WOW we do have a defense !


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2014
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Geno is way above functional. He's the highest rated and number #1 graded QB in the league. And if they don't pay him they will suck at QB, to go along with a terrible defense. The Seahawks are incredibly fortunate to be getting the level of play they are getting from Geno. What he is doing is is not normal (career bust/backup) and shouldn't be taken for granted like you can just find another one.
Hahahahaha.... Fade you are really funny. Keep at it!


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I put this in the game day thread.

It was also nice to be home after two weeks on the road. I think that had something to do with the play. However, I am not truly convinced that we have an improving defense just yet although today’s performance was certainly much improved. We just gave up 39 points last week to the Saints, and 45 to the measly Lions just two weeks ago. I love the win, and I’ll take any improvement, but I’m not balls out yet on it.
This. We'll see how they do the next couple weeks. KM looks like dung and they are not a good team this year. They had 0 first quarter points until today.

On the plus side, not 100% sure but it looked like they were in more nickel and dime with less Barton, and aside from KM they did good against the run. Maybe the coaches are finally admitting the linebackers just aren't good enough

Own The West

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
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This was the game that this defense needed. Even though we came out over aggressive and over-running tackles, we settled down and kept everything in front of us (for the most part).

The result, after KM’s Tayson Hill run, we played some decent defense and only gave up a few big plays instead of 6-8.

I think that, now that the defense sees how it’s *supposed* to work, that we’ll see a lot more stingy performances — maybe even Darryl Taylor will get a tackle!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Geno is way above functional. He's the highest rated and number #1 graded QB in the league. And if they don't pay him they will suck at QB, to go along with a terrible defense. The Seahawks are incredibly fortunate to be getting the level of play they are getting from Geno. What he is doing is is not normal (career bust/backup) and shouldn't be taken for granted like you can just find another one.
Geno is not perfect - despite my Geno for Prez crap.

He's functional. What I MEAN by that is that he does not appear to have a singular strength that opposing teams can just defuse easily.

To me functional = rounded and balanced. None of the Favre/RW3 bullshit moonball scat ball in the 4th. Predictable. Happy to run if necessary. Happy to throw close if the top is taken away (like yesterday). Happy to throw to any open dude. PC even mentioned that at halftime.

I never wanted a superstar. I wanted a balanced guy you couldn't just shut down with cover-4 like Mr. douchebag.

THAT's what I meant. The fact that he's scoring in the 90% range instead of 70% with the same pattern - priceless.

Whoops almost forgot...... wait for it...... almost there...... "Geno for Prez!".

That shit will not get old for the next buncha weeks!


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
He made a few scary throws, and the intentional grounding was a horrible decision. But overall, he's ballin.


Active member
Jan 26, 2014
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6 sack, an int, and a fumble recovery. Good team effort plenty of 3 and outs. Heald cards to 9 points, who are these guys.

Cheers x3

Gems suddenly think the Hawks have a defense because of 1 game against a very bad Cards team :LOL::ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
does that make you feel better? ^^^
Just curious. They had a great game, I doubt many actually think that the Defense is all the sudden really good. But geezus man, enjoy a win, give it a shot. The defense balled out and held them to 3 POINTS. I don't care WHO you are playing, that's a damn good defensive performance.
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