The most exciting team in the NFL


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Dec 18, 2013
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UK based Seahawks fan here and have been following since the late 80s

As much as losses like last night hurt, the game itself was predictably Seahawks - always within one score and either team can win it right up until the end.

No other team in the league has that entertainment factor... when this team goes out on a Sunday (and even more in Prime Time) we know that it’s going to be a close game, have some brilliant moments and probably some “what the hell was he thinking” moments as well.

My favourite all-time Seahawk game was the NFC Champ game against the Packers, the improbability of it all, dead and buried but pulled several rabbits out of the hat to get the win.

I’m not looking back on last night thinking what went wrong, I’m playing out DKs amazing hustle and Lockett’s incredible catches in my head.

Winning is great but the adrenaline you get from a close game, ups and downs, is insane - and every single game we have that, and for that I am very thankful.

Go Hawks!