Nr 1 deep passer in the league..well well...


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Guess i'm just spoiled by Wilson's past (post 2015) of doing it so often with crap game plans, the minus of other great players to rely on, and defenses that werent great at stopping the other teams when needed.
Was going to write a response to this but first I have to ask you... what evidence do you have of crap gameplans? Because there's a TON of tape of plays like last year in Denver where Hawks wrs and TEs were running around the field open and Russ was playing keepaway with the ball in the backfield.

Where exactly are all of these plays that didn't work??

You spin that excuse for his time here and then weave the same yarn to explain his flop in Denver.

But theres one common denominator. It's not Schotty, Bev, Waldron, Pete... or Hackett

It's Russ.

Yet, for all of his supporters, that's the excuse. That he HAD to play the way he did or that he failed because of poor schemes.

At least now, we have the ability to run a real NFL offense, with real NFL plays where accountability is real and adjustments and progress can be measured. And by all accounts, the team feels better about the situation and the future with Geno. When your 'elite' qb leaves and there's not even a peep of regret among his teammates and nothing but praise and admiration for his replacement, that's should say everythung you need to know.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
This thread proves ME3 is the most polarising Hawks player ever. Hands down.

The thread is supposed to be about last year's #1 deep passer and all it is about is that the Hawks would have been a losing team without RW and never won a SB.

Every thread turns into RW this RW that.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2022
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Oregon Wine Region
This thread proves ME3 is the most polarising Hawks player ever. Hands down.

The thread is supposed to be about last year's #1 deep passer and all it is about is that the Hawks would have been a losing team without RW and never won a SB.

Every thread turns into RW this RW that.
I think that makes sense. He did a lot of great things for the team and then got selfish and play started to drop off with the team impacted.

Many compelled to pick a side.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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If only Wilson could’ve audibled out of the “worst play call of all time”. I’d say that’s what great quarterbacks do. Wouldn’t you?
Yup. Wilson, of all people, should know that 200 lb Kearse having to push 240 lb Browner off the line for the play to work was a mismatch.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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IF that's all you & Soulfish have...YOU'VE LOST THE ARGUMENT before it's even started.
Present your well thought out argument, or STFU...OH AND, there's no love-lost between myself & Soulfish, I HAVE HELD MY TONGUE, trying NOT to get into a CHILDISH p*ssing match with him on SEVERAL OCCASIONS, BUT!! his snipe attitude with other posters as well as myself here on .NET? he can Kiss my Nether regions.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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"Russball", love it!! Now it's become clear that Pete had no choice but to play "Russball", what we called "Peteball" was about Russell's limitations, not Pete's preferred offense.

Just imagining the dialogue inside Pete's head... "We'll wear their defense down the first 3 quarters with Marshawn, and then Russell and his sandlot scramble drill can operate against a tired and slow defense, to pull out the win!" Russell's game, in his prime, with read-option runs, was actually quite lethal for tired 4th quarter defenses. So Pete's calculation makes lots of sense in hindsight.
^^^^^^^^THIS GUY GETS IT ^^^^^^^^.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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The Broncos are pretty much the opposite of the Seahawks, good D but not much on the offensive side of the ball. Take Wilson losing his two best weapons early on and a new head coach that was clueless and your going to have those type of results.

Besides all out that, we're talking about a Wilson in his prime so last season is a moot point anyways.
Wilson IN HIS PRIME, had Marshawn Lynch, and Pete Carroll covering his ass with his Offensive adjustments for the ME 3 ingrate, PROOF= Pete wasn't calling plays for protecting RW, and with a CRAP season in Denver, everybody >NOW KNOWS< who won the Wilson trade LOLOLOLOLOL


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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There isnt a QB in the world that would have been successful on the worst play call of all time.

