NFL Scheduling Idiots Week 18


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Don't lose all 4 NFC South games and to the Raiders. Then it's a non-factor. Conspiracy stuff doesn't change the fact that the Hawks blew several games they should have won. Not sure what the deal is with so many people playing the victim/conspiracy/the league hates us card.
Oh well, we all have our opinions on it, and that's fine.

Just get that W on Sunday, only thing that matters right now. THEN, pull for Detroit to get the upset.
You are as obsessed with the losses to the NFC south as those with the rigging of the schedule!

One of those losses was a definite STEER by the officials. Some of those teams also beat teams in the playoffs. A couple of the losses in the season were definite bad D but at least 2 were being jobbed by the refs that would have made the Hawks with 10 wins, but I know you don't believe the refs ever have money on the outcomes of games and steer them.

If you want us to get on board with your obsession with the bad play of the Hawks then you should be able to get on board with those who have watched the NFL for years and seen the blatant rigging of some schedules, blatant bad calls, and manipulation of spreads. Did you not watch SB 40??

I bet you believe that game was also all the fault of Seahawks, and Matt Hasselbeck and the refs had no play in it. Or you believe those calls were all just simple mistakes.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Obsessed? Not at all. It's just the truth. To complain about conspiracies and/or the league having it out for you etc. when you should have won these games. I'll spell it out slowly. I......AM.....TALKING.....ABOUT.......THIS.......SEASON.
I'm just pointing out facts. They lost 5 games to average at beast teams. They are in this position because of it.
I'm fine with where they are, in position to possibly sneak in to the playoffs. I'm just not buying that they are victims in all this, that's all.

I've been watching football for basically my entire life. Have never missed a single Hawks game since day 1. Nearly 50 years of watching football. I'm fully aware of one sided steering of games, especially from the refs.

You know nothing about me. I am fully aware that 40 was completely one sided, even Steelers fans know that game was pre-determined. Again, I'm talking about THIS SEASON.
Not sure why I even bother on here. I do have to laugh at your assumption that I haven't been watching football for years.
I didn't make that assumption at all, that is you conflating what I said.

I used the SB as an example. My point, and go re read what I said because I have edited it, is just because they lost some games they should not have doesn't then negate the fact that there were some games that they had help in the loss.

It can be both ways it isn't just it is all their fault and the NFL or the refs don't help in decisions that hurt teams. I have never said that only Seattle gets screwed but you cant argue then that Seattle never gets screwed. ALL teams do, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I also never said a thing about how much or long you have watched football, that's you being sensitive. I too started watchin many years ago, 1960 to be precise.


Apr 30, 2009
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I wouldn't make that assumption. The vast majority of Lions players are playing for their jobs. They know that during the offseason, coaches are going to be going through film to see who's been naughty and who's been nice, and it could drive some of their decisions on next year's roster. I would be very surprised to see any Lions player mail it in.

What's more concerning about games being mailed in is if you happen to need a team to be beat whose opponent has already qualified for the playoffs, like our needing the Chargers to beat the Broncos to help with the draft picks. In this case, the Chargers coaches may decide to rest some of their starters and protect them from injury, use it as a de facto bye.

I hope you’re right.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Fight fire with fire.

If the NFL is gonna be shady about this, I have a solution.

Have someone call in a bomb threat to the stadium, delaying the game to 4-5 PM. Simple.

Now the 2 games are being played at nearly the same time.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I see both sides of it for sure. I totally get why people are mad the game isn't played at the same time as ours.
But, I'm also not seeing the Hawks as victims. Especially losing to 5 crap teams. It really makes for good points on either side. I'm in the minority, but I'm stoked about watching the game at my seat and not having to check my phone every 10 minutes. But the more I step back and think about it, the NFL def. jobbed the Hawks and I can see why people are pi**ed.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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I just realized the 2 games are not on at the same time. How could this possibly happen? You already have 1 game where both teams, Jags & Titans, are "win & you're in" & they schedule it like this? JFC!!!!

I gotta assume the Seahawks are gonna get absolutely screwed by the refs, & I'm probably the least "the refs are out to get us" conspiracy theorist on this board, to make sure they lose so the Sunday nighter is a true "win & you're in" game.

F*** you NFL.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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But, I'm also not seeing the Hawks as victims.

But the more I step back and think about it, the NFL def. jobbed the Hawks and I can see why people are pi**ed.

How do the Hawks get "jobbed" without being victims? Doesn't that kind of infer the same thing. . ?

There is a difference between having a 'victim mentality' and being an actual victim. It's a strong word for a sports game for sure but it is what it is.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Fair enough. Kind of ready to be done talking about this. I literally say I can see both sides, and it's still not good enough. There are legit arguments on BOTH SIDES. They put themselves in this position. But the NFL also could have easily put a different game as the SNF.

Not sure why I should even bother. Just get the Win on Sunday. You bust my balls every damn day, you analyze everything I say. I'm just trying to talk about the game.

Geezus dude, relax a little.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
Speaking of steering: just watch and see how the officiating is for the Hawks Rams game. Wouldn't be surprised at all to see the Rams get a lot of beneficial calls and therefore the W. Then the league can say, "See Seattle, it didn't matter anyway!" It would also add a lot more drama and interest to the SNF game. Gotta get those ratings.
That's why they did it. This alone say's Seattle isn't winning.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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I don't think they made this choice to get aaron in the postseason as much as they did it to get ratings on SNF. people are going to watch the NFL playoffs regardless of who is playing, but people might tune out to a SNF game featuring the jags against the titans 3rd string QB. So, not really concerned about the officiating. (any more than usual, anyhow)

The NFL has a bias for cash, not Aaron.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2019
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At first I was choked about the 2 game start times, but the more I think about it, head to head, GB and Detroit with playoffs on the line, in GB, I give GB the advantage all day. If Detroit is eliminated, Campbell will not only have them fired up to make a statement about their franchise's upward trajectory with the possibility of finishing above .500, but they'll also have the incentive of knocking the Packers out of the playoffs. The Lions will be able to play loose and nerve free and in my opinion that makes them more dangerous and could give them the advantage. If any team gives a crap about finishing strong for their coach it's the Lion's.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
At first I was choked about the 2 game start times, but the more I think about it, head to head, GB and Detroit with playoffs on the line, in GB, I give GB the advantage all day. If Detroit is eliminated, Campbell will not only have them fired up to make a statement about their franchise's upward trajectory with the possibility of finishing above .500, but they'll also have the incentive of knocking the Packers out of the playoffs. The Lions will be able to play loose and nerve free and in my opinion that makes them more dangerous and could give them the advantage. If any team gives a crap about finishing strong for their coach it's the Lion's.
I don't think they're going to roll over, either. I would be a lot more concerned if the Lions already had a playoff spot locked up. But with nothing to lose, I can still easily see them laying it all on the line and pulling out all the stops. Dan Campbell wants to keep his job, and what better way to put an exclamation point on his first season than to end it on a high note by knocking a division rival and very popular team out of the playoffs on their home field.
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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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I can still easily see them laying it on the line and pulling out all the stops.

We literally just all watched a dude die on the field when his heart stopped. Why should they "pull out all the stops"?