What Happened To Being The Best Fans In The League?


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Oct 30, 2012
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Seriously? I thought we prided ourselves on being the best fans in the league. The fans that stand by the team no matter what. The fan base that was comprised mainly of NON-bandwagon fans. The "us against the world" fans. Where'd that go? We were atrocious in 2009. Atrocious. Old, lazy, overpaid, entitled. And now we get turned around in 2 short years, have had some seriously good drafts, have a stud of a QBOTF, we are young, talented, and still sitting in the drivers seat of a playoff spot.

But some of you are calling for heads to roll? For Pete to be canned? Throwing players under the bus? Calling them fakes and pretenders? Get. Real. Apparently a large portion of this fan base are the fakes and pretenders and only root when winning.

Go ahead, call me out for a low post count or whatever (like its been done--still don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm less qualified to post because I just signed up? I don't know, I always thought that was the most pointless of insults on sports message boards--ok now off that rant). Did today suck? Of course. But I sure as $&@t won't give up on this team now or ever.


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Aug 27, 2011
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Expectations were sky high, and are constantly dropped and resurrected on a weekly basis.

im too young to feel this old.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
It sucked but I had a sinking, bad feeling about this game. Everyone seemed too confident from the fans right on down to the players themselves, we need to stop believing the hype before we end up like the Cowboys.


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Mar 12, 2012
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I think what you are saying is fair, but I'm not going to begrudge any Hawks fan who is REALLY upset about guys using PEDs. That really strikes a nerve with me


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Nov 24, 2010
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East Oly
Everyone has their own definition of what a good fan is. I thank you for describing your definition so well.

I, on the other hand, think a good fan, much like a good parent/boss/friend, holds their team accountable for shortcomings and expects the best out of them.

Blindly accepting the failures and vowing undying support for a team's repeated failures is a good way to become the nfl equivalent of Chicago Cubs fans. We keep "showing our support," with attendance and cash, and the ownership has zero incentive to improve the product on the field.

All that said, I'm actually pretty optimistic for the near future.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
What'll be funny is if we win in Chicago it'll be "OMGZ WE'RE THE BEST" all over again.

Its part of being a fan, we don't realize we do it but we do this all the time, none of us will be happy in the regular season unless we go 16-0.

BTW when I say "we" I'm not saying I'm having the meltdown, but we as in every seahawk fan out there are my brothers in arms, I love this fanbase... Well... Some of you... But I think instead of chastising each other, I think we should make jokes and do other things to take this stuff off the minds of our fellow fans who are feeling down tonight.

:Dunno: just a suggestion though...


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May 1, 2009
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No gnashing of teeth. No abandoning the team. I mean, hey, I'm a Seahawk fan. I've seen much worse. But my hopes that this team had turned a corner have been checked. My brother and I were talking before the last two home games that until they win on the road they've proven nothing. They can mash at home all they like, but I'm not going to believe we're serious contenders until they show it away from the Clink.

And just for reference, the 'true fan' argument doesn't play here. If you made that same argument during the final Ruskell years you would have been wrong. And believe me, I was one of the last converts. Supporting the Seahawks doesn't mean blindly agreeing with everything that's going on. You want what's best for the team, sure, but my ultimate goal is to watch this team win championships. Different people believe it will happen different ways. Some of the stuff today was just reactionary to a bad loss. Don't be overly harsh on your fellow Twelves.


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Oct 30, 2012
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minormillikin":1qo8psxy said:
Everyone has their own definition of what a good fan is. I thank you for describing your definition so well.

I, on the other hand, think a good fan, much like a good parent/boss/friend, holds their team accountable for shortcomings and expects the best out of them.

Blindly accepting the failures and vowing undying support for a team's repeated failures is a good way to become the nfl equivalent of Chicago Cubs fans. We keep "showing our support," with attendance and cash, and the ownership has zero incentive to improve the product on the field.

All that said, I'm actually pretty optimistic for the near future.

Completely get what you are saying and agree to a point. By never giving up on this team, I mean I will always be a fan and a proud fan. That doesn't mean I don't want the team held accountable. If the Seahawks were, say, 3-8 I'd be feeling completely different right now and think some changes were in order. As it stands however, we are in control of our own destiny as far as playoffs go and overreacting like some have is just ridiculous.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I've been doing this long enough to know that this is absolutely normal. We all have unique personalities. Some of us shrug our shoulders after a loss, some of us rant and rave, some of us say stupid things in the heat of the moment, some of us like to call others out for not being a "real fan". One thing that never changes, in all of my years of running - and now simply being a fellow member of - a popular fan forum community, is that we all deal with a loss in our own unique way.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change that fact.