I agree with most of what you say after that though. I agree that Smith will more than likely be around the average mark this upcoming season and Wilson will improve some. I do believe he'll still be playing in 2025 though. He has something to prove at this point and if nothing else, the guy is determined.
AGAIN= bullsh*t>>>Because TRUE EXPERT QB's like Rodgers, Mahomes, or Brady, would have CHANGED THE PLAY AS CALLED AT THE LINE, EH?????
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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
This thread proves ME3 is the most polarising Hawks player ever. Hands down.

The thread is supposed to be about last year's #1 deep passer and all it is about is that the Hawks would have been a losing team without RW and never won a SB.

Every thread turns into RW this RW that.
Nah, Hass had more threads than Wilson has, Wilson was only really polarizing the last two years he was here, and now is talked about as a joke and cancer due to things that we are finding out.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Maybe he wasnt allowed.
By his brain, he wasn't allowed. SURE.

The nonsense about Russ being handcuffed, fed bad plays, not being allowed to audible, throw to open receivers, had been disproven. Shades of John63...

The only person who has kept Russ from evolving as a player is Russ.

Regarding the 'comeback' argument against Geno, I'd also add that Geno had the same number of comeback wins in 2013 before the Jets experience began to flame out.

So if ability to bring a team back is now the goal post standard, Geno proved he could do it at the same pace as Russ at his peak with the LOB and Lynch, while Geno had WHO around him on offense and defense?

Geno also matched Russ last year, despite Russ being gifted the best D in the league and Geno having one of the most porous.

So again, if that's the standard...


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Maybe he wasnt allowed.
For the love of the universe.... He's the quarterback. He can audible, has audibled in that playoff (check to Kearse vs GB in OT).

I thought you watched these games? I'm starting to think you just drop acid and make up what happens and check the score after. That seems more inline with your takes, than any rational human thought.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Nah, Hass had more threads than Wilson has, Wilson was only really polarizing the last two years he was here, and now is talked about as a joke and cancer due to things that we are finding out.
I'd shorten that two years to one. Things didn't really get started until that last year, beginning in February or March of 2021, when Russell started complaining about "getting hit too much" and comparing his taking sacks and hits to that of Tom Brady.

For me personally, that's when a flag went up as Brady was always one of the top QB's in time to throw and Russell was consistently ranked near the bottom, and I thought to myself "who is he trying to fool?" Then to make matters worse, his agent covertly leaked the list of teams he'd be willing to be traded to.

I'm not sure if my experience is typical of my fellow 12's, but it was at that point, in the spring of 2021, where I was completely off the RW bandwagon.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
IF that's all you & Soulfish have...YOU'VE LOST THE ARGUMENT before it's even started.
Present your well thought out argument, or STFU...OH AND, there's no love-lost between myself & Soulfish, I HAVE HELD MY TONGUE, trying NOT to get into a CHILDISH p*ssing match with him on SEVERAL OCCASIONS, BUT!! his snipe attitude with other posters as well as myself here on .NET? he can Kiss my Nether regions.
dude, get over it. You sound like a child. You're a f'ing whiner. Period. Put me on ignore, or just stop your crying. And no, I won't stfu, ever. Piss off.
Geno was never known as a great long ball passer. Clearly he CAN do it. I'm very happy that I was way off on how good Geno could be. He's damn good when he's on.

Geno is a good QB and is gonna' have a hell of a season imo. The last guy is long gone, and it's a good thing. Good enough.
Go eat a snickers you grumpy buzzard.
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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Cockeysville, Md
This thread proves ME3 is the most polarising Hawks player ever. Hands down.

The thread is supposed to be about last year's #1 deep passer and all it is about is that the Hawks would have been a losing team without RW and never won a SB.

Every thread turns into RW this RW that.
Agree 100% . The only player who comes close in recent history... maybe ever, is S Alexander. Interestingly enough, the debate around the two is similar. On one side, there's the belief that they were each phenoms and figures that carried their teams. On the other, the position that they benefited as much from the help around them as they benefited the team.

Hass also created some division, but not like those two, in my opinion.