I know it was a tough loss...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
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Even with how bad the defense played, I still have hope for them. They just need to replace their linebackers.
Do we have the money (cap space) to get Dont'a Hightower to rethink staying at home (probably retiring) this season?

Is there a CFL linebacker or two we could grab who plays in a similar scheme? I mean, I feel like we're that desperate at this position.


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May 2, 2009
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I absolutely don't defend them. Clearly you don't read very well, you just assume what you want so you can argue it. I point out how pathetic it is to blame them for everything, every game.
As much as it is to exonerate the nfl on the refereeing.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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You are clearly defending them. You also keep using that strawman argument that the people complaining are arguing it's always against Seattle. Once again learn how to read. I never stated that and the vast majority of people who post about bad officiating don't say that. For some reason you can't get that through your thick skull and feel the need to misrepresent what people say.

Obviously it's not just against Seattle and there are games when they get the favorable calls. If you can't see that this game in particular favored one team, as many appear to with other games and teams, then are are simply willfully blind and ignorant. That's fine, but don't project your ignorance onto others.
Please highlight where I am defending them. There's no straw man argument either. Every single week posters talk about the NFL's agenda and how they manipulate the scores through the refs for their infamous narrative. Every single week. When a fanbase cries wolf every week, it's very disingenuous on a week you think there's a stronger case for it, to try and BS your way though it and ignore the very loud group of NFL Cabal believers.


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Oct 1, 2010
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A bunch of dudes are playing out of position, and plainly not a fit for the scheme they're trying to run. This also has the marks, to my eyes, of too many cooks being in the kitchen. There's a scattered vision, and that confusion trickles down to the field.
We've been spoiled by some great LB play over the last few years with KJ and Bobby. If you watched both LBs in today's game, however, it sure looked like they were wearing concrete shoes. Is there any scheme that would make them look decent? We're already leaning towards simplicity.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
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Sign/draft a competent MLB. Barton, once again, got washed away on every play. The box score says he had 12 tackles... hard to believe. That dude is out of position on almost every play.
There are some quality DT's in this draft, and some talented DE's.
If we have a chance at drafting Trenton Simpson, I would be incredibly tempted... even though I don't like drafting linebackers early in round 1. He's a hell of a football player.
Absolutely! 4 picks in the top 60. Depending on how players develop throughout the season...this could be LB, DT, OLB/DE/Rush, QB. ...or bring in FAs too and fill in later rounds with DB×2, WR, OG/OC...seems to me like a really good place to be.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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Please highlight where I am defending them. There's no straw man argument either. Every single week posters talk about the NFL's agenda and how they manipulate the scores through the refs for their infamous narrative. Every single week. When a fanbase cries wolf every week, it's very disingenuous on a week you think there's a stronger case for it, to try and BS your way though it and ignore the very loud group of NFL Cabal believers.
Don't know the reasons, that's all speculation. But when they consistently call borderline calls on big plays and miss obvious calls the whole stadium can see, it's obvious there is some sort of agenda. Takes a bigger leap of logic to think it's all just honest mistakes when they can easily fix it with technology and better training, and the bad calls they do fabricate or completely miss are not even close sometimes.

What I find perplexing, is people like you who live in complete denial no matter how obvious it is sometimes.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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Don't know the reasons, that's all speculation. But when they consistently call borderline calls on big plays and miss obvious calls the whole stadium can see, it's obvious there is some sort of agenda. Takes a bigger leap of logic to think it's all just honest mistakes when they can easily fix it with technology and better training, and the bad calls they do fabricate or completely miss are not even close sometimes.

What I find perplexing, is people like you who live in complete denial no matter how obvious it is sometimes.
You're perplexed because you're still making up what you think I think. I still haven't said anything about the refs or their motivations. All I've done is call out the constant whining and excuse making of blaming the refs every week. And the further silliness of thinking there's a league sponsored narrative, enforced by the refs, to make the Seahawks lose. It's utterly absurd but I thank you for making it clear that you believe in the absurd. What's that saying? Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence?


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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You're perplexed because you're still making up what you think I think. I still haven't said anything about the refs or their motivations. All I've done is call out the constant whining and excuse making of blaming the refs every week. And the further silliness of thinking there's a league sponsored narrative, enforced by the refs, to make the Seahawks lose. It's utterly absurd but I thank you for making it clear that you believe in the absurd. What's that saying? Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence?
Give it a rest, you just want to argue. Even Tyler Lockett said they were jobbed.

You keep going with that strawman about a conspiracy to make the Seahawks lose when no one is claiming it's only about the Seahawks. I'm curious why you keep bring that strawman up despite being told over and over that it has nothing to do with 1 team.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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I was generalizing your type of post from the entire site. You individually may not but you the collective absolutely do every single game. I'm sorry you weren't able to recognize that.
The refs were garbage. 3 phantom holding calls 2 on D and the BS hold called in Cross that brought that TD back. We always seem to get the worst zebra crew.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Another thing that is absolutely infuriating is that this is the second time in a row we played a team with some of their best offensive playmakers not on the field and we get torched both times?! So disheartening.
Kamara always torches us. He's just flat amazing. As long as the Saints O has him, they can plug in almost any NFL-journeyman-level backup at the other skill positions and still have their way with the Hawks D. Well-called game by the Saints OC also.