For the record, I applaude the OP's points, but nothing will ever change the fact that we all deal with a loss in our own way. It doesn't make any single one of us better or worse as a fan.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Aros":1ewlvslc said:
I've been doing this long enough to know that this is absolutely normal. We all have unique personalities. Some of us shrug our shoulders after a loss, some of us rant and rave, some of us say stupid things in the heat of the moment, some of us like to call others out for not being a "real fan". One thing that never changes, in all of my years of running - and now simply being a fellow member of - a popular fan forum community, is that we all deal with a loss in our own unique way.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change that fact.

For the record, I applaude the OP's points, but nothing will ever change the fact that we all deal with a loss in our own way. It doesn't make any single one of us better or worse as a fan.

Hha, I'm definitely pretty unbearable to watch games with if we are losing and shortly thereafter the game.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
SeaToTheHawks":31mfi5i7 said:
Hha, I'm definitely pretty unbearable to watch games with if we are losing and shortly thereafter the game.

Welcome to the club. :D

I'm much better these days thanks to "DVR". :th2thumbs:


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Oct 31, 2009
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The best fans in the league would like to see their team play like one of the better teams in the league. That includes, in large part, ROAD GAMES!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Stop trying to tell me how to be a fan ! :sarcasm_off:

Seriously, like Aros said, some people need to vent and get it off of their chests. In some ways, it's cathartic to me as well, if I get online and do an unemotional analysis on facts and not emotions, it kind of burns the bad emotions out. I'm the opposite though, instead of ranting, I say a few sarcastic things, then start to look at the X's and O's of why we lost.


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Aug 31, 2012
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In a week we win, we're the best team in the league. In a week we lose, its fire Pete Carroll.

Im devastated by yesterdays loss and it was a huge reality check for my expectations this year for this team. With that said though, lol at the thought of firing Pete Carroll and this team is still plenty good. Might not win a road playoff game, but we're still a playoff caliber team.


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Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
SeaToTheHawks":1klz1tb8 said:
Seriously? I thought we prided ourselves on being the best fans in the league. The fans that stand by the team no matter what. The fan base that was comprised mainly of NON-bandwagon fans. The "us against the world" fans. Where'd that go? We were atrocious in 2009. Atrocious. Old, lazy, overpaid, entitled. And now we get turned around in 2 short years, have had some seriously good drafts, have a stud of a QBOTF, we are young, talented, and still sitting in the drivers seat of a playoff spot.

But some of you are calling for heads to roll? For Pete to be canned? Throwing players under the bus? Calling them fakes and pretenders? Get. Real. Apparently a large portion of this fan base are the fakes and pretenders and only root when winning.

Go ahead, call me out for a low post count or whatever (like its been done--still don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm less qualified to post because I just signed up? I don't know, I always thought that was the most pointless of insults on sports message boards--ok now off that rant). Did today suck? Of course. But I sure as $&@t won't give up on this team now or ever.

Not defending any posts in particular, but being a fan of a team doesn't mean blind support for every move or every player every single day. You can question coaches decisions, players abilities, and many other things. You can love or hate any particular part of any particular game, and still LOVE YOUR TEAM. You can still root your ass off each game day, while still having negative thoughts about the season or the performance in any game or group of games. None of this means your not a fan, as long as you are there and rooting for them each and every game day, you are still a fan


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Aug 24, 2012
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Steve2222":2amoxz2k said:
In a week we win, we're the best team in the league. In a week we lose, its fire Pete Carroll.

Im devastated by yesterdays loss and it was a huge reality check for my expectations this year for this team. With that said though, lol at the thought of firing Pete Carroll and this team is still plenty good. Might not win a road playoff game, but we're still a playoff caliber team.


If by "sky high" pstark means 9 or 10 wins, then he would be correct.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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IMO part of being passionate fans is to not only try your best to be knowledgeable about your team, but to be critical when criticism's warranted (and be positive when positivity is warranted).

I'm not calling for anyone's head, but damned if I'm not going to be critical when I see something I don't like. We don't pay our hard earned money for tickets and jerseys to just rah rah like sheep, it's every fan's duty to show our satisfaction.......and in this case dissatisfaction with our wallets and mouths (and typing fingers).


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
when your team puts up unbelievable wins, GB, Dallas, NE , certain expectations are created... win you lose winnable games , AZ, DE, Miami, it's causes confusion and dispair... right now i'm wondering which team do we have, the NE team or the Miami team? how can these guys play at a certain level for one game, and completely not show up for another, much like the 49ers...

but after seeing what the giants did to greenbay, it seems like, this year rings more true than ever, any team can beat any other team on any given sunday... having said that, i still feel a good solid team, GB, NE, SF, ATL would never lose a game like we just did, which leads me to believe, we're not a contender yet... and as a lifelong die hard fan i have the right to question / complain about players , coaches, FO whatever until i start seeing more positive results.. just like today, i say this team has too much talent to be playing at this poor of a level, they've already proven it... so i am now questioning our coaching, and that starts with PC...