to Wilson that year. So what gives people?
People forget the reason he fell to round four was behavior issues.


Prescott in three games: 78%, 9.1 yards/attempt, 5 to 0 int, 137.8 passer rating.

Wilson 2012 preseason in four games.: 63.5%, 8.5 yards/attempt, 5 to 1 int, 110.3 passer rating.

You actually have it in reverse: 2012 Wilson rookie preseason pales in comparison to Prescott rookie preseason. So that's probably why. Either way I agree that Wilson is probably going to be better when they both retire, but Prescott is not going to suck.