It's a long season


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Nov 23, 2015
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I'll eat my crow from miss predicting the game yesterday. Titans just beat us down with the run game in the 4th. Well deserved win by them and seems like they got that dog in them with that power run game.

However my dear friends and Seahawk faithful, I understand it can be frustrating to watch that debacle they call an o-line but give the team some time. They deserve it. They have earned the right.

It's going to be a good season... just be patient.


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ApnaHawk":2jxmc0ab said:
I'll eat my crow from miss predicting the game yesterday. Titans just beat us down with the run game in the 4th. Well deserved win by them and seems like they got that dog in them with that power run game.

However my dear friends and Seahawk faithful, I understand it can be frustrating to watch that debacle they call an o-line but give the team some time. They deserve it. They have earned the right.

It's going to be a good season... just be patient.

So I assume the time we are suppose to give them should not include last year, and the year before that....where we watched much of the same thing transpire?


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Spokane, WA
I dont think they will more than 8 games. Im starting to doubt that they will make the playoffs.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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You're right, it is a long season.

So I have that perspective, we always start slow and stink on the road in September.

That's not the issue for me. The issue for me, and it's the question I had before the season started.................."Are we good enough for another SB run, or are we still the 10-6 type team that feasted on a bad division, slipped into the playoffs and got destroyed as soon as we had to go on the road?"

Well? So far we're the latter again, and not the former. What's changed to inspire you into thinking this is another SB caliber team? Cause I don't see anything that tells me this year will be different.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
So magically THIS slow start is different than the previous ones? WAY too early to give up. But have at it.


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SoulfishHawk":1sf2poq9 said:
So magically THIS slow start is different than the previous ones? WAY too early to give up. But have at it.

Yes, because each year we look worse. Slow starts happen because the team isn't ready to compete. Maybe they didn't work enough individually in the off-season, maybe the coaches gameplan isn't correct for the opponent, maybe the coaches gameplan doesn't fit the personnel, maybe the practice regimen isn't effective to prepare for regular season play, maybe the scouting and drafting in the off-season was poor and those players aren't going to be ready, even in a backup or learning role.

Either way, slow starts are a terrific indicator of something not right with a team. To have consistent slow starts shows a pattern of Ill preparedness. This is not a good thing at all, and should not just be accepted as normal if we have our goal as another Lombardi.

Can we band aid it, backyard ball broken, unimaginitive playcalls to scrape out winning our division to make the playoffs? Possibly, that is what we have done the last few years. We were embarrassed as soon as we had to play a good team though.

In Pete's presser yesterday, he said they were just going to keep on doing what they always do and hope it gets better. This is why we are on the decline. Hope is a pretty weak way to make necessary improvements, and has shown by being a little worse each year that hope isn't working. If my business is losing money, do I just hope it stops, or do I identify where it is losing money and correct the problem? The answer is pretty easy.

Time to shake it up Pete. Start with the obvious, either cable or Bev, maybe both. Do something about the issues instead of just "hoping" they get better.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Fair enough. I believe in the team. My choice.
Why do people care if someone has a positive outlook about the team? Why does it bug you so much??


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Sgt. Largent":3sic8zzi said:
You're right, it is a long season.

So I have that perspective, we always start slow and stink on the road in September.

That's not the issue for me. The issue for me, and it's the question I had before the season started.................."Are we good enough for another SB run, or are we still the 10-6 type team that feasted on a bad division, slipped into the playoffs and got destroyed as soon as we had to go on the road?"

Well? So far we're the latter again, and not the former. What's changed to inspire you into thinking this is another SB caliber team? Cause I don't see anything that tells me this year will be different.

Because Earl Thomas was totally healthy all last year.


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Oct 12, 2014
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SoulfishHawk":lvo3yiu0 said:
Fair enough. I believe in the team. My choice.
Why do people care if someone has a positive outlook about the team? Why does it bug you so much??

Same reason you care that someone identifies problems. We have different perspectives.

I'm a chicken little and your a homer, no big deal, that's what forms are for.

Let's see what the board perspective is at the end of this season. It should be interesting looking at our team and our division this year.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I don't care, I think it's hilarious to be so down and out about it. But we all look at it differently.
They'll be in the playoffs, yet again. So, I'm not worried at all. Now if they drop one to the Colts, I will def have a different perspective on the team.


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Oct 12, 2014
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SoulfishHawk":bqhpntju said:
I don't care, I think it's hilarious to be so down and out about it. But we all look at it differently.
They'll be in the playoffs, yet again. So, I'm not worried at all. Now if they drop one to the Colts, I will def have a different perspective on the team.

I don't think we drop the colts, but I do think the Rams are going to surprise us. I watched a couple of their games and they are no joke.

If we drop the Rams game, we have an uphill climb to take the division. They have an easy schedule as well and are playing much better than we are. These are not the Fischer Rams anymore.

I think maybe we need to not make the playoffs this year to hopefully force John and Pete to really look at identifying the causes of our regression.

This team with this defense is our best chance at another Lombardi with some changes that need to be made, but we don't have forever.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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MontanaHawk05":wg3k3gy9 said:
Sgt. Largent":wg3k3gy9 said:
You're right, it is a long season.

So I have that perspective, we always start slow and stink on the road in September.

That's not the issue for me. The issue for me, and it's the question I had before the season started.................."Are we good enough for another SB run, or are we still the 10-6 type team that feasted on a bad division, slipped into the playoffs and got destroyed as soon as we had to go on the road?"

Well? So far we're the latter again, and not the former. What's changed to inspire you into thinking this is another SB caliber team? Cause I don't see anything that tells me this year will be different.

Because Earl Thomas was totally healthy all last year.

I didn't know Earl played offense..........cause that's the anchor around this team's neck right now, and preventing them from being a serious SB contender IMO.

Until this offense becomes more unpredictable and dynamic, there's no way the defense can hold teams to 14-17 pts all year, as we saw Sunday...........they WILL get worn down.


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Dec 25, 2014
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SoulfishHawk":3g4u1l4f said:
I don't care, I think it's hilarious to be so down and out about it. But we all look at it differently.
They'll be in the playoffs, yet again. So, I'm not worried at all. Now if they drop one to the Colts, I will def have a different perspective on the team.

Just wondering why you think we make the playoffs this year?


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Because they have a ton of talent, and have been here over and over again. Tough draw to get GB and TENN on the road. This team is still the best in the division, period. And the schedule is favorable overall.
Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong at the end of the season, if that makes you feel better. But in the meantime, just because people claim they are done and/or won't make the playoffs, doesn't make it so.
I will proudly stand by my team, because I know what they are capable of. In fact, I'm hoping more and more people write them off. Please do.


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Nov 16, 2015
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SoulfishHawk":1g3najuu said:
Because they have a ton of talent, and have been here over and over again. Tough draw to get GB and TENN on the road. This team is still the best in the division, period. And the schedule is favorable overall.
Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong at the end of the season, if that makes you feel better. But in the meantime, just because people claim they are done and/or won't make the playoffs, doesn't make it so.
I will proudly stand by my team, because I know what they are capable of. In fact, I'm hoping more and more people write them off. Please do.

I hope so too, but have seen no solid evidence of that yet either. Rams aint what they used to be.

This team could still go either way IMO, and are leaning toward the tank at the moment.


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Oct 12, 2014
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SoulfishHawk":3q1cimux said:
Because they have a ton of talent, and have been here over and over again. Tough draw to get GB and TENN on the road. This team is still the best in the division, period. And the schedule is favorable overall.
Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong at the end of the season, if that makes you feel better. But in the meantime, just because people claim they are done and/or won't make the playoffs, doesn't make it so.
I will proudly stand by my team, because I know what they are capable of. In fact, I'm hoping more and more people write them off. Please do.
You act like I'm upset because I don't like the team. It is the polar opposite of that. I want them to succeed. I have never been a fan of another team, don't play fantasy, and am now 4 generations deep in Seahawks fandom. I've watched the years of garbage, and am seeing things I've seen before. I don't like it now and I didn't like it then.

I think pretty much everyone on this bored and in Seahawks fandom in general agrees on a few things that need to be fixed:

1-OL. Cable has shown he is not good at picking or developing talent or coming up with a game plan to minimize those shortcomings.

2-Slow starts hurt our chances of HFA, and history has shown that is pretty important if your goal is the Superbowl.

3-Offensive production is woefully inconsistent. Many causes for this, solutions up for discussion.

Teams often talk about "drowning out the noise", but sometimes the noise makes some good points. My goal is to help make the noise loud enough that it is tough to drown out. I am only 1, but the OL issues are now something that very few people aren't complaining about. It is a recurring thing. Multiple high draft picks, a few years to develop, and we still fielded the worst line in the NFL this year. What is the common denominator? We have had different players, both drafted and FA, We spent a bit of money this year to no avail.

Time for a change, and Pete needs to hear it loud and clear not because I don't like the Hawks but because I love this team and want to see them do well.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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SpokaneHawks":2kkzcyl5 said:
Our QB won't even make it close to the end if he keeps getting hit!


Russell's getting HAMMERED back there, and I've never seen him throw high and be as inaccurate as I've seen for long my guess is he's already got a couple nagging injuries that are affecting his throwing motion.

Brock talked about it yesterday, that his throwing motion seems longer than usual, could be from an injury.