What are you most looking forward to seeing in preseason?


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Apr 30, 2009
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I like Jseahawks and Pe's...all of em.

Don't know how much of Harvin we'll see, but I'm curious to see how well Wilson meshes with his WR corps, and that includes Harper.

I'd like to see Willson's speed in preseason and what it could portend.

I want to see how Winfield fits in with the Legion of Boom.

As usual, the development/progression of our younger guys like Hill and Williams.

How Irvin looks at OLB.

If we thunderstomp GB in answer to all the Fail Mary crap still going around. In general, I'm just freakin stoked.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Harvin. He's the most explosive player to ever put on a Seahawks uniform, but more than that, he's also a sure set of hands, a good route runner, he's extremely tough to bring down, and he's someone who dominates the league in YAC. He also provides formation flexibility. Bevell gets a lot of shit for being vanilla, but that's actually far from the truth. He's conservative, yes, but far from vanilla. Seattle had no shortage of creative formations, creative playcalls, and trick plays last season. Bevell has worked with Harvin previously in Minnesota. I'm really looking forward to the getting all those cheap yards that Harvin's presence will generate; in some cases by just having him on the field without even targeting him. Rice didn't miss a beat coming here- I don't think Harvin will either. Exciting times.

Wilson. I'm really curious to see if he looks as polished as the reports from May indicated.

Michael. Sometimes a player who's ultra explosive in college looks more ordinary in the pros. I'm curious to see how explosive Michael looks against NFL competition.

Simon. Simon has it in him to be extremely successful, but there is a bit of Patrick Peterson to him mentally. In other words, he's not a guy that plays every down like it's his last. If Pete can coach him up though and keep him motivated, look out. LSU has done an unreal job of churning out NFL corners in recent years.

Irvin/Avril/Spinner. Will we see the spinner tactic in the preseason?

Hill. I think Hill will be a solid NFL player, maybe just a bit more; kind of like the Seahawks equivalent of the current Justin Smoak. Smoak wont amaze you, but when you look at what he's done lately, he's been more than solid. If Hill can remain an over-achiever in the NFL and be a decently above average player, that's going to be a big boost for our defensive line and will help free up Bennett to get reps were he belongs: at the 5-tech spot.

Harper. I doubted Sherman, I doubted Wright, I doubted Chancellor, I doubted Baldwin. For a while, I doubted Tate. This year Chris Harper is the pick I can't yet endorse. Which means he'll probably be amazing